Page 15 - Pakistan Link - November 15, 2019
P. 15

PAKISTAN                                                                                                     NOVEMBER 15,  2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P15
               Economy Stabilizes: Govt. Allocates                                                 Government Needs Face-Saving Exit,

         Funds for Export & Construction Sectors                                                      Not Me: Maulana Fazlur Rehman

                                                                        The adviser on finance point-  Islamabad:  Jamiat Ulem-i-Islam-
                                                                    ed out that cement production also   Fazl (JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur
                                                                    increase 4.5 percent, which was in-  Rehman  has  said that he could
                                                                    dicative of the growth of the coun-  change  his  strategy  to  force  Prime
                                                                    try’s construction sector.    Minister Imran Khan to step  down
                                                                        “The country’s exchange rate   from his office.
                                                                    remained  stable  during  the  first   Speaking  on  Geo  News  talk
                                                                    four months of fiscal year 2019-20   show Jirga, the Maulana, who is
                                                                    and stock market had also shown a   leading a protest in the federal capi-
                                                                    remarkable recovery,” he said add-  tal since October 31, said that any-
                                                                    ing the government had paid $2.1   thing less than the prime minister’s
                                                                    billion debts obtained by the previ-  resignation would not be acceptable
                                                                    ous government.               to him.
                                                                        In response to a question, Dr   The JUI-F chief, however, add-
                                                                    Sheikh said the pace of Pakistan’s   ed that a solution equivalent to the
                                                                    economic growth would increase   resignation could also be consid-
                                                                    further in the coming days and the   ered, without elaborating on what
        Islamabad:  The Prime Minister’s   (FBR) Chairperson Shabbar Zaidi,   government’s target for fiscal year   that might be.  with the law and constitution.
        Adviser  on  Finance  and  Revenue,   the adviser said the State Bank of   2019-20 could easily be surpassed.  He said that his party has put an   “When he [Prime Minister Im-
        Dr Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, said   Pakistan (SBP) had also decided to   The adviser also noted that the   end to  fear of the government   as   ran] went to the United States, he
        Monday Pakistan’s economic sector   increase loans for exporters by Rs   government had allocated record   well as the impression that things   wasn’t  even  received  by a  school-
        had comfortably stabilized now —   100 billion.             Rs 152 billion for the development   would happen just as Imran Khan   teacher,” he said.
        something that international insti-  Dr Sheikh informed that the   of erstwhile FATA during current   would want.           “He  even abused us  and the
        tutions, including the International   government had also decided to al-  fiscal year.       The Maulana said that his pro-  country in his US jalsa,” said Fazl,
        Monetary Fund (IMF) and the   locate an additional Rs 250 billion   In response to a query, Dr   test has also quashed the impression   referring to the Prime Minister’s ad-
        World Bank, have also endorsed.  to resolve the problem of circular   Sheikh said the determination of   that nobody can raise a voice against   dress during his first official visit to
            “Last week, the IMF had   debts in the country’s power sector.  discount  rate  was  the  job  of  the   the government.  the US.
        praised Pakistan government’s ef-  The government had also al-  monitory policy committee and   Dispelling  the  notion  that  he   The JUI-F chief said that Prime
        forts of introducing reforms in   located an amount of additional Rs   the government had given full in-  was seeking a face-saving end to end   Minister Imran’s politics was based
        the economic sector and said that   30 billion for ‘Naya Pakistan Hous-  dependence to the SBP’s monetary   his protest, he said it was the govern-  on just one word and that was call-
        it had met all the targets that were   ing Scheme’ to be utilized for sub-  policy. The committee determined   ment which needs a way out.  ing others thieves.
        set by the IMF for its program with   sidies to be given to the builders.   the discount rate by keeping in   Responding to a question, the   Fazl also lashed out at the gov-
        the country,” Dr Sheikh said dur-  The stakeholders involved in the   view various factors, he men-  JUI-F chief said that he would be   ernment’s negotiating committee,
        ing a press conference in the fed-  construction sector would also be   tioned.           happy if his allied parties could ben-  saying  that they did not have the
        eral capital.                 given special  tax  concessions,  he   The adviser said the govern-  efit from the pressure he has mount-  capability to understand the opposi-
            The PM’s adviser explained   added.                     ment was fully focused on control-  ed on the government.   tion’s demands.
        that after a successful dialogue, the   Dr Sheikh said during first   ling the prices of essential items of   The Maulana lashed out at   “They don’t have the capabil-
        IMF has also approved the release   four months of the current fiscal   daily use. “We are also taking steps   Prime Minister Imran during his   ity to understand our demands or
        of the second tranche worth $450   year the government had achieved   to minimize the role of middle   Azadi March speech on Sunday.  convey them to the government,”
        million to Pakistan.          remarkable successes on the eco-  men due to which the price of food   “Keep sitting on the chair, this   he said. “Which is why I tell them to
            Besides, the Pakistani govern-  nomic front as the trade deficit   items jumps when they reach the   nation doesn’t recognize you as its   bring me the prime minister’s resig-
        ment has decided to announce a   continued to reduce resulting in   end consumers.”       ruler,” he told the prime minister.  nation.”
        Rs200-billion package for export-  increase of foreign exchange re-  To a query, he said the previ-  Fazl said that the government   The JUI-F chief criticized the
        ers  to promote  exports  besides   serves in the country.  ous government wasted $20-25   was reminding him about following   legislation that was done on Thurs-
        increasing production and job op-  He said after a big gap of five   billion of the nation to artificially   the court’s decision. “I want to ask   day in the parliament, when a record
        portunities in the country.   years, the country’s exports had   maintain Pakistan rupee’s ex-  you, how many judicial verdicts did   number of 13 ordinances were ap-
            Speaking alongside the PM’s   started  to  increased  four  percent   change rate against the US dollar.   you respect?” he posed the question.  proved in an hour-and-a-half.
        special assistant on information,   and that the FBR tax revenues   For the past four months, the pet-  Fazl claimed the incumbent   “Fake ordinances through fake
        Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan, Economic   had also grown 16 percent in four   rol prices didn’t jump despite the   government was afraid of his March.   representatives is not acceptable,”
        Affairs Minister Hammad Azhar,   months compared to same period   fact that prices in the international   He went on to say his marchers had   said Fazl.
        and  Federal  Board  of  Revenue   of last year.            markets had increased.        reduced the government’s mountain   Fazl said that if the nation was
                                                                                                  of ego to dust.               against those who picked up arms
         Islamabad:  The government ap-  PM Orders Formation of Special                               Fazl said that this was not the   in the name of religion, then Prime
         pears to have come under increas-                                                        way the country had to be run. Paki-  Minister Imran was a ‘Qabza Group’
         ing pressure over the issue of price                                                     stan could be run only in accordance   and he should also be opposed.
         hike as Prime Minister Imran Khan        Cell for Price Control
         on Monday ordered creation of a                                                           Contempt Case: IHC Asks Ghulam Sarwar,
         special cell for integrated planning   and for not borrowing from the State   In the heat of arguments after
         on demand and supply of essential   Bank or zero currency printing over   the presser, a questioner asked Dr   Firdous to Appear on November 14th
         commodities to control their prices.  the past four months.  Shaikh why he was not moved by to-
            Soon after the prime minister   The PM’s adviser said the gov-  mato being sold for Rs300 and onion   Islamabad:  The Islam-  that?” Justice Minallah
         presided over a meeting of his eco-  ernment was now focusing on reduc-  Rs120 per kg.    abad High Court (IHC) on              enquired,  adding  that
         nomic managers, his Adviser on   ing prices. “Who do you think would   He retorted: “From where [you]   Monday issued a notice to   politics was one thing,
         Finance Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh,   be worried today more than the   are quoting these prices, where the   Federal Minister for Avia-  but such statements
         accompanied by Minister for Eco-  prime minister who has been given   prices [are] increasing? The tomato   tion Ghulam Sarwar Khan   were making people lose
         nomic Affairs Hammad Azhar, Fi-  votes by the people?” he said, adding   price in the Karachi vegetable [mar-  in a petition seeking con-  trust in the system.
         nance Secretary Naveed Kamran,   that PM Khan was holding meeting   ket is] Rs17 per kg.”  tempt of court proceedings               The same bench
         Federal Board of Revenue (FBR)   after meeting to address the problem   According to an official state-  against the federal minister   decided to club the peti-
         chairman Shabbar Zaidi and Special   and asking the relevant quarters to   ment, the meeting chaired by the   for linking the release of   tion against Khan with
         Finance Secretary Omar Hameed   do the needful.            prime minister  was  informed  that   Nawaz Sharif on bail with a ‘deal’.  contempt proceedings against Spe-
         Khan, appeared at a news conference   He said the government was   effective administrative and policy   A single-judge bench of the   cial Assistant to the Prime Minister
         to  defend  the  government policies   taking four-five instruments to con-  measures were being taken to control   high court headed by IHC Chief Jus-  on Information Dr Firdous Ashiq
         and explain steps they could or have   trol prices. It took steps to improve   sugar prices and special focus was on   tice Athar Minallah asked the min-  Awan.
         been taking on the pricing front.  supplies when prices went up, he   discouraging hoarding and profiteer-  ister to submit a reply by Thursday.  During the proceedings, Dr
            More than their explanations,   said, recalling the government had   ing. It was felt that provision of Rs6   On Saturday, a petition was   Awan said that her case had no rela-
         they faced question after question   released 650,000 tons of wheat from   billion to the Utility Stores Corpora-  submitted against Khan by a law-  tion to that of the federal minister for
         about the increase in prices of vari-  public sector stocks when flour pric-  tion approved by the prime minister   yer Khalid Mehmood Khan. While   aviation. Justice Minallah responded
         ous kitchen items, particularly vege-  es started going up and the move had   would go a long way in significantly   referring to a talk show aired on a   that she had held a press conference
         tables and fruits, and the policies that   a positive impact in the market.  reducing the prices of essential com-  private television channel, it pointed   in official capacity and Khan had
         trigger inflation — from high policy   Also, he said, there were certain   modities. The prime minister was in-  out that the minister openly linked   also given a statement, which is why
         and interest rates to hoarding, black   things  that  the  provincial  govern-  formed that sugar stocks availability   the release of Nawaz with a deal be-  the two will be heard together.
         marketing and short supplies. Some   ments should take care of like they   was satisfactory in the market.  tween the government and the for-  Awan, who was in the court
         questions also pertained to record   should make sure that the prices of   The adviser on finance told the   mer premier.  during  the  proceedings,  said  that
         prices of tomato going beyond Rs300   produce did not go up as much as   prime minister that the government   During Monday’s proceedings,   Khan had not said  anything about
         per kg in some cases, besides sugar,   these were between the farm and the   was now focusing on providing every   the petitioner’s lawyer Advocate Ja-  the medical board, to which the pe-
         wheat flour, onions and potatoes, to   market. Then there were some items   possible relief to the people as a top   hangir Jadoon said that Khan had   titioner’s counsel responded that he
         name a few.                   that were being smuggled out of bor-  priority along with further strength-  made a statement regarding the al-  had termed Nawaz’s bail the “result
            Dr Shaikh said the government   ders to Afghanistan, Central Asian   ening economic stability and extend-  leged deal and had claimed that a   of a deal”.
         was not taking any measure that led   Republics and Iran and there was a   ing maximum facilitations and ease   fake medical report could be issued.  “I can read the transcript of his
         to price hike and claimed credit for   need for an effective mechanism to   of doing business to the investors   “The medical board was formed   statement,” the premier’s special
         releasing wheat stocks in the market   stop that, he added.  and business class.          by the government — how can he say   SARWAR, P28
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