Page 13 - Pakistan Link - October 18, 2019
P. 13

PAKISTAN                                                                                                      OCTOBER 18,  2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P13

                   In Letter To Shahbaz, Nawaz Tells PML-N                                                 UAE Hands over Data of

                       to ‘Ensure Azadi March Is a Success’                                               Pakistanis with Residence

                                                                                                  The data was collected from the Dubai Land Department (DLD) at the conclusion of a three-day
         PML-N leader Ahsan Iqbal (left) looks on as JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman (centre) reads the contents of Nawaz Sharif’s letter to Shahbaz   (Oct 8-10) meeting in Dubai. Pakistan was represented in the meeting by Federal Board of Rev-
         Sharif. — PML-N                                                                          enue (FBR) Secretary for International Taxes Sajida Kausar. — AFP/File
        Lahore: Incarcerated former prime   aside all convenience and fight for our   tions was the right decision,” said Iqbal,   Islamabad:  The country’s top tax   nationals who have obtained iqama
        minister Nawaz Sharif has relayed   rights.”                 adding, “We support his ‘Azadi March’.”  machinery claims to have received   (work permit) in order to hide their
        a message via a letter to all mem-  “When the country’s honor, its   Iqbal called on all opposition par-  data of the Pakistani nationals who   illegal wealth.
        bers of the PML-N “to ensure that   self-respect is at stake, we must stand up   ties to participate in the march.  have obtained residence by invest-  The FBR had on Aug 22 sent a
        the anti-government protest (Azadi   and defend our rights,” read the letter.  Rehman, while addressing the   ments in the United Arab Emirates   letter to the UAE, seeking informa-
        March) is a success”.             Nawaz  requested  Rehman,  who   press conference, said that he is grateful   in a bid to hide their illegal wealth.  tion  about  all  Pakistani  nationals
            The letter, dated October 10, is   has called on all parties to join him in   to the PML-N for extending its support   The data was collected from the   who have obtained iqama and resi-
        addressed to his brother, PML-N Presi-  the march, to release a “comprehensive   to his call for a march.  Dubai Land Department (DLD) at   dence through investment.
        dent Shahbaz Sharif, and its contents   program” regarding the march.  “PML-N, PPP, Awami National   the conclusion of a three-day (Oct   The sources said the Dubai
        were discussed with JUI-F chief Mau-  The former premier said that he   Party, Qaumi Watan Party and Mutta-  8-10) meeting in Dubai. Pakistan   meeting was a follow-up to the let-
        lana Fazlur Rehman on Sunday.  “gave a lot of thought” to Rehman’s pro-  hida Majlis-i-Amal are all with us,” he   was represented in the meeting by   ter sent to the UAE authorities.
            Nawaz had announced two days   posals. Rehman had met Nawaz and in-  declared.         Federal Board of Revenue (FBR)   Taking  to Twitter, FBR chair-
        ago that he had written a letter to Shah-  formed him of the discussions held in a   He said that an ‘Azadi March com-  Secretary for International Taxes   man Shabbar Zaidi said he was
        baz detailing the future course of action   meeting of the JUI-F central executive   mittee’ oversees all march-related mat-  Sajida Kausar.  pleased to say that a very productive
        of the party, and had expressed hope   committee.            ters on a daily basis and that a session of   Well-placed sources told Dawn   meeting had been held in Dubai on
        that the PML-N president would brief   In a press conference following   the party’s central executive committee   that the FBR’s international taxes   Oct 9-10 on the matter of exchange
        the media on it.               the meeting, PML-N senior leader Ah-  will be held on October 24 after which   wing was scrutinizing the data and   of information under the avoidance
            Nawaz in the letter, a copy of   san Iqbal said that a party delegation   the final agenda for the march will be   those identified with correct ad-  of  double taxation treaty. “Dubai
        which was available with,   had called on Rehman and put forth   announced.       dresses and accurate identification   Land Department will instantly
        reiterated his support to the JUI-F chief   the PML-N’s recommendations for the   “There is still time. The govern-  would be served notices for tax col-  provide details of Pakistani owners
        Maulana Fazlur Rehman for his march   march.                 ment should resign and go home,” said   lection.            of Dubai properties. Iqama abuse is
        on Islamabad. “This is the time to stand   “Nawaz Sharif has said that mau-  Rehman. “If they don’t voluntarily do   However, the DLD has yet to   also being handled,” he tweeted.
        up,” he wrote. “This is the time to set   lana sahib’s call for a protest post-elec-  so, we will be forced to send them home.  provide data about the Pakistani   DATA, P26
                        Fazlur Rehman Warns Government against Sabotaging ‘Azadi March’

          “We are seeking an assurance of peace against our message of peace,” says the JUI-F chief. — DawnNewsTV/File   The JUI-F volunteers. — DawnNewsTV/File
        Peshawar:  Jamiat Ulema-i-    ership even at the cost of their   abad, he said, adding, “We are   of the Western world agenda,”   Photo provided by the author
        Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) chief Fazlur   lives.                    seeking an assurance of peace   said Rehman, adding that the    “When you are marching
        Rehman on Sunday warned the       Talking  about  political  against our message of peace.”  country was going backwards   on roads in uniform it means
        government against creating   support for the march, he said    “We will be able to sustain   due to the “incompetent ruler”.  that you are erecting a force.
        hurdles in the way of the “Azad   that all parties are on the same   your baton-charge but you will   “The economy is sinking,   This is a violation of the Na-
        March” and said that the march   page. “The march will begin on   not  even  be  able  to  withstand   factories are being shut and   tional Action Plan (NAP) and
        will be peaceful.             October 27 to show solidarity   a mere puff of air we blow on   traders are in distress, while   will not be tolerated,” said You-
            Addressing the party’s Sa-  with the Kashmiris.”        you,” he warned. “We will go   the prime  minister  in  an  ef-  sufzai.
        lar Force, comprised of volun-    The JUI-F leader said he is   forward as we have no option   fort to support the economy   “I know who is pushing
        teers, he said on Sunday that   “in touch with all political par-  to turn back.”         has now moved on from poul-   Rehman; money is pushing
        his party workers have opted   ties over the march”.            The JUI-F chief said that   try and livestock to langars,” he   him. He is threatening institu-
        for a peaceful protest for their   Addressing the govern-   an  “illicit  government”  had   said.                      tions, he is trying to use semi-
        rights. “Our party workers and   ment, he said, “We are peaceful   been imposed on the country   KP govt responds: Later in   nary students,” the minister
        seminary  students  have  always   people, we will not attack the   through a “theft of votes”.  the  day,  Khyber  Pakhtunkhwa   said.
        respected the Constitution,” he   parliament or the PTV. Unlike   “No one comes [to the air-  Information Minister Shaukat   The information minister
        said.                         you, we will not hang trousers   port] to welcome him when   Yousafzai  warned  the  JUI-F   added that the JUI-F chief was
            On the occasion, the vol-  on the walls of institutions.”  our fake prime minister goes   against the stick-wielding, uni-  struggling to get incarcerated
        unteers presented a guard of      It is not only a political   on a foreign visit. The pup-  formed  workers  marching  on   former  prime  minister  Nawaz
        honor to Rehman. They took    party, but the entire nation,   pet [prime minister] has been   the roads.                Sharif and former president
        oath of safeguarding the lead-  which is coming to Islam-   imposed for implementation         The JUI-F volunteers. —   Asif Ali Zardari out of jail.
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