Page 18 - Pakistan Link - October 18, 2019
P. 18

P18  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  OCTOBER 18,  2019                                                                                    COMMUNITY
                      A Momentous Occasion for Pakistan                                            25th Anniversary of Haleem Event

                                                                     verted into a museum in his name,
                                                                     was usurped, illegally sold, and all
                                                                     proceeds were embezzled. The crime
                                                                     was not investigated.
                                                                        Alarmed and dismayed by the
                                                                     dire situation, SADEQUAIN Foun-
                                                                     dation was established in May 2007
                                                                     in San Diego California with the
                                                                     stated goals of discovering, pre-
                                                                     serving, and promoting Sadequain
                                                                     around the globe. The Foundation
                                                                     executed exhaustive search to locate
                                                                     thousands of pieces of Sadequain’s
                                                                     artworks in places as far flung as Sin-
                                                                     gapore, Hong Kong, India, Middle
                                                                     East, Austria, Switzerland, France,
                                                                     England, USA, Canada, and more.
                                                                        SADEQUAIN Foundation has
                                                                     published 20 books so far on Sad-
                                                                     equain’s life and  various  aspects  of
                                                                     his work.
                                                                        The book titled The  Saga of
                                                                     SADEQUAIN is the largest book
         Seascape with Three Boats. Artist: Sadequain ((Pakistani [born India], Amroha   on the subject of art ever published
         1930–1987 Karachi))                                         in Pakistan. It has also been recom-
                                                                     mended by Pakistan Foreign Office
        An  iconic painting by Sadequain,   paper Khaleej Times declared him   to all its embassies around the world.
        Seascape Three Boats, is on display   responsible for the “renaissance of   The Foundation has host-
        at the New York Metropolitan Mu-  calligraphic art.”         ed more than 50 seminars, book
        seum (The MET).                   In his lifetime Sadequain was a   launches, and exhibitions in the   n By Mobin Baig  recognized as a regular to this Hal-
             The MET is one of the largest   celebrity  and a  household  name  in   USA, Canada, UK, France, Dubai,   Garden Grove, CA  eem  Extravaganza.  “I have  been
        museums of art in the world. It has   Pakistan. He  gave more to the na-  Pakistan, and India.                          coming to this Haleem Event ever
        hundreds of thousands of pieces of   tion than any man or woman. He is   In February 2017, the Founda- Garden Grove: Across the landscape   since it started,” said the man briskly
        artworks from around the world in   perhaps the only individual who was   tion reached a major milestone after  of Atlantis Park, in the County of Or-  adding to the conversation.
        its collection.               recognized by the Pakistan govern-  laboring for 6 long years of red tape  ange, the crispy sun was making the   The Hallmark of this event
            The MET has recently selected   ment by establishing three institu-  and spending more than $50,000  afternoon sky light blue. It was not   was that we did not let our volun-
        an iconic painting by Sadequain to   tions named Galerie Sadequain in   on repairs of the Frere Hall, donat- even one PM, people started com-  teers to participate in the manage-
        go on display in its main gallery.   Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad.  ing more than 50 pieces of artworks  ing into the arena, they were all age   ment, so, they could equally enjoy
        The event marks recognition of Sad-  Sadly, within a few years after   representing a wide range of SAD- groups, elderly, young and teen-ager,   the atmosphere. The responsibility
        equain as a significant member of   he passed away in 1987, his name   EQUAIN’s palette and establishing  etc. with fantastic jovial and inspi-  of the management was awarded to
        a select group of painters from the   faded from the collective memory of   Galerie SADEQUAIN at Frere Hall.  rational attitude and ladies in their   Noorani Restaurant who did a su-
        world who deserve representation   the nation. He should have been the   This is the only location  in Paki- traditional garb were equally notice-  perb job. And, the quality of Haleem
        at The MET. SADEQUAIN Founda-  face of the nation recognized around   stan where general public has un- able.           was remarkable according to general
        tion was present on the occasion.  the globe, but ironically, he became a   restricted  access  to  SADEQUAIN’s   First thing first.  Let me extend   opinion.
            Art and culture are the identity   stranger in his own country; an un-  artworks.     the gratitude and utmost thanks,   The success of the event em-
        of a nation. By all measures, Sad-  sung hero.                  For information please contact:  from the entire Haleem Committee,   bodies the wonderful team work
        equain was the finest ambassador of   It can only be termed tragic    Salman Ahmad, PhD   to every one that attended this color-  and would not have been possible
        the Pakistan’s identity.      that soon after the eventful night on   SADEQUAIN Foundation  ful event.                  without the support of our friends
            In  his  lifetime  Sadequain  was   February 10, 1987, the three art gal-  9415 Maler Road  “I was amazed and surprised   and sponsors, notably, Adnan Naqvi,
        recognized and praised by the me-  leries established by the government   San Diego, CA 92129  to see such a huge crowd. I always   Mobin Baig, Samin Faruqui, Kamal
        dia on all five (5) continents. Not   in Sadequain’s name in Karachi, La-  U.S.A.         looked forward  to  attending  this   Zafar, JFK Realty, and Babar Ghauri
        many Pakistanis can make this   hore, and Islamabad were closed.      Haleem Event with my entire family   and many more.
        claim. French newspaper Le Monde   A few years after Sadequain   sadequainfoundation@gmail. every year,” said a woman in her late   Sincerely,
        quoted “Sadequain’s multiplicity is   passed away, his home Sibtain Man-  com             forties. And there was this graceful   Southern California Haleem
        reminiscent of Picasso.” UAE news-  zil, which should have been con-                      gentleman, ninety year old, whom I   Committee
              Metallica Concert Screening in Karachi Gathers Metalheads in a Mosh Pit

                                                                                                                                in witnessing the legendary concert,
               n By Asfa Sultan                                                                                                 empty-handed.
                                                                                                                                    Everyone kept on sitting till a
        Karachi:  The  S&M2 (San  Francisco                                                                                     hardcore  metalhead  stood  up  and
        Symphony featuring Metallica) anni-                                                                                     yelled, “It’s a Metallica concert, why are
        versary concert was held in San Fran-                                                                                   you all sitting?” That hit where it hurts
        cisco on September 6, 2019. It sold out                                                                                 the most. At least half the audience
        within minutes,  leading  to  Metallica                                                                                 members followed the call of duty be-
        performing another concert on Sep-                                                                                      fore easing back into their seats because
        tember 8. However, many fans from                                                                                       the realization of ‘I-am-too-cool-for-
        around the world were still unable to                                                                                   all-this-celebration’ had to strike the
        get the tickets, to which the band an-                                                                                  highly cosmopolitan Karachi audience.
        nounced that they will treat everyone                                                                                   Hope it happened differently in Lahore
        through a big-screen experience.                                                                                        and Islamabad. Hope they didn’t listen
            Metallica’s official website stated,                                                                                to metal while sitting on plastic chairs.
        “On October 9th, we are psyched to be                                                                                   The ones in their 40s didn’t even bother
        bringing you S&M², for one-night-on-                                                                                    standing.
        ly, in 3,000 movie theaters around the                                                                                      There were quite a few female
        world!” To our surprise, Pakistan was                                                                                   metalheads as well who didn’t give two
        one of the lucky countries on the list!                                                                                 cents about the sinf-e-naazuk stereo-
            Wednesday night saw the dark-                                                                                       type. Not only were they bad, but some
        est of Karachi souls flock to Nueplex                                                                                   of the most consistent and engrossed
        DHA and bang their heads in what                                                                                        head-bangers of the night were also
        was nothing short of a conference of                                                                                    women. Needless to say, they were
        metalheads. Conference perhaps is too                                                                                   equally enamored by Metallica’s lead
        sober a term to describe the weird but                                                                                  singer, James Hetfield.
        baffling sight of spinning heads and                                                                                        “I love James Hatfield; I don’t
        shaking bodies, swinging aimlessly in-                                                                                  understand how people can live with
        side a cinema hall and not some shady                                                                                   listening to the same old melancholic
        basement in DHA.                                                                                                        music that only makes one sleepy all
            It was cool, so cool, that for a mo-  Cinepax Karachi, ME Centaurus, Is-  being aired in a Pakistani cinema – yes   As quiet and calculated as it   the time. Our generation lacks energy,
        ment it made us forget that this Friday   lamabad and Universal Cinemas, La-  K-pop triumphed metal in gracing   seemed in the beginning, the S&M 2   and the capacity to understand good
        Atif Aslam will be baptizing the nation   hore among others.    our big screens first. That was a reality   escalated quickly into a mosh-pit. No   music anymore!” said Anamtah, a BBA
        in white attire and black backdrop.  Music, obsession and liberty took   check which we could have ignored but   popcorns were sold. There was defi-  student.
            The concert was also screened in   the lead in a rare case of a metal concert   didn’t. You’re welcome.  nitely a sense of honesty and loyalty
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