Page 4 - Pakistan Link - November 15, 2019
P. 4

P4  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  NOVEMBER  15,  2019                                                                                          OPINION
         Pakistan Link What Andalusia Teaches Us about Muslims & Non-Muslims Living Together

                  Advisory Board          n By Dr Akbar Ahmed
               Dr Sohail Masood             American University
                                              Washington DC
               Arif Zaff ar Mansuri
     Th  e loss of Andalusia is like
                                         losing part of my body,” HRH
                    Editor            “Prince Turki al-Faisal told me.
            Akhtar Mahmud Faruqui        I had asked him what the loss of
      Andalusia meant to him as an Arab.
                                                 Th  e son of King Fais-
          Editor Urdu Link & Bureau Chief (Pakistan)  al,  widely  celebrated
                Shabbir Ghori                    in the Muslim world,
                     Prince  Turki  heads
               Resident Editor Urdu Link         Th  e King Faisal Cen-
              & Director Video Operations        ter for Research and
                Anwar Khawaja                    Islamic Studies in Ri-
              yadh,  Saudi  Arabia’s
                                      preeminent think tank, and has been
             Manager  Sales  &  Advertising    Saudi ambassador to the US and the
       UK. Th  e question had excited the
                                      normally taciturn prince. Th  e mask
                  Regional Offi  ces
                                      of cultural and royal impassivity de-
                                      veloped over a lifetime of diplomatic
                    YKKB              dealings had dropped as his body
            and voice expressed high emotion.
                                      Th  e image of Andalusia had struck a   He described the  lure of  An-  hotel, when it opened fi rst thing in   it was not seen as a religious building.
                  Sacramento, CA
     nerve: “Th  e emptiness remains.”  dalusia in his desire to pray in the   the morning -- and then again dur-  History became an exercise in
                                         When I asked him what Andalu-  mehrab of the Grand Mosque of Cor-  ing the day. She appeared to be in a   self-deception. For example “El-Cid,”
              San Fransisco/Bay Area, CA  sia meant to him, he replied, “I have   doba. As the Spanish authorities very   trance, and I saw that Andalusia was   and the prince smiled when he men-
    a passion for Andalusia because it   consciously claim the building to be a   already working its magic on her. As   tioned the fi lm about the Spanish
                                      contributed not only to Muslims but   cathedral, Muslim prayers are specif-  a  father,  I  nonetheless  worried  that   hero starring Charlton Heston, was
                  New York, NY
      to humanity and human understand-  ically banned. Yet the mehrab has at-  she may try to say her prayers and get   nothing  more  than a  “mercenary.”
                                      ing.  It contributed to the well-being   tracted Muslim visitors like moths to   in  trouble  with  the  security  people.   “He fought for money,” he said.
                   Houston, TX        of society, to its social harmony. Th  is   a fl ame. It was here that Allama Iqbal   Th  ankfully, there was no untoward   Around the time when Muslims
      is missing nowadays.” For the prince   visiting from British India could not   incident.  were facing defeat in Spain, the Mon-
                                      “Andalusia was the exact opposite of   resist sitting down to pray. His im-  Around that time, Amineh in-  gols erupted from the East to attack
                   Phoenix, AZ        Europe at that time -- [then] a dark,   age at prayer in the Grand Mosque   terviewed an educated young, mar-  the  heart  of  the Muslim  world.  He
                                      savage land of bigotry and hatred.”  is  known throughout the Muslim   ried woman with a Syrian back-  talked of the destruction of the li-
                  Ontario, Canada        At its height, Andalusia pro-  world.  Iqbal’s  famous Urdu poem,   ground and asked her what the loss   braries and books in Baghdad when
      duced a magnifi cent Muslim civili-  “Mosque of Cordoba,” which hangs   of Andalusia meant to her. Th  e Arab   that city was captured in 1258. “Cen-
                                      zation -- religious tolerance, poetry,   in the offi  ce of the mayor of Cordoba,   woman could not control her emo-  turies of civilization was razed to the
             Letters to the Editor    music, learned scientists and schol-  was written aft er his visit.  tions. She burst into tears. Amineh,   ground.”
                                      ars like Averroës, great libraries (the   Following Iqbal and that iconic   who was already pent up, also began   History seemed to have stopped
          Readers are welcome to express their opinion
          in these columns. Please keep your letters   main library at Cordoba alone had   image, I prayed on the same spot in   to cry, and as the two put their arms   for the Arabs aft er the destruction of
          brief and to the point.  Letters without full   400,000 books), public baths, and   the early 1960s when I visited Cordo-  around each other and sobbed, the   Baghdad in the 13th century. Th  ere
          name, complete address, and a daytime
          phone  number  will  not  be  published.   splendid architecture (like the pal-  ba as an undergraduate. Th  e security   guests in the lobby wondered about   would be great Muslim empires in
          Also, copies of letters sent to other news-  ace complex at the Alhambra and the   guards were few in number and dis-  the source of the bereavement. Later,   the future -- the Ottomans, the Sa-
          papers are not encouraged. Letters can be
          mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the Editor at   Grand Mosque of Cordoba). Th  ese   interested in the visitors. Th  ey merely   Amineh was able to excitedly point   favids and the Mughals -- but they
          the Pakistan Link Headquarters address   great  achievements were  the result   looked  away.  Th  e  scale  of  both  the   to Iqbal’s famous poem hanging just   would not be Arab. Th  ey would be
                   listed below.
          Pakistan  Link  (ISSN  1074-0406)  is  pub-  of collaboration between Muslims,   Muslim achievements and the Mus-  behind the mayor in his offi  ce when   Turk, Persian and Indian. In contrast,
          lished weekly for $85 a year by JAZ LLC,   Christians and Jews -- indeed the   lim loss weighed heavily on me even   we called on him. She introduced the   Andalusia was a civilization brought
               DBA PL Publications, LLC.   work of the great Jewish Rabbi Mai-  then as a young man not quite 21   topic of Andalusia to her students in   to Europe primarily by the Arabs. Ar-
          Periodical postage paid at Anaheim, CA   monides was written in the Arabic   years in age. Andalusia made me feel   Lahore  and  was  able  to  help  them   abic was its lingua franca and Islam
             and additional mailing offi  ces.
           POST MASTER: Send address changes to   language. It was a time when a Mus-  that there was a special part of my   think about how to live with those of   its dominant religion. Th  e founder of
          Pakistan Link, P O Box 1238,  Anaheim, CA
                    92815             lim ruler had a Jewish chief minis-  history in Europe that was not known   other religions and cultures.  the greatest of the dynasties of Cor-
          The management has the right to refuse   ter and a Catholic archbishop as his   and yet I found it so compelling. Th  e   Th  e question of why and how it   doba was Abdur-Rehman, known as
          to print any advertisement, news, article,
          letter  or  any  other  material.  In  case  of   foreign minister. Th  e Spanish had a   prince recounted saying his prayers   all ended for Muslims still remained.   the “falcon of the Quraysh,” a prince
          any errors in advertisement the manage-  phrase for that period of history -- La   on that very spot at the mehrab, too,   When I asked the prince the eternal   with kinship ties to the prophet of Is-
          ment will not be liable for more than the
          amount paid for the advertisement to the   Convivencia, or co-existence.  during his visit in the 1980s when the   questions -- What went wrong? Why   lam himself.
                     Link.               Th  e civilization of Muslim Spain   authorities gave him special permis-  did Islam collapse so soon aft er the   Once the destruction began in
          Advertisements in Pakistan Link are
          placed in good faith. The newspaper is not   was the embodiment of the Islamic   sion. “You cannot help yourself,” he   fall of Andalusia? -- he blamed it on   the West  and the East, it could not
          responsible nor endorses the contents of   compulsion to seek ilm, or knowl-  said soft ly, as if to himself.  the loss of Andalusia itself and then   be stopped. It spread like the apoca-
          any advertisement. In case of a frivolous
          lawsuit, the plaintiff  will bear the total cost   edge. Andalusia produced many   Security was much more strict   the sustained assaults by the Crusad-  lypse. Mosques, libraries and baths --
          of the suit, including but not limited to the   fi rsts, the fi rst person to fl y, Ibn Fir-  in the 1990s when I was fi lming “Liv-  ers from the West and the Mongol   anything that reminded people of Is-
            Link’s costs and the attorney’s fees.
                                      nas, aft er whom a moon crater was   ing Islam” for BBC TV, and I noted   eruptions from the East.  lam -- were systematically destroyed
                                      named in present-day Cordoba, as   that  there  was a  thick  silken  rope   “Europe destroyed Andalusia,”   in Andalusia. It was the same in the
               Information for        well as a bridge in present-day Cor-  which acted as a partition to block off    the prince explained. “With the loss   East. Th  e Mongols did not stop at the
                                                                                                  of the spirit of Andalusia was lost the
                                      doba and the fi rst philosophical
                                                                                                                                destruction of Baghdad. Prince Turki
                                                                    entrance into the mehrab. Our Eng-
                 Subscribers          novel, by Ibn Tufail. Th  rough Spain,   lish producers, however, managed to   idea of service to humanity. Th  e cir-  especially regretted the destruction
           The printing of Pakistan Link is unfail-  Europe  received  models  for univer-  convince the guards with that mix-  cle of European ignorance and bigot-  of Samara, a city patterned on the
           ingly completed by Wednesday every
           week and its copies are handed over to   sities (Oxford and Cambridge are   ture of bravado and arrogance they   ry was now complete.” But Muslims   legendary Madinat al-Zahra in An-
           the mailing house for prompt dispatch   examples), philosophy and literature   reserve for the continent. I was thus   and  Jews  who  would  be  eventually   dalusia. Visitors from Spain would
           to the subscribers.  The Link should   (for example the work of Th  omas   able to pray in the mehrab, which was   expelled from the Iberian Peninsula   describe the marvels of that city to
           reach its destination on time if there is
           no delay at the post offi  ce. If a delay is   Aquinas), and the study of medicine   recorded by the BBC for the section   were not the only victims. “Nobody   the court in Baghdad and the caliph
           occasioned it is in no way attributable   originating from the work of Avicen-  on Andalusia. Our attempts to pray   was spared,” he said. “Christians
           to the performance of Link’s manage-                                                                                 ANDALUSIA, P26
           ment. In case of delayed receipt of Pak-  na and Abulcasis.  there failed miserably in the summer   themselves now faced the horrors of
           istan Link or missing issues, please con-  Prince Turki connected Anda-  of 2014 when we were there to con-  the Inquisition.”      Views and
           tact your local Post Offi  ce and submit a                                                                                            opinions ex-
               “Publication Watch” form.  lusia with the earliest days of Islam   duct a study of Islam in Europe. Not   Spanish rulers were obsessed
                                      and talked excitedly about the char-  only  had  the  authorities  built  high   with erasing Muslim history or re-  pressed by
                                      ter of Madina, which he said was the   ugly steel railings to prevent anyone   placing it. Charles V was shocked to   authors and
              PAKISTAN LINK           fi rst  written constitution  for society   coming close to the mehrab, the se-  see the travesty that was the doing of   contributors
                                                                                                  his offi  cials in converting the Grand
                                                                    curity guards and church offi  cials
                                      providing a social framework for the
               Headquarters           state itself. He underlined the impor-  hovered around inside the mosque.   Mosque in Cordoba to a cathedral.   letters, opin-
              P O Box 1238,  Anaheim, CA 92815  tance of the concept of knowledge   Th  ey were on high alert as rumors of   He uttered his immortal words to the   ion pieces,
                 Tel: 714-400-3400                                                                                               reports, advertisements, etc
                 Fax: 714-400-3404    or ilm in this vision. Ilm, he pointed   Muslims determined to reclaim the   eff ect that they had taken something   appearing in Pakistan Link
             E-Mail:  out, meant studying the Qur’an, fi qh,   mosque for Islam were circulating.   unique in the world and made it a
                                      or Islamic law and hadith, or the   Every time we came near the mehrab,   commonplace available everywhere.   and Urdu Link are their own.
                                      sayings of the Prophet. But ilm also   the guards would close in and ask us   Charles would himself attempt a   Th  e  paper  neither shares
               Pakistan Offi  ce        included the learning of non-reli-  to move along.          similar exercise at the Alhambra in a   nor endorses them and thus
                 42 Rehman Court      gious subjects such as mathematics   Dr Amineh Hoti, a member of   palace that still stands inside the his-  should not be held responsi-
            Plaza Square,  Off   M. A.  Jinnah Road  and science. “Andalusia,” the prince   the research team, made it a habit of   toric site. Th  ankfully the damage to   ble for the views/opinions of
               Karachi-74400, Pakistan                                                                                           the writers & advertisers.
                                      sighed, “transcends space and time.”  visiting the mosque, just opposite our   the Alhambra remained minimal as
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