Page 18 - Pakistan Link - November 15, 2019
P. 18

P18  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  NOVEMBER  15,  2019                                                                                  COMMUNITY
                          Impressive Shahid Afridi Foundation Event in Sacramento

              n By Ras H. Siddiqui    to mention that Shahid Afridi also   liers. Needless to say, Afridi became   video to my kids on how other poor   It belongs to all of us. He also said
                                      known as “Boom Boom Afridi” was   associated with bringing a new level   and struggling children are living.   that Adnan and he have travelled all
             he Shahid Afridi Founda-  one of the most exciting individuals   of excitement to the field whenever   We are trying to help them. So my   over the world but there is no coun-
             tion (SAF) is an organi-  to have donned the uniform of any   and wherever he played. He could   kids say alright go out to help them   try as beautiful as our homeland.
        Tzation established in the    national cricket team in the world.   be out for a duck (zero) or score big   but do return home as quickly as   It just needs people to make an ef-
        year 2014 to assist in helping the   Let us just say that Lala (his other   while tens of thousands at stadiums   possible!’    fort to give back. He added that the
        struggling segments of society in   nickname) played the sometimes   and millions watched on their tele-  Shahid Afridi said that helping   problems there are many but point-
        Pakistan. Its American wing had   slow  and boring  game  like  a  fear-  vision screens and held their breath.   yourself and living a life of ease and   ing fingers at the government is
        arranged for a fundraising tour of   less Afridi. For those readers who   His critical batting role in sailing   luxury is much easier, but helping   not enough. The issue of educating
        California on the weekend of No-  may not be able to relate, the Afridis   Pakistan to victory in their one and   others is a bigger effort and a more   the children of Pakistan is in itself
        vember 8th through 10th starting   are a major tribe of the Pakhtuns or   only T20 World Cup victory in 2009   noble cause. There is no religion   a challenge. He asked everyone to
        in Sacramento, followed by the   Pashtuns (from the Afghanistan-  (against Sri Lanka) is also etched   bigger than humanity. He spoke of   “own” the Shahid Afridi Foundation
        San Francisco Bay area and ending   Pakistan border mountain area)   in many memories. We never gave   the genesis of the SAF effort and the   and consider it theirs in the process
        in Los Angeles.               whom we flatlanders from the rest   up hope until Afridi left the field.   services that it has successfully ren-  of helping others. Please support
            This writer was lucky to catch   of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan   Hence “Hope Not Out” was, and is,   dered, especially the hospital that   it, said Afridi. Our readers are en-
        the Friday night program held at the   call Pathans.        a valid slogan.               has been built and is functioning in   couraged  to  visit  the  SAF  website
        Hilton Arden-West on its first leg   And why has Shahid Afridi re-  At this event Shahid Afridi first   three years’ time. He added that in   at to find
        and was pleasantly greeted by a full   mained an attraction?  That could   thanked  Adnan Siddiqui  for  tak-  most cases people travel from villag-  more information on the work be-
        hall of cricket enthusiasts and gener-  become a very long and dreary   ing  the  time  to  help  and  then  ev-  es to bigger cities for medical treat-  ing done by this organization.
        ous donors from both the Pakistani   write-up on the history of the Paki-  eryone else for attending here, and   ment but in this case people from   It was good to witness the fun-
        and Indian community of the area.   stan  Cricket  Team  of  the  past  23   for supporting and tolerating him   cities travel to a village for quality   draiser that followed Shahid Afridi’s
        The attraction for many here being   years or so during which Lala played   over the years both on and off the   treatment.  speech. Adnan  Siddiqui  was  won-
        (as the name SAF relays) the pres-  for the national team (1996 on-  field. He spoke in Urdu so an ex-  Afridi spoke of the Thar area in   derful (he is not a relative) and not
        ence of Cricket Great Shahid Khan   wards). Afridi, a cricket all-rounder   act or literal translation may not be   Pakistan and the extreme difficulty   because he is another Siddiqui ei-
        Afridi the founding Chairman of   (batsman & bowler) had held one of   completely accurate here. He said   faced by kids, women, and whole   ther! But when Pathans and Urdu
        the organization and Actor Adnan   the longest records in the game for   that life after cricket for him would   families there in fetching water over   speakers get on the same platform
        Siddiqui. The evening proceedings   the fastest century (100 runs) scored   be like Adnan’s life after acting. He   long distances. We don’t appreci-  and are supported by the Punjabi
        were also assisted by Najam Usmani.  off just 37 balls which included elev-  added that his daughter said to him,   ate how easy we have it, he said. He   majority of our community positive
            The organizational slogan of   en towering sixes (also a record in   ‘Papa before you were busy playing   added that seeing people willing to   things happen. It was also hearten-
        SAF is “Hope Not Out” and al-  a one-day match). That record was   cricket and now you are busy with   help really motivates me further to   ing to see some participation from
        though there may be many dissent-  finally broken  by  Corey  Anderson   the foundation, what do you want to   help others who are struggling. He   Sacramento’s  Indian community
        ing  opinions  of cricket  connois-  of New Zealand in 2014 and later   do? How can one answer? You have   said that Pakistan does not belong   here too. The game of cricket can
        seurs, it may not be far off the mark   again by South African AB de Vil-  all seen the video and I showed that   to any one political party or group.   and still does bring us together.

        PURPOSE FROM P17              range of the “clash of civilizations” dis-  have seen preached, but is it really   lack of dialogue in our generation,   promotion of interfaith dialogue in
        festered and grew into a phenomenon   course; Shah focusing on the societal   enforced?   we realized there needs to be more   law school and beyond. As a young
        much larger, resulting in the idea of   and sociological aspects of  the clash   If  anything,  differences  should   voices on such an important topic.   student of Islam, Anjali hopes to
        commonalities  and  shared  values  be-  of civilizations while Suleman focused   be celebrated among people, not   If we promote dialogue, as we have   work on intermingling between cul-
        tween Americans and the “Muslim   more  on the foreign policy implica-  highlighted in order to create tension   learned from our class, we can reach   tures and faiths. - as2497a@student.
        community” to be overlooked. Ambas-  tions and examples.    and heightened polarization. The   farther, attainable goals. This is ulti-
        sador Arsalan highlighted that while   As research students from In-  contribution to dialogue in order to   mately the paramount challenge of   Mayra Bokhari is an undergrad-
        topics surrounding Islam may seem   dian and Pakistani backgrounds, we   cease these tensions is through edu-  our times. The purpose of life? Make   uate student studying International
        like a new phenomenon, the fact is that   are all part of the larger journey to   cation. Our biggest take-way is that   every effort to understand others so   Studies with a minor in Management
        Islam has been interwoven throughout   intermingle, but how and who we   our generation plays a critical role   that everyone can live together com-  and  Leadership  at  American  Uni-
        American history in many intermin-  learn this from, has a great effect on   in enforcing intermingling and true   fortably.  versity in Washington, DC. Mayra
        gling scenarios. Examples of Islam’s   our efforts. Among the two speak-  understanding and empathy among    (Anjali Singh is an under-  hopes to continue further studies
        thread in American tapestry dates to   ers,  it became even more  palpable   people in society regardless of race,   graduate student studying political   post-undergraduate in peace, ethics,
        the first iftaar being held in the White   that we are living in a time of un-  gender, religion.   science  and  international  service  at   and conflict resolution. As a young
        House with President Jefferson to two   certainty and chaos. Intermingling   As  our  class  expanded  to  in-  American University in Washington,   student  of  Islam,  Mayra  works  to
        copies of the Qur’an in his personal   among societies and a “dialogue of   corporate guest speakers to dis-  D.C. Anjali hopes to continue her   create a dialogue among people -
        library. It was fascinating to see the   civilizations” is something that we   cuss the clash of civilizations and   passion for international law and the
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