Page 20 - Pakistan Link - November 15, 2019
P. 20

P20  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  NOVEMBER  15,  2019                                                                               COMMENTARY
                        Journey into America Re-Released on Tenth Anniversary

                  n By Tyler Brazitis
           ourney into America, a documentary
           fi lm about Islam in America by Akbar
        JAhmed, the former High Commissioner
        from Pakistan to the United Kingdom and
                   Ireland and the current Ibn
                   Khaldun Chair of Islamic
                   Studies at American Univer-
                   sity, is being re-released for its
                   10th anniversary. It features
                   new  and  never  before  seen
                   footage while engaging with
        and evaluating changes in the American po-
        litical climate.
            Th  e new footage includes appearances by
        Americans including socialite Joanne Herring,
        whose eff orts to aid the Afghan war against
        the Soviets in the 1980s alongside Congress-  From left : Dr Akbar Ahmed with Hailey Woldt during fi eldwork in Arab Alabama, with members of his research team at the Statue of Liberty, and at the oldest US mosque in Cedar Rapids
        man Charlie Wilson was depicted in the fi lm
        Charlie Wilson’s War in which Julia Roberts
        portrayed her.
            In  Journey into America, Ambassador
        Akbar Ahmed, a Muslim professor, sets off  on
        a journey into the heart of American society
        with a team of young researchers. Th  ey seek
        to discover the Muslim community and the
        nature of American identity by visiting more
        than 100 mosques in over 75 cities. Th  rough
        this unprecedented adventure, the team con-
        ducts interviews of countless Americans in
        their homes, schools, and places of worship.
            Viewers will embark on a journey that
        reaches into the depths of the American soul   Dr Akbar Ahmed with the Dawoodi Bohra Muslim community in Houston (left ) and with an imam and bishop in Las Vegas (right)
        and emerge with a moving picture of what it
        means to be American. Ahmed and his team   lith, it means something diff erent to each of its   Frankie Martin, a Journey into America   Barbara J. Stephenson, Deputy Chief of
        assemble  a  remarkable  narrative  that  weaves   citizens. I taught history at the secondary level   team member, remarked about his experience   Mission at the US Embassy in London, in-
        together the complexity of the thoughts, fears,   for three years, and Ahmed’s message about   rendering the re-release edition, “I re-entered   troduced Ahmed in her welcome address
        and hopes of Americans across the country.   the pursuit of Ilm is critical in this time of great   our fi eldwork through the extensive footage. I   at a showing of the fi lm at the US Embassy,
        Th  ey visit community and religious leaders,   division. It is important for people of all ages   appreciated again the mammoth scale of the   “I’m guessing most of you know Ambassador
        representative of all the major Abrahamic   to view this fi lm for precisely that fact. Ahmed   project and the contribution it has made and   Ahmed’s background pretty well. For those
        faiths, underscoring the purpose of the fi lm-  revisited Journey into America during a time   will continue to make with the rerelease of   who don’t, I apologize to him - because, to be
        spreading knowledge and building bridges.   where there is more to learn about the min-  the fi lm and the new edition of the book. I am   frank, it’s impossible for me to fully do justice
        Ambassador Doug Holladay says of the fi lm,   gling of cultures and pursuing what it means   proud that a decade on Journey into America   here to his countless achievements, honors
        “I think you’re the fi rst that I know that has re-  to be an American going into the future.   is still making an impact and has much to   and awards. Perhaps the easiest thing is to say
        ally tried to capture the rich texture of Ameri-  I felt the fi lm to be a remarkable exhibi-  teach us.”        that for all his other accomplishments, Profes-
        ca. I think it was a brilliant idea and I think it’s   tion of the plurality within America, and the   Th  e great American dream is to have the   sor Ahmed is - quite simply – one of the great-
        going to be broadly watched and it’s going to   spirit of the fi lm really shines light on the ne-  rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of hap-  est scholars of Islam in the world today. Where
        be very infl uential.”                cessity of continued dialogue between Ameri-  piness. Journey into America stresses that we   there is greater understanding there is not only
            Journey into America is a shining exam-  cans and the Muslim community. I watched   live in a critical time where building bridges   tolerance but - even more important - there is
        ple of how building bridges between diff erent   the fi lm with my mother, who noticed, “It   will lead us into a better and brighter future.   hope…for me, [Journey into America makes]
        communities allows for a celebration of diver-  seems like Americans don’t know much about   I highly recommend that anyone who desires   the essential discovery: that you can be an
        sity, identity, and a quest for Ilm, the Islamic   Islam or the Muslim community. We need to   a behind-the-scenes look at American identity   American and a Muslim and it diminishes nei-
        ideal of Knowledge. Former American Uni-  seek out ways to engage with that community   watch this fi lm. Journey into America ignites   ther your national nor your religious identity.”
        versity President Cornelius Kerwin remarks   and get rid of the fear Americans have of be-  a desire for greater cooperation and under-  (Tyler Brazitis is a graduate student study-
        that “this is likely to be one of the most defi ni-  lief  systems  other  than  their  own.”  Ejaz  Ra-  standing between cultures in America.   ing peace and confl ict resolution at American
        tive works to date on the Muslim experience in   him, one of Pakistan’s most prominent authors   For me this fi lm illustrates one of the   University in Washington, DC. Tyler hopes
        the United States.”                   noted, “Th  e whole rainbow of America is (in   greatest opportunities Americans have in   to work in peace education and confl ict rec-
            I  am  a  young  scholar  of  Islam,  I  help   the fi lm), but also multiple layers of clouds of   the coming years; it is integral that we build   onciliation in post-confl ict communities. As a
        teach and interact with other students of Is-  past, present and future storms in the Ameri-  bridges with the Muslim community - and   young scholar of Islam, Tyler works to build
        lam alongside Ahmed. Th  e beauty of Ahmed’s   can skies.” Th  e complexity of the dialogue be-  there is no better way than to engage in dia-  bridges between cultures through dialogue
        monumental  Journey into America lies in its   tween civilizations as portrayed by Ahmed is   logue within our neighborhoods, towns, and   and intercultural mingling)
        pursuit of the idea that America is not a mono-  vast and ripe for development.  communities.                        -
                n By Riaz Haq           Pakistani Video Game Player among World’s Top 10 Earners                                Pakistani players, the country

              arachi-born   Pakistani
              Syed Sumail Hasan, 19, is
        Kthe world’s youngest video
        gamer to surpass $1 million in
        earnings. In fact, he has earned
        $3.6 million so far as an inter-
        national Dota 2 player, ranking
        as the 10th biggest winner in the
        world, according to esportsearn- website which tracks
        players’ earnings. Sumail started
        playing Dota 2 at the age of 7. He
        now lives in a Chicago suburb as
        a permanent resident of the Unit-
        ed States.
            Arsalan Ash Siddique, 23 years
        old player from Lahore, Pakistan,
        caused a stir in Fukuoka, Japan,   Syed Sumail Hasan                                                                Arsalan Ash Siddique (center)  ranks 25th in the world for players’
        when he defeated the world’s top   to Japan.                no exchange would accept them.    Arsalan was exhausted and   earnings in 2019, according to es-
        players  to  win  EVO  champion-  It wasn’t easy for Arsalan to   Hungry and tired, he tried his luck   ready to give up his dream when  Ranked above
        ship in February 2019, accord-  reach Japan to participate in the   at the food court but no one would   he fi nally got through to his Japa-  Pakistan are mainly rich industrial-
        ing to Asahi Shimbun. In his vic-  contest. He had to jump through   accept the Pakistani currency. His   nese sponsors who helped him out.   ized nations from North America,
        tory speech, Arslan acknowledged   many hoops and travel through sev-  next fl ight was from Narita airport   Needless to say he got no help from   Europe and East Asia. All South
        many unknown Pakistani players   eral transit countries each of which   an hour away by public transport.   Pakistani diplomats through his   Asian nations rank below Pakistan.
        who are also quite strong but could   made it diffi  cult for him. When he   To travel he needed to buy a ticket   challenging journey.  Players  from India rank 63rd, Sri
        not join the competition because   arrived at Haneda airport in Japan,    but did not possess any local cur-  In spite of visa denials and   Lanka 98th, Afghanistan 108th,
        they could not get the visa to travel   he only had Pakistani rupees and   rency, according to SBS Urdu.  other travel challenges faced by   Bangladesh 115th and Nepal 123rd.
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