Page 28 - Pakistan Link - November 15, 2019
P. 28
GEMS FROM P25 MIAN FROM P10 He asked state institutions to “On one hand, the govern- issue,” he said.
Behold, they [who are unmind- Others insist there is method to support his movement, saying they ment is accepting the seriousness of The adviser said the smog level
ful of God] love this fleeting life, and his madness; his agitation is not over should “respect and support this Nawaz’s health and on the other, it in India was increasing but the Paki-
leave behind them [all thought of] a and all its consequences have yet to march”. is creating hurdles in his treatment stani government had taken mea-
grief-laden Day. emerge. As the announcement came, abroad,” the spokesperson said. sures to reduce it here. He pledged
[They will not admit to them- Connecting whatever the dots workers of JUI-F were seen packing Shehbaz will hold an important that Lahore would be made “smog
selves that] it is We who have cre- one can at this juncture may not up their belongings. They have been press conference on Thursday at 3pm free”.
ated them and strengthened their paint the whole picture. However, directed to proceed to other cities as after the party’s meeting, she added. Karachi is the seventh most pol-
make – and, [that], if it be Our will, what one can see is that if the gov- the JUI-F’s ‘Plan-B’ goes into effect Earlier, the former premier had luted city in the world with an AQI
We can replace them with others of ernment delivery remains as dismal Wednesday. refused to travel abroad for his medi- of 167 and is classified as ‘unhealthy’.
their kind. as it is at present and the public dis- JUI-F provincial emir Agha Syed cal treatment under the conditions AQI recorded between 151-200 is
contentment gets deeper, the status Mahmood Shah said in the Balo- proposed by the government. classified as ‘unhealthy’ and the air
Chapter 77, Al-Mursalaat, quo may be in for a jolt. chistan capital the Quetta-Chaman quality may cause the entire popu-
Verses 1-6 (The writer is a former editor of road will be “completely closed” KASHMIR FROM P1 lation to experience adverse effects.
Consider these messages, sent Dawn) starting 2pm Wednesday as part of remained shut to protest against the ‘Sensitive groups’, i.e., people with
forth in waves [ 1 ] and then storm- the party’s ‘Plan-B’. controversial decision, and children lung diseases, children and elderly
ing on with a tempest’s force! Con- JUDGMENT FROM P19 Party workers will also block the have not been going to school. people, will be at greater risk, accord-
sider these [messages] that spread While the Court observed that “the Iran-Taftan road while the road con- Dozens of journalists held a ing to Air Now.
[the truth] far and wide, thus sepa- Muslims have been wrongly deprived necting Karachi to Balochistan will be silent demonstration against the
rating [right and wrong] with all of a mosque which had been con- blocked at Khuzadar and the Punjab- internet ban, holding their laptops NAWAZ FROM P1
clarity, and then giving forth a re- structed well over 450 years ago,” it Balochistan road link will be closed at with open with blank screens or held of “£8 million or equivalent in rupees,
minder, [promising] freedom from said the Muslims had failed to provide the Dera Ghazi Khan boundary. placards with the words “100 days $25 million or equivalent in rupees
blame or [offering] a warning! [ 2 ] evidence of the site’s “exclusive” pos- no internet” and “stop humiliating and Rs1.5 billion” by the former pre-
______________________ session. “It is inconceivable why the IMRAN FROM P1 Kashmir journalists”. mier or his brother PML-N President
Translator’s Notes Court has not applied this standard of was focusing on the development of “The authorities have treated Shehbaz Sharif “in favor of and to the
[ 1 ] I.e., one after the other: an evidence for the Hindu plaintiffs,” the the construction sector and was also journalists too as potential trouble- satisfaction of the interior ministry’s
allusion to the gradual, step by step IAMC said. making efforts to facilitate foreign in- makers and choked journalism in additional secretary”.
revelation of the Qur’an. By contrast, The Supreme Court judgement af- vestors. the process,” a freelance journalist However, the PML-N rejected
the next verse obviously relates to the firms “the mosque was constructed in He claimed Wednesday lead- reported AFP. the government’s conditional permis-
impact of the divine writ as a whole. 1528 by or at the behest of [Mughal em- ing world institutions including the “Internet is so fundamental to sion soon after the announcement,
[ 2 ] I.e., showing what leads peror] Babur”, and that until 1949, it was International Monetary Fund, Asian journalism in this day and age. The describing the decision as “discrimi-
to freedom from blame – in other legally a mosque, although Hindus would Development Bank and the World authorities have choked our prac- natory” and based on “political vin-
words, the principles of right conduct worship at a surrounding wall. Moreover, Bank have endorsed that Pakistan is tices instead of enabling free press dictiveness”.
– and what is ethically reprehensible the judgement has acknowledged that an heading in the right direction. here,” said another journalist, Naseer “The government has fulfilled its
and, therefore, to be avoided. idol of Ram appeared inside the mosque In support, he cited that Pakistan Ganai. duty and the onus is now on the PML-
on December 23, 1949, “not through had climbed 28 spots on the World Authorities have justified the N,” the law minister told the media,
MUSLIMS FROM P26 any lawful authority, but through an act Bank’s ease of doing business index. ban as necessary to stop protesters accompanied by the PM’s aide on ac-
through this rule. But the court conclud- which was calculated to deprive them “This is a now a daily struggle from using the internet to fan radi- countability, Shahzad Akbar.
ed that the Muslims could not show [Muslims] of their place of worship.” It for my office, Board of Investment calization in the territory. The announcement came after
exclusive possession as the record of also acknowledged that the mosque’s and Ministry of Commerce that we They instead set up an office Naseem presided over a consultative
their worship produced begins from demolition in 1992 was a “calculated increase our exports and bring in with 10 internet-enabled stations for meeting of the cabinet’s subcommit-
1857. act of destroying a place of public wor- investors in order to [improve] our around 200 working journalists, who tee to finalize its recommendations
All this when the court says on ship,” going on to affirm “the Muslims country.” queue up to use the computers for 15 on removing the 69-year-old PML-N
page 770 that the acts of the par- have been wrongly deprived of a mosque Lauding the joint venture be- minutes each. supreme leader’s name from the Exit
ties subsequent to the annexation of which had been constructed well over tween automobile firms in Pakistan The protest came as reports said Control List (ECL).
Oudh in 1856 form the basis of the 450 years ago.” The Supreme Court also and China, Prime Minister Imran three protesters died in two separate “This case is different from that of
legal rights of the parties in the pres- acknowledged that ASI could not estab- said that he was happy that tires, gunfights with government forces [former military ruler] Pervez Mush-
ent suits – not events that occurred lish if a temple was demolished to build which were previously being smug- this week. arraf as he was not convicted at the
before that. a mosque and yet, the ruling has gone gled, will now be manufactured in the Kashmir has been split between time his name was struck off the ECL,”
The larger question is why the against the Muslims. country, increasing exports. India and Pakistan since 1947 and the law minister maintained.
Muslims alone should face the bur- “Indian Muslims have kept faith in “Our foreign exchange will in- has sparked two wars and numerous He said the government had
den of showing exclusive possession the judicial system and this judgement crease with the export of goods,” he flare-ups between the two nuclear- granted the permission keeping in
of the site prior to 1857 and not the shatters that faith,” Mr Khan added. said. “The biggest crisis we keep fac- armed foes, most recently in Febru- view Nawaz’s “serious medical condi-
Hindus. The court does not answer “The Muslims now seem to have been ing is that our current account deficit ary when they conducted tit-for-tat tion”.
this. – Scroll-in punished for their faith in the courts, [keeps increasing]. air strikes. Pakistan on Tuesday put Elaborating further, Naseem said
whereas the RSS has been rewarded for “Rupee is pressured due to [cur- on display a statue of an Indian pi- the interior ministry had received an
SARWAR FROM P15 its violence.” rent account] deficit and when the lot whose plane was shot down over application from PML-N President
assistant added. India is now witnessing a collapse [value] of rupee falls, inflation rises,” Kashmir during the February skir- Shehbaz Sharif along with Nawaz’s
Justice Minallah enquired how of the social contract and the promise of he said. mishes. – AFP medical report from Sharif Medical
a federal minister could say such a equality before law it made to all its citi- “Our policy now is to focus on City Hospital requesting that the for-
thing, in response to which Awan said zens at Independence in 1947. The failure [increasing] exports. And our ex- LAHORE FROM P1 mer premier name be removed from
the reality wasn’t what was being pre- of the Supreme Court to dispense fair ports are increasing by the grace of horizon from November to Febru- the ECL.
sented in court. and equitable justice does not augur well God and we have reduced imports ary. Government officials blame the He added that the Punjab medi-
“How can government ministers for peace and harmony. The judgement in order to reduce current account smog on crop burning in India. Ex- cal board reviewed the report and
say such things?” Justice Minallah will further reinforce Hindutva forces deficit.” perts, however, say that the situation reached the conclusion that it was ac-
asked. that rely on lies, falsification of history “I congratulate my economic is caused by pollution in the country. curate.
Awan said that she would bring and massive violence in order to subju- team for stabilizing the rupee. We are The situation has worsened this “The subcommittee informed the
the matter to Prime Minister Imran gate minorities. not spending our foreign exchange year, as the Punjab government, for cabinet that Nawaz Sharif’s condition
Khan’s notice and added that this may in order to [artificially] stabilize the the first time, announced the closure is very serious,” he said, noting that
have been the federal minister for avi- DHARNA FROM P1 rupee. It is now being valued at its of schools due to dense smog. Resi- along with the drop in the blood plate-
ation’s personal opinion, it wasn’t the continued support to state institu- market rate and over the past three dents accuse the government of tak- lets count, the former premier was also
government’s policy. tions months, it has gained [value]. ing insufficient measures to control suffering from cardiac complications.
“This means the government is • DG ISPR says the army is “This is a very good sign because the situation even as the administra- The minister said the cabinet
not trusting its own medical board. an impartial institution which sup- it means that the market’s sentiment tion insists that it is making efforts to members were unaware of the grav-
This means that you are misleading ports legitimate governments; has no is now positive. Market believes that deal with the smog. ity of Nawaz’s health condition and
the government. There will be con- role in politics Pakistan’s economy is now stable and Last week, a group of students the majority of them voted in favor of
sequences if the government is not Maulana Fazlur Rehman called will grow. This is also being reflected petitioned the Lahore High Court allowing the ailing politician to travel
trusting institutions,” the IHC chief off his party-led sit-in in Islamabad, by the stock exchange.” seeking change in the AQI measure- abroad once they were informed about
justice remarked. and said that its participants will join Shortly before the prime minis- ment system, and implementation of it.
Awan reiterated that Khan had the supporters who had taken to the ter made the remarks, the Pakistan the Smog Policy. “The Sharif family has the right
not said anything about the medical streets. Stock Exchange had closed on a posi- Adviser to Prime Minister on to reject the government’s decision or
board. “Our workers and common citi- tive note at 400 points at lunchtime. Climate Change Malik Amin Aslam, to challenge it in in a court of law,” he
“You are the appointed spokes- zens have taken to the streets…since earlier this month, said Pakistan added.
person of the premier. If you don’t they are out on the streets and we are PML-N FROM P1 has taken measures to stop crops PM’s aide Akbar said Nawaz
take action against Ghulam Sarwar in Islamabad, hence it is clear that Marriyum termed the govern- stubble burning, a major cause of the could go to any country he wanted to
Khan that means that the statement they await our help. We want to tell ment’s move of setting a condition phenomenon, and other countries but it was important that he returned.
was made as a result of your decision. them that we will shift from here and to take Nawaz’s name off the no-fly should also come forward to address “We will convey to the country
“When you impact pending cas- support you,” he told the protesters. list as “political victimization and it. where he is going through diplomatic
es, other cases will also be affected,” He said the next phase of the [Prime Minister] Imran Khan’s bi- He said that two smog checking channels that he is being sent on these
Justice Minallah remarked. protest, ‘Plan B’, has started, and ased attitude”. units had been installed in Lahore [medical grounds] conditions,” he
The hearing was adjourned till urged his supporters to remain “All legal and constitutional and his department was also focus- added. “The decision should not be
Thursday. peaceful. obligations were met at the time of ing on measures to increase resourc- considered a political one.”
Earlier, Awan submitted her The senior politician said his [Nawaz’s] bail and surety bonds were es to address the issue. In response to Naseem’s news
written reply in the case to the court party will try not to affect the life of also submitted to the court,” she said, “With the help of the World conference, PML-N spokesperson
after she was directed to do so on the common man – by protesting on adding that the government is not Bank the government was launching Marriyum Aurangzeb said the party
Tuesday. highways, away from the cities. above the court. a program to address the air quality rejected the government’s terms.