Page 1 - Pakistan Link - August 21, 2020
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Pakistan LinkAUGUST21,2020 – PAKISTANLINK – P1
                                         The Largest Circulated Pakistani-American Newspaper in North America

VOL. 30/34 Muharram 2 , 1442 AH                                        Friday, August 21, 2020                                                                                US & Canada $1.00

 PAGE 13                                    PAGE 13                                                    PAGE 17                                                            For news,
                                                                                                                                                                          updated round
Four-pronged                             General Bajwa’s                                          Nergis Mavalvala                                                        the clock, visit
Strategy to Deal                         Important Visit                                          Named Dean of
with India                               to Saudi Arabia                                          MIT School                                                    

All Institutions ‘On One                 Good News for Nation Is Bad News for Opposition                                                                                  Political Parties Unite to
Page’ for Progress: Alvi                                                                                                                                                  Support ‘Game-Changer’

                   Islamabad: Presi-     Minister for Energy Omer Ayub speaks at a press conference on Wednesday. Cabinet members Shibli Faraz, Chaudhry Fawad            Islamabad: Political parties rep-
                    dent Arif Alvi on                                                                                                                                     resenting both the government
                    Thursday said all    Hussain, Dr Shireen Mazari, Ali Zaidi, Murad Saeed, Fahmida Mirza and Faisal Vawda are also seen                                 and the opposition, have agreed to
                    the state institu-                                                                                                                                    “preserve, protect and promote” the
                    tions including the  Islamabad: The members of the        those who were spreading misinfor-        He said that fifth generation                     China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
                    armed forces, the    federal cabinet, at a media brief-   mation among people.                 warfare aimed at creating chaos and                    (CPEC) above party lines, stressing
                    judiciary, the Par-  ing on Wednesday, spoke about the                                         despair in the country and the op-                     that the mega project was a “game
                    liament, the gov-    performance of their ministries and       “It is our democratic duty to   position parties were following this                   changer and a guarantor of a better
ernment, and the media were “on          said that two years of the PTI gov-  inform the people about our perfor-  trend to create frustration and                        tomorrow for the country.”
one page” for Pakistan’s progress.       ernment had been depressing for      mance,” Information Minister Sena-
     “We all want legal, economic,                                            tor Shibli Faraz said.               NEWS, P28                                                   Representatives from 9 political
and social justice, we’re all in one                                                                                                                                      parties participated on Thursday in
direction. there’s no compromise                                                                                                                                          the second conference of the CPEC
on corruption, and we all want to                                                                                                                                         Political Parties Joint Consulta-
overcome hindrances in Pakistan’s                                                                                                                                         tion Mechanism (JCM) organized
progress,” the president said in his                                                                                                                                      by the International Department
address to the joint sitting of parlia-                                                                                                                                   of the Communist Party of China
ment at the start of the new parlia-                                                                                                                                      (IDCPC), in collaboration with the
mentary year.                                                                                                                                                             Pakistan-China Institute.
     Prime Minister Imran Khan —
who met National Assembly Speaker                                                                                                                                              The theme of the virtual con-
Asad Qaiser shortly before the ses-                                                                                                                                       ference was ‘Working Together to
sion began — was also present in the                                                                                                                                      Promote Economic Development
House as were Shahid Khaqan Ab-                                                                                                                                           and Improve People’s Lives Through
basi, Raza Rabbani, Mushahidullah                                                                                                                                         High-Quality CPEC Cooperation’. It
Khan, Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, Maulana                                                                                                                                        was co-chaired by Senate Chairman
Asad Mehmood, and Sardar Ayaz                                                                                                                                             Sadiq Sanjrani and China’s IDCPC
Sadiq.                                                                                                                                                                    Minister Song Tao.
     Top opposition leaders Shehbaz
Sharif, Asif Ali Zardari, and                                                                                                                                                  The three-hour conference,
                                                                                                                                                                          which was addressed by politicians
ALVI, P18                                                                                                                                                                 from the two countries as well as ex-
                                                                                                                                                                          perts on various issues,

                                                                                                                                                                          PARTIES, P28

  US Appreciates Pakistan’s              FM Qureshi Arrives in Beijing on ‘Very Important’ Visit                                                                           Senator Hasil Bizenjo Passes
Role in Afghan Peace Process             Beijing: Foreign Minister                                                                                                             away at 62 in Karachi
                                         Shah Mahmood Qureshi          The visit would play an important role in further strengthening Pakistan-China ‘All-Weather Stra-
Islamabad: United States Ambas-          arrived in Beijing for a      tegic Cooperative Partnership’ and deepen strategic communication and coordination                 Karachi: Sea-
sador Paul Wayne Jones has appreci-      “very important” one-day                                                                                                         soned politician
ated Pakistan’s positive role for the    official visit, Geo News re-  China-Strategic Dialogue’  while the Chinese del-           The first meeting of                   and veteran Baloch
Afghan reconciliation process and        ported on Thursday.           in Hainan.                 egation will be led by the  the Dialogue was held in                    nationalist leader
ensuring peace and stability in the                                                               Chinese Foreign Minister    March last year, a Foreign                  Senator Mir Hasil
region, a statement issued by the In-         He was received by            Qureshi will lead     Wang Yi.                                                                Khan Bizenjo has
ter-Services Public Relations (ISPR)     the senior officials of Chi-  the Pakistani delegation,                              QURESHI, P28                                died at the age of
said.                                    nese foreign ministry at                                                                                                         62, lawmakers and
                                         the airport.                                                                                                                     politicians confirmed.
     According to the military’s me-
dia wing, the US envoy expressed              Before leaving for                                                                                                               Bizenjo passed away while
these views during a farewell visit to   China, FM Qureshi in                                                                                                             undergoing treatment at a private
Chief of Army Staff General Qamar        a message said, “I had a                                                                                                         hospital in Karachi, National Party
Javed Bajwa on Wednesday.                discussion regarding the                                                                                                         Central Secretary General Jan Mu-
                                         China visit with Prime                                                                                                           hammad Buledi said.
     The army chief thanked the am-      Minister Imran Khan
bassador for his services and contri-    yesterday [Wednesday].                                                                                                                He informed Bizenjo was ad-
butions in Pakistan.                     The aim of the visit is to                                                                                                       mitted to the hospital after his
                                         project Pakistan’s political                                                                                                     health deteriorated. The senator
     On August 12, the outgoing Af-      and military leadership’s                                                                                                        was diagnosed with lung cancer last
ghan envoy Shukrullah Atif Mashal        vision.”                                                                                                                         year.
also paid a farewell call on General
Qamar at GHQ in Rawalpindi.                   During the visit, the                                                                                                            He remained chief of the Na-
                                         foreign minister will hold                                                                                                       tional Party and was currently serv-
     “The dignitary thanked COAS         meetings with the Chinese                                                                                                        ing as an ideologue.
for support to Afghanistan and Af-       leadership and attend the
ghan peace process during his ten-       second round of the ‘Pak-                                                                                                             Politicians, journalists and in-
ure,” the ISPR said in a statement.                                                                                                                                       tellectuals expressed grief and sor-
                                                                                                                                                                          row at the senator’s passing.
     Islamabad has played a key role
                                                                                                                                                                          BIZENJO, P28
US, P28

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