Page 10 - Pakistan Link - November 15, 2019
P. 10

P10  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  NOVEMBER  15,  2019                                                                                         OPINION
                   n By Abbas Nasir                       Wishing Mian Sahib Well                                        government wanted Mr Sharif to leave sooner
                                                                                                                         rather than later.
              ft er ascertaining that former prime                                                                           Th  ere was realization that taunts of ‘NRO’
              minister Nawaz Sharif was critically                                                                       and disappointment among the supporters
        Aill and probably mindful of the con-                                                                            who’d been primed for blood was one thing;
        sequences of something happening to him,                                                                         something happening to the PML-N leader,
                    a government committed to                                                                            when the public is seething with anger due to
                    the ‘accountability’ of all its                                                                      economic hardship, was quite another as that
                    political opponents seems to                                                                         would be like igniting a tinder box.
                    have lost its nerve.                                                                                     One earnestly wishes that Nawaz Sharif
                        Th  is, to me, is why Mr                                                                         responds to treatment and quickly regains
                    Sharif has been allowed to                                                                           his health. All else is secondary. Th  e elder
                    travel abroad for treatment,                                                                         brother’s illness has enabled Shahbaz Sharif’s
        notwithstanding a plethora of explanations,                                                                      view to prevail within the PML-N as the party
        mainly conjecture, doing the rounds among                                                                        seems to have toned down its confrontational
        the chattering classes and on the idiot box via                                                                  stance.
        the usual suspects: analysts and anchors, who                                                                        While in parliament, PML-N legislators
        say they’re well informed.                                                                                       gave no quarter to the government, the party
            Even as there is talk of a ‘deal’ which                                                                      remained aloof from Maulana Fazlur Rehm-
        ostensibly resulted in the decision, details of                                                                  an’s Azadi March. It seems increasingly un-
        what constituted the give and take vital to any                                                                  likely that it would rethink that decision par-
        deal are conspicuous by their absence, apart                                                                     ticularly during the Sharif brothers’ absence.
        from, of course, the fact that Nawaz Sharif will                                                                     If Maryam Nawaz were to join them, then
        likely have left  these shores before the start of                                                               any street agitation would be off  the table.
        the new week.                                                                                                    However, if she can’t go abroad, one source
            Th  e ‘deal’ theorists suggest that Maryam                                                                   told me, she would take part in politics. In any
        Nawaz will be accompanying her father on his                                                                     case, she will be aware of the impact of her
        journey. What is not clear is how she’ll trav-  DC area that he would take away the air con-  brought Nawaz Sharif’s health to such a criti-  decision on her father’s political legacy. Who
        el abroad, having surrendered her passport   ditioner, refrigerator and other facilities ex-  cal pass where his life was now imperiled.  knows if the decision on the Azadi March sit-
        on the orders of the Lahore High Court that   tended to Mr Sharif.             Anyone giving the benefi t of the doubt to   in could also be revisited?
        granted her bail last Monday.            It has been barely a week that NAB laws   the PTI government and the prime minister   Th  e permission to allow the former prime
            For her to be able to travel, the court will   were amended through a presidential ordi-  would have believed they were clueless about   minister to receive the expert medical atten-
        have to revise its bail conditions and as these   nance to make ‘C’ class mandatory in prison   the extent of how bad Mr Sharif’s condition   tion he direly needs has triggered speculation
        lines are being written Ms Nawaz hasn’t even   for those facing corruption charges involving   was and, therefore, treated his illness like any   that this ‘temporary exit’ will prove to be the
        applied for the return of her passport. Al-  more than Rs50 million, a move that seemed   other political game where all sorts of accusa-  fi rst of the many steps towards unravelling
        though it may not be impossible, it does not   to target Nawaz Sharif and other opposition   tory statements were kosher.  the system.
        seem likely in the time available before her fa-  leaders.                     One source told me there was panic in the   Politics may be the art of the impossible
        ther is to leave.                        Government ministers and special as-  PTI government hierarchy when they learned   but political punditry is proving to be a greater
            “Mian Sahib and Maryam Bibi didn’t re-  sistants who are said to speak for the prime   through someone they consider trustworthy   challenge. Th  e most plugged-in of analysts are
        turn to Pakistan when faced with imprison-  minister  were  almost mocking  the  critically   that the former prime minister was critically   unable to identify the drivers of the maulana’s
        ment even though Kulsoom Nawaz Sahiba   ill PML-N leader, vilifying him and suggest-  ill and was showing no signs of improvement.   protest at this stage when the PML-N and PPP
        was on her death bed to make a deal now. Re-  ing he was not really that unwell and ‘putting   Th  e tiniest of crises could take his life, they   both begged him to wait a few months.
        ceiving the best treatment is his right; noth-  on an act’ to get relief even as he lay very ill in   were told unequivocally.  Even those who say he is now looking for
        ing’s been off ered in return,” a source close to   Lahore’s Services Hospital.  Th  at was when Shahbaz Sharif was in-  a face-saving way out aft er having been left  to
        the PML-N leadership told me.            Any observer watching that would have   formed that if the family wanted, and his phy-  fend for himself by his PML-N and PPP allies,
            In late July, just over three months ago,   said that the party in power and its key func-  sicians advised it, the government would have   acknowledge his open criticism of key institu-
        Prime Minister Imran Khan told several thou-  tionaries were heartless and bereft  of human-  no issue if his elder brother was taken abroad   tions may have put the latter on the back foot.
        sand cheering supporters in the Washington,   ity. Aft er all, it was their vindictiveness that   for  treatment.  By  this  time  it  was  clear  the   MIAN, P28

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