Page 25 - Pakistan Link - October 18, 2019
P. 25
Standing Together for Peace, Justice and Tolerance Gems from the
Holy Qur’an
n By Dr Muzammil H. Siddiqi From the translation by
Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss)
urely Allah enjoins justice,
kindness and doing of good,
Sto kith and kin, and forbids
all that is shameful, evil and op-
pressive. He exhorts you so that
you may be mindful. (Al-Nahl
O you who believe! Uphold
justice, bearing wit-
ness to Allah, even
if it is against your-
selves, your parents,
or your close rela-
tives. Whether the
person is rich or
poor; Allah can best
take care of both. Refrain from fol-
lowing your own desire, so that you
can act justly - if you distort or ne- About the translator:
glect justice, Allah is fully aware of Muhammad Asad, Leopold
what you do. (Al-Nisa’ 4:134) Weiss, was born of Jewish parents
The world in which we live in Livow, Austria (later Poland) in
today is rightly called a “global vil- 1900, and at the age of 22 made
lage”. The modern means of trans- his first visit to the Middle East.
portation and communication He later became an outstand-
have narrowed the distances and ing foreign correspondent for the
brought together people of diverse Franfurter Zeitung, and after his
faiths, cultures and colors. Modern conversion to Islam travelled and
political and economic conditions worked throughout the Muslim
have moved millions of people of world, from North Africa to as far
different faiths and cultures to work color or nationality (al-Rum 30:22 Religions share many common val- Injil as divine books. There are east as Afghanistan, India and Pak-
and live side by side. Whatever and the Last Sermon of the Prophet ues. Judaism, Christianity and Is- many similarities between Islamic istan. After years of devoted study
may be our background, we are all –peace be upon him). lam, in particular, have many things law (Shari’ah) and the Jewish Law he became one of the leading Mus-
neighbors now and we should treat 5. Allah commands justice (Halakha). With Christianity, there lim scholars of our age. His trans-
each other as neighbors. It is the and fair dealing with all people. Jus- are also many similarities. Islam ac- lation of the Holy Qur’an is one of
duty of religious people of all faiths tice is the foundation of a good soci- The world in cepts Jesus as a great prophet, rec- the most lucid and well-referenced
to provide the moral vision for the ety. Justice is the balance of God on ognizes his virgin birth, highly re- works in this category, dedicated
inhabitants of this global village. this earth. Justice must be done to all which we live spects his mother Mary, accepts his to “li-qawmin yatafakkaroon” (For
We must learn to live with all our even to those who show animosity. miracles, accept that he was given a people who think).
neighbors practicing justice, peace (al-Ma’idah 5:8). today is rightly gospel; ascended to heaven; he was Chapter 3,Verses 35 to 37
and tolerance. 6. All human beings have the Messiah; and he will come back When a woman of the house
1. Islam emphasizes that we certain inalienable rights. These are called a “global before the end of the world. There of Imran prayed: “O my Sustainer!
are created by Allah and the ori- rights given by Allah for the benefit are many moral and ethical teach- Behold, unto Thee do I vow [the
gin of all human beings is from the of all people. Those who believe in village”. The ings of Jesus that are common be- child] that is in my womb, to be
same parents. Allah created all of Allah must establish these rights for tween Islam and Christianity. We devoted to Thy service. Accept it,
us from the one and same pair of a all humanity. The basic rights are modern means do have our differences but there then, from me: verily, Thou alone
male and a female (al-Nisa’ 4:1). five: 1. Right of Life, 2. Right of Fam- are many things in common. Is- art all-hearing, all-knowing!” But
2. All human beings are hon- ily, 3. Right of Property, 4. Right of of transportation lam also recognizes the diversity of when she had given birth to the
ored by Allah (Bani Isra’il 17:70) Dignity, 5. Right of Religion views among human beings, their child, she said: “O my Sustainer!
3. Human beings are diverse There are many religions, and groups and communities. If Al- Behold, I have given birth to a fe-
in their colors, races and speak sects and denominations in the lah had so willed, says the Qur’an, male” – the while God had been
different languages. The variet- world today. Among them are simi- communication He would have forced people to fully aware of what she would give
ies among human beings are not a larities and differences. The exis- be guided, but He allowed them to birth to, and [fully aware] that no
curse but a sign of divine creative tence of so many religious views is a have narrowed use their own free will to choose male child [she might have hoped
power and blessing. The diversity proof that we human beings are re- the right path (al-Ma’idah 5:48; al- for] could ever have been like this
should be respected (al-Hujurat ligious by nature (al-fitrah) (30:30). the distances and An’am 6:107; Yunus 10:99 etc.) Is- female – “and I have named her
49:13). Islam teaches that Allah chose many lam teaches Muslims to respect the Mary. And, verily, I seek Thy pro-
4. All human beings are prophets and messengers from brought together people of all religions and to have tection for her and her offspring
equal, regardless of their races, col- among the human beings at differ- good relations with all people. One against Satan, the accursed.” And
ors or languages. There is no su- ent times and in different places. people should not bear false testimony so her Sustainer accepted her with
periority of any race or color over The messages of all prophets of Al- against other people. This means goodly acceptance, and caused her
another. No one is better than other lah were identical as far as the fun- that one should not misrepresent to grow up in goodly growth, and
because of his/her gender, race, damental beliefs were concerned. in common. Jews and Christians other people’s faith and religious placed her in the care of Zachariah.
are “People of the views. The religious discourse and Whenever Zachariah visited her in
Book” according to dialogue must be respectful and in the sanctuary, he found her pro-
the Qur’an. We have the best possible manner (al-An’am vided with food. He would ask: “O
one and the same 6:108; al-Nahl 16:125; al-‘Ankabut Mary, whence came this unto thee?
God. The names 29:46). She would answer: “It is from God;
Allah, Elohim and It is imperative that we behold, God grants sustenance
Eloh come from the all live as good neighbors in this unto whom He wills, beyond all
same Semitic root shrinking world of diverse faiths reckoning.”
and mean God. We and cultures. This can only hap- Chapter 3,Verses 42 - 43
have many com- pen if we recognize the rights of And lo! The angels said, “O
mon prophets and others and treat each person and Mary! Behold, God has elected thee
common stories of group with honor and respect. All and made thee pure, and raised thee
the prophets: Noah, our religious traditions teach love above all the women of the world.
Abraham, Isaac, and respect of others. Love of God O Mary! Remain thou truly devout
Jacob, Lot, Moses, and love of the neighbor, do to oth- unto thy Sustainer, and prostrate
David, Solomon, ers what you would like others do thyself in worship, and bow down
Jonah, Job and to you, love for your brother what with those who bow down [before
others –peace be you love for yourself etc. are our Him].
upon them all, are common teachings. These should Chapter 3,Verses 59 to 60
mentioned in the not be just slogans, but they should Verily in the sight of God, the
Qur’an. Prophets be put to practice on all levels. We nature of Jesus is as the nature of
Moses and Jesus are should not only talk about them, Adam, whom He created out of
mentioned many but should also apply them in our dust and then said unto him, “Be”
times in the Qur’an. social, economic, political policies – and he is. [This is] the truth from
Islam recognizes and in our national and interna- thy Sustainer; be not then among
the Torah, Zabur, tional relations. the doubters!