Page 15 - Pakistan Link - October 18, 2019
P. 15

PAKISTAN                                                                                                      OCTOBER 18,  2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P15
              Pakistan Must Prevent Militants from                                                Six New Laws to Be Promulgated

                          Operating on Its Soil: US                                                through Presidential Ordinance

                                                                    mand since July, a move previously
                                                                    welcomed by US President Donald
                                                                    Trump who wants Pakistan to do
                                                                    more to crack down on militancy.
                                                                        The recent arrests come ahead
                                                                    of a meeting next week of the Fi-
                                                                    nancial Action Task Force (FATF), a
                                                                    global watchdog, which will review
                                                                    progress made by Pakistan on con-
                                                                    trolling terror financing and money
                                                                        Pakistan, included on a grey list
                                                                    compiled by the FATF, has been un-
                                                                    der increasing pressure to stop the
                                                                    financing of militant groups.
                                                                        The recently released final Mu-
                                                                    tual Evaluation Report of the Asia
                                                                    Pacific Group (APG) says Pakistan
         Alice Wells says US welcomes arrest of four LeT leaders, wants them and Hafiz Saeed to face   faces high risks of money launder-
         prosecution. PHOTO: FILE
                                                                    ing and terror financing and it needs   Ministry of Law and Justice PHOTO: FILE
                                                                    to improve the  understanding of
        Washington,  DC: The United   them and LeT leader Hafiz Saeed to   these risks that are also emanating
        States has appreciated Pakistan’s ef-  face prosecution for their “vicious   from various terrorist groups oper-  Islamabad:  Yet  another concern   task force regarding legal reforms,
        forts to curb militancy but remind-  attacks”.              ating in the country.         has arisen over bypassing the parlia-  which was to recommend laws to
        ed Islamabad that it must do more   Wells added that Prime Minis-  The APG on Money Launder-  ment for new law-making after the   mitigate miseries of people.
        to prevent militants from operating   ter Imran Khan has vowed to pursue   ing released its report 10 days before   government decided to bring about   The summary stated that four
        within its borders.           action against all militant groups   the Financial Action Task Force’s   a presidential ordinance for six new   new  law  bills  had  been  introduced
            The statement from Alice   and  that “Pakistan,  for  its  own fu-  plenary meeting, which is going to   laws.      in the National Assembly. All these
        Wells, the acting assistant secretary   ture, must prevent militant groups   give its decision on Pakistan’s status   The Ministry of Law has sent a   four bills have been pending in the
        of the US State Department’s Bureau   from operating on its soil.”  on its grey list.     summary to the federal cabinet for   Standing Committee for Law and
        of South and Central Asian Affairs,   The reminder from Washing-  After the APG report, chances   the approval of six new ordinances,   Justice, while two amendment bills
        came via Twitter early on Sunday   ton comes on the heels of Thursday’s   are high that Pakistan would be re-  which will be presented in a meeting   related to National Accountability
        morning.                      arrest of four aides of Hafiz Saeed on   tained on the grey list during the   on Monday.  Bureau (NAB) have also been pre-
            She said Washington welcomes   terrorism financing charges.  FATF plenary meetings from Octo-  The Ministry of Law has rec-  pared. The cabinet had directed the
        Pakistan’s recent arrest of four Lash-  Saeed, arrested on the same   ber 13 to 18 in Paris.  ommended that six new laws be   law minister to present recommen-
        kar-e-Taiba (LeT) leaders and wants   charges, has been on judicial re-                   implemented immediately through   dations for the implementation of
                                                                                                  the presidential ordinance.   laws.
                 Govt Wants Subservient Judiciary,                                                heritance Certificate Bill 2019 and   law ministry had suggested that the
                                                                                                      According to the summary, In-
                                                                                                                                    According to the summary, the
                                      Says Faez Isa                                               Women’s  Inheritance  Rights  Bill   process of formulating laws in the
                                                                                                  2019 will be introduced through the
                                                                                                                                parliament would take a lot of time.
                                                                                                  ordinance.                    Therefore, it had recommended the
                                                                    number of tests to establish benami   Legal Aid and Justice Authority   implementation of six new laws
                                                                    ownership, but in the present case   Act 2019 will also be implemented   through a presidential ordinance.
                                                                    not even a single component was   through the ordinance, while Supe-  A legal aid authority will be
                                                                    met, the rejoinder contended. There   rior Courts Order Bill 2019 is also   formed for the needy and poor peo-
                                                                    was not an iota of evidence to prove   included in the new laws.  ple, while a bill to issue inheritance
                                                                    that the petitioner judge had paid for   Apart from these, Benami   certificate within 15 days will also be
                                                                    the purchase, let alone established   Transaction Amendment Bill 2019   brought through the ordinance.
                                                                    that. No reason was ever given why   and NAB Amendment Bill 2019 will   The law regarding the plea bar-
                                                                    the petitioner judge would resort to   also be implemented through an or-  gain of NAB will also be amended.
                                                                    buying properties in the name of his   dinance.                 A  law  regarding  the  conduct
                                                                    wife and adult-children, the rejoin-  According to the documents   and dress of lawyers in the Supreme
                                                                    der questioned.               available with The Express Tribune,   Court and High Courts will also be
                                                                        If the petitioner judge and his   the  federal  cabinet  had  formed a   amended.
                                                                    wife’s  income  tax  filings  could  be
                                                                    publicly displayed, then the govern-
                                                                    ment/FBR had no immunity to keep   (ARU) to legitimize the same.  pointed out.
                                                                    hidden the prime minister’s income   Neither the ARU nor its chair-  Moreover, the president had to
                                                                    tax returns and wealth statements,   man had any constitutional authority   perform such functions after appli-
        Supreme Court judge Justice Qazi Faez Isa files rejoinder in response to allegations as SC set to   the rejoinder observed, also alleging   to receive a complaint of misconduct   cation of his own independent mind
        take up petitions against reference today. — Screengrab/File  that the prime minister was seeking   against superior court judges, the   as mere and singular advice of the
                                                                    immunity under Article 248 of the   rejoinder emphasized, nor did they   prime minister was insufficient, the
        Islamabad:  Justice Qazi Faez  Isa   them and exposing them to danger,   Constitution despite knowing that   have any constitutional authority to   rejoinder said.
        has informed the  Supreme Court   it alleged.               the income tax returns and wealth   direct any investigation, verification   The rejoinder argued that the
        that the federal government has re-  Creating such an environment   statements of any person could not   or collection of material. The ARU   petitioner judge could not be com-
        sorted to bald-faced lies and blatant   through deception, guile and domi-  be hidden under the cloak of consti-  and its chairman had no legal author-  pelled to provide information about
        inventions to defame and scandalize   nance, the government’s team was   tutional immunity.  ity to initiate investigation or scrutiny   the properties independently owned
        a superior court judge by accusing   attempting to destroy the indepen-  Moreover,  the  federal  govern-  of any person whatsoever (much less   by his wife and children particularly
        him of possessing “benami” prop-  dence of the judiciary, the rejoinder   ment embarked upon a roving ex-  a Supreme Court judge), nor could   when his wife and adult children
        erties abroad when the reference   feared.                  pedition to fish out the petitioner’s   they direct any agency or department   were not his dependents and conduct
        against him contains no such allega-  The petitioner judge said he   income tax returns for ascertaining   to share any confidential data about   their own affairs independently.
        tions.                        was under no obligation to declare   his income over the years and suf-  the petitioner or his family, the re-  The  fact  that nothing was en-
            The government’s team first   the income or assets or money trail   ficiency of tax-paid (white) money   joinder argued.  quired from the owners of the prop-
        painted a target on the petitioner’s   of his independent wife and chil-  to buy these properties, but presum-  It was admitted that neither the   erties confirmed that they were sat-
        back but when it did not work, they   dren  since  Pakistani  law  did  not   ably found no discrepancy. It was   president, nor the prime minister or   isfied with their financial affairs, but
        stooped to target his family and ex-  conflate the identities of different   also not mentioned that subsequent   the cabinet had ever authorized the   he was targeted for obvious mala fide
        posed  them  to  danger,  the  rejoin-  family members merely on account   to the purchase of the properties,   collection or verification of material   reasons with the pre-planned ulterior
        der filed by the petitioner judge in   of their kinship.    the petitioner received any rent, the   in relation to the reference against the   objective to remove him, Justice Isa
        response to government allegations   A full court bench of the apex   rejoinder explained, adding that in   petitioner, the rejoinder contended.  observed.
        said, adding that this was a demon-  court was due to resume hearing of   other words, the federation did not   The petitioner judge explained   The rejoinder recalled that the
        strable fact showing malice, mala   a set of petitions against the presi-  have even a fig-leaf of a benami case   that filing of  a reference against a   Attorney-General was a constitution-
        fide, ulterior motives and victimiza-  dential reference from Monday.  against him.       judge was an executive function and   al office holder but unfortunately the
        tion.                             Authored by his counsel       The information forming basis   the same was to be exercised by the   AG voluntarily assumed (in his own
            The objective of the govern-  Muneer A. Malik, the petitioner   of the reference, the rejoinder said,   cabinet collectively. The president’s   reply filed before the SJC) the role of
        ment’s team was to ensure subservi-  judge furnished two rejoinders to   was gathered through covert sur-  opinion and actions under Article   a  prosecutor  and  persecutor  of  the
        ence of judges, failing which judges   rebut the allegations levelled by the   veillance by different government   209 were to be formed and exercised   petitioner judge. It was unfortunate
        and their families would be put un-  federal government in its reply and   agencies and a proxy complain-  as per the advice of the cabinet un-  that the SJC nevertheless considered
        der surveillance, information about   those on behalf of the Supreme Ju-  ant was subsequently set up and a   der Article 48 of the Constitution.   it appropriate to be represented  in
        their families would be gathered   dicial Council.          sham investigative exercise was car-  But the same was admittedly lack-  the current petition through him,
        illegally to defame and victimize   The law  of benami set out a   ried out by the Asset Recovery Unit   ing in the present case, the rejoinder   the rejoinder added.

                  Court Extends Maryam’s Remand by 7 Days
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