Page 22 - Pakistan Link - November 15, 2019
P. 22

P22  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  NOVEMBER  15,  2019                                                                               COMMENTARY
              n By Faiza Zia Khan                                                                                               tending this wedding I was intro-
              Newport Beach, CA       Navigating the Culture of “Rishtas” and Weddings duced to a new position of a “rishtay
                                                                                                                                walay uncle”. This retired gentleman
                                      food, and colorful attire. The bride                                                      with salt and pepper hair and a dis-
                eddings are an impor-  and the groom’s families leave no                                                        tinguished moustache looked trust-
                tant  rite  of  passage  in   expense spared towards the event                                                  worthy as he delivered a well-re-
        Wany habitat. It could be a   and ensure hospitality is extended                                                        hearsed speech about what it is that
        lavish affair lasting several days or   to the fullest towards their guests.                                            he does for the local Pakistani com-
        just obtaining a marriage license -   I recently returned from an                                                       munity. I praised him for his efforts
                    it is all considered   out-of-town family wedding en-                                                       as finding a good match anywhere
                    a part of the getting   compassing over a few days. I par-                                                  these days is hard. He talked to me
                    married process.   ticipated in the tail-end of the fes-                                                    about the challenges he faced while
                        As a teenage   tivities as I could not spare several                                                    trying to the bring the community
                    girl  I  remember   days due to obligations and respon-                                                     together for a common good cause.
                    my   grandmother  sibilities, yet I fully experienced the                                                   His issues mostly circled around
                    proudly showing off   euphoria and the excitement at-                                                       the prevalence of fraud and lies,
        gold jewelry that had been handed   tached to a wedding in our culture.                                                 incorrect or  inadequate informa-
        down generations from her grand-  The bride looked ravishing and the                                                    tion,  misrepresentation,  and lack
        mother to her mother and then to   groom was smiling from ear-to-                                                       of response and interest from the
        my mother and potentially to me   ear. I found out through the family                                                   parties made his job difficult. He
        on my wedding - when I get mar-  grapevine that this match was made                                                     alluded to the fact that people were
        ried!   Looking back  I smile  at  the   possible by the relentless efforts of a                                        not entirely honest about their sta-
        way my grandmother very success-  “rishtay walee auntie”. These rishtay   nineties these rishtay walee aun-   Surprisingly, the rishtay walee   tus or background. “I am conscien-
        fully smoothed over and incentiv-  walee aunties” predominantly are   ties had serious influence over the   aunties gained notoriety with the   tious and I cannot take this matter
        ized the whole idea of marriage in   senior housewives who make a   mothers of young men and women   advent of the digital age. I thought   lightly. I want to be able to sleep at
        my rebellious teenaged brain - Want   lucrative career out of providing   who were out there seeking po-  in this era of “Artificial Intelligence”   night thinking that I did the right
        heirloom jewelry- Get married!   match-making services to the local   tential matches for their brood. I   (AI) where the vibe is all about tak-  thing. Beta, you are too young to
            Weddings, brides, grooms,   community.                  remember my friend came over to   ing control, finding independence,   understand the implications of how
        rings, flowers are part of a univer-  Two decades ago weddings   my house one evening and broke   being your own person, and hav-  a bad match can damage lives, and
        sal language that we are all social-  used to be a hot spot for potential   down in tears that she will not be   ing limitless freedom of choice the   have a negative impact that lasts
        ized into. Weddings transcend geo-  match-making. Rishtay walee aun-  around much longer. I almost had   rishtay walee aunties have finally   generations,” he said with a sad look
        graphical, political,  or economical   ties kept a close eye on the blossom-  a massive cardiac thinking she has   morphed into websites. Lo and be-  in his eyes. I could not agree with
        boundaries. Everyone understands   ing young ladies and young men in   been diagnosed with a terminal ill-  hold, I discovered that in our com-  him more.
        weddings, puzzle solved. South-  the family and friend circles with   ness.  Sobbing  uncontrollably, she   munities rishtay walee aunties still    (Faiza Zia Khan holds a Mas-
        Asian weddings in general have a   the hopes of finding suitable mates.   informed me that her mother had   prevail. Not only were they in pop-  ter’s in Journalism degree from the
        reputation of putting on a display   Weddings gave them a free pass to   given her photo and bio-data (this   ular demand, the Pakistani com-  University of British Columbia,
        of affluence, power, connections,   interview these targets in person,   was the term used by rishtay walee   munity preferred and favored them   Canada. She has collaborated with
        and influence in the community.   figure out their personality traits   aunties for personal details) to find   as their services were confidential   news media outlets including Glob-
        No matter what we say or do festive   and find commonalities to make in-  a suitable boy for her. Laugh all you   and low-key. Pakistani parents to   al National and actively volunteers
        weddings are a part of our heritage.   troductions. Rishtaay walee aunties   want now, but it was an epic event   this day are not comfortable with   for several community investment
        Although it may not be true for ev-  fiercely navigated the social scene   for us then in unassumingly inno-  the idea of personal information   projects for the Red Cross, United
        eryone with our cultural group the   with their treasured diary they had   cent times.    and photos of their prized brood   Way and the Breast Cancer Founda-
        popular trend is to have some fes-  held close to them circa 1979. When   These rishtay walee aunties   floating around in cyber sphere in a   tion)
        tivities to celebrate the union of the   prodded on why do they still keep   have now evolved into interactive   “single, ready to mingle” state.  (Faiza Zia Khan holds a Mas-
        betrothed.                    the diary from 1979 they responded   websites asking for the most inti-  Previously this role was taken   ter’s in Journalism degree from the
            Personally,  I have  attended   it was hard to update it to the cur-  mate details of your life fed into a   on by female members of the com-  University of British Columbia,
        weddings from varying religious   rent year as it had the phone num-  data base and run by algorithms   munity but I also found out that   Canada. She has collaborated with
        practices and cultures but have   bers since the time they had just   that promise to find you your “hap-  this role has evolved with time.  It   news media outlets including Glob-
        found Pakistani/ Indian weddings   started their services. This diary   pily ever after”.  It is ironic we feel   has broken the gender confines and   al National and actively volunteers
        to surpass all levels of extravagance   was the golden key to all the single,   safe in filling out an electronic pro-  modified into a different category as   for several community investment
        and indulgence. It is not uncommon   eligible bachelors and bachelorettes   file but find a rishtay walee auntie’s   now certain senior male members   projects for the Red Cross, United
        that the celebrations span over sev-  in the community.     most basic questions intrusive and   of the community have also taken   Way and the Breast Cancer Founda-
        eral days filled with music, dancing,   During late eighties and early   nosy.            upon this responsibility. While at-  tion)
                 n By Sanya Mansoor                   Air Pollution Turns India’s Capital                                Authorities said the restriction will lead to a
                        Time                                                                                             reduction of almost 1.2 million registered ve-
                                                                                                                         hicles in New Delhi every day, according to
              ir pollution levels in India’s capi-                                                                       the Associated Press.
              tal  soared to hazardous  levels  last                                                                         The current levels of air pollution in Del-
         Aweek,  leaving  a toxic  grey  haze                                                                            hi is particularly dangerous because of the
         hanging over the city and causing poor                                                                          presence of tiny particulate matter referred
         visibility. The pollution has been so perva-                                                                    to as PM 2.5. These particles are “many times
         sive that national monuments were largely                                                                       smaller than the diameter of a strand of hu-
         obscured by thick smog. Many who ven-                                                                           man hair,” Limaye says. They are “extraordi-
         ture outside suffer teary eyes and troubling                                                                    narily damaging because they can bypass our
         coughs.                                                                                                         natural defense mechanisms — coughing or
            Delhi was already considered one of the                                                                      sneezing or swallowing — to get deep into
         world’s most polluted cities, and it’s only got-                                                                the respiratory tract and actually enter our
         ten worse this month. Air quality deteriorat-                                                                   lungs and bloodstream,” he explains.
         ed so significantly that the local government                                                                       The  peak  levels  of  pollution  in  Delhi
         declared a public health emergency, schools                                                                     early November far surpass the WHO’s stan-
         were shut down, and flights were cancelled.                                                                     dards for PM 2.5 levels. On Nov. 3, the level
         By one estimate, breathing Delhi’s air for one                                                                  of PM 2.5 was more than 23 times higher
         day has the health impacts of smoking at                                                                        than  the  corresponding  WHO  air  quality
         least 25 cigarettes. Although Delhi typically                                                                   guidelines, according to data from the Indian
         experiences marked increases in air pollu-                                                                      Central Pollution Control Board.
         tion around November, this year’s pollution   freight vehicles, combined to create a “per-  thorities of “passing the buck” on dealing   Smog is not uncommon in India’s capi-
         prompted Delhi’s Chief Minister, Arvind Ke-  fect storm of pollution,” Limaye says.  with the crisis.           tal, where pollution levels reach such high
         jriwal, to call the city a “gas chamber.”  The weather — slowing winds and stag-  The Supreme Court also ordered a ban   levels that visibility is reduced and it is hard
                                              nant air — also allowed for a build-up in   on farmers burning crop stubble to clear their   to make out the color of traffic signals. In-
            A ‘perfect storm’                 pollution. The grey skies also come less than   fields in nearby states. The government’s en-  dia has long exceeded the WHO’s standards
            Delhi typically experiences “striking   a week after Diwali, which is celebrated by   vironmental monitoring agency found that   for air pollution. A study in Lancet Planetary
         spikes in air pollution” in the late-fall early-  many with fireworks — even though the Su-  satellite pictures showed more than 3,000   Health found that in 2017 the average pollu-
         winter time period, although the deteriora-  preme Court has banned most of them.  incidents of such agricultural burning in   tion PM 2.5 level across India was nine times
         tion of air quality this year is particularly   Eric Holthaus, a meteorologist, tweeted   neighboring states, amounting to almost half   the annual mean measure recommended
         concerning, Vijay Limaye, climate change   that New Delhi was facing a “climate emer-  of the city’s pollution, Reuters reported.  by the WHO and that these small particles
         and health science fellow at the Natural   gency.”                            “Delhi is choking every year and we are   resulted in 670,000 outdoor deaths in 2017.
         Resources  Defense  Council  who  has  been                                unable to do anything,” said Supreme Court   That’s a sizeable proportion of the total 2.94
         studying air quality in India, tells TIME.  Government intervention        Justice Arun Mishra, according to the BBC.  million global deaths from outdoor deaths
            “We’re exceeding the measurement ca-  As many Delhi residents stayed cooped   The government also called for a two-  related to PM 2.5 particles that same year,
         pabilities” of some of these pollution particle   up indoors, India’s government and courts   week  “odd-even”  license  plate  program  to   according to the Institute for Health Metrics
         sensors, Limaye says, explaining that the pol-  ordered short-term measures aimed at curb-  reduce the number of cars on the road; vehi-  and Evaluation.
         lution levels were “effectively off the charts.”   ing pollution and keeping the public healthy.   cles with an odd-number license plate would   Twenty-two of the world’s 30 worst most
         A combination of human and environmental   At least five million masks were distributed,   only be allowed to travel on odd dates, while   polluted cities are in India, according to a
         factors, including agricultural crop burning   according to Kejriwal. The Supreme Court   those with an even-number license plate   2018 study from AirVisual and Greenpeace.
         to clear fields and fumes from passenger and   weighed in on Monday, accusing state au-  would only be allowed to travel on even days.   POLLUTION, P24
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