Page 4 - Pakistan Link - October 18, 2019
P. 4

P4  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  OCTOBER 18,  2019                                                                                            OPINION
         Pakistan Link                      Can Imran Khan Bridge the Iranian - Saudi Divide?

                                        n By Karamatullah K. Ghori
                  Advisory Board
               Dr Sohail Masood              Toronto, Canada
               Arif Zaffar Mansuri       mran was supposed to fix a
     Pakistan in turmoil. That’s was
                                      Ihis pitch all through those long,
                    Editor            turbulent, years—nearly a quarter
            Akhtar Mahmud Faruqui                 century, in fact—
               that he was on the
                                                  stump crying him-
          Editor Urdu Link & Bureau Chief (Pakistan)  self hoarse about a
                Shabbir Ghori                     Pakistan that was
                      going to dogs and
               Resident Editor Urdu Link          falling apart under
              & Director Video Operations         its thieving rulers.
                Anwar Khawaja            Now, more than a year in office
      his agenda to fix a tottering Pakistan
                                      is still struggling to take shape, while
             Manager  Sales  &  Advertising    discontent against him and his rule
       has started taxing the fidelity and
                                      patience of his aficionados.
                  Regional Offices
                                         But  while  his  home-renova-
                                      tion initiative may be hitting rough
                    YKKB              shoals, he’s making waves in foreign
            policy where his detractors initially
                                      thought of him to be a novice.
                  Sacramento, CA
     In the past three weeks he has
                                      been to New York where his seminal
              San Fransisco/Bay Area, CA  address to the UN General Assem-
    bly, last September 27, planted his
                                      feet firmly into the exclusive terrain   the bulging portfolio of deep differ-  have been trigger-happy, vis-à-vis   China has recently pulled out of a
                  New York, NY
      of global statesmen.      ences between the two contenders   Iran for sometime. It’s part of the   commitment to a joint venture with
                                         Back home from that epochal                              Israeli-Zionist agenda to give Iran   Iran, worth 5 billion dollars, to de-
                   Houston, TX        appearance at the world conclave of   There’s a quantum of   a bloodied nose on the trumped-up   velop a gas field in Iran. But China
      leaders, he dashed off to Beijing, last                 charge of its nuclear ambition. How-  wouldn’t like to see the flow of Ira-
                                      week, to confab with China’s lead-  history, predating the   ever, the firing of super-hawk John   nian oil drying up for it because of
                   Phoenix, AZ        er XI Jinping, on issues related to                         Bolton by Trump have, for the time   America’s unstinted feud with Iran,
                                   rise of Islam in the
                                      CPEC. The Chinese were said to be                           being, dampened the enthusiasm of   which makes China an unwitting
                  Ontario, Canada     unhappy about the sluggish pace of   Arabian Peninsula,     those in his administration baying   victim.
      co-operation from Imran’s govt. on   that has traditionally   for Iranian blood.          Imran was closeted with Presi-
                                      projects supposed to be completed                               In the latest cycle of tit-for tat,   dent Xi in Beijing last week and
             Letters to the Editor    earlier.                       divided the Arab-end         an Iranian oil tanker was hit by two   may have been asked by his Chinese
                                         Now, as these lines are being                            missiles, on October 12, close to   mentor to do a bit of bailing out for
          Readers are welcome to express their opinion                 of the Gulf from its
          in these columns. Please keep your letters   written, Imran Khan has landed in          the Saudi coast. The Saudis quickly   Beijing.
          brief and to the point.  Letters without full   Tehran to commence his efforts to   Iranian part. The chasm   washed their hands off it but mur-  Pundits are also pontificating
          name, complete address, and a daytime
          phone  number  will  not  be  published.   “facilitate” the bridging of the gulf        murs of protest from Tehran did   that MBS, the all-powerful Saudi
          Also, copies of letters sent to other news-  between two of Pakistan’s closest   between Arab and   convey a sense of distrust of the Sau-  Prince ruling the roost in the king-
          papers are not encouraged. Letters can be
          mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the Editor at   friends, the Kingdom of Saudi Ara-  Ajam is deep-rooted   dis.           dom while his effete father only
          the Pakistan Link Headquarters address   bia and the Islamic Republic of Iran.              Venturing into such a void is   formally fills the throne, also ap-
                   listed below.
          Pakistan  Link  (ISSN  1074-0406)  is  pub-  It doesn’t take a genius to know  going back to centuries.   not a fool’s errand, and Imran is ex-  proached IK to get him a line across
          lished weekly for $85 a year by JAZ LLC,   how deeply divided the Saudis and            pected to know how sensitive is the   to Tehran to defuse the snowballing
               DBA PL Publications, LLC.   the Iranians are. They have been   This famous quote,   task he has undertaken.      crisis. MBS is on record telling CBS’
          Periodical postage paid at Anaheim, CA   at loggerheads, ideologically, ever  attributed to the Second   But the question is, is he doing   60-Minutes interviewer of him that
             and additional mailing offices.
           POST MASTER: Send address changes to   since the Islamic revolution in Iran            it on his own or doing someone else’s   a shooting war between Iran and his
          Pakistan Link, P O Box 1238,  Anaheim, CA                  Rashid Caliph, Omar,
                    92815             spawned a new calculus of power in                          bidding?                      country would be devastating for ev-
          The management has the right to refuse   the region. The Saudis didn’t quite   best encapsulates the   When he met Trump, last   eryone and should best be avoided.
          to print any advertisement, news, article,
          letter  or  any  other  material.  In  case  of   see eye to eye with a monarchic Iran   month in New York on the side-  Pakistan, with open lines to Wash-
          any errors in advertisement the manage-  when the Shah was in total com-  essence of the rivalry.  lines of UNGA, Imran is believed to   ington, Riyadh and Tehran is ideally
          ment will not be liable for more than the
          amount paid for the advertisement to the   mand of that country. The Shah, in           have been accosted by the American   placed to play the matchmaker.
                     Link.            those days, was the principal police-  for supremacy in the Gulf.  leader to intercede with the Iranian   But Imran can’t be unmindful
          Advertisements in Pakistan Link are
          placed in good faith. The newspaper is not   man and watchdog of a neo-imperi-  To cut a long story short, there’s   leadership on his behalf and explore   of the risks involved, not so much
          responsible nor endorses the contents of   alist US while the Saudis were at best   a quantum of history, predating the   the prospects for a dialogue between   about the success or failure of his
          any advertisement. In case of a frivolous
          lawsuit, the plaintiff will bear the total cost   the junior policeman.  rise of Islam in the Arabian Penin-  him and Iranian leaders. The Paki-  mission but, much more, of its blow-
          of the suit, including but not limited to the   Since the Iranian cataclysm, the   sula, that has traditionally divided   stani news media was agog with a   back on Pakistan itself.
            Link’s costs and the attorney’s fees.
                                      Saudis have, no doubt, been anoint-  the Arab-end of the Gulf from its   raft of speculations and conjectures   It’s conventional wisdom in
                                      ed as the major watchdog of Ameri-  Iranian  part.  The chasm between   that Trump had invoked Imran’s   Pakistan that the country has been
               Information for        can and Western interests in the   Arab and Ajam is deep-rooted go-  good offices with Iran while himself   a battleground of sectarian tension,
                                                                                                  shying away from playing any proac-
                                      Gulf. They relish and greedily covet
                                                                                                                                if not deep-seated animosity, be-
                                                                    ing back to centuries. This famous
                 Subscribers          their new title. However, Iran, in-  quote,  attributed  to  the Second   tive role between India and Pakistan   tween the followers of Saudi brand
           The printing of Pakistan Link is unfail-  fused with its Islamic revolutionary   Rashid Caliph, Omar, best encap-  over Kashmir.  of Wahabism and the votaries of
           ingly completed by Wednesday every
           week and its copies are handed over to   zeal is not prepared to accept them   sulates the essence of the rivalry. He   Trump is responsible for trig-  Iran among its minority Shiias. The
           the mailing house for prompt dispatch   as such or agree to stay silently at-  is said to have intoned that if it were   gering this crisis of trust with Iran   tussle, often bloody, has been there
           to the subscribers.  The Link should   tuned to the Saudis playing the role   up to him, he’d usher in a wall of fire   by arrogantly reneging on the US   ever since the emergence of an Is-
           reach its destination on time if there is
           no delay at the post office. If a delay is   of the regional ‘big brother.’  between Arab and Ajm.  commitment the Iran nuclear deal   lamic and revolutionary Iran.
           occasioned it is in no way attributable   But their crisis of confidence   The torching of a high valued   negotiated by Obama in 2015. But
           to the performance of Link’s manage-                                                                                 BRIDGE, P28
           ment. In case of delayed receipt of Pak-  has  worsened  since  the  Saudis  in-  Saudi Aramco oil refinery in Abqa-  knowing how damaging a war with
           istan Link or missing issues, please con-  vaded the dirt-poor Yemen, next   iq, on September 14, has precipitat-  Iran would be to US interests—he   Views and
           tact your local Post Office and submit a                                                                                            opinions ex-
               “Publication Watch” form.  door to them, on the trumped up   ed the ongoing and intensified spat   couldn’t care less of what colossal
                                      charge that the rebel Houthis of Ye-  between KSA and Iran. The Houthis   damage Iran is capable of piling on   pressed by
                                      men—who had overthrown the Sau-  of Yemen claimed kudos for target-  American vassals among the oil-rich   authors and
              PAKISTAN LINK           di client regime in Sanaa and driven   ing  such  a  prized  Saudi  location.   Arab Sheikhdoms of the Gulf—he   contributors
                                                                                                  seems to be seeking help from the
                                      the puppet Saudi rulers into exile in
                                                                    But the Saudis blamed Iran for fir-
               Headquarters           Riyadh—were votaries of Iran and   ing the precision-pointed scud mis-  likes of Imran Khan to damage con-  letters, opin-
              P O Box 1238,  Anaheim, CA 92815  fighting its proxy war against KSA.  siles that rained the fires of hell on   trol.            ion pieces,
                 Tel: 714-400-3400                                                                                               reports, advertisements, etc
                 Fax: 714-400-3404       It’s not only Yemen that has cre-  Abqaiq.  And,  in  fact,  before  they   Could it also be the Chinese   appearing in Pakistan Link
             E-Mail:  ated  so  much  bad  blood  between   could point the finger at Tehran for   asking King Khan to don the peace-
                                      the Saudis and the Iranians. There’s   that dastardly attack, their American   maker’s mantle?  and Urdu Link are their own.
                                      the Iranian underpinning of the   mentors had  already  jumped  into   Well, it isn’t such a far-fetched   The  paper neither shares
               Pakistan Office        Assad regime in war-torn Syria, or   the fray, with Secretary of State Mike   idea. After all, China is the biggest   nor endorses them and thus
                 42 Rehman Court      the dominance of Lebanon by the   Pompeo, brazenly holding Iranian   buyer of Iranian oil but has lately   should not be held responsi-
            Plaza Square,  Off  M. A.  Jinnah Road  Iranian-supported Hizbollah—de-  directly responsible for it.  been bothered by the punishing and   ble for the views/opinions of
               Karachi-74400, Pakistan                                                                                           the writers & advertisers.
                                      tested by the Saudis—that adds to   The hawks surrounding Trump   biting US sanctions against Iran.
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