Page 19 - Pakistan Link - November 15, 2019
P. 19

COMMUNITY                                                                                                    NOVEMBER 15,  2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P19
                 Muslim Democrats Make History in Virginia Elections                                                             Faith over Law: Indian Americans
                                                                                                                                  Babri Masjid Judgement Prefers

          n By Dominique Mosbergen                                                                would have to pull mace and that    he  Indian  American  Mus-
                                                                                                  it would escalate and devolve into   lim Council (IAMC), an
              emocrats Ghazala Hashmi                                                             everything it was that night, over a  Tadvocacy group dedicated
              and Abrar Omeish made                                                               minor traffic violation,” she said.   to safeguarding India’s pluralist
        Dhistory  in  Virginia’s  elec-                                                               A Fairfax County police    and tolerant ethos, has expressed
        tions on Tuesday. In a surprise vic-                                                      spokeswoman told the Post that   dismay at the Indian Supreme
        tory, Hashmi unseated incumbent                                                           Omeish “actively resisted arrest.”   Court’s ruling that a Hindu temple
        Republican Glen Sturtevant in the                                                             In an April blog post on Medi-  be built on a site where the Babri
        state Senate, and Omeish clinched                                                         um, Hashmi described her terror as   Mosque stood for five centuries
        one of three vacant seats on the                                                          she watched the Trump administra-  until Hindu extremists razed it 27
        Fairfax County School Board.                                                              tion  roll  out  its  racist  immigration   years ago.
            Celebrating her win, Omeish,                                                          agenda  - and how  that  fueled  her   Calling the judgement a mix-
        24, said she was the youngest wom-                                                        desire to run for office.      ture of  glaring  contradictions,
        an to hold elected office in Virginia’s                                                       “What triggered my panic was   IAMC has urged Indian Muslims
        history and also the first Muslim                                                         not so much the deliberate and cal-  to pursue legal avenues such as fil-
        woman to be elected in the state. She                                                     lous way the administration sought   ing of a review petition before the
        shares that second accolade with                                                          to criminalize people and commu-  Court. The Supreme Court’s ruling
        Hashmi, who is also Muslim.                                                               nities on the basis of their faith, but   emboldens the decades’ old project
            Hashmi is the first Muslim to                                                         rather the casual ease with which we   of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s
        be  elected  to the  state Senate, the                                                    were now willing to accept — as le-  Hindu extremist Rashtriya Sway-
        Richmond Times-Dispatch report-                                                           gitimate legal action — this assault   amsevak Sangh (RSS) — whose
        ed. Two Muslim men - Democrats                                                            on our democratic values. And I had   thousands of members had crimi-
        Ibraheem Samirah and Sam Rasoul                                                           to wonder: do I, a Muslim Ameri-  nally razed the mosque in 1992 and
        - currently serve in Virginia’s Gen-                                                      can who has lived in this country   who were yet to be punished for it
        eral Assembly.                otherwise not been engaged by reg-  cratic Rep Ilhan Omar of Minne-  for close to 50 years, have a home in   — to make India a Hindu Rashtra
            Hashmi’s  win  was  part  of  the   istering 1,500 new voters and train-  sota, Omeish said she hadn’t antici-  this country any longer?” she wrote.  (nation)  and  turn  India’s  200 mil-
        blue wave that swept Virginia on   ing hundreds of new volunteers,”   pated the baseless “ignorance and   “I decided to run for the State   lion Muslims, who are its largest
        Tuesday. Democrats successfully   Omeish’s campaign said in a state-  animosity” she’d come up against.  Senate because in 400 years of the   minority, into second-class citizens.
        flipped both houses of the state   ment celebrating her victory to an   “I  underestimated how  much   General Assembly — the oldest leg-  “The Supreme Court’s ruling
        legislature. The election has been   at-large seat.         diversity and being a minority for   islative body in America — Virgin-  is of a piece with the Modi govern-
        described as a possible “watershed”   “She strives towards facilitating   me has shaped how I think about   ians have never elected a Muslim   ment’s revocation of special status
        moment for the once-conservative   a school system that believes fully in   others.  So it  surprised me to  see   woman to office,” Hashmi contin-  of Jammu and Kashmir, India’s only
        Southern state.               the potential of the leader in every   how shameless people can be in how   ued. “I decided to run for the State   Muslim-majority state, and the de-
            “Today we sent a message that   child and believes that the invest-  they behave or express themselves   Senate because if marginalized com-  cision to incarcerate half a million
        the status quo is no longer accept-  ment in that child is worthwhile no   against me,” she said.  munities like mine don’t stand up   Muslims in detention centers in the
        ed,” a victorious Hashmi wrote on   matter their race, ethnicity, socio-  Earlier this year, Omeish made   for ourselves, we can’t expect others   state of Assam,” said IAMC Nation-
        Twitter.                      economic status, religion, gender,   headlines after she was allegedly   to do it for us.”  al President Ahsan Khan.
            Omeish, along with Democrats   sexual  orientation, or  immigration   pepper-sprayed and forced to re-  Elsewhere on Tuesday, Safiya   It is bizarre that although the
        Karen Keys-Gamarra and Rachna   status,” the campaign continued.  move her headscarf during a routine   Khalid became the first Somali-  Supreme Court accepted that Hin-
        Sizemore Heizer, won the three    Omeish  has  been  open in  the   traffic stop.         American to be elected to the Lew-  du extremists had illegally installed
        open seats on the Fairfax County   past about the discrimination she’s   She told The Washington Post   iston City Council in Maine; and   idols inside the mosque in 1949,
        School Board.                 faced and the challenges she’s had to   in June that she had committed a   Nadia Mohamed became the first   and  then  also  illegally  demolished
            “Abrar’s campaign worked hard   overcome as a Muslim woman striv-  traffic violation - turning right on   Muslim and Somali-American to   the mosque in 1992, the Court has
        to elevate young voices and those of   ing for elected office.  a red light- but said the officer used   be elected to the St Louis Park City   nonetheless chosen to award the
        underserved and underrepresented   Speaking to HuffPost in May in   unnecessary force.    Council in Minnesota.          site’s possession to these very claim-
        communities, proactively reach-  the aftermath of President Donald   “It makes no logical sense to me   This article originally appeared   ants.
        ing out to constituencies who have   Trump’s public attacks on Demo-  that, within three minutes, an officer   on HuffPost.  JUDGMENT, P28
           Pakistani Americans Express Support for Al Mustafa Trust’s Healthcare Work

              gathering of Pakistani-  preneurs, and members of the com-  services through state-of-the-art   fare work the Trust has been doing   fraz, a member Council of Trustees,
              Americans expressed their   munity.                    equipment with a team of dedicated   for the past two decades.  informed the gathering about the
         A  wholehearted support for      Chairman of Al Mustafa Trust,   volunteers and medical practitio-  He said the Trust will be “add-  progress that Al Mustafa Trust has
         the primary healthcare work that   Muhammad Mustafa Khan, who is   ners in remote areas as well as major   ing more facilities and equipment to   made over the years and highlighted
         Al Mustafa Trust is providing to   in  the  United  States  for  a  series  of   medical centers. Currently, the Trust   our existing network”.  the transparency and effectiveness of
         the  underprivileged  across  Paki-  events to introduce the work of the   provides primary healthcare to one   He also spoke about how the   its working.
         stan.                         organization, apprised the gather-  million people annually.  Trust  is  filling  the  missing  links  in   Syed Shahid Ahmed, Trustee of
            M. Rao Zubair, a community   ing of the services provided through   Khan, who is a retired general,   Pakistan’s  healthcare  services, par-  Al Mustafa Charitable Trust USA,
         member, hosted  the fund-raising   medical centers, dispensaries, and   appreciated the Pakistani-American   ticularly in remote areas, where a   said the Trust is a registered 501(c)
         event, attended by California-based   mobile vans.          community for their keen interest   timely diagnosis can save many lives.  (3) non-profit charitable organiza-
         Pakistani-American doctors, entre-  The medical facilities provide   and  expression  of  support  for wel-  Brigadier retd Muhammad Sar-  tion.
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