Page 25 - Pakistan Link - November 15, 2019
P. 25

RELIGION                                                                                                     NOVEMBER 15,  2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P25

                        The Relevance and Importance of the Sirah of                                                               Gems from the

              Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad - Peace Be Upon Him                                                                      Holy Qur’an

                                                                                                                                     From the translation by
           n By Dr Muzammil H. Siddiqi                                                                                           Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss)
            ndeed, for you in the Messenger
            of Allah, there is a fine example
         Ito follow, for those who hope in
         Allah and the Last Day and remem-
         ber Allah much. (Al-Ahzab 33:21)
             We are in the blessed month of
         Rabi’ul Awwal, the month in which
                    our beloved Prophet
                    Muhammad -peace
                    be upon him- was
                    born. We should re-
                    member him always,
                    but in this month
                    Muslims all over the
                    world pay more atten-
         tion to his life and example. His life is
         an example and model for all times
         and for all people in every place.                                                                                         About the translator:
            He was the last Messenger of Al-                                                                                        Muhammad Asad, Leopold
         lah and he was sent for the guidance                                                                                   Weiss, was born of Jewish parents
         of all people. Prophet Muhammad                                                                                        in Livow, Austria (later Poland) in
         -peace be upon him- was the greatest                                                                                   1900, and at the age of 22 made
         and the most perfect human being                                                                                       his first visit to the Middle East.
         ever lived on the face of this earth.                                                                                  He later became an outstand-
         He was not a legend or a mythical                                                                                      ing foreign correspondent for the
         figure; he was a real, historical being.                                                                               Franfurter Zeitung, and after his
            He was not only historical, he                                                                                      conversion to  Islam travelled and
         made history. He left greatest impact                                                                                  worked throughout the Muslim
         on the history of the world. His fol-                                                                                  world, from North Africa to as far
         lowers are now almost two billion                                                                                      east as Afghanistan, India and Pak-
         and their number is ever growing and                                                                                   istan. After years of devoted study
         shall continue to grow.      good. It is the nourishment of the soul   never saw anyone before him or after   sized that we should be merciful to all   he became one of the leading Mus-
            The word ‘Sirah’ means ‘life his-  and body. It inspires and motivates.  him like him.’ (Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith   people. Mercy, however, should begin   lim scholars of our age. His trans-
         tory, example, character and achieve-  The study of Sirah is the study of   no. 5638)     from our homes. We must be merci-  lation of the Holy Qur’an is one of
         ments.’ Among Muslims this word   Islam. We cannot lean Islam without   The Sirah changed the life of mil-  ful to our parents, spouses, children,   the most lucid and well-referenced
         is used as a term for the life of our   knowing the Sirah. We cannot under-  lions of people and made them the   and other kith and kin.  works in this category, dedicated
         blessed Prophet -peace be upon   stand the Qur’an without the knowl-  best human beings. Those who fol-  Abdullah ibn Umar says that the   to “li-qawmin yatafakkaroon” (For
         him. We know about his life from   edge of Sirah. We cannot understand   low him, Allah has promised them   Prophet -peace be upon him- said,   people who think).
         his Companions, those who saw him   Islamic laws,  ethics,  spirituality  and   His love and forgiveness of sins. Allah   “Those who are merciful, the Most
         from very close quarters and those   objectives (maqasid) without learning   says,        Merciful will have mercy upon them.   Chapter 76, Al- Insaan, Verses
         who lived with him. They were the   the Sirah. The Sirah teaches wisdom   Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me,   Have mercy upon those who are on   1-3
         eyewitnesses and they were the most   and helps us to deal with any situation   Allah will love you and forgive you   earth, the One in Heaven will have   Has there [not] been an endless
         trustworthy people. The Prophet   at any time or place. Sirah makes us   your sins. Allah is most Forgiving, Mer-  mercy upon you. The ‘rahm’( womb)   span of time before man [appeared –
         made a great impact on them. There   love Islam and motivates us to follow   ciful.’ Say, ‘Obey Allah and the Messen-  is from al-Rahman ( The Merciful).   a time] when he was not yet a thing
         were no people who followed their   the Qur’an and the Prophet Muham-  ger.’ If they turn away then, indeed, Al-  Whoever will keep it connected Allah   to be thought of?
         Prophet and reported as much details   mad - peace be upon him.   lah does not love the disbelievers. (Al   will connect him and whoever will cut   Verily, it is We who have cre-
         of his life as the Companions of the   Through the Sirah we learn the   ‘Imran 3:31-32)   its ties Allah will cut him away. (al-  ated man out of a drop of sperm
         Prophet did. We should pay attention   Personality of the Prophet -peace be   The Sirah of the Prophet presents   Tirmidhi 1847)  intermingled, so that We might try
        to the Sirah of the Prophet -peace be   upon him- as the Messenger of Al-  to us the most perfect, the most ideal   The Prophet gave special em-  him [in his later life]: and therefore
        upon him.                     lah. Sirah brings us closer to him. The   personality. The Sirah has many as-  phasis on bonding between family   We made him a being endowed with
            There is a lot of historical in-  more we know about him, the more   pects and dimensions. It has spiritual,   members. They should take care of   hearing and sight.
        formation in the Sirah, but the Sirah   we shall love him. Syedna ‘Ali -may   moral, social, political dimensions.  each other. Good families make the   Verily, We have shown him the
        is  not  just  history.  There  is  a  differ-  Allah be pleased with him said about   The  life of  the Prophet  was the   society good. Love and mercy spread   way: [and it rests with him to prove
        ence between the Sirah and history.   the Prophet:           best in every way. He was exemplary   in the society through the good   himself] either grateful or ungrate-
        We study history to know what hap-  He was the final Prophet, the   and a role model for all people. One of   bonds between the family members.  ful.
        pened in the past, to learn about the   most generous, the most open-hearted,   the most important aspect of the Sirah   The  Prophet  -peace  be  upon
        great events  and  stories  and  impor-  the  most  truthful  in  speech,  the  most   is Prophet’s mercy.  him- told people that the way to Jan-  Chapter 76, Al- Insaan, Verses
        tant personalities. We study history   gentle in nature and the most kind in   Allah has summarized his life   nah is through love and kindness:  7-10
        to increase our knowledge and we   companionship. Whosoever saw him   and mission in the most beautiful and   Abu Hurairah reported that the   [The truly virtuous are] they
        may take some lessons from the past   suddenly was overwhelmed by him but   powerful way. He said:  Prophet -peace be upon him- said,   [who]  fulfill  their  vows,  and  stand
        events and people. The Sirah, how-  whosoever associated with him loved   We sent you not (O Prophet) ex-  “You  shall not enter Paradise  until   in awe of a Day the woe of which
        ever, is very different. It is altogether   him.  His  describer says about  him,  ‘I   cept as a mercy to the worlds (Al-An-  you believe, and you shall not believe   is bound to spread far and wide,
                                                                                 biya’ 107)        until you love each other. Should I tell   and who give food – however great
                                                                                    The   Prophet  you  about  something  if  you  do,  you   be their own want of it – unto the
                                                                                 -peace be upon him-   will love each other. Spread Salam   needy, and the orphan, and the cap-
                                                                                 was the personifica-  among you.”              tive, [saying, in their hearts,] “We
                                                                                 tion of mercy. His   (Muslim, Hadith no. 81)   feed for the sake of God alone: we
                                                                                 words and deeds      The Prophet emphasized that   desire no recompense from you, nor
                                                                                 reflected his kind-  faith and love are interconnected.   thanks: behold, we stand in awe of
                                                                                 ness for all people.   Love of Allah and love of other hu-  our Sustainer’s judgment on a dis-
                                                                                 He taught his fol-  man beings are basic teachings of   tressful, fateful Day!”
                                                                                 lowers to be merciful   Islam.
                                                                                 always. His message   Anas said that the Prophet   Chapter 76, Al- Insaan, Verses
                                                                                 was  the message of   -peace  be  upon  him-  said,  “None  of   23-28
                                                                                 love and kindness,   you will believe until he loves for his   Verily,  [O  believer,]  it  is  We
                                                                                 care and compas-  brother what he loves for himself.” (al-  who have bestowed from on high
                                                                                 sion. He taught that   Bukhari 12)             this Qur’an upon thee, step by step –
                                                                                 all human beings are   This is the most merciful and   truly a bestowal from on high!
                                                                                 one  family  and they   universal principle for the social life.   Await, then, in all patience thy
                                                                                 should treat each   If we start treating others the way we   Sustainer’s judgment, and pay no
                                                                                 other with dignity,   like ourselves to be treated, the soci-  heed to any of them who is a will-
                                                                                 honor and equality.   ety will indeed become the society of   ful sinner or an ingrate; and bear in
                                                                                 There should be no   mercy and love.           mind thy Sustainer’s name at morn
                                                                                 discrimination  on   Today the world is seeing the   and evening and during some of the
                                                                                 the basis of race, col-  loss of mercy and love in most hu-  night,  and prostrate  thyself  before
                                                                                 or or nationality. The   man dealings. It is for this reason   Him, and extol His limitless glory
                                                                                 Prophet -peace be   that the study of Sirah has become   throughout the long night.
                                                                                 upon him- empha-  much more important today.   GEMS, P28
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