Page 28 - Pakistan Link - October 18, 2019
P. 28

P28  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  OCTOBER 18,  2019                                                                                         PAKISTAN
        THREAT FROM P1                for the situation in Kashmir, saying,
            The Iranian leadership also said  “The position of the United Nations  life conservation,” said Kensington  saying that a small political com-  tive of Pakistan having its ideological
        they never wanted war with Saudi  on this region is governed by the  Palace on Twitter.   mittee had been formed “to get in  moorings in the Arabian Peninsula.
        Arabia. Prime Minister Imran, ac- (UN) Charter…and applicable Secu-  The Duke and Duchess of  touch” with the JUI-F chief.  Ironically, however, Ziaul Haq
        cording to Qureshi, took the same  rity Council resolutions”.  Cambridge arrived in Islamabad on   “We are a political party and we  was astute enough to steer clear of
        message to Saudi Arabia.          In view of the grave human  Monday night and were received by  are fully capable of and willing to de-  any partisan role for his country dur-
            In Riyadh, Imran, who was also  rights violations in occupied Kash- Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood  liver a political solution to political  ing the currency of Iran-Iraq War,
        accompanied by ISI DG Lt General  mir, Ambassador Lodhi said, “Paki- Qureshi and his wife Mehriene  matters,” he said, stressing the need  1980-1988. That’s a leaf Imran will be
        Faiz Hameed and other senior offi- stan fully supports the call by the  Qureshi at the  Nur Khan Airbase.  for finding political solution to con-  well advised to borrow.
        cials, met Saudi King Salman bin Ab- Office of the High Commissioner for  British High Commissioner in Paki- flicts. “Pakistan  is now  fighting  the   The bottom line is that Imran
        dulaziz and Crown Prince Moham- Human Rights to  establish a Com- stan Thomas Drew was also present  Kashmir cause at international fora  has a very tough call. Donning the
        med bin Salman.               mission of Inquiry to investigate the  on the occasion.     so a unified stance must be present-  peace-maker’s mantle is the easier
            “Pakistan’s main objective was  gross and systematic human rights   Excitement built up ahead of  ed on it.”        part  of  the  equation;  delivering  on
        to avert any conflict between the two  violations in Jammu and Kashmir”.  their arrival, with ‘#RoyalVisitPaki-  Qureshi referred to the PTI’s  the challenge thrown into his lap will
        countries,” Qureshi said, adding that   “On its part, Pakistan will re- stan’ trending on Twitter and tele- own sit-in in the federal capital in  demand statesmanship skills that he
        he could say with confidence that the  main fully engaged with the High  vision stations airing footage from  2014 and said that such moves rare-  doesn’t have by training but, hope-
        “threat of an immediate conflict” be- Commissioner in a constructive way  historic royal visits, including one by  ly meet with success. “If someone  fully, will learn in the course of the
        tween Saudi Arabia and Iran was now  both here at New York and in Ge- Prince William’s grandmother Queen  thinks that governments can be sent  exercise undertaken by him.
        fading away.                  neva.”                        Elizabeth in 1961.            packing with sit-ins, they are wrong.   It’s only an understatement that
            The two countries, he went on to                            Some rickshaw drivers in Lahore  We have a 126-day experience of  Imran will be walking on eggshells
        say, agreed to pursue diplomatic op-  ABANDON FROM P1       and Rawalpindi, a garrison city next  this. We are not novices,” he said.  as ‘facilitator’ in a feud so dee-rooted
        tions to resolve their differences. The  Shahid Mohyiddin Qadri, secretary   to Islamabad, painted their vehicles   “It is not that we fear them [the  and of such gargantuan proportions.
        mode of dialogue was being finalized,  Civil Defense and state Disaster   with the Pakistani and British flags.  JUI-F march participants], I must  He will have to move gingerly at ev-
        he added.                     Management Authority, the latest   The five-day visit, which will end  stress on that,” he added. He urged  ery step of the way. There are trap
            According  to  officials  familiar  ceasefire violations have pushed the   on October 18, has been organized at  Fazl to come to the negotiating table,  doors  aplenty  to  test  his  ‘freshman’
        with the development, Pakistan sug- civilian death toll in the current year  the request of the United Kingdom’s  assuring that “we are ready to listen  skills of a statesman.
        gested direct talks between the Saudi  to 47.               (UK) Foreign and Commonwealth  to it [JUI-F’s concerns] and if a rea-  But if he can pull it off and pro-
        and Iranian authorities. The prime   Apart  from  them,  another  236  Office.            sonable solution emerges, we will ac-  duce a rabbit from his hat the next
        minister even proposed Islamabad as  civilians sustained injuries in the on-  According  to  a  handout  from  cord that a priority”.  Nobel Peace Prize will have Imran’s
        the venue for such talks, the officials  going year, he said.  Kensington Palace, the British royal   Fazl rejects talks: The JUI-F  name written all over it. - K_K_gho-
        added.                            Qadri said some 50 houses had  couple will visit Islamabad, Lahore,  chief  has  categorically  rejected  any
            The ISI DG, who in the last  also been destroyed and 369 houses  Gilgit-Baltistan and rugged border  possibility of holding a dialogue with   (The author is a former ambas-
        week of September quietly visited  and nine shops partially damaged  regions to the west. The visit will span  the government until the resignation  sador and career diplomat)
        Iran and Saudi Arabia, is believed to  due to Indian shelling.  over 1,000 kilometers, and will take  of Prime Minister Imran Khan.
        have played a major role in laying the   Aside from the above, 11 cattle  place in Pakistan’s rich culture, its di-  Addressing a news conference   LOCKDOWN FROM P7
        ground for de-escalation in the Mid- sheds, four schools, two health facili- verse communities, and its beautiful  along with Pashtunkhwa Milli Awa-  the preferred policy option of Kash-
        dle  East.  Officials  said he  would be  ties, one mosque and 12 vehicles also  landscapes, the handout said.  mi Party (PkMAP) chief Mehmood  miris in IOK with the options stated
        the focal person for future contacts  suffered partial damages.                           Khan Achakzai in the federal capital,  in UN resolutions should become a
        between Saudi Arabia and Iran.                              TROOPS FROM P1                Fazl said the ruling party’s tactics to  policy priority. This would entail a se-
                                      DUKE FROM P1                  Kashmir border.               thwart the opposition’s anti-govern-  rious study of the text of Article 257
        PLIGHT FROM P1                ensemble for the formal receptions.  In neighboring India, Lt. Col.  ment movement had failed and there  of the Pakistan constitution that has
            for over two months now, with   The  royal  couple  was accom- Devender Anand, an army spokes-  would be no talks before the prime  the potential to reconcile the Azadi
        food and medical supplies running  panied by Thomas Drew, the Brit- man, said Pakistan fired at two dozen  minister’s resignation.  and Pakistan options, especially after
        short, a situation made worse by the  ish High Commissioner to Pakistan;  Indian army posts along the highly   “If any state institution tries to  Modi’s revocation of Article 370 and
        absence of any transport.     Simon Case, the Principal Private  militarized Poonch sector Mon-  create hurdles in the people’s way  Article 35-A of the Indian constitu-
            Thousands of people, especial  Secretary to the Duke; and Christian  day and Tuesday. He said Pakistani  then it would be assumed that the  tion  which  aims  at  facilitating  the
        young ones, have been arrested and  Jones, the Communications Sec- troops used mortar and machine-  institution is not being used for the  “re-engineering” of the communal
        transported  to  cities  in  India.  Also,  retary to the Duke and Duchess of  guns.      state but for someone else,” he added.  composition of the population of the
        under detention are leaders of main  Cambridge.                 Also  Wednesday, Indian police   The  JUI-F  chief  also  warned  valley. Such ‘facilitation’, as well as
        political parties.                The president commended the  officer Parvaiz Ahmed said Indian  against the imposition of martial law  other measures against the Kashmiri
            Thanking High Commissioner  visiting dignitaries for their endeav- security forces killed three militants  in the country. “Let me be very clear.  population, fall within the definition
        Bachelet for drawing attention to the  ors to raise awareness about mental  in an exchange of gunfire in southern  If an institution tries to impose mar-  of genocide according to the Geno-
        growing  rights  abuses,  Ambassador  health,  climate  change,  and  poverty  Kashmir  after  receiving  intelligence  tial law, we will turn the direction of  cide Convention.
        Lodhi said, “Today nowhere is this  alleviation, said a press release by the  that a group of militants was hiding  the ‘Azadi march’ towards it,” he said.   The Kashmiri resistance should
        grim reality more stark and chilling  president’s secretariat.  in the Bijbehara town.                                  be  encouraged  and  enabled  to  es-
        than in Indian Occupied Jammu and   The Duke of Cambridge thanked   Police also said gunmen fatally  BRIDGE FROM P4     chew violence as far as possible. This
        Kashmir.”                     the president for the warm welcome  shot one brick kiln worker and one  The Shiias of Pakistan have seen  will not be easy because of Indian
            She also welcomed the high  and hospitality extended to him and  apple trader from the Indian states  themselves empowered and embold-  atrocities under the cover of dark-
        commissioner’s statement at the re- his entourage. The royal couple ap- of Chhattisgarh and Punjab states  ened by a Shiia-clergy-led Iran next  ness,  lockdowns  and  information
        cent session of the Human Rights  preciated the initiatives undertaken  on  Wednesday  in  Indian-controlled  door.  Their  new-found  empower-  blackouts.  The  Kashmiri  freedom
        Council  in  Geneva  in  which  Ms  by Pakistan’s government to combat  Kashmir.          ment has made them vocal and de-  struggle will need to be sustained
        Bachelet expressed deep concern  climate change and to alleviate pov-  Another trader from Punjab  manding, something abhorred by  through all legitimate means to mini-
        over “the impact of recent actions by  erty, added the statement.  state was critically wounded after  the  Wahabis  who  thought  they  had  mize and eliminate credible accusa-
        the Government of India on the hu-  Earlier in the day, the couple  gunmen sprayed bullets in the south-  a lock on Pakistan, especially since  tions of “terrorism.”
        man rights of Kashmiris, including  kicked off their engagements on the  ern Shopian area, a police officer said.  their  role  in  the  successful  Afghan   The Kashmiri political parties
        restrictions on internet communica- second day of their five-day trip to   The police officer blamed mili-  Jihad against the Russian invaders of  in IOK which oppose Modi’s policies
        tions and peaceful assembly, and the  Pakistan with a visit to the Islamabad  tants fighting against Indian rule for  their land.  need to come together on a common
        detention of local political leaders  Model  College  for  Girls,  University  the killings. He spoke on condition   As such, Imran Khan will have  platform. The feasibility of a ‘gov-
        and activists”.               Colony on Tuesday morning, where  of anonymity because he was not au-  to factor in all these pieces of the  ernment in exile’ including repre-
            “The  high  commissioner  was  they interacted with the staff and stu- thorized to speak with reporters.  jigsaw puzzle into his mediation or,  sentatives of the opposition parties
        right in stressing that it was impor- dents and visited classrooms.  Kashmir’s largest indigenous  what he may prefer to call, facilita-  of IOK needs to be considered. The
        tant that ‘the people of Kashmir are   The Duke and Duchess of Cam- rebel group, Hizbul Mujahideen, had  tion to patch up the plethora of dif-  Kashmir cause must largely be advo-
        consulted and engaged in any deci- bridge, who are strong advocates  warned that it would target Indians  ferences between Riyadh and Tehran.  cated through authentic and credible
        sion-making processes that have an  of girls’ education, were greeted by  visiting Kashmir if New Delhi re-  Imran may be ideally suited to  Kashmiri voices. These voices must
        impact on their future’,” the Pakistani  teachers and children on their arrival  voked Kashmir’s special status.  play this role, but Pakistan has a lot  pass the ‘fact check’ tests about con-
        envoy said.                   at the school.                    Indian-administered Kashmir  of baggage of history to keep forever  ditions in IOK in order to retain their
            “Madam Bachelet is not alone   Clips shared by British media  has experienced unrest and sporadic  in perspective while their ‘facilitator  international  credibility.  They  have
        in expressing concern over the dire  show one of the schoolgirls telling  anti-government protests since New  PM’ goes through the paces of his ar-  to be professionally competent.
        situation  in  occupied  Kashmir,”  William that “they were fans” of his  Delhi revoked its special status in  duous mission.  Such initiatives, in the event of
        Ambassador Lodhi said, citing UN  mother,  Diana,  Princess  of  Wales.  August. - AP         History  binds  Pakistan more  increasing Indian atrocities in IOK
        Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’  “That’s very sweet of you. I was a big               closely to Iran than it does to Saudi  and diversionary belligerence against
        Aug. 8 statement, UN special rap- fan of my mother too,” he replied    REJECTS FROM P1    Arabia. Our cultural, linguistic, tra-  Pakistan,  should enable  Pakistan to
        porteurs in their joint press release of  with a smile.      have announced their support for the  ditional heritage is tied firmly to  argue more persuasively to the in-
        22 August, as well as civil society and   After  their  visit  to  the  school,  march.   Iran; the only other country that can  ternational community that unless
        human rights organizations and the  they arrived at Trail 5, Margalla Hills   The prime minister discussed the  claim the same status is arch-enemy  it presses India to change course no
        international media which have re- to attend an event on environmental  issue with top party leaders, saying  India. This is not to mention that  Pakistani government or institu-
        peatedly expressed serious concerns  protection. Strict security arrange- that the government would listen to  Pakistan also shares a thousand-mile  tion will be able to prevent the slide
        about the continuing cruel lockdown  ments were made prior to their ar- the legitimate concerns of the JUI-F  long and, in the obtaining ground  towards a war that ‘no one can win’.
        and curfew in Indian Occupied  rival.                       chief. “In the wake of the challenges  reality, highly sensitive land border  This alternate view insists that only
        Kashmir, where all liberties have   “In the Margalla Hills, which  – economic and Kashmir situation –  with Iran.       through  such credibly assertive di-
        been taken away from the Kashmiri  sit  in  the  foothills  of  the  Himala- the country could ill-afford any inter-  However, over the past forty-  plomacy,  including  reinforcing  po-
        people and human rights violations  yas, the Duke and Duchess of Cam- nal strife,” he said.  odd years our ruling elite has as-  litical initiatives and military deploy-
        continue  with impunity and where  bridge joined children from four lo-  Addressing  a press  conference  siduously tried to foster a narrative  ments, will it be possible to check
        tales of torture abound.      cal schools, taking part in activities  later, Foreign Minister Shah Mah- of Pakistan’s ideological and faith  Modi’s  path towards genocide  and
            In his Aug. 8 statement, the sec- designed to educate young people on  mood Qureshi confirmed the govern- identity with KSA. The Ziaul Haq era  war.
        retary-general expressed his concern  environmental protection and wild- ment’s  decision  to  engage  with  Fazl,  is credited with inventing this narra-
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