Page 23 - Pakistan Link - October 18, 2019
P. 23

COMMENTARY                                                                                                    OCTOBER 18,  2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P23

                                                          Advice of Tipu Sultan - 1

               Translation and Commentary of Ghazal by Dr Sir Muhammad Iqbal

          n By Dr Basheer Ahmed Khan                                                                                            amongst the descendants of rela-
               Garden Grove, CA                                                                                                 tives of Tipu Sultan, about the visit
                                                                                                                                of  Allama Iqbal, he  told  us about
              aider  Ali,  father  of  Tipu                                                                                     the visit.  His description was so
              Sultan, was a loyal soldier                                                                                       graphic, detailed and dramatic that
        Hin the cavalry of Maharaja                                                                                             I still remember it vividly.
        of Mysore who used to undertake                                                                                             He informed that Allama
        serious missions on behalf of                                                                                           Iqbal prayed the Asar Salath in
        Maharaja. That gave him a good                                                                                          the mosque on the west side of the
        understanding of the strength                                                                                           mausoleum  and  came  to  join  the
        and weaknesses of the Raj. He                                                                                           Fatheha on the graves of Tipu Sul-
        was also alive to the situation in                                                                                      tan, his father Haidar Ali and his
        the country where British, French                                                                                       mother who lie side by side in the
        and Portuguese were vying with                                                                                          mausoleum. Then Allama toured
        one another to colonize India.                                                                                          the graveyard surrounding the
            While the Portuguese had es-                                                                                        mausoleum to learn about the oth-
        tablished their colony in Goa on                                                                                        er relatives of Tipu Sultan buried
        the West Coast of India, the French                                                                                     there. Allama Iqbal then sat close to
        were established in Pondicherry                                                                                         the mesh screen engraved in black
        on the East Coast way down in the                                                                                       marble and set in the wall on the
        south. East India Company had                                                                                           south side of the mausoleum. He
        flown its flag in Calcutta for the                                                                                      sat silent for a while, then he start-
        King of England and had taken                                                                                           ed to cry silently with tears flowing
        control of all the Royals, Nawabs                                                                                       down his cheeks, and there were
        and Maharajas of India and was                                                                                          some sobs also which he could not
        eying on Karnataka to complete                                                                                          control. The old guide was also in
        its colonization. As this was going                                                                                     tears as he recalled the visit.
        on the Maharajas of Mysore from                                                                                             He further said: Allama
        Wadiyar family were engaged in                                                                                          opened his little bag and took out
        fine arts and philosophy in the lux-                                                                                    his scribbling pad and wrote some-
        ury of their lives leaving the state-                                                                                   thing on it and left along with his
        craft to the bureaucrats who were                                                                                       companions who had accompanied
        hobnobbing with the East India   Sir M Visvesvaraya the PM of Ma-  tuguese  as  they  were  brutal  both   and his Prime Minister Purnayya.   him. It is this poem that I am trans-
        Company.                      haraja  of  Mysore,  Sri  Krishna  Raj   in warfare and business and had   The British forces had also reached   lating now with a great sense of hu-
            Finding  the  Wadiyar  family   Wadiyar.                gained the reputation of crusaders   the fort and were a constant threat   mility and responsibility.
        unable to prevent the state of Kar-  Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan   more than colonizers. He did not   that was becoming more ominous   Visit of Allama Iqbal to the
        nataka from slipping into the hands   were brave honest men. Their brav-  like the British East India Compa-  with internal treachery. When Tipu   grave of Tipu Sultan was to reflect
        of the greatest colonial power, Hai-  ery, nay, chivalry is evident from   ny that had usurped a lot of Indian   Sultan learned that Mir Sadiq had   upon the history of this great man
        dar Ali with other likeminded offi-  the historic battles they fought on   land under the guise of business.   opened the gates of the Fort to let   and this great place which he al-
        cials established his own sultanate   several fronts. Their honesty, sim-  His natural choice was the French.   the British Army in, he decided to   ready knew well and to write about
        in Sri Rangapatnam to keep Kar-  plicity, and integrity are evident   He  had  established contacts  with   fight the British rather than surren-  the lesson of his life and legacy to
        nataka safe. To keep his Sultanate   from the fact that they ruled over   Napoleon to strengthen ties be-  der. Thus, he lived his life according   console himself and benefit others
        safe from the surprise attacks of the   a great and resourceful land from a   tween France and his Sultanate to   to his own saying that “a day of life   who aspire to be leaders. It is said
        British, and the remnants of Wadi-  throne which was a huge wooden   fight the British. He got some valu-  as a lion is better than a hundred   that visit to graves of such people
        yar’s  supporters, he shifted the cap-  chair with no gold or diamonds   able assistance in the form of men   years of life of a jackal”. He was   with a consciousness of their life
        ital from Mysore to Sri Rangapat-  adorning it. Nor was there any   and material from France. He sent   martyred fighting the British near   and their mission enthuses the
        nam which is about 10 miles East   modicum of a roof over it to give   his sun Tipu to conquer the area   the fort in 1799.  Thus, he lived a   visitor with thoughts and resolves
        of Mysore. He chose this place be-  it a semblance of a throne so that it   in the East to link his Sultanate   brief and eventful life of 47 years.   which are not possible to get by
        cause it was a strategically located   was easy for them to carry it to the   with the French Colony of Pondi-  There is a stone erected at this place   reading their biographies in the
        Island between the two tributaries   battle  front  from  where  he  ruled   cherry to consolidate these ties.   where he fell to indicate that his   comfort of ones sitting room or li-
        of River Cauvery before it united at   most of the time.    He also sent an expedition to the   body was found there. Even though   brary. That is why people undergo a
        Sangama. He built a fort to fortify   Bravery  and  honesty  alone   north to save his sultanate from   the British were controlling most of   great deal of hardships to visit such
        the city and ensure its safety.   are not enough to succeed for a    the onslaught of the British who   India, it was not until the death of   places.
            Tipu Sultan was the second of   ruler, intelligence is also impor-  had  influence  on  the  Nizamate  of   Tipu Sultan that they were sure of   With all this historical back-
        the two sons of Haidar Ali and was   tant. When bravery and honesty of   Hyderabad and the Marathas. As   consolidating  their  imperial  con-  ground of Mysore and Tipu Sul-
        born in 1752. Haidar Ali groomed   David collaborated with the intel-  Tipu was engaged in these expedi-  trol. With Tipu’s  death, the Viceroy   tan when Dr Sir Muhammad Iqbal
        the elder son to be a warrior like   ligence of Solomon the mission of   tions he was shell shocked to get   declared: “Now India is ours.”  visited the grave of Tipu Sultan the
        him. By giving religious education   liberation of Hebrew was achieved.   the news of the death of his father,   When I was in 6th grade we   following lessons from Tipu Sul-
        under the guidance of Sufi saints   Once the intelligence of Solomon   Haidar Ali. Fearing loss of control   were taken on a field trip to Sri   tan’s life resonated in him to write
        he groomed the younger son Tipu   lost the company of David the   of his capital, Tipu Sultan returned   Rangapatnam which is about ten   a poem titled “Sultan Tipu Ki Wa-
        Sultan to be a religious guide and   Hebrew became the subjects of   to Srirangapatnam after abandon-  miles from the city of Mysore where   siyat”. It can be read in Zarbay Kal-
        a conscience-bearer for his elder   Romans  who  were  the  offshoot  of   ing his mission.  the  Mausoleum  of  Tipu  Sultan  is   eem collection of his Kulliyat.
        brother. Unfortunately, the elder   Egyptian Pharaohs. It is an unfor-  In the interim period between   located. It was a memorable trip   This is not a verbatim transla-
        son died of some disease and Tipu   tunate fact of history that evil intel-  the death of Haidar Ali and Tipu’s   which triggered my interest in na-  tion because most of the idiom and
        had to assume both responsibili-  ligent people have always been suc-  return to Sri Rangapatnam some   ture, travel and history as a young   statements in this ghazal have a his-
        ties. Scrolls engraved in white mar-  cessful  in  enlisting  the  support  of   disloyal cabinet members had es-  curious boy. I have written about it   torical context which has all been
        ble on the gates of KRS dam speak   honest brave men to loot the mass-  tablished contacts with the British   in my article “Travel Ban and GPS   explained in the life of Dr. Iqbal
        aloud about the Sufi nature of Tipu   es while the real intelligent people   to save themselves and their people   in Pakistan Link dated Feb 3, 2017.   and the life of Tipu Sultan and in
        Sultan. This dam was planned by   are busy managing and multiplying   in anticipation of the demise of the   When our headmaster Mr Ghulam   the commentary on the ghazal in
        Tipu Sultan  but  completed  later   this loot.             Sultanate. Notable amongst them   Mustafa asked the mausoleum tour   the third part of this article. (Con-
        by the doyen of civil engineering,   Haidar Ali loathed  the Por-  was his Muslim general Mir Sadiq   guide, who was an old man from   tinued next week)
                                               Suno Chanda: A Hit Sitcom

              n By Umar Siddiqui      cousins, Ajiya (played by Iqra Aziz)   tween Jia and Arsal, as Jia goes to her   is arranged marriage. Jia is opposed   In season 2, Shahana’s cousin,
                Northridge, CA        and Arsal  Ali (played by Farhan   when there is a problem.  Two other   to the marriage as she wants to pur-  Parveen, or Pari, cons family mem-
                                      Saeed), who are engaged at the dy-  characters are Jia and Arsal’s cousin   sue higher education in the UK and   bers into favors using her beauty and
             he feelings that stirred in-  ing request of their deceased grand-  Sherry (played by Nabeel Zuberi)   Arsal and Jia want to be friends and   wit.  Kinza’s parents  are Masooma
             side me while watching   father,  Jahangir.  The  matriarch   and their other cousin Kinza (played   cousins as opposed to life partners.   Ali (played by Tara Mahmood) and
        Tboth seasons of Pakistani    of the family, Bee Jan (played by   by Mashal Khan). Anyway, there are   The other issues in the show can be   Jalal  Khan  (played  by  Adnan  Shah
        sitcom Suno Chanda were virtu-  Samina Mumtaz), wants to enforce   multiple intriguing, distinct, and   seen as Jia’s younger brother, DJ, or   Tipu). Jalal married outside of Pe-
        ally indescribable. I was able to   the marriage and make it happen as   well-developed  characters  in  the   Danial (played by Sami Khan), uses   shawar when he married Masooma,
        understand most of the jokes, even   do Arsal’s parents and the parents   two installments of the hit sitcom.  his cell phone to make videos of se-  and this was looked down upon by
        though I was raised here in Cali-  of Ajiya, or Jia. Shahana, (played   The  sitcom  is  not  only  enter-  crets in the family and blackmails   Jalal’s elders, who did not approve of
        fornia. My favorite character is the   by Nadia Afghan), or Channo, who   taining, but it successfully tackles   his family members into paying him   Jalal marrying outside of his cultural
        one that is probably everyone’s fa-  is Arsal’s mother, is hostile to Jia in   a multitude of social and cultural   to delete the videos. This is the issue   background. This is also seen with
        vorite, Shahana.              the first season. Jia’s friend Huma at-  issues in the social climate in Paki-  of children abusing technology, even   some other characters in the show.
            The story revolves around two   tempts to always mend relations be-  stan. Its overarching issue to tackle   as it occurs in Pakistan.
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