Page 21 - Pakistan Link - October 18, 2019
P. 21
Indian Held Pak-Territory: Junagadh, The Paradise Lost
n By Dr A. Khan to India and prevent any Ruler to join age of Muslims and Hindus was given
Chicago, IL Pakistan. Junagadh and Manawadar as 30% and 70% or 20% and 80% and
were the only exception. Tripura State sometimes 10% and 90% but it is all
ovember 9, 2019 will annexed to East Pakistan was a thickly imaginary propaganda against Jun-
mark the 72nd anniver- Muslim populated State, but its ruler agadh…The Muslim population at
Nsary of the invasion and was a Hindu. It was made to accede to the end of 1946 and in the beginning
occupation of Junagadh, one of India, although the state was located of 1947 was changed to 49% Muslims
the princely states whose Ruler on the boundaries of East Pakistan. with 9% Parsis and Christians and
signed an instrument of Acces- The Dogra ruler of Jammu and Kash- 42% Hindus…The Hindu propaganda
sion with Pakistan, in accordance mir was dethroned long before 15th and hostile attitude of Hindus against
with the Indian Independence Act August 1947 as a result of a movement Muslims in Gujrat and Kathiawar also
1947; the Instrument was also against him and he had taken refuge compelled the Muslim population to
signed by the founder of Pakistan, in Delhi. He therefore had lost his sta- migrate to Junagadh…The Muslim
Quaid-i-Azam, and ratified by the tus as Ruler of Jammu and Kashmir. population as on 9-11-1947 was 9.15
constituent assembly of Pakistan. He could not legally sign any contract lacs…”
India, following similar modus on behalf of the state. The Home Min- In Chapter VI the author dis-
operandi, later invaded and occu- ister of India Mr Vallab Bhai Patel cusses the shortage of food stuff after
pied the princely states of Kashmir immediately approached him and ob- the Indian army closed the entire state
and Hyderabad. Indian Held Pak- tained his signatures on the “Instru- boundaries, and details of Pakistan’s
Territory, Junagadh: The Paradise ment of Accession” and no sooner the aid before and after the Indian inva-
Lost (2nd Edition, 2002), by Ad- signatures were obtained, he ordered sion, and departure of the Royal fam-
vocate Ismail Padhiar, published Indian troops to march into Jummu ily to Karachi.
by Sajid Iqbal of Junagadh founda- and Kashmir. In Chapter VII, discussing the
tion Karachi, provides a detailed In Chapter II, discussing the le- Indian occupation of Pakistan ter-
account of events that took place gal aspect of Junagadh as Pakistan ritory of Junagadh, the author ob-
during the pre- and post-invasion territory, the author observes: “… serves: “Several communiques were
periods. According to the constitution of Paki- exchanged between Prime Minister
Presenting the case of Junagadh stan i.e. constitution of 1956, 1962 Liaquat Ali Khan and Pandit Jawaha-
in the preface of the book, the author and 1973, it is clear that the state of rlal Nehru. In a telegram sent to Mr
observes: “Junagadh State was famous Junagadh and Manawadar are an in- Liaquat Ali Khan, Mr Nehru said, ‘In
during the days when India was un- tegral part of Pakistan constitution- view of special circumstances pointed
divided. Junagadh was known to the ally. The words “states which are ac- out by Junagadh Dewan - that is the
Indian for its educational activities, cession” refer to only Junagadh and Prime Minister of Junagadh - our Re-
facilities and accommodation to stu- Manawadar. The other states which gional Commissioner at Rajkot has
dents from all over India. The Ruler acceded to Pakistan were Khairpur, taken temporarily charge of Junagadh
who was known as Nawab Saheb Swat, Chitral, Amb and Dir. administration. This has been done to
was a philanthropist…Junagadh was In Chapter III, the author pres- avoid disorder and resulting chaos.
known beyond the boundaries of un- ents an introduction to Junagadh We have, however, no desire to con-
divided India, was a wealthy Muslim State in terms of its location, area, ad- tinue this arrangement and wish to
Merchant class, who were spread all ministrative divisions, geological for- find a speedy solution in accordance
over undivided India for carrying on mation, rivers, dams and lakes, soil, with the wishes of the people of Ju-
their business and industries. They forest and trees, main crops, animals, nagadh. We have pointed out to you
were in Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma) principal ports, salt manufactur- previously that final decision should
Singapore and Far East countries and ing, state administration, education, be made by means of referendum or
were respected traders and business- health service, justice, civil courts, plebiscite. We would be glad to dis-
men and multi-millionaires…there high court, police and military. cuss this question and allied matters
was harmony within the State be- has to be fought. Junagadh has got to members of the state council. After Discussing the Indian leaders’ affecting Junagadh with representa-
tween two major religious sects Hin- be freed from Indian clutches at any several days of deliberations and tak- efforts to stop Junagadh’s accession tive of your government at the earliest
dus and Muslims. This was because cost. This book will prepare the com- ing into consideration all aspects of to Pakistan in Chapter IV, the au- possible moment convenient to you.
of loyalty, love and faithfulness to the ing generations to regain the lost ter- the matter, the council [decided] to thor observes: “The editors of Gujrati We propose to invite Nawab of Jun-
Ruler of the State and vice versa. We, ritory. I have named it as “Paradise accede to Pakistan. Under the instruc- dailies, weeklies and monthlies pub- agadh to send his representatives to
the State subjects, though it would be Lost.” Junagadh was in fact a land, tions of Quaid-i-Azam, Sir Zafarullah lished from Bombay, Ahmadabad and this conference.’…
our luck when Nawab Saheb, Sir Ma- which was termed as Paradise. It is and other notable lawyers came to ad- Rajkot never belonged to Junagadh. In reply to the above telegram
habat Khanji decided not to accede to lost now but lost things are always vise Nawab in the matter of accession What to say of them, even their fore- the prime minster of Pakistan sent the
India. We, State subjects were proud to be regained and shall be the fifth to Pakistan. Quaid-i-Azam also sent fathers never belonged to Junagadh. following telegram: ‘Your telegram
of this decision and we enjoyed the Province of Pakistan,. InshaAllah.” Army officials to Junagadh and they Their hue and cry was only on the informing that your Government had
same. We never felt that Muslims of The author narrates the story of Jun- were satisfied from the defense view- instigation of the Hindu leadership, taken charge of Junagadh was received
State subjects were in negligible per- agadh in eleven chapters. point. Quaid-i-Azam was also satis- particularly that of Sardar Patel. The by me on November 10, 1947. Your
centage. Where I went and wherever In chapter I, discussing the his- fied from their report. They had met so-called secular leadership was be- action in taking over State Adminis-
I looked I always found Muslims were torical background of accession, the the Nawab and the terms were settled. having like very orthodox Hindu of tration and sending Indian troops to
in formidable happy majority. All of a author observes: “Before the declara- The Junagadh State deputation led by ancient times.” state without any authority from Paki-
sudden there came a voice of Apostle tion of independence there existed Mr Ismail Abrahimi, a senior member Discussing India’s dual policy, stan Government and indeed without
of peace Gandhiji ‘there is temple of nearly 600 native states in British In- of the State Council and other high of- the author observes in Chapter V: our knowledge, is a clear violation of
Somnath with Hindu majority.’ And dia. These states were divided into five ficials came to Karachi on August 12, “On one hand Indian government Pakistan territory and breach of In-
without caring to find what is truth, categories according to area, popula- 1947 with the “Instrument of Acces- gave its no objection to the acces- ternational law, Indian Government’s
population percentage of Muslims tion, and revenue. The rulers of the sion.” The delegation met Quaid-i- sion of Junagadh to Pakistan but on activities on accession of Junagadh
was propagated to be 20%. This ab- states were entitled to “honor” and Azam and presented the “Instrument the other hand Indian leadership to Pakistan have all been directed to
surdity could not be challenged. Ev- authority according to their catego- of Accession” signed by Nawab Saheb took all illegal steps to undo the ac- force the State to renounce accession
eryone here and there accepted it as ries. Junagadh fell in category one, Sir Mahabat Khanji. The rulers of cession of Junagadh…by creating and all kinds of weapons have been
a Gospel Truth. The accession of Jun- like Hyderabad, Jammu and Kash- Manawadar, known as Khan Saheb communal riots in cities of Kathi- used by you to achieve this end. We
agadh State with Pakistan was lawful mir while Manawadar fell in category of Manawadar, also sent a delegation awar. Hindu leaders were trying their consider your action in taking charge
and correct in every respect but due five…The Indian Independence 1947 with instrument of accession signed best to force the state Government to of Junagadh Administration and
to the call of the Mahatma, the In- gave independence to 600 native by the Khan saheb of Manawadar. The withdraw the accession from Paki- sending Indian troops to occupy Ju-
dian Government rose up to undo it states. Each ruler of a native state: (1) delegation was led by Mr Muhammed stan…Gandhiji, an apostle of peace, nagadh to be a direct act of hostility
on 9th November 1947: Indian forces Could remain independent, or (2) Ac- Hussain Memon, who was Sir Ni- in one of his prarthna sabha at Delhi against Pakistan Dominion. We de-
brutally massacred the State subjects cede to either of the two dominions, yayadhis (Chief Justice) of the state said, ‘It is really painful to learn that mand that you should immediately
and captured the sacred territory of India or Pakistan…as soon as the of Manawadar ..The accession of Jun- Junagadh has become Pakistan. This withdraw your forces, and relinquish
Junagadh State, real land of Pakistan. declaration of 3rd June was made, the agadh and Manawadar was approved is a turmoil amidst the Bharat Mata, charge of administration to the right-
Pakistan, which had accepted the ac- Hindu rulers of Cutch and Kathiawar by the Constituent Assembly of Paki- there exits Somnath temple also and ful ruler and stop people of Union of
cession of Junagadh, was bound to decided to form union and remain stan on 15 September 1947 and the therefore Pakistan should go from India from invading Junagadh and
defend it against any aggression in- independent. Maharaja of Jamnagar Quaid-i-Azam, Governor General of Junagadh.’ Pandit Nehru and Val- committing acts of violence.’…”
cluding Indian aggression. But Paki- was made leader who came to Nawab Pakistan, accepted and signed it. The labh Bhai Patel were most concerned. Exposing the unspoken “policy” of
stan failed to defend it at the proper of Junagadh with a proposal to form accession became complete and final They wanted to see Junagadh back Hindu Congress leaders, the author cites a
time…I was born in Verwal Port un- a union of all states of Cutch and on 15 September 1947… (the author in India by hook or by crook or with statement made by Mr Shamaldas Gandhi
der Junagadh State in July 1927…I Kathiawar with Nawab of Junagadh has reproduced the text of the Acces- power… It is worth pointing out here [Gandhiji’s nephew], after occupation of Ju-
have received education up to ma- as the Union President. This union of sion Instrument and the Schedule).” that the only plea that Nehru, Gandhi nagadh: “All the honor goes to Sardar Patel
triculation from Bombay University. I Kathiawar states including Cutch was Discussing the role of Lord and Patel took was that the major- Deputy Prime Minister of India, and who
was very cautious. I have gone around to remain independent. This scheme Mountbatten, the last British viceroy, ity of the state population was Hindu is also the Minister in charge of the States
the state myself. I have seen each and was carefully considered by the ruler the author observers: “…Lord Mount- while Muslims were in minority. At Department, who was kind enough to give
everything that I have written in this of the Junagadh state, who finding it batten was retained by the Indian that time every leader was giving his every possible guidance and cooperation.
book…This is a case of Junagadh and impractical, rejected the proposal. Congress with the only intention to own imaginary figures regarding the If there had been no Sardar Patel, we could
not only a Book of History or events The Ruler of Junagadh thereafter im- use him as an instrument in compel- population of Muslims and Hindus not have met today and could not have
or geography. The battle of Junagadh mediately called the meeting of the ling the hesitant native states to accede in the state. Sometimes, the percent- achieved such a brilliant success.”