Page 1 - Pakistan Link - October 18, 2019
P. 1

Pakistan Link
                                                                                                                        OCTOBER 18,  2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P1

                                                 The Largest Circulated Pakistani-American Newspaper in North America
         VOL. 29/42   Safar 19, 1441                             Friday, October 18, 2019                                             US & Canada $1.00

          PAGE 13                                  PAGE 15                                   PAGE 8
         Fazlur Rehman                           Pakistan Must                           How Can                                  For news,

         Warns                                   Prevent                                 Pakistan                                 updated round
                                                                                                                                    the clock, visit
         Government                              Militants                               Cash in?                       

        Pakistan Reminds 193-Member      Pakistan Averts Threat of Saudi-Iran Conflict                                             We Will Never Abandon
         UN Body of Kashmiris’ Plight                                                                                            People of Occupied Kashmir
        United  Nations: Pakistan has reaf-                                                                                      Rawalpindi:  Visiting  troops sta-
        firmed  its  full  support  to  the  call                                                                                tioned along the Line of Control
        by the United Nations (UN) hu-                                                                                           (LoC) on Wednesday, Army chief
        man rights office for an investiga-                                                                                      Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa vowed
        tion of the gross and systematic                                                                                         “to never leave Kashmiris alone” in
        human rights violations in Jammu                                                                                         their fight against Indian oppres-
        and Kashmir, saying the situation in                                                                                     sion.
        the disputed state had now become                                                                                           “Kashmiris in IOJ&K are
        “dire”.                                                                                                                  bravely facing Indian atrocities un-
            “The Office of the High Com-                                                                                         der continued siege. We shall never
        missioner of Human Rights, being                                                                                         leave them alone and play our right-
        the premier UN human rights body,                                                                                        ful role at whatever cost”, said Gen
        must be assisted in executing its                                                                                        Bajwa.
        mandate effectively, and by imple-                                                                                          Gen Bajwa’s remarks followed a
        menting its own recommendations                                                                                          briefing of the “deliberate targeting
        and reports, especially the ones on                                                                                      of civilians” by Indian troops and
        Kashmir,” Ambassador Maleeha                                                                                             the response by Pakistan’s armed
        Lodhi told the General Assembly’s                                                                                        forces.
        Third Committee, which deals with                                                                                           A day earlier, at least three ci-
        social, humanitarian and cultural is-                                                                                    vilians died and eight others were
        sues.                                                                                                                    injured in Azad Jammu and Kash-
            The Pakistani envoy was react-                                                                                       mir after Indian troops resorted
        ing to the UN High Commissioner                                                                                          to “indiscriminate” shelling from
        Michele  Bachelet’s annual report   Prime Minister Imran Khan and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman meet in Riyadh on October 15, 2019   across LoC.
        to the committee in which she ex-  Islamabad: The threat of an imme-  matic options to resolve their differ-  said Pakistan wanted to facilitate a   The heavily militarized LoC
        pressed serious concern over the   diate conflict between Saudi Arabia   ences.            dialogue between Saudi Arabia and   which splits the disputed region of
        rising violations of human rights by   and Iran has been averted thanks to   His statement came just hours   Iran.       Kashmir between India and Paki-
        some UN member states.        Pakistan’s diplomatic efforts, Foreign   after Prime Minister Imran Khan   Qureshi said  the  Iranian  lead-  stan has been constantly witnessing
            Since August 5, when India’s an-  Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi   concluded a visit to Saudi Arabia as   ership shared  Pakistan’s perspec-  ceasefire violations by the Indian
        nexed Kashmir, the Kashmiri people   announced on Wednesday.  part of Pakistan’s efforts to defuse   tive and expressed their willingness   army  in  a  serious  breach  of  a  No-
        have been suffering under a repres-  Qureshi told the media that   tensions in the Persian Gulf region.  to hold direct talks or through any   vember 2003 truce agreement.
        sive lockdown and curfew      both the Saudi and Iranian leader-  The prime minister had ear-  third party with Saudi Arabia.  According to Syed
        PLIGHT, P28                   ship had agreed to pursue diplo-  lier travelled to Tehran, where he   THREAT, P28         ABANDON, P28
        Troops Exchange Fire, Many    Britain’s Duke and Duchess Accorded a Truly Pakistani Welcome                              Imran Offers, Fazl Rejects
         Civilians Killed in Kashmir                                                                                               Talks on ‘Azadi March’
        Islamabad:  Pakistani and Indian                                                                  Imran Khan on Tuesday.  Islamabad:  Prime Minister Im-
        troops exchanged gunfire in the dis-                                                                  The couple were re-  ran Khan on Wednesday appointed
        puted Himalayan region of Kashmir,                                                                ceived by the premier at   Defense Minister Pervez Khattak
        killing four civilians and wounding                                                               the Prime Minister House,   to hold talks with Maulana Fazlur
        nearly a dozen others, officials from                                                             where a lunch was hosted   Rehman on his ‘Azadi march’, but
        both sides said Wednesday, as ten-                                                                in honor of the guests.  the offer was immediately rejected
        sions remain high between the two                                                                     William’s late mother,   by the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl
        South Asian countries.                                                                            Diana, was a friend of the   (JUI-F) chief.
            Kashmir is split between Paki-                                                                prime minister and visited   Prime Minister Imran, while
        stan and India and claimed by both                                                                Pakistan twice — 1996   chairing a meeting of the PTI Core
        countries in its entirety. They have                                                              and 1997 — to help raise   Committee at the Bani Gala Secre-
        fought two wars over the province.                                                                awareness and funds for   tariat, formed a four-member com-
            India sparked a new round of                                                                  the Shaukat Khanum Me-  mittee, headed by Khattak and com-
        tensions in August, when it down-                                                                 morial Cancer Hospital.  prising senior party leaders from all
        graded the autonomy of its side of                                                                    Prior to meeting the   the four provinces, to reach out to
        Kashmir and imposed tighter con-                                                                  prime minister, the couple   the JUI-F chief.
        trols on the area.                                                                                was  welcomed  by  Presi-  Fazl has announced that his
            On Wednesday, Pakistan’s for-                                                                 dent Arif Alvi and his wife   party’s rally would march on Islam-
        eign ministry said it summoned an                                                                 Samina Arif at Aiwan-i-  abad on October 31, demanding
        Indian diplomat to lodge its protest   Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Prince William and Kate Middleton meet Prime Minister   Sadr.  the  resignation of  Prime  Minister
        over the previous day’s cease fire   Imran Khan in Islamabad on Tuesday                               Middleton, who ear-  Imran Khan. Other opposition par-
        violations that killed three civilians,                                                           lier  donned a royal blue   ties, including the Pakistan Muslim
        including two children, on the Paki-  Islamabad:  The Duke   Kate Middleton, who are   Charles and his wife Ca-  kurta, changed into a   League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the
        stani side of the contested   and Duchess of Cam-    the first royals to officially   milla visited the region in   green and white   Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP),
        TROOPS, P28                   bridge Prince William and   visit Pakistan since Prince   2006, met Prime Minister   DUKE, P28  REJECTS, P28

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