Page 24 - Pakistan Link - October 18, 2019
P. 24

P24  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  OCTOBER 18,  2019                                                                                 COMMENTARY
          Three Ways to Help Arm Yourself against Financial Fraud

               n By Saghir Aslam                                    something’s awry. “If you get a
               Rawalpindi, Pakistan                                 suspicious call saying your grand-              FOUNDATION
                                                                    child is in jail, for example, call his
            (The following information                              or her parents before offering any   P.O. BOX 5481, Santa Clara, CA 95056 | (408) 244.3282 |
         is provided solely to educate the                          information,” Aigrette-Bell says. A
         Muslim community about in-                                 CPA, attorney, or financial advisor
         vesting and financial planning.                            can also serve as a good resource.
                   It is hoped that the                             If you can’t think of anyone to turn
                   Ummah will ben-                                  to, call  the police  nonemergency
                   efit from this effort                            number in your area.
                   through greater fi-                                  •   Check with state and fed-
                   nancial empower-                                 eral authorities. Your state’s con-
                   ment, enabling the                               sumer protection office can offer
                   community to live   ily  trust,  it  could  be  a  phishing   information on where to report a   Help Us Clothe the Poor this Winter
                   in security and dig-  scam. The fraudster is attempt-  case of possible financial fraud.  Hidaya Foundation is in the process of sending 20 containers of winter
         nity and fulfill their religious and   ing to use fake emails or texts to   •   The FTC also has an on-  clothing and boots to help hundreds of thousands of people in need. Each
         moral obligations towards chari-  retrieve your valuable informa-  line complaint assistant form you   container costs about $5,000 to ship and is enough to clothe and benefit
         table activities).           tion. Email-based financial fraud   can fill out based on the type of   up to 25,000 people! The clothes were already donated, we just need
            When several St. Louis resi-  often includes familiar company   financial fraud you believe is be-  help to pay for them to get there - so when sponsoring this effort:
         dents received phone calls about   names or strangers pretending to   ing committed. Categories include   - $10 can benefit 50 people
         missing jury duty, the caller   be someone you know, according   “rip-offs and imposter scams,”   - $50 can benefit 250 people
         threatened jail time if they didn’t   to the Federal Trade Commission   “unwanted telemarketing, text, or
         pay a fine by providing their credit   (FTC).              spam” and “credit and debt.”     - $100 can benefit 500 people
         card numbers over the phone. The   •   Criminals can also spoof   •   Consider putting a credit   - $500 can benefit 2,500 people
         incidents turned out to be finan-  phone numbers, meaning they   freeze on your report. One proac-  - $1,000 can benefit 5,000 people
         cial  fraud,  criminal attempts  to   can conceal the actual number   tive measure you can take against   - $5,000 can benefit 25,000 people
         steal  and  deceive,  using  phone   they’re calling you from. Don’t rely   identity theft is to place a credit   Donate online via check or card at
         calls, robocalls, or text messages   on caller ID to verify that you’re   freeze on your report. This freeze
         to lure potential victims.   speaking with someone  from  a   will restrict access to your credit
            Angela Amighetti-Bell, a   legitimate organization. When in   report, which can make it harder
         Compliance Consultant at Wells   doubt, hang up and call the phone   for thieves to open new accounts    or call us at (408) 244-3282
         Fargo Advisors, and Lauree Pe-  number on your account state-  in your name. It’s free to enact a   Hidaya Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) charitable organization with Tax ID # 77-0502583
         terson-Sakai, a Wells Fargo Elder   ment or on the company’s or gov-  freeze,  and  you  can  unfreeze  the
         Strategy Leader at Wells Fargo   ernment agency’s website to verify   report for a short window when
         Advisors, say those jury-duty-fine   the authenticity of the request.  you are applying for a loan, mak-
         incidents serve as a reminder to   •   3. Stay educated. “Finan-  ing a large purchase, or taking an-  Exchange Rates for Currency Notes*
         be increasingly watchful for the   cial fraud schemes are morphing   other credit-related action.
         many forms of financial fraud.  all the time,” Peterson-Sakai says.   (Saghir A. Aslam only ex-
            Here, they offer tips to help   Pay attention to the latest warn-  plains strategies and formulas that   Countries         Buying        Selling
         you  spot  (and avoid)  financial   ings and information about fi-  he has been using. He is merely                                  Rs.             Rs.
         fraud, and also recommendations   nancial fraud to help avoid falling   providing information, and NO
         for what to do if you think you’re   prey. The FTC emails free scam   ADVICE is given. Mr. Aslam does   USA                   155.90         156.55
         being targeted:              alerts, which you can sign up for   not endorse or recommend any   UK                        193.00         196.00
            Three actions to help protect   at You can also   broker, brokerage firm, or any in-  S.Arabia            41.30           41.65
         yourself against financial fraud  find information on current fraud   vestment at all, nor does he sug-  Japan                 1.44             1.47
            •   1. Limit the personal in-  from credible sources such as the   gest that anyone will earn a profit   Euro             172.00         174.00
         formation you post on social me-  Better Business Bureau or AARP.  when or if they purchase stocks,   UAE                        42.30           42.65
         dia. “Criminals can make up con-  Remember that older family   bonds or any other investments.
         vincing stories with details they get   members may need help with this,   All stocks or investment vehicles   (*September 18, 2019)
         from your posts … including the   as well. A 2018 Wells Fargo Elder   mentioned are for illustrative pur-
         names of your friends and family,   Needs Survey found that 98% of   poses only. Mr. Aslam is not an
         where you work, and when you’re   seniors and their kids agreed that   attorney, accountant, real estate   US VISA AVAILABILITY IN SEPTEMBER 2019
         on vacation,” Peterson-Sakai says.   older adults are more susceptible   broker, stockbroker, investment
         Using that information, for exam-  to financial fraud. Wells Fargo   advisor, or certified financial plan-    For Pakistan, Bangladesh & India
         ple, they can concoct requests for   Advisors has a dedicated guide   ner. Mr. Aslam does not have any-         Compiles by Hasan Chishti
         money from supposedly jailed or   of recommendations to help keep   thing for sale.)
         hospitalized relatives.      older loved ones safe.            “This article written in co-
            •   2.  Be vigilant  about  im-  What to do if you think you’re   laboration with vice president of                                                                                          Pakistan/Bangladesh,  India
         posters. If you get an unexpected   a target               Wells Fargo with decades of expe-  1    Unmarried sons & daughters
         email purporting to be from a    •   Seek advice. Talk with   rience.”)                           Of U.S. Citizens                                                Jan., 01,  2013            Jan., 01,  2013
         business you would ordinar-  someone you trust if you suspect
                                                                                                   2-A  Spouses and unmarried
                                                                                                           childrens of permanent residents               Current                         Current
        HUBBLE FROM P9                it is who created the stars so that you   Even with all the care in the
            for the “feet” that interface with  use them to navigate in the depths of  conceptualization, design, assem-
        the Main Ring, which are built of Ti- darkness on land and in the oceans  bly and testing, when the Hubble   2-B  Unmarried sons & daughters (21 yrs.
        tanium. This was done because the  (of water or space). Behold! We have  was launched in 1990, and the first           of age or older) of permanent residents    June  01, 2014             June   01, 2014
        advanced  composites  were  found  to  described  in  detail  Our  Signs  for  a  images came back from space, they
        be inadequate in compression and  people who have knowledge.” Qur’an  were fuzzy. That meant that the big   3     Married sons & daughters of US citizens   Sept., 01, 2007            Sept., 01, 2007
        flexure (bending).            6:97). Solar panels were used to gen- mirror was flawed. What happened?
            The Hubble was designed “in- erate the 2800 Watt power required of  The interferometer used to measure
        side out” so that the Scientific Instru- the telescope.     the final shape of the Primary Mir-  4      Brothers & sisters of adult U.S. citizens    Nov., 01, 2006             Sept.,  22,  2004
        ments could be serviced or removed    Challenges in Assembly and  ror was itself flawed. A final test on
        and new ones inserted by astronauts  Testing                the Mirror would have shown this
        visiting  it  on  the  Space  Shuttle.  A   While the systems, conceptu- error before assembly and launch.   EMPLOYMENT  BASED  CATEGORY
        similar “inside out” design was later  alization and design are challenging  However, by the time the Hubble
        used on the Solar Optical Telescope  tasks, manufacturing and assembly  was completed, it had significantly   1      Priority workers                                              Oct., 01,  2017             Unavailable
        (SOT). A variety of Scientific Instru- are even more challenging. This is  overrun its budget. The initial es-
        ments were used on the Hubble de- because most of the “error budgets”  timate for the Hubble was 225 mil-  2     Members of the professions holding
        signed by American, European as  are consumed in the structural joints.  lion (1975) dollars. By 1983 the costs            advanced degree or persons of
        well as other national agencies. Each  You can have the most perfect design  had exceeded 1.25 billion dollars.            exceptional ability                                           Jan., 01, 2018               May 08,  2009
        had its own focal plane arrays and  and superb individual components  An alarmed Congress refused to al-
        detector cooling  means, if any.  The  but if the assembly is sloppy, all you  locate additional funding for the
        Wide Field of View Camera, Near  will have is a sloppy instrument. The  final test. Fortunately, the error (it   3      Skilled workers                                                July 01, 2016                July 01, 2005
        Infrared Camera and various spec- assembly is done in class I clean en- is called a low frequency error as             Other workers                                                 July 01, 2016                July 01, 2005
        trometers are well-known examples.  vironment, cleaner than the cleanli- opposed to patchy blotches that ap-
        The awesome pictures of the heavens  ness in the best surgical wards in top  pear in isolated spots on the mirrors   4      Certain special immigrants                           Unavailable                   Unavailable
        that we see on the web were taken by  notch hospitals. Access is restricted.  which are high frequency errors) can             Certain religious workers                              Unavailable                   Unavailable
        these Scientific Instruments and then  Testing is conducted as each assem- be corrected in the scientific instru-
        transmitted to earth via telemetry.  bly is complete to ensure that the “er- ments (SI) by inserting a corrective
            The Fine Guidance Sensor on  ror budget” allocated to that assembly  lens train and modifying the Optical   5      Non-regional centers                                      Current                          Sept.,  01, 2017
        the Hubble used triangulation on  is not exceeded.          Path Distance (OPD).                     Regional centers                                              Current                          Sept.,  01. 2017
        known stars to fix direction (“And He    The Launch and the Big Error  HUBBLE, P26
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