Page 26 - Pakistan Link - October 18, 2019
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HUBBLE FROM P24 ploitation of religious sentiments ERDOGAN FROM P11 Imam, Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, Lt-Gen potential of tax evasion. “We will
Here are more lessons for scientists for political objectives is a danger- that being one of the biggest vic- (retd) Abdul Qayyum, Ateeq Shaikh, only target medium to big inves-
and engineers: be humble and never ous game whosoever plays it. tims of terrorism, Pakistan was de- Rana Maqbool, Ehsan Ullah Tiwana tors.”
be too sure about what you have done The maulana is now seeking termined to root out this menace. and Shazia Marri. The source, however, said that
until you have empirically measured to emulate the PTI’s past threat to “Pakistan has rendered numerous there was a chance of overlapping
and satisfied yourself that what you put the capital under siege, though sacrifices in the fight against terror- DATA FROM P13 in the data of residence by invest-
have done is correct. his objective is not very clear. He ism and has successfully turned the The UAE law allows foreign ments and those who have iqama.
The Payback calls it an ‘azadi march’. tide against it,” he said. nationals to obtain iqama on He said the FBR had no problem
The Hubble expanded the hori- Both the PML-N and the PPP Terming connectivity as one the basis of investment beyond with the Pakistani nationals in-
zons of humankind and enabled it to have taken a very ambiguous posi- of the foundation stones of regional a certain threshold. The issue vesting and doing business in the
see the very edge of known universe. tion, as they are not sure about the peace and prosperity, the speaker in- gained importance in Pakistan in UAE legally with lawfully remit-
The awesome pictures of our uni- outcome. While extending their formed of the progress being made by the wake of information received ted funds. “We are gravely con-
verse have gone a long way towards support, they are not willing to Pakistan under the flagship China- from the UAE in which 3,620 cerned with the persons who have
understanding who we are and how stake all their political capital on Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) accounts have been reported to Is- siphoned off funds illegally from
we got here. the maulana’s game. They know project. lamabad. However, the number of Pakistan, parked them in the UAE
There were many who ques- well that there are high risks in- “Pakistan will continue to take accounts with substantial balance and are now hiding behind iqa-
tioned the wisdom of spending so volved in taking on the security steps towards greater regional con- is negligible. ma-based residential status,” the
much money on a single instrument. establishment that is fully back- nectivity, including by making the “We have sent back all the data source said.
I remember a conversation with Paul ing the PTI government. What the platform of the Conference of Speak- for exchange with the UAE author- According to him, Pakistan
Brickmeier, one of the Senior Pro- wily maulana is trying to do is to ers more effective and responsive to ities to get actual actionable data,” has also agreed to give informa-
gram Managers on the Hubble, when keep himself politically relevant. the regional needs,” he added. a source in the FBR told Dawn. tion about UAE investors to the
we were both visiting Boeing in Se- He has managed to stay in the The conference, at its conclu- Earlier, the FBR had also re- Dubai authorities. However, there
attle in connection with advanced news for the past one year despite sion, endorsed the Islamabad and ceived data from the Federal In- is no tax on income in the UAE.
composites work. Paul was not sure the electoral setback. His despera- Tehran Declarations of 2017 and vestigation Agency about Paki- Therefore, according to the source,
if the cost was worth the effort and if tion is evident. 2018 respectively, which among oth- stani nationals’ investments in the Dubai may not be interested in
the money could be better spent on Surely, over the years the JUI- er things call for the resolution of the UAE, but issued notices in 20-30 getting information from Pakistan.
more worthy social projects. I still F’s popular base has shrunk sub- Kashmir dispute in accordance with cases only and made a recovery of Pakistan and the UAE had on
remember what I told him: “One day stantially but its capacity to mo- the relevant United Nations Security Rs400 million. The cases were pur- Feb 13, 1993 signed the agreement
the story of America will be written. bilize the madressah students in Council resolutions. sued after former chief justice of for avoidance of double taxation
In that story the Hubble Space Tele- various parts of the country can- The outcome document also Pakistan Siqib Nisar had taken suo and prevention of fiscal evasion
scope will be written as one of Amer- not be underestimated. They may underscored the need for all states to motu notice on Dubai properties. with respect to taxes. Both coun-
ica’s finest hours.” create a serious law-and-order avoid politicization of the UN sanc- One of the cases was of Prime tries have historically continued
Indeed, it was one of the finest problem though they can neither tions regime as well as the work of the Minister Imran Khan’s sister Al- to maintain a vibrant exchange of
hours for humankind and I am happy bring down the government nor Financial Action Task Force (FATF). eema Khanum who paid Rs29.4m information be¬ween them. The
as a South Asian and as an American force it to hold fresh elections. The speakers of the National in taxes and fine for concealing her sighing of the OECD-Multilateral
Muslim that I played a key role in it. The religious card against a Peoples’ Congress of China, Grand UAE property. Convention on Mutual Adminis-
government that claims it wants National Assembly of Turkey, Speak- According to the source, the trative Assistance in Tax Matters
MAULANA FROM P10 to establish a ‘Madina ki riyasat’ is er Jolesi Jirga of Afghanistan, State FBR’s international taxes wing (OECD-MC) has reinforced its
Remember Imran Khan’s role not likely to work. The wily mau- Duma of Russia and Majlis-e-Shoora was scrutinizing the data provided importance.
in whipping up religious fervor lana does not seem to have any Islami of Iran participated in the con- by the DLD and it would take a Moreover, Pakistan and the
against the PML-N government effective card to play, and his po- ference. few days to identify the potential UAE have in place an active auto-
over missing a clause in the Elec- litical misadventure may end up The conference is a platform tax evaders, adding that the to- matic exchange of information on
tion Act related to the finality of further dividing the opposition. established by Pakistan, with its in- tal number of Pakistani nationals bank and financial accounts under
the Prophet (PBUH) just before (The writer is an author and augural meeting held in Islamabad would be known after full analysis a common reporting standard —
the elections? The party also tac- journalist. Dawn) in 2017. The Pakistan delegation also of the data. the Multilateral Competent Au-
itly supported Khadim Hussain included Deputy Chairman Senate He said the FBR was inter- thority agreement signed under
Rizvi’s sit-in on the issue. Such ex- Saleem Mandviwalla, Syed Fakhar ested in actionable data with true the OECD-MC.