Page 8 - Pakistan Link - November 15, 2019
P. 8
n By Jawed Naqvi Kashmiris and Indian Muslims boring country are bent upon de-
Delhi, India stroying Kashmir. Th e oppressed
and beleaguered people of Kash-
n the aft ermath of the anti- the doctrinaire Deoband school mir are stuck between opposing
Ahmadi violence in the 1950s, of Muslim theology has been forces,” the JUH argued, virtually
IMaulana Abul Hasanat Sayyed raging at Imran Khan, accusing ad-libbing the offi cial view on the
Muhammad Ahmad Qadri, Presi- the prime minister of insincer- abrogation of Kashmir’s autono-
dent of Jamiatul ity towards the Kashmiri people my. “Th e JUH stands steadfastly
Ulema-i-Pakistan, facing Indian high-handedness for the unity and integrity of the
demanded an Is- since Aug 5. Th e stance is double- country and has accorded it para-
lamic state in Paki- edged. mount importance. As such it
stan. And he de- Fazlur Rehman has friends can never support any separatist
posed before the in high places with the Indian movement, rather it considers
Justice Munir Com- government. Besides, he has the such movements not only harm-
mission that looked into the vio- entire Jamiatul Ulema-i-Hind ful for India but also for the peo-
lence. (JUH) and the Deoband semi- ple of Kashmir.”
Q: You will admit for the nary eating out of his hands. Atal Th e irony is stark. Both the
Hindus, who are in a majority in Behari Vajpayee embraced him JUH and its Pakistani counter-
India, (a similar) right to have a and Manmohan Singh welcomed part headed by Fazlur Rehman
Hindu religious state? him to the prime ministerial resi- are or should be at loggerheads on
A: Yes. dence. Th is was around the time Kashmir. And they are also teth-
Q: Will you have any objec- when Benazir Bhutto was strug- ered to the Saudi establishment
tion if the Muslims are treated gling to get an appointment with strong political interest between with regard to their claim on for inspiration and sustenance.
under that form of government as Vajpayee in New Delhi, when, the Indian government and the Jammu and Kashmir’s autonomy However, Saudi Arabia has veered
Malishes (Mlechhas) or Shudras as the grapevine had it, she was orthodox clerics of Deoband. And within the Indian arrangement. close to the Indian stand and even
under the law of Manu? seeking his intervention to iron perhaps it also delivers a handy Such groups also speak up against felicitated Modi with its highest
A: No. things out with Gen Musharraf. perennially violated human rights civilian award. Imran Khan has
Maulana Fazlur Rehman Important Pakistani visitors Fazlur Rehman has friends in endured by the mainly Muslim chosen to swallow the disappoint-
heads a faction of the Jamiat to- from the left and liberal corner high places with the Indian people of the disputed area. To ment and has signaled that it’s
day. I gained a nodding acquain- have not had the ease of access to government. Besides, he has that extent the JUH has stood business as usual by choosing to
tance with the maulana when, for the prime minister’s offi ce in re- the entire Jamiatul Ulema-i- with the Kashmiri people, but fl y to the UN General Assembly
a reason diffi cult to fathom at the cent years as the maulana did. His only from the perspective that session in New York on the Sau-
time, he became a regular inter- equation with the Modi establish- Hind (JUH) and the Deoband their interests were not separate di crown prince’s private plane.
locutor with Indian journalists ment is not clear, but given the seminary eating out of his from those of Indian Muslims. Th e Kashmiris must be watching
visiting Pakistan. Th e maulana’s Indian prime minister’s chummy hands. Atal Behari Vajpayee In 2010, during Congress the denouement with awe and
portly bearing and merry laugh- relationship with the rulers of embraced him and Manmohan rule there was a surge in India’s trepidation.
ter had a likeness to Friar Tuck Saudi Arabia — a common link Singh welcomed him to the stand-off with Kashmiri Muslims, Th e JUH leverages Indian
whose Robin Hood, albeit too between Rehman and the JUH and the JUH, a close cross-bor- Muslims in what is clearly a rath-
briefl y, Musharraf had become. — it’s not diffi cult to imagine an prime ministerial residence. der comrade of Maulana Fazlur er self-serving relationship it has
A version of the English legend agreeable prospect. Th is was around the time when Rehman, did express its formu- with any government of the day.
has the monk fording the river Th e fact that the maulana Benazir Bhutto was struggling laic sympathy. A recent statement But this is also how the Hindu
in Sherwood Forest with Robin would routinely drive off to the to get an appointment with was, however, more assertive in right prefers to project the equa-
Hood on his back when, in mid- Deoband seminary, not far from Vajpayee in New Delhi its pro-government stance, eff ec- tion. Addressing the media in the
stream, for no apparent reason, he the Indian capital, following his tively endorsing the abrogation of aft ermath of the derailed Agra
hurled his friend into the freezing offi cial sojourns, suggests a link vote bank that the clerics control. Kashmir’s autonomy. summit, then senior minister Jas-
waters. Th at’s more or less what between the two stops. Th at P. Th ere are Indian Muslim “It is our belief that the wel- want Singh obliquely described
the maulana is said to have done Chidambaram made a much- groups as well as non-Muslims fare of the people of Kashmir lies the link between Indian Muslims
with Musharraf. publicized visit to the seminary as who harbor sympathy for the in getting integrated with India. and the Kashmir issue. Th e gist
In recent days, the cleric from home minister further indicates a Kashmiri people, but it is mostly 1 8/27/2019 11:31:41 PM
Th e inimical forces and the neigh-
GRATITUDE FROM P6 Bernardino, wore the hijab, Muslim scarf, to show
on the Th anksgiving Day, Th ursday, November 24, solidarity with Muslim students and also to experi-
2011 in an article entitled “Th anksgiving” posted ence what if feels to be in that garb. Th ey discovered
on Islamicity on November 19, 2011. I thanked the that Muslim women are stronger and more coura-
African-American community for standing up with geous than Muslim men. Th ank you very much
the Muslim community. I appreciated and thanked scholars and student community of America. I wish
the Japanese-American community for condemn- I could thank millions and millions of Americans
ing the misguided Americans for their suggestion individually on this Th anksgiving Day – Novem-
of placing Muslims in internment camps. Th e La- ber 24, 2011. At least several hundred Americans I
tino community is always under the threat of being know personally, but it is a tremendous task. Right WHY ?
branded as illegal aliens; I thanked them for being now, I am praying to Almighty God to bless you and
with the Muslims when extremists and hatemon- your families.”
gers raised slogans in favor of the deportation of articles.asp?ref=IV1005-4164&p=2
Muslims; thanked Rev. J. Edwin Bacon, Rector, All From my vantage point, my Islamic values are
Saints Church, Pasadena, California; and thanked not going to change, will remain the same, whether
Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar, Television pro- I respond to the creatures of absolute ignorant, fear
gram hosts. I thanked our own leaders: Dr Maher mongers and hatemongers or not. As a result of the
Hathout, founder of Muslim Public Aff airs Council San Bernardino massacre, attacks on Muslims and
(MPAC); Salaam Al-Marayati, President of MPAC; Mosques have increased. Th ose who are attacking
Hussam Ayloush, Executive Director of Council on Muslims and displaying their vast knowledge of
American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Los Ange- ignorance by listening to ignorant leaders are Y not
les; Dr Ahmed Sakr, Founder of Muslim Students afraid of terrorists; they are afraid of 99.999% Mus-
Association of American and Founder of Islamic lims who are against terrorism, extremism, racism
Society of North America (ISNA); Dr Muzammil and Islamophobia.
Siddiqi, President of California Shura Council; and Th e American Muslim community and de-
Congressman Keith Ellison, member of the House cent Americans must continue to work to replace
of Representatives fear with understanding, negativity with the posi-
Say goodbye to high electric billsy goodbye to high electric bills
On Wednesday December 2, 2015, the white tive message of Islam. I am thankful to hundreds Sa
snow from the snow-capped San Bernardino moun- of people who guided me, inspired me and taught
tains melted, and started fl owing into the valleys and me ways to serve humanity. Today, I would like to Property value increase
ravines, as pure, pristine, clean and colorless water thank one person, and he is none other than Dr No downpayment
and met the pool of blood that had accumulated in Aslam Abdullah, Imam of the Islamic Center of
the city of San Bernardino as a result of the massacre Las Vegas, Nevada, who has inspired me and raised
by the man and wife team and turned red. my soul to higher levels of spirituality through his Save lots of money every year Save the planet
Out of more than fi ve thousand universities reminders about Islamic values, his writings and
in the United States, I had thanked the students speeches. He inspired me by his unique, frank and No out of pocket cost 30% Federal tax credit
and scholars of only one university, the University honest style which he uses in his articles, about our
of California at San Bernardino. I wrote, “I would responsibilities as Muslims and followers of Prophet
like to express my profound thanks to millions and Muhammad; about our strengths and weaknesses as 562-380-3800
millions of Caucasian and White Americans who Muslims; and about human existence on this earth,
are standing by the Muslims and supporting them to placing emphasis on good side of life. He says, “Th e
show to the whole world that the dark FACE (Fun- less you respond to negative people, the more peace-
damentalists, Arid Conservatives and Extremists) ful your life will become.” sales@americandirectsolar
on the American scene does not represent the Unit- (Mohammad Yacoob is a retired Industrial En-
ed States. In November 2011, more than 100 non- gineer and Engineering Proposals Analyst who lives w w w . am e r i c a n d i r ec t s o l a r . c om
Muslims students at University of California, San in Los Angeles, California)