Page 19 - Pakistan Link - October 18, 2019
P. 19
Residents of Massachusetts Join Other States to Rally
for Kashmir in Front of the UN Building
n By Tahir Ali everyone on the bus was high. Sand- UN building, there were some Modi crowd, “To me staying here among thanked everyone for their partici-
Photos by Rizwan Shaikh, Majid wiches, and various snacks were dis- supporters as well, but they were the crowd is more rewarding. I want pation. Rashid and Naseema Khan
Ali, M. Aslam and Rashid Ali tributed among the passengers while kept far away from the UN building. my boots on the ground where it rightly got an applause for making
others kept the trip lively educating There were many people in the matters most.” this bus trip happen. Dr. Riaz Khan
New York City: When six concerned the group on the valley of Kashmir, protest rally addressing the crowd Rizwan Shaikh and Rashid Ali recited Qur’an and prayed for Kash-
American-Kashmiris visited Con- its history and the people of Kash- from a makeshift stage. A represen- who took a lot of photos in the Bus mir and the Kashmiris.
gressman McGovern on September mir. A few patriotic songs were sung tative from Presidential candidate and in the rally were also there when The following message from an
3, 2019 to talk about the Human in Urdu and some emotionally in Senator Bernie Sanders read the Sen- Aleema Khan was talking to the me- accompanying fellow American-
rights violation in Kashmir - it led Kashmiri language. Everyone felt ator’s message supporting the Kash- dia. Rashid Ali also met with one Kashmiri sums it all: “My heartfelt
to a letter sent to US Secretary Mi- the Kashmiris’ pain as they spoke of miris and condemning the occupa- of the IK Cabinet Minister (seen in thanks on behalf of all Kashmiris
chael Pompeo just a week later, by their land and the atrocities carried tion and human rights violations photo). for everyone’s active participation in
Congressman McGovern and Con- out by the Indian Army, especially and asked Modi to get out of Kash- Dr. Khalid Sadozai, Trustee Is- NYC UNGA rally. It was a watershed
gresswoman Jayapal, stating, “We with the internet access blocked mir. The crowd was cheering loudly lamic Society of Greater Worcester movement of expression of solidarity
write to raise significant concerns and long hours curfew that meant making the best use of their lungs. (ISGW) was busy chanting and was with caged and disenfranchised peo-
about the ongoing humanitarian and virtually house arrest. Each Ameri- Some Muslims also had access to one of the chant leaders who with the ple of Kashmir, who are not asking
human rights crisis in Jammu and can Kashmiri categorically thanked the UN assembly General Session, help of a bull horn was able to reach much more than their right of self-
Kashmir...”. The voice of the Amer- everyone for coming out to fight for for instance Amir Sharif, Dr. Riffat out deep into the crowd. He along determination. Most importantly,
ican-Kashmiri’s was very loud and their cause. Sharif and family. Explaining how with another woman was shouting it was a very emphatic statement of
clear. Other Officials joined in and On the way to NYC some slo- he felt to be there, “Part of history,” slogans so loud that I wouldn’t be protest against the Fascist Face of
demanded the required action for gans were thought of and chanted. was his knee-jerk reply. “When Im- surprised if they are wondering why India its Avatar of Narendar Modi...”
UN and international intervention. Rashid Shaikh took on the micro- ran Khan spoke I had goose bumps they lost their voice at the end of the Meanwhile, on the follow-
Then on September 27, 2019, a phone and raised slogans that were on my goose bumps, he was just day. Amjad Bhatti, the President of ing Sunday the youth group led by
huge protest rally in front of the UN repeated by all: “Awaaz do Hum Eik marvelous. He made me feel proud ISGW, proved equally energetic. Shazad Sadozai and Abdullah Kazi
building took place while the world HaiN”, “Humen kya Chaate - AZAA- to be a Pakistani. He made all of us Taufique Maher, Haseeb, his invited Professor Junaid to ISGW.
leaders, including PMs’ Imran Khan DI”, “Le ke RaheNge - AZAADI”, proud today. He got many standing father Rahman, Sarwar and Furqan Dr. Junaid hailing from Kashmir
and Narendra Modi spoke at the UN “Scheen ke LeNge - AZAADI” - and ovations.” Amir said excitedly and of Worcester Islamic Center (WIC) presented history of Kashmir and
General Assembly session. Tens of thus all the way to the rally emotions added, “during Imran Khans’ speech decided to carpool. Taufique and explained the UN article 370. The
thousands concerned Muslims from were high, Passion was high, morale the Indians sitting there had long others were quite satisfied as they fe- presentation was very informative
many States near and far ascended in was high and the voice of one was a faces with their jaws dropped.” rociously whipped Modi’s effigy with and rich in detail.
front of the UN building. Some came voice of all. I had a chance to talk to some their shoes. The awareness level of what is
by bus, some by car and some NY We got off the bus a few blocks media and also to Malik Abid, the On the way back to Massachu- happening in the valley of Kashmir
residents (like Uzma Ali) on shanks’ away from the UN building and Ambassador to UN. It was because setts we all felt a sense of accomplish- has been increased to a higher level
mare. marched holding banners, waving of his efforts that the rally was tak- ment, especially since we walked the of understanding. The American
Rashid Shaikh and Naseema Kashmir and Pakistan flags, carrying ing place, “I pulled the permit for walk. The speech that was delivered people and the people of the rest of
Khan motivated the Boston and various posters and wearing custom- this huge rally.” he told Qaseem by PM Imran Khan at the UN Gen- the world are just finding out the sad
Worcester Community to join in the ized printed shirts courtesy of Mian Choudry, Saqib Zulfiqar, Majid Ali eral Assembly was broadcast on the truth behind the RSS curtain.
Bus. The huge responsibility was tak- Meher Ashiq saying: ‘End the Occu- and myself (Shaheen XI cricketers); BUS speakers. The speech was very A Congressional briefing on
en on by Rashid Shaikh as he charted pation - Free Kashmir’. Qaseem found the UN Ambassador well received as it reflected the true Kashmir will take place on Tuesday
the bus and sent emails to the com- As we came toward the UN to be a down to earth person. sentiments of not only the Kashmiris 1/8/2019 in DC.
munity at large. building we met with thousands Rashid Shaikh met with Imran and Pakistani, but Muslims the Similarly, a meeting upon the
The bus left around 6:30 AM of protesters already in action and Khan’s sister Aleema Khan. Shaikh is world over. request of the Kashmiri delegation
from the Worcester Islamic Center. chanting away. seen in the picture while she is being Rashid Shaikh reminded the has been sought with Presidential
The three-hour ride was very edu- The Muslims and Sikhs were interviewed. Rashid Shaikh found group that this was a real success- candidate; Senator Elizabeth War-
cational. The passion and spirits of kept together and much closer to the satisfaction in the company of the ful rally, “and we were part of it.” He ren.