Page 22 - Pakistan Link - October 18, 2019
P. 22

P22  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  OCTOBER 18,  2019                                                                                 COMMENTARY
                               India’s Muslims ‘Living in Fear’ of Being Branded

              n By Sanjay Kumar
                  New Delhi                                                                                                     in rural areas are closed. It’s an un-
                                                                                                                                precedented situation. Muslims are
                                                                                                                                more worried after minister Shah’s
            abina Bibi and her three-                                                                                           statement  on Tuesday  in Kolkata
            year-old daughter queued for                                                                                        where he openly assured Hindus
        Smore than 12 hours without                                                                                             that the government would take
        food just to get a spelling correct-                                                                                    care of them.”
        ed in her ration card.                                                                                                      BJP spokesperson in West
            The  33-year-old  daily  wage                                                                                       Bengal, Sayantan Basu, said: “The
        worker joined hundreds of men                                                                                           BJP is going to bring NRC not only
        and women with similar concerns                                                                                         in West Bengal but all over India.
        standing in line outside the govern-                                                                                    But the NRC will only be intro-
        ment Block Development Office in                                                                                        duced in West Bengal after the pas-
        Basudevpur, in the Murshidabad                                                                                          sage of the citizenship amendment
        district of West Bengal.                                                                                                bill in Parliament.
            For Muslims in the eastern In-                                                                                          “Through this amendment we
        dian  state,  which borders  Bangla-                                                                                    want to ensure citizenship to pros-
        desh, these are nervy times.                                                                                            ecuted Hindu and other minorities
            Panic has swept through the                                                                                         who have come from Bangladesh,
        Muslim community, which makes                                                                                           Pakistan and Afghanistan,” he told
        up 34 percent of the West Bengal                                                                                        Arab News.
        population, following last month’s                                                                                          “Muslims who are genuine citi-
        announcement by the Indian Min-                                                                                         zens of India do not need to panic.
        ister of Home Affairs Amit Shah                                                                                         No country would like to give shel-
        that the National Register of Citi-                                                                                     ter to illegal immigrants. Would
        zens (NRC) would be implemented                                                                                         you expect the US to give you citi-
        throughout the country.  The  NRC                                                                                       zenship if you enter the country il-
        is designed to identify genuine citi-  to be declared Indian citizens, but   It’s a question of our existence and I   threat. Prof. Abdul Matin of Jadav-  legally?”
        zens of India while declaring anyone   no such reassurance has been made   did not mind standing in the queue   pur University, who runs an NGO   Matin said: “There is a deep
        without valid papers as stateless.  to the millions of Muslims living in   to get my name and my husband’s   in the district, said at least 16 people   sense of panic in all the Muslim-
            In the northeastern state of As-  the country.          corrected,” she told Arab News.  had died in the last month in NRC-  dominated districts of Bengal. The
        sam, where the checks were recently   And fears are particularly   Saira Bano, 21, from Sherganj   related cases.       fear is all the more pronounced after
        applied, more than 1.9 million peo-  heightened in West Bengal which   village also in the Murshidabad   “Three people committed sui-  Shah’s open declaration that Mus-
        ple of all faiths were branded state-  the BJP is hoping to capture in the   district, spent more than 10 hours   cide because of the tension, at least   lims would not be included in the
        less because their names did not ap-  next assembly elections. Muslims   waiting to get her 65-year-old fa-  four people died due to heat expo-  citizenship amendment bill.
        pear on the official citizenship list.   there are worried that by introduc-  ther’s misspelt  name  corrected  in   sure while standing outside gov-  “Muslims  are  worried  from
        Half of them were thought to be   ing the NRC, the BJP might try to   his ration card, an important gov-  ernment offices, and three people   where they will get their legacy cer-
        Hindus.                       disenfranchise the sizable Muslim   ernment document.       suffered a heart attack because they   tificate. People are not so particular
            However,   India’s  ruling  population.                     “It’s not a normal time now. We   could not sort out their documents,”   about maintaining documents. They
        Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has as-  “Ever since the BJP said it was   cannot afford to ignore even a silly   added Matin.  think that the way people in Assam
        sured Hindus and other non-Mus-  going to introduce the NRC in West   mistake in the official document.   Subrata  Chakraborty,  a  jour-  had to present their forefather’s data
        lim  communities  that  they  will  be   Bengal, Muslims in the state have   Our identity is in question. We have   nalist based in the Murshidabad   will be the same in Bengal.
        given citizenship status following   been living in fear. They don’t want   a government in Delhi which looks   district, said: “Life in rural Bengal   “Rabble-rousing speeches by
        proposed  changes  to  the  country’s   to take any chances,” said Bibi.  at India from the prism of Hindu   has come to a standstill with people   BJP leaders are further pushing the
        Citizenship Act 1955.             “My husband, who works as   and  Muslims,  and  Muslims  are   preoccupied in procuring papers   minority community into panic
            The BJP government plans to   a construction worker in Kerala (a   treated as others,” she said.  and streamlining their official doc-  mode.  Muslims  feel  they  are  un-
        introduce a citizenship amendment   state  on  India’s  southern Malabar   In the North 24 Parganas dis-  uments.       wanted in BJP’s India,” the political
        bill in the next session of Parlia-  Coast), told me that I should get the   trict of West Bengal there have been   “Hardly any economic activity   scientist added. – Arab News
        ment to allow for stateless Hindus   names in our ration cards corrected.   reports of suicides over the NRC   is taking place in the area. Shops
                                                           The Chief and the Tycoons

             n By Khurram Husain                                                                                subsidies back in Janu-  made on the spur of the moment during the
               Karachi, Pakistan                                                                                ary.            meeting with whatever business delegation
                                                                                                                   But then, Asad   the prime minister happened to be sitting
             he first thing to note about the                                                                   Umar was replaced by   with, would not carry out the instructions.
             meeting last week between a                                                                        Hafeez Shaikh, who is   The anxiety of the business community
        Tdelegation of leading business-                                                                        not from among Imran   that had been building up for almost a year
        men and the army chief is the fact that                                                                 Khan’s men and all that   now, poured out into the national conversa-
        it happened at all. What we don’t know                                                                  ended. Now they had   tion, where it turned into national anxiety.
        is whether the delegates were asked to                                                                  to go to Shaikh with   This had political implications, and many
        come for the meeting or whether they                                                                    their grievances, and   others whose interests were being hurt by the
        asked for it. Wherever the initiative may                                                               upon not being satis-  turn the national conversation had taken were
        have come from, the results amount to                                                                   fied, they went to Im-  getting ready to come forward themselves.
        the same thing.                                                                                         ran Khan directly.  That’s when the meeting hap-
            The delegates were given a very clear                                                                  Khan is now   pened between the army chief and
        message. Pakistan is on the road to stabili-                                                            famous  for  being  the business delegation. The chief’s
        zation, particularly economic stabilization.                                                            vulnerable to the last   message  was simple: the adjustment
        There is no question of deviating from this                                                             argument left in his   is here to stay, be patient. The busi-
        path. Everybody must bear the burden that                                                               ears. The businessmen   nessmen shared a few of their specific
        the path brings. Within the constraints im-                                                             had little trouble get-  complaints regarding how tax refunds
        posed by this stabilization, matters can be dis-                                                        ting him to agree to   are  processed,  for  example,  or  how
        cussed and, where possible, some corrective                                                             what they were asking   the bonds issued against outstanding
        steps can be taken.                                                                                     for, but after leaving,   tax refunds lack a secondary market.
            This message frames the discussion.                                                                 they would learn that   Some wanted the return of gas price
        For more than one year now, Pakistan has   time, the exchange rate is depreciated to more   business community, as well as eroding   Shaikh had changed his mind all over again.   subsidies promised to Punjab millers
        been on a policy course described in the text-  accurately reflect the true value of the rupee   people’s standard of living and promoting   This continued for a while, and then one by   last year. Others wanted procedures
        books as ‘macroeconomic stabilization’. This   against the dollar given our inflation and   unemployment, as production lines are scaled   one, these businessmen began appearing on   in land acquisition to be streamlined
        means that the deficits that have grown in the   foreign-exchange levels. And then a massive   down amid collapsing demand. The business   the TV screens, in various shows; as anxiety   to facilitate the construction indus-
        economy — particularly fiscal and external   effort is launched to raise revenues and cut   community has been feeling this anxiety in a   mounted, production lines ground to a halt in   try. All of them wanted NAB off their
        — have to be narrowed before anything else.   spending, so the fiscal deficit can be narrowed.  rising arc for almost a year now. Delegations   some cases.  back.
        This is not the first stabilization drive that the   This is a familiar story by now. What   have been visiting Asad Umar, Imran Khan,   Almost all of them conveyed the same   They were told, in return, that
        country has been on. Since 1988, we have seen   our experience has taught us is that business   Razzak Dawood and Shabbar Zaidi since   message in their appearances that began in   within the confines of the adjustment,
        this happen more than a dozen times.  and industry feel the brunt of this set of policy   they came to office. For a while, they were able   September and picked up pace all month:   whatever was possible would be pur-
            The deficits are bridged through a fa-  actions as the cost of borrowing rises, the cost   to get certain, specific ‘incentive packages.’  ‘The government listens to us, the prime min-  sued. But they were also told to please
        miliar set of policy actions. Interest rates are   of imported inputs skyrockets, demand for   These entities included drug compa-  ister agrees with us when we meet with him.   keep their voice down. Which is why
        raised to make the cost of borrowing higher.   their products drops and the tax authorities   nies, as well as auto makers — who obtained   The problem is in the implementation.’  you don’t see them on air very much
        Think of interest rates as the ‘cost of money’,   show up with renewed vigor as documenta-  some revisions in the conditions that prohib-  What these words sought to convey   anymore, and when you do, their mes-
        and you’ll realize what they are doing is basi-  tion requirements are increased along with   ited non-filers from purchasing cars. Stock-  was that the prime minister himself was not   sage has shifted completely, usually
        cally raising the cost of money to arrest the   tax rates.  brokers and Punjab-based textile tycoons got   difficult to convince, but the man charged   towards NAB, since that is an issue
        erosion in value of the rupee. At the same   Doubtless all this fuels anxiety in the   some targeted relief through tax or gas price   with implementing his decisions, purportedly   neutral to the ongoing adjustment.
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