Page 4 - Pakistan Link - April 26, 2019
P. 4

P4  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  APRIL 26, 2019                                                                                               OPINION
         Pakistan Link                  n By Mowahid Hussain Shah                                Hotel Mumbai

                                         Hotel Mumbai” is a cinematic
                  Advisory Board         version of the mayhem infl ict-
               Dr Sohail Masood       “ed on Mumbai by 10 young
                   President          men allegedly from Pakistan 10
               Arif Zaff ar Mansuri                years ago, which
          brought    India
                                                  down to its knees.
                    Editor                            Th  e  rampage
            Akhtar Mahmud Faruqui                 started  on  Novem-
               ber 26, 2008.  Indi-
                                                  ans call  it 11/26,
          Editor Urdu Link & Bureau Chief (Pakistan)  as its equivalent to 9/11.
                Shabbir Ghori            Th  e movie itself is
          technically solid with a  h e a v y
               Resident Editor Urdu Link   Australian component.    Set  inside
              & Director Video Operations  the iconic Taj Mahal Hotel, the
                Anwar Khawaja         movie is menacing and the story-
      telling gripping, with the plight of
                                      the  hostages  entrapped  there  har-
             Manager  Sales  &  Advertising    rowing.
         Movie-goers  seeking  the
                                      “Why?” have to go elsewhere.  Be-
                  Regional Offi  ces
                                      reft  of it, the takeaway is of a ma-
                                      niacal  slaughter house.   All of  the
                    YKKB              ten assailants come across as func-
            tionally illiterate boys.  All of them
                                      speak and use Punjabi profanity.
                  Sacramento, CA
     It fi ts with the prevailing Indian
                                      narrative  that  roiling  tensions  are
              San Fransisco/Bay Area, CA  Punjab-specifi c, with the Pakistan
    Army portrayed as Punjab-centric.
                                      So, India’s threat perception is focal-
                  New York, NY
      ized on Pakistan’s Punjab – its gra-  April 2019 marks the centena-  the mobs that set on unarmed Mus-  using voters’ lists and business reg-
                                      nary and military sword arm.  Th  ere   ry of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre,   lims, hacking or burning them to   isters to pick out Muslim homes and
                   Houston, TX        is an underlying insinuation of Pun-  which loosened the grip of the Brit-  death, and fi rebombing Muslim   businesses.” (New York Times, John
      jab being a hatchery of villainy.     ish Raj on undivided India.  Nearby   homes and businesses.” Judges in-  Burns, April 17, 1994).
                                         Signifi cantly, it puts into con-  is the Golden Temple, the June 1984                     Th  e movie depicts Mumbai
                   Phoenix, AZ        text attempts to break up Punjab   storming of which under the behest                     police cowering and paralyzed in
                                                                    Bullets don’t
                                      under the hijab of redressing pro-  of Mrs Indira Gandhi, caused much                     the face of the attackers, who only
                  Ontario, Canada     vincial grievances.  Th  e theory of   greater casualties to the Sikhs bar-  discriminate.  Many   were quelled days later aft er special
      Balkanization of Punjab to better   ricaded inside.  October 31,  1984   of the Mumbai   forces were dispatched from Delhi.
                                      streamline administrative units has   was the day in Delhi when Indira                        Because of political reasons, a
             Letters to the Editor    been swallowed by many of Paki-  was slain by her Sikh bodyguards.   victims were Muslim.    holistic scrutiny of terror has not
                                      stan’s gullible and malleable elites   It precipitated a killing spree against            been undertaken, leading to repeat-
          Readers are welcome to express their opinion                                             It recalls the African
          in these columns. Please keep your letters   without being cognizant of it being   Sikhs, initially spearheaded by    ed misdiagnoses.  Killing of inno-
          brief and to the point.  Letters without full   a precursor to a larger breakup, a là   incumbent Congressmen.  Sub-  saying that “when   cents can never be justifi ed or con-
          name, complete address, and a daytime
          phone  number  will  not  be  published.   Yugoslavia.    sequently, many Sikhs shed their                            doned.  Selected presentment and
          Also, copies of letters sent to other news-  It was no coincidence that   distinguishing turbans and shaved   elephants fi ght, the   omission of material facts puts the
          papers are not encouraged. Letters can be
          mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the Editor at   the main protagonist in the movie   their hair.  grass gets trampled.”   core issue in a vacuum, therefore,
          the Pakistan Link Headquarters address   was a Sikh, heroically shepherd-  Scarce mention is given to the             leaving it untreated.
                   listed below.
          Pakistan  Link  (ISSN  1074-0406)  is  pub-  ing the hostages, especially when   killing in Bombay (Mumbai) of at         Bullets don’t discriminate.
          lished weekly for $85 a year by JAZ LLC,   juxtaposed against the Kartarpur   least 1,100 people, most of them   quiring into the slaughter found   Many of the Mumbai victims were
               DBA PL Publications, LLC.   initiative, which has rattled and un-  Muslim, in December 1992 and   that “Shiv Sena militants combined   Muslim.  It recalls the African say-
          Periodical postage paid at Anaheim, CA   nerved the upper-caste Indian rul-  January 1993 by “extremist Hindu   with sympathizers within the Bom-  ing that “when elephants fi ght, the
             and additional mailing offi  ces.
           POST MASTER: Send address changes to   ing elites.       group Shiv Sena activists who led   bay police orchestrated the attacks,   grass gets trampled.”
          Pakistan Link, P O Box 1238,  Anaheim, CA
          The management has the right to refuse   Th  e Terror Unleashed on Peaceful Worshipers in Sri Lanka
          to print any advertisement, news, article,
          letter  or  any  other  material.  In  case  of
          any errors in advertisement the manage-  n By Dr Aslam Abdullah                                                           Since 2010, the world has start-
          ment will not be liable for more than the
          amount paid for the advertisement to the   CA                                                                          ed taking note of such incidents.
                     Link.                                                                                                       Th  us, in the last 19 years, some ma-
          Advertisements in Pakistan Link are
          placed in good faith. The newspaper is not   n one of the most sa-                                                     jor acts of violence took place and
          responsible nor endorses the contents of   cred and signifi cant days                                                  they are as follows.
          any advertisement. In case of a frivolous
          lawsuit, the plaintiff  will bear the total cost  Oin Christian history, in                                                Oct. 31, 2010: Al-Qaida in
          of the suit, including but not limited to the   a Buddhist dominated state of                                          Iraq attacked Our Lady of Salvation
            Link’s costs and the attorney’s fees.
                                                 Sri Lanka, suicide                                                              Catholic Church in Baghdad dur-
                                                 bombers   allegedly                                                             ing Sunday night mass, killing 58
               Information for                   belonging to an out-                                                            people.
                                                 fi t described as Mus-
                                                                                                                                    Dec. 15, 2010: Two suicide
                 Subscribers                     lims killed more than                                                           bombers from the Sunni  extremist
           The printing of Pakistan Link is unfail-  250 worshippers and                                                         group Jundallah blew themselves up
           ingly completed by Wednesday every
           week and its copies are handed over to   injured hundreds more. Th  e US                                              near a mosque in southeastern Iran.
           the mailing house for prompt dispatch   described them ISIS-inspired and                                                 July 16, 2010: Jundallah group
           to the subscribers.  The Link should   the Sri Lankan government called                                               killed 27 and injuries 270 aft er it car-
           reach its destination on time if there is
           no delay at the post offi  ce. If a delay is   them local Sri Lankans with ties to                                      ried out a double suicide bombing
           occasioned it is in no way attributable   National Toweeth Jamath.
           to the performance of Link’s manage-                                                                                  TERROR, P9
           ment. In case of delayed receipt of Pak-  Th  e Sri Lankan Muslim com-  have to kill them in the name of re-  mythological  Hindu  warrior  and
           istan Link or missing issues, please con-  munity, realizing the seriousness of   ligion,” Ahamed said in a phone in-  ruler Rama, who has been given the   Views and
           tact your local Post Offi  ce and submit a                                                                                            opinions ex-
               “Publication Watch” form.  the situation< issued the  following   terview from Colombo on Monday.   status of a god by some of the fol-
                                      statements:                   “I personally have gone and handed   lowers of the Hindu faith. Two years   pressed by
                                          “For members of Sri Lanka’s   over  all  the  documents  three  years   later, a Jewish doctor gunned down   authors and
              PAKISTAN LINK           Muslim community, it’s no surprise   ago, giving the names and details of   scores of worshiping people in occu-  contributors
                                                                                                   pied Palestine. Until 2010, scores of
                                                                    all these people. Th  ey have sat on it.
                                      that local jihadist group National
               Headquarters           Th  owheed Jamath is being blamed   Th  at’s the tragedy.”    places were attacked, vandalized and       letters, opin-
              P O Box 1238,  Anaheim, CA 92815  for deadly bombings that killed   Religious places  and  religious   brutalized, sometimes by followers   ion pieces,
                 Tel: 714-400-3400                                                                                               reports, advertisements, etc
                 Fax: 714-400-3404    nearly 300 people on Easter Sunday.   worshipers are the easiest targets a   of rival religions and sometimes by
             E-Mail:  Hilmy Ahamed, vice president of the   terrorist can attack without much   the followers of the same religion   appearing in Pakistan Link
                                      Muslim Council of Sri Lanka, said   resistance. Th  is is what the terror-  belonging to diff erent sects.  and Urdu Link are their own.
                                      he warned military intelligence offi  -  ists have done for decades. A mob   Houses of worship around   Th  e  paper  neither shares
               Pakistan Offi  ce        cials about the group and its leaders   in 1992 in India demolished a house   the world, a place of refl ection and   nor endorses them and thus
                 42 Rehman Court      about three years ago. “Targeting the   of God under the instigation of po-  peace, have been targeted for attack   should not be held responsi-
            Plaza Square,  Off   M. A.  Jinnah Road  non-Muslim community is some-  litical leadership that claimed that   by extremists. Here are some of the   ble for the views/opinions of
               Karachi-74400, Pakistan
                                      thing they encourage -- they say you   it was built on the birthplace of a   deadly assaults over the last decade:  the writers & advertisers.
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