Page 8 - Pakistan Link - October 18, 2019
P. 8

P8  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  OCTOBER 18,  2019                                                                                            OPINION
                            As Asian Economies Take Center Stage, How Can Pakistan Cash in?

                 n By Dr Syed Akhter                                                                                         The country will need to redirect its at-
                 Milwaukee, Wisconsin                                                                                    tention to its neighbors in order to increase
                                                                                                                         the flow of goods, capital, technology, labor,
             he economic map of Asia is changing                                                                         ideas, and information. However, the main
             at a fast pace, shaped by trade disputes                                                                    stumbling block will be that Pakistan is not
        Tbetween the United States (US) and                                                                              regionally integrated. Its share of Asian ex-
        its trading partners, and by commercial de-                                                                      ports, imports, and FDI remains miniscule.
        velopments in Asia, especially in China. The                                                                     While Asia has become a major source of
        Trump administration is using tariffs, and                                                                       FD I, Pakistan  has  not  been  the  desti-
        the threat of higher tariffs, to leverage its                                                                    nation for investments. The inflow of manu-
        bargaining positions and extract trade con-                                                                      facturing and service sector FDI into the
        cessions through negotiations with China.                                                                        country, for example, is lackadaisical and not
        While policymakers in the US and China are                                                                       commensurate with its market size and labor
        struggling to come up with a joint commu-                                                                        force. According to the United Nations Con-
        nique, business executives are going to the                                                                      ference on Trade and Development, Pakistan
        drawing board to decide what to do next.  A                                                                      witnessed a decline in FDI in 2018, while In-
        key decision for these businesses is what to                                                                     dia, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka experienced
        do with their value chain, the mix of produc-                                                                    an increase.
        tion and distribution activities that add value                                                                      Investments always flow to countries
        to their products and services.                                                                                  where returns can be maximized. Businesses
            The widely  dispersed  value chain  ac-                                                                      require an environment that is stable and pre-
        tivities of corporations are the products of                                                                     dictable, which is why Vietnam is attracting
        globalization. Companies have taken their                                                                        investments because of its stability and disci-
        manufacturing and assembling operations                                                                          plined workforce. Pakistan is slowly moving
        to places where they can be most economi-  increasing productivity and exports, have   but also because it enjoys preferential tariffs   towards stability, and its work force is indus-
        cally and efficiently performed. Apple, for   made the region vibrant and prosperous and   on its exports.  Other countries in the region   trious. Lest we forget, it is the same work force
        example, sources components and parts for   heightened the prospect of making Asia the   such as Thailand and the Philippines are also   that helped build the vaunted infrastructure
        its iPhone from more than 20 countries, most   world’s largest regional economy.  benefiting from the changing business cli-  in the Middle East, its bridges, roads, hospi-
        of them in Asia. These components and parts   Asian economies are growing at a rapid   mate and increased flow of FDI.  tals, skyscrapers, schools, houses, and palaces
        are sent to China where they are assembled   pace and will continue to grow faster than   But the reconfiguration of value chain   in the oppressive and scorching heat.  This is
        into finished products and then shipped to   economies in other regions such as Latin   activities in Asia is creating both opportuni-  the workforce that stands at the front-line,
        markets  throughout  the  world.  For  Apple,   America, Europe, and North America. Eco-  ties and threats. For Pakistan, these disrup-  ready to work for corporations willing to give
        Haier, Samsung, and others, the uncertainty   nomic changes sweeping across Asia are both   tions present opportunities. With over 210   them a chance t to integrate will be sidelined,
        of trade wars and the economic ascendancy   breathtaking and unprecedented in their   million people, it is the fourth largest country   watching the wonders of economic growth
        of Asia have drawn the reconfiguration of the   scope and impact. Regional integration has   in Asia and the fifth largest in the world based   and  development  merely  as  spectators  and
        value chain activities to the forefront.  These   increased, and the idea that this is the Asian   on population. It is both a large market and   wondering where they went wrong.
        companies  are  looking for ways to reduce   century has taken root.       a valuable source of labor. Businesses need a   (The author is Professor Emeritus of
        manufacturing and assembly costs to stay   Countries in South, Central, South-East,   disciplined labor force and Pakistan can and   Marketing  at  Marquette  University  in  Mil-
        competitive. They are also looking for mar-  West, and East Asia are benefitting from   should look to provide this.  waukee, Wisconsin, USA, and a Fulbright
        kets to sell their products.          greater economic integration as well as from   No one would argue with the idea that   scholar. He has published extensively in busi-
            Asia, now center stage, is drawing at-  the ongoing trade disputes. Vietnam, for ex-  Pakistan should grow economically, increase   ness and marketing journals and has taught
        tention  for  its  manufacturing  prowess  and   ample, has seen an increase in the inflow of   income, reduce inequality, and improve the   graduate and undergraduate level courses in
        lucrative markets. The high gross domes-  foreign direct investments (FDI) not only   quality of life of its people. The argument,   North America, Europe, South America, and
        tic product (GDP) growth rates that many   because it is seen as a cost-effective location   however, and not unexpectedly, will come   Asia. The Express Tribune)
                                                                                       1   8/27/2019   11:31:41 PM
        Asian countries have achieved, propelled by   for manufacturing and assembling activities   from how to achieve these goals.

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