Page 11 - Pakistan Link - October 18, 2019
P. 11
Erdogan Lauds PM Imran for Becoming Welcome Peace Gesture by Pakistan,
Voice of Muslim Ummah, Kashmiris Says President Rouhani
Ankara: Turkey’s President Recep Tehran: Prime Minister Im- “I will go to Saudi Ara-
Tayyip Erdogan has praised Prime ran Khan on Sunday met Ira- bia with a positive mind. We
Minister Imran Khan for effectively nian President Hassan Rou- would like to play the role of
raising the voice of the Muslim Um- hani in Tehran during his a facilitator and not media-
mah and the people of Kashmir at one-day official trip, with tor. We want to facilitate two
the United Nations. both the leaders emphasiz- brotherly Islamic countries.
Talking to Speaker National ing the need for peace in the “It is a complex situa-
Assembly Asad Qaiser at a recep- region. tion, but it can be resolved.
tion he hosted for the participants of “I told Prime Minster “We also discussed how
third Speakers Conference in Istan- Imran we welcome any ges- the nuclear deal could be re-
bul on Saturday, he said the Muslim ture by Pakistan for peace stored. When we were in New
Ummah was going through turbu- in the region and appreciate York, US President Donald
lence, while Islam was being propa- his visit to our country,” said Trump asked us to facilitate
gated and linked with terrorism. He Rouhani at a joint press con- some sort of dialogue with
stressed the need for unity to collec- ference with the premier. Iran and the US,” said the
tively handle these challenges. Rouhani said that the prime minister, adding that
“All the religions discour- two leaders had discussed, Pakistan was aware of the
age terrorism and it should not be among other things, the war difficulties.
linked with any religion,” Erdogan in Yemen and the sanctions PM Imran calls on su-
said. He reiterated his country’s un- by the United States on Iran. preme leader: Later in the
wavering support for the Kashmir “Regional issues have to day, Prime Minister Imran
issue till its resolution as per UN be resolved through regional called on Supreme Leader of
resolutions and aspirations of the Prime Minister Imran Khan and President Erdogan. means and dialogue. We also Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
people of Kashmir, said a statement. freedom of speech and movement nectivity”. emphasized that any good- in Tehran, the Prime Minis-
Qaiser underlined the need for besides other basic amenities of life. He also called on Mustafa Sen- will gesture will be respond- ter’s Office said in a state-
enhancing connectivity among the The speaker also appreciated top, Speaker of the Turkish Grand ed with a goodwill gesture ment.
regional countries to counter securi- the initiative for the establishment of National Assembly. and good words,” said the The prime minister
ty threats being faced by the region. a joint television to counter Islamo- Later, addressing the con- Iranian president. thanked the supreme leader
He said that terrorism was a com- phobia and portray the true image ference, Qaiser highlighted the “We also discussed how for support to the people of
mon threat to nations and affecting of the religion of peace. “Islam is a worsening situation in the Indian the nuclear deal could be re- India-occupied Jammu and
the development and prosperity of religion of peace and tranquility and Occupied Kashmir (IOK) and em- stored,” added Rouhani. Kashmir for their right of
the region. abhors terrorism in all its forms and phasized that New Delhi’s unilateral Rouhani also warned self-determination.
The speaker praised Erdogan’s manifestations,” Qaiser said. and illegal actions of August 5, and that Iran would respond to He said the Muslim um-
stance on Kashmir at the UN Gen- Speaker Asad Qaiser is in Tur- subsequent imposition of clamp- any threats, saying it was mah faces numerous chal-
eral Assembly. He said unilateral, key to attend the third Conference down, posed a grave risk for region- a “big mistake” to think it lenges internally and from
undemocratic steps by India had of the Speakers of Parliaments with al peace and security. wouldn’t do so, according to the outside. “It is important
deprived the people of Kashmir of the theme, “Countering Terrorism The speaker reiterated the Associated Press. to articulate a message of
their legitimate rights of identity, and Strengthening Regional Con- ERDOGAN, P26 Prime Minister Imran unity and solidarity among
Iran Offers Warning after Mysterious Tanker Attack thanked Rouhani for speak- the Muslim nations,” the
ing up for the people of oc-
premier added.
cupied Kashmir at the UN According to a statement
General Assembly in New by the Prime Minister’s Of-
York, where the two leaders fice on the Tehran visit, the
had also held a meeting on premier during his meeting
the sidelines. with Khamenei “reaffirmed
“Mr President, the main his resolve to comprehen-
reason I came here with my sively upgrade Pakistan-Iran
delegation is that we don’t relations”.
want conflict in the region. “He also apprised the
Pakistan suffered 70,000 ca- Supreme Leader of his ini-
sualties in the last 15 years tiative for regional peace
in the ‘war on terror’, Af- and security,” the statement
ghanistan is still suffering, added.
[there is] terrible devasta- In his meeting with the
tion in Syria — we don’t want Iranian president, the prime
another conflict in this part minister “highlighted the
of the world,” said Imran. historic ties and the tradi-
“Mr President, we have tion of close cooperation
Iran as a neighbor, our ties between the two countries”,
with Iran go way back. Saudi said the Prime Minister’s
Arabia has been one of our Office.
closest friends. Saudi Arabia The premier voiced
has helped us when we have his commitment to further
In this photo released by the official website of the office of the Iranian Presidency, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, right, and Paki- needed, when we have been strengthen ties between the
stani Prime Minister Imran Khan give a joint press conference at the Saadabad Palace, in Tehran, Iran, Sunday, Oct. 13, 2019. (Office of in need and so the reason for two countries in diverse ar-
the Iranian Presidency via AP) this trip was that we don’t eas, “with a particular focus
want a conflict between Sau- on enhanced trade and eco-
Tehran: Iran’s president warned Sunday crushing sanctions that target Iran’s between Saudi Arabia and Iran.” di Arabia and Iran. nomic cooperation”.
it would be “a big mistake” to think his crude oil sales and have crippled its Pakistan is closely allied with Saudi “We recognize that it “Close cooperative ties
country won’t respond to threats after a economy. Those sanctions came after Arabia but has tried to maintain a diplo- is a complex issue but we with Iran have always been
mysterious attack on one of its oil tank- Trump unilaterally withdrew the US matic balancing act between Riyadh and feel that it can be resolved a priority for Pakistan,” the
ers. Hassan Rouhani’s remarks came as from Tehran’s nuclear deal with world Tehran. through dialogue. What statement quoted the prime
Pakistan’s prime minister was visiting powers last year. Saudi Arabia meanwhile denied it should never happen is a war minister as saying.
Iran in an effort to ease tensions between The tensions culminated in a Sept. was behind Friday’s incident involving between Saudi Arabia and While discussing the se-
Tehran and Saudi Arabia. 14 attack on key Saudi oil infrastructure the Iranian oil tanker, with Minister of Iran because this will not curity situation in the re-
Imran Khan is planning to visit that halved the kingdom’s oil produc- State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir just affect this whole region gion, the prime minister
Saudi Arabia later this week. His media- tion. telling journalists: “Let’s wait and find — two brotherly countries underscored the need for
tion efforts come just days after Iran said The US blames Iran for the at- out what happened before we jump to will be affected — this will “avoidance of military con-
missiles struck an Iranian oil tanker trav- tack, something Tehran denies. Yemen’s conclusions.” The attack on the tanker cause poverty in the world. flict and constructive en-
eling through the Red Sea near Saudi Houthi rebels, whom the kingdom has has yet to be corroborated. Oil prices will go up. gagement of all parties”.
Arabia, which has denied it was behind been fighting in a year-long war, claimed Khan also met Supreme Leader “There is vested interest Pakistan’s readiness to
the incident. the attack, though analysts say the mis- Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who said that behind this conflict,” added “extend full facilitation of
“If a country thinks that it can cre- siles used wouldn’t have the range to while Iran has not initiated any war, the premier. efforts for de-escalation of
ate instability in the region without get- reach the target from Yemen. “if one starts a war against Iran, he will Speaking about his visit tensions and resolution of
ting a response, that would be a sheer “We do not want a conflict be- surely regret it.” Khamenei also said un- to Iran and upcoming trip differences and disputes
mistake,” Rouhani said, without pinning tween Saudi Arabia and Iran. We rec- specified countries in the region were to Saudi Arabia, he said it through political and diplo-
the blame on any specific country. ognize that it’s a complex issue, we rec- “under the will of the United States” and was Pakistan’s own initia- matic means” was also con-
Tensions in the region have been ognize that, but we feel that this can be called for an end to the war in Yemen, tive, saying he felt encour- veyed by the premier to the
high for months, following President resolved through dialogue,” Khan said. according to remarks published on the aged after his meeting with Iranian president.
Donald Trump’s decision to impose “But what should never happen is war supreme leader’s official website. Rouhani.