Page 11 - Pakistan Link - November 15, 2019
P. 11

PAKISTAN                                                                                                     NOVEMBER 15,  2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P11

           With Indian Supreme Court’s Ruling, Modi’s                                              Babri Mosque Verdict ‘Shreds the Veneer

                  Hindu-First Agenda Barrels Forward                                                 of Secularism of India’: Foreign Office

        The latest boost for PM Modi came on Saturday when the Supreme Court handed Hindu groups control of a contested site   “The decision has, once again, failed to uphold the demands of justice,” a statement
        where a 16th-century mosque was razed over two decades ago, paving the way for the construction of a temple there   issued by the Foreign Office said
        Delhi: Just six months after sweep-  the country.           ists thought the Muslim custom   Islamabad: Pakistan on Saturday ex-  ded the veneer of so-called secularism
        ing to re-election, Indian Prime   In its verdict on Saturday, the   was wrong, some Muslim groups   pressed “deep concern” over the Indian   of India by making clear that minori-
        Minister Narendra Modi has deliv-  Supreme Court called the mosque’s   said Modi was targeting them while   Supreme Court’s ruling in the historic   ties in India are no longer safe; they
        ered on two major promises of his   demolition  illegal  but  handed  the   turning a blind eye to discrimina-  Babri Masjid case, saying it had made   have to fear for their beliefs and for
        Hindu-first agenda, electrifying his   plot of land to Hindus, who believe   tion in Hindu society.  it clear that “minorities in India are no   their places of worship”.
        base but sowing unease among lib-  the  site  is  the  birthplace  of  Lord   Despite the focus on social is-  longer safe”.  The FO expressed concern that “a
        erals and the nation’s Muslim mi-  Ram,  a  much  venerated  god-king.   sues, political analysts predict the   While announcing its judgement   process of re-writing history is under-
        nority.                       The court directed that another plot   government and the BJP will have to   on a disputed land where Hindu hard-  way in India in order to recast it in the
            The latest boost for Modi came   in Ayodhya be provided to a Muslim   shift attention quickly to a sagging   liners demolished the 16th-century   image of a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ in pursu-
        on Saturday, when the Supreme   group that contested the case.  economy and surging unemploy-  Babri mosque in 1992, India’s top court   ance  of the Hindutva ideology”,  add-
        Court handed Hindu groups con-    In  over  a  dozen  interviews,   ment or risk losing popular support.  earlier in the day ruled in favor of the   ing that the trend is also fast affecting
        trol of a contested site where a 16th-  Muslim community leaders, busi-  India, long touted as the world’s   Hindus and said that a temple will be   India’s major institutions.
        century mosque was razed over two   nessmen, and students said they   fastest-growing large economy, has   constructed on the Ayodhya land.  “The rising tide of extremist ide-
        decades ago, paving the way for the   respected the verdict but it exacer-  seen economic expansion wither to   “The decision has, once again,   ology in India, based on the belief of
        construction of a temple there that   bated their sense of alienation.  six-year lows.     failed to uphold the demands of jus-  Hindu supremacy and exclusion, is a
        has long been an election promise   “Why did the court then give   Two college students  — one   tice,” a statement issued by the Foreign   threat to regional peace and stability,”
        of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party   a  ruling  which  is completely one-  Hindu, one Muslim — in Uttar   Office said, pointing out that the Unit-  the press release said.
        (BJP).                        sided? Was the court under pres-  Pradesh’s capital Lucknow separate-  ed Nations had recently noted that the   It said the Indian government
            That followed New Delhi’s   sure? We don’t know. We can’t trust   ly  said  after  the  court  verdict  that   Indian Supreme Court’s response to   should ensure protection to Muslims,
        move in August to strip Muslim-  anyone now. No door is open for   they hoped the government would   human rights petitions in the context   their lives, rights and properties and
        majority Indian-occupied Kashmir   us,”  said  local  Muslim  community   now focus on economic issues.  of Indian-occupied Kashmir had been   “avoid being yet again a silent specta-
        of its special status in what Modi’s   leader Azam Quadri during evening   “This case has gone on for so   “slow”.       tor of Muslims becoming the victims
        government said was a bid to inte-  prayers in Ayodhya.     long [...] Now that it’s done with al-  “This decision points out that   of Hindu extremists and zealots”.
        grate the restive region with the rest   ‘Best to be numb’: While Modi   together, maybe more economic is-  when the court acts, it is unable to pro-  The FO also called upon the in-
        of predominantly-Hindu India.  himself has said the court verdict   sues can come forward”, said Rajat   tect the interests of India’s minorities,”   ternational community, the UN and
            Now, the BJP may move to-  should not be seen as a “win or loss”   Mishra, a business student.  the press release added.  other human rights organizations to
        wards delivering on its third tradi-  for anyone, many Muslims Reuters   “Attention can now move be-  The court’s unanimous decision,   play their role by “restraining India
        tional plank: Creating a uniform   spoke to expressed resignation after   yond topics of religion,” said medi-  which is likely to have a significant im-  from  its  pursuit  of  an  extremist  ide-
        civil code that does away with the   the ruling.            cal student Irfan, 22, who declined   pact on fraught relations between In-  ology” and to ensure equal rights and
        independence of religious commu-  Some were bitter that a probe   to give his surname. - Reuters  dia’s Hindus and Muslims, “has shred-  protection of the minorities in India.
        nities.                       into the demolition has inconclu-
              “After  just  a  few  months  of   sively dragged on for three decades   Why Muslims Only Must Prove Exclusive Possession of Site
        Modi 2.0, they’ve accomplished two   and that many of the politicians ac-
        out of three (main cultural objec-  cused of conspiring to take down   n By Sruthisagar Yamunan  how took precedence over the Muslim   conclude that a temple had been demol-
        tives).  It’s quite  possible  that  they   the mosque are prominent BJP                  claim.                        ished to build the 16th century mosque.
        will accomplish all three by next   members. Those people have said   n page 215 of the Ayodhya-                        It also pointed to the date of the temple
        year,” said Milan Vaishnav, a senior   the  demolition was  spontaneous   Babri Masjid verdict, deliv-  Possession of the site  as 12th century, citing the long gap be-
        fellow at the Carnegie Endowment   and not planned.         Oered by a five-judge bench on    The judgement spends consider-  tween the date of the temple and the
        for International Peace in Washing-  “I feel humiliated by the Su-  Saturday, the Supreme Court makes a   able space analyzing two crucial aspects   construction of the mosque in 1528.
        ton DC.                       preme Court verdict,” said one af-  crucial statement of logic: “It is true   of the legal dispute that began in 1885,   Having done so, the court said the
            “It’s striking that the govern-  fluent Mumbai-based Muslim busi-  that in matters of faith and belief, the   when the mahant of the Nirmohi Akha-  ASI findings could not be the basis of
        ment has moved with a clarity of   nessman, who declined to give his   absence of evidence may not be evi-  ra,  an  organization  of  Hindu  ascetics,   awarding title in a land dispute, disre-
        purpose on its social agenda that’s   name. “Others don’t care. They have   dence of absence.”  moved the courts to establish his right   garding a crucial point that there was no
        completely absent when it comes to   become numb. It’s best to be numb   But in its final findings, the court   to worship at the assumed Ram Janmas-  concrete link between the destruction of
        economic matters,” added Vaishnav   in Modi’s India.”       contradicted this same logic.  than. First is the report of the Archaeo-  the ancient temple and the construction
        in reference to the slowing of the   Some people believe that Hin-  The crux of the judgment that India   logical Survey of India produced on the   of the mosque.
        country’s once red-hot economic   du nationalists, galvanized by the   has awaited since 1949 is that Muslims   directions of the Allahabad High Court   The court said: “A finding of title
        growth.                       Ayodhya triumph, could turn their   failed to show unimpeded possession of   in 2003. The second is a set of literary   cannot be based in law on the archaeo-
            Many Muslims have watched   attention to two other Uttar Pradesh   the disputed site in Ayodhya between   and official documents, including the   logical findings which have been arrived
        with a mix of fear and resignation   mosques they believe Mughal con-  1528, when the mosque was supposedly   accounts of European travelers and Brit-  at by ASI. Between the twelfth century to
        as the BJP has morphed into the of-  querors built over the remains of   built by Mughal emperor Babur, and   ish gazetteers, relating to the disputed   which the underlying structure is dated
        ficially secular country’s near-undis-  Hindu temples centuries ago.  1857, when, after a clash between Mus-  site since the 18th century.  and the construction of the mosque in
        puted political force.            “This (verdict) seems to gen-  lims and Hindus, a railing was erected   From the ASI report, the  court   the sixteenth century, there is an inter-
            The  controversial  site  in  the   erate incentives for Hindus to take   between the inner and outer courtyards   concedes that a structure existed be-  vening period of four centuries. No evi-
        northern state of Uttar Pradesh   down mosques and resettle,” said   at the disputed site. The inner courtyard   neath the mosque. It said that a reason-  dence has been placed on the record in
        has been one of the most explosive   Neelanjan Sircar, an assistant pro-  is where the mosque demolished by   able inference could be drawn on the ba-  relation to the course of human history
        issues  in  the  nation  of  1.3  billion,   fessor at Ashoka University near   Hindutva mobs in 1992 stood. The outer   sis of the standard of proof that governs   between the twelfth and sixteen centu-
        where Muslims constitute about 14   New Delhi.              courtyard has several Hindu shrines.  civil trials that the underlying structure   ries. No evidence is available in a case of
        per cent of the population.       Another likely move is the uni-  While the judgment strains to   that provided the foundations of the   this antiquity on (i) the cause of destruc-
            In 1992, a rally led by the BJP   form civil code.      point out that the matter was not decid-  mosque together with its architectural   tion of the underlying structure; and (ii)
        and affiliate  organizations  spiraled   New  Delhi  has  already  taken   ed on faith, it places the onus on Mus-  features  and recoveries  “are suggestive   whether the pre-existing structure was
        out of control and a Hindu mob de-  steps toward creating such a code,   lims alone to prove exclusive possession   of a Hindu religious origin comparable   demolished for the construction of the
        stroyed the Babri Masjid in the city   with the BJP-led parliament in July   of the site. There is no similar expecta-  to temple excavations in the region and   mosque. Title to the land must be decid-
        of Ayodhya. That triggered riots in   outlawing the centuries-old right   tion from the Hindu side. This leaves the   pertaining to the era”.  ed on settled legal principles and apply-
        which about 2,000 people, most of   of a Muslim man to instantly di-  impression that the Hindu belief in the   It, however, chose to contextualize   ing evidentiary standards which govern
        them Muslims, were killed across   vorce his wife. While many activ-  site being the birthplace of Ram some-  this report and state that the ASI did not   MUSLIMS, P26
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