Page 26 - Pakistan Link - November 15, 2019
P. 26

P26  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  NOVEMBER  15,  2019                                                                               COMMENTARY
                             Pakistan Lost More Th  an Just T20 Matches in Australia

              n By Kumail Zaidi
                                                                                                                                performing skipper instead of a
                                                                                                                                non-performing one. It practi-
            et’s be honest. When Paki-                                                                                          cally opens up an extra slot when
            stan boarded the Aus-                                                                                               compared to Sarfraz Ahmed’s
        Ltralia-bound plane late                                                                                                time.
        last month, no one was think-                                                                                               As  far  as  leadership is  con-
        ing that they would beat their                                                                                          cerned, let’s give Azam a fair
        hosts.                                                                                                                  crack of the whip. Th  e start to his
            Th  e  so-called most unpre-                                                                                        reign has been disastrous but it
        dictable side of world cricket is                                                                                       hasn’t been his fault. Th  ere is no
        actually becoming pretty predict-                                                                                       reason he cannot become a half
        able — especially when expected                                                                                         decent captain, which is all we
        to lose against far stronger oppo-                                                                                      would want from him if he keeps
        sitions — and so everyone knew                                                                                          on piling up runs.
        that they would lose pretty much                                                                                            Some would point out
        everything.                                                                                                             that Ift ikhar Ahmed has also
            And exactly as expected,                                                                                            emerged as a stud but then his
        Australia wiped the fl oor with                                                                                         ability was evident from the se-
        Babar Azam’s men, beating them                                                                                          ries against Sri Lanka.
        in  two  lopsided  aff airs,  which                                                                                         We knew Mohammad Riz-
        would have been three had rain                                                                                          wan was more safe than extrava-
        not played the savior in the series                                                                                     gant, and the series proved that
        opener.                                                                                                                 exactly. With Shadab Khan doing
            So, the developments have                                                                                           the bare minimum to keep his
        pretty much followed the script.                                                                                        place in all three matches, new-
        Th  e only problem is that while                                                                                        comer Usman Qadir did what so
        winning wasn’t on the agenda at                                                                                         many before him have done: do
        all, stock-taking certainly was.  things about the team members.  Irfan had one horrendous outing   size of the six overs he bowled is   nothing on a foreign tour except
            Th  e three-match T20I series,   Much to the team’s dismay,                           too limited to assess whether he   carry the water bottles.
        which came roughly 11 months   the rotten T20I series did not   It’s perhaps fi tting that   should be given more chances.  It’s perhaps fi tting that Paki-
        before  the  World  T20  is  to  be   even do that.          Pakistan get to end their        Th  e teenage Mohammad    stan get to end their T20I as-
        played on the same land, was      Th  e twin failures did not tell                        Hasnain and Mohammad Musa     signments of 2019 on the lowest
        supposed to show the manage-  us that Fakhar Zaman had been  T20I assignments of 2019     Khan were expected to be way-  of notes. Th  is has been an abso-
        ment where everyone stood.    horrible this year. We had long   on the lowest of notes.   ward, and they were in the only   lute nightmare of a year for the
            Surely, winning something   known that, even if head coach                            match they played. Haris Sohail   world’s  top-ranked side  in  the
        is out of question Down Un-   Misbah-ul-Haq hadn’t. Asif Ali  Th  is has been an absolute   and Imad Wasim did not deliver   format, with just one win all year.
        der but promising players can   failed, too, but again there was   nightmare of a year for the   but then who does in Australia.  With the Test matches ap-
        still off er glimpses of their tal-  nothing new there. He, too, has   world’s top-ranked side in   Th  e only clarity we got were   proaching, they will and should
        ent at individual level. Or at the   an entire calendar year’s worth of                   on two issues: new captain Azam   be overtaken by a side that did
        very least, the bad eggs can get   failures to his name, so two more   the format, with just one   proved that the leadership will   not lose once the entire year.
        exposed. Th  is way, despite not   in Australia don’t add anything   win all year         prove no burden on his batting,   Pakistan, meanwhile, still need
        gaining anything at a superfi cial   to his CV, or should we say, rap                     even if the jury is out on his lead-  to fi gure out which players to
        level, Pakistan were supposed to   sheet.                                                 ership skills alone. Aft er quite   keep and who to ditch.
        expand their horizons and learn   Th  e 37-year-old Mohammad   and one decent one. Th  e sample   some time, Pakistan have a top   - Dawn

         ANDALUSIA FROM P4                How did the prince see the   pleted. During the interview he  KASHMIRIS FROM P8          “Hindu worship at Ramchabutra,
         was determined to create a similar   condition of the Muslim world to-  was relaxed, thoughtful and cour-  of his comment was this: if India  Sita Rasoi and at other religious places
         city outside Baghdad. Now, like the   day, I asked. Is it as simple a divi-  teous. We both understood that the  gives away Kashmir to comply with  including the setting up of a Bhandar
         original, it lay in ruins. Th  e irony   sion as suggested by the binary be-  answer to my fi nal question was in  the two-nation theory, should Indian  clearly indicated their open, exclusive
         was that while Mongols destroyed   tween Rumi and Ibn Taymiyyah?   fact a matter of immediate con-  Muslims not be put in trains to Paki-  and unimpeded possession of the outer
         Muslim cities in the East, the An-  Th  e prince in reply stretched out   cern to Muslims and non-Muslims  stan?       courtyard. Th  e Muslims have not been
         dalusian Madinat al-Zahra was re-  his hands to indicate that the ideo-  everywhere. What lessons could   A diff erent answer to the  in possession of the outer courtyard. De-
         duced to rubble by Muslim tribes   logical movements today are like   Muslims and non-Muslims learn  question came from a senior lead-  spite the construction of the wall in 1858
         from North Africa, which over-  so many fi ngers fl owing in parallel   from Andalusia?  er of the Jammu and Kashmir Lib-  by the British and the setting up of the
         threw the dynasty in Cordoba and   but diff erent lines.       “To be more humble,” he said.  eration Front in 1992. Javed Mir  Ramchabutra in close-proximity of the
         were expressing their contempt for   Prince Turki’s passion for An-  “Not to think that they have all the  had dodged the security dragnet  inner dome, Hindus continued to as-
         the Andalusian way of life.   dalusia is neither idiosyncratic nor   answers.”           when practically every Hurriyat  sert their right to pray inside the three-
            Th  ere were two distinct Mus-  restricted to his generation. He told   Th  e prince urged both Mus-  leader was put behind the bars.  domed structure.”
         lim responses which emerged from   me the story of his famous father   lims and non-Muslims “to be in-  I asked Mir to comment on the   To break this down  into simpler
         that time and would cast their   visiting Spain as a guest of Gen-  clusive. You don’t have a monopoly  demolition of the Babri Masjid  language, the scenario that emerged is
         shadows on the present. Both Ja-  eral Franco. When Franco asked   on  what  is  right.”  He  emphasized  in Ayodhya, which had just taken  this: Hindus had total control of the outer
         laluddin Rumi and Ibn Taymiyyah   him how he could accommodate   the idea of ilm, the need “to con-  place. He said he couldn’t care less  courtyard from which Muslims were ex-
         lived at the time of the destruction   his royal guest, King Faisal said he   tinue  learning till  we die,” never  what became of it or the dispute,  cluded. But there was continuing dispute
         of the Arab world. Rumi was alive   would pay for the construction for   to abandon “the search for knowl-  because it concerned Indian Mus-  over the inner courtyard where the three-
         when Baghdad was sacked. Ibn   the most magnifi cent cathedral in   edge.” Th  e lesson of Andalusia,  lims who had shown scant interest  domed  mosque  stood.  Hindus  through
         Taymiyyah was born fi ve years af-  Europe if the general could give   above all, appears to be that history  in the struggles of the Kashmiris.  centuries tried to access this land and of-
         ter its destruction. Th  e impact of   him the Grand Mosque of Cordo-  does have lessons to teach us. An-  – Dawn      fer worship. Th  is means they were trying
         that time is clear in the way these   ba. Franco said the building meant   dalusia was about a common “hu-             to wrest it from the Muslims.
         two looked at the world. Rumi re-  nothing to him and he had no ob-  manity.”            MUSLIMS FROM P11                 While the court concedes that since
         sponded by  consciously  rejecting   jection. He could hand it over the   Spain has much to teach  a civil trial.”     1857, Muslims had been off ering prayers
         barriers and diff erences between   next morning. But if he did so, he   people about how those of diff er-  Second, it refers to copious records  at the mosque and did not abandon it
         people and reaching out to ev-  would be lynched by the people of   ent religions and cultures can live  of literary and offi  cial nature to show that  until 1949 when idols of Ram Lalla were
         eryone with love. Ibn Taymiyyah   Spain. As an alternative he off ered   together in harmony and thrive. It  Hindus have always worshiped at the dis-  placed illegally under the dome of the
         responded in exactly the opposite   the king the best piece of land in   can remind us of the Spanish con-  puted site on which the mosque stood.  mosque, this made no diff erence to their
         way by underlining the threat to   Madrid itself, atop a hill overlook-  cept of La Convivencia. Both Mus-  Th  is, the court says, was unimpeded in  claim. In fact, for some years aft er the
         Islam and advocating for the draw-  ing the city. King Faisal accepted   lims and non-Muslims will benefi t  nature, though it qualifi es that these re-  railing was built in 1857, they might have
         ing of rigid boundaries around the   the land and built what is now the   from being reminded of Andalusia.  cords should be handled with circum-  actually had exclusive possession, borne
         faith. He famously issued a fatwa   Islamic Center there.   Th  ey will also know that Andalusia  spection.            out by the fact that the Hindus worshiped
         against the Mongol rulers, even   I was able to interview the   at its height shows us clearly that   Since neither the Hindu nor the  the sanctum from the outer yard. How-
         those who claimed to have convert-  prince at the Ditchley Conference   associating a group like ISIS with  Muslim side were able to show direct  ever, the Muslims’ failure was that they
         ed to Islam because they did not   on Islam in March 2015. We spent   Islam and calling its leader a “ca-  and concrete evidence to establish title,  were not able to show exclusive posses-
         adhere strictly to the sharia. He de-  several days together at the historic   liph” is a travesty. And there is no  the court moves to the question of pos-  sion of the inner courtyard before 1857,
         clared a jihad against them which   estate -- famous as the country re-  lesson greater for everyone than to  session, which is decided on the basis of  a burden that is not placed on the Hindu
         was compulsory for all Muslims.   treat of Churchill during the Sec-  recall that there was a time, how-  patterns of worship.  side as the court itself concedes that the
         Th  e notion of Islam in danger may   ond World War and located next   ever brief, when people of diff erent   Th  e  contradiction  in  the  court’s  Hindus’ exclusive possession was con-
         be traced to Ibn Taymiyyah. Both   to his ancestral home, Blenheim   cultures and faiths lived together,  fi ndings on this subject is stark. It chose  fi ned only to the outer courtyard.
         men continue to infl uence Mus-  Palace. I requested the prince for a   worked  together and  prospered  to decide the entire dispute on one factor:   Th  is is an illogical leap. A Mughal
         lim thinking in our time. Mystics   one-on-one interview in the con-  together.          that the Muslims were unable to show ev-  emperor built a mosque in 1528. His de-
         throughout the world are inspired   text  of  my  study  of  Islam  in  Eu-  (Akbar Ahmed is the Ibn  idence of exclusive possession of the site  scendants ruled the region in which the
         by Rumi, groups like the Wahhabis   rope. He was enthusiastic about the   Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies  between 1528 and 1857, because there  mosque stood for more than three cen-
         and the Salafi s draw their inspira-  project and invited me to his center   at American University in Wash-  is evidence for Hindu worship in outer  turies. Th  e mosque structure existed all
         tion from Ibn Taymiyyah.      to present the fi ndings when com-  ington, DC)            courtyard. It said:           MUSLIMS, P28
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