Page 10 - Pakistan Link - August 21, 2020
P. 10

P10 – PAKISTAN LINK – AUGUST 21, 2020                                                                                                                                          OPINION

Zakaria Never Misses an Opportunity to Disparage Pakistan

                 n By Riaz Haq                      where 100 is the strictest response. It’s based  ation in Pakistan? Is it just Pakistan’s good       with large percentage wearing masks and tak-
                                                    on data from Oxford COVID-19 Government          fortune? Why is it so different from the situ-      ing other precautions to prevent transmission.
I CA                                                Response Tracker. The tracker shows that the     ation in neighboring India where infections
    nterviewing Bill Gates on global fight          Pakistan government response was nearly as       are rising? Is it the result of a series of delib-       3. A fall in positivity from over 22% to be-
    against COVID19, CNN GPS host Fa-               stringent as India’s and more stringent than     erate interventions by Pakistan’s government        low 10%, and excluding Sindh, near 5% for the
    reed Zakaria said on August 9 that Paki-                                                         led by Prime Minister Imran Khan? What are          country.
stan “has done almost nothing as far as I can       CNN GPS Screenshot                               the key factors contributing to falling corona-
tell; you know, infections are not going crazy,                                                      virus transmission rate in the country? Here             4. Significant decline in hospitalizations
                                                    that of the United Kingdom.                      are some of Pakistan’s Health Chief Dr Zafar        and fewer patients in critical care.
                 death rates are not going cra-          Another indicator of restrictions comes     Mirza’s answers to these questions that came to
                 zy, there may be some under-                                                        light in a recent interview with Pakistani jour-         5. The government staying the course
                 reporting”.                        from the Google Mobility Index which also        nalist Bilal Lakhani:                               while ig- noring the mass hysteria for total
                                                    confirms a dramatic effect of lockdown im-                                                           n a t i o n -wide lockdown like India’s stirred
                        Needless to say, Zakaria’s  posed by federal and provincial governments           1. There were 50 different interventions       up in the media came mainly from the well-
                  claim is debunked by “Gov-        in Pakistan. It shows that mobility was down as  with 2,300 smart lockdowns covering 47 mil-         fed rich and the upper middle class. The voices
                  ernment Response Stringency       much as 65% during the lockdown when com-        lion people based on data driven evidence of        of the ordinary people and daily wage earners
                  Index” and Google Mobil-          pared with the period just prior to the lock-    disease spread.                                     were not part of public discourse reported by
                  ity Reports which Bill Gates is   down.                                                                                                the media.
clearly aware of. So he ignored Zakaria’s claim                                                           2. Significant change in people’s behavior
and responded as follows: “Pakistan had a                Health Chief Dr Zafar Mirza’s Interview                                                              Zakaria’s Views on Terrorism
pretty bad peak in Karachi but those numbers             What has improved the COVID19 situ-                                                                  Fareed Zakaria has often talked of what
have come down and now they look like Eu-                                                                                                                he labels “Islamic Terrorism”, a label that both
rope. India is still sadly in growth phase as is                                                                                                         Presidents Barack Obama and Geoge W. Bush
South Africa, South Africa is top...                                                                                                        shunned. Both ex-presidents rejected associat-
in the rest of Africa we’ve been funding a lot of                                                                                                        ing terrorism with any religion. But not Fareed
testing because it’s a bit opaque …what goes on                                                                                                          Zakaria who has essentially toed the Indian line
in the lungs ... you are more exposed to indoor                                                                                                          of calling it “Islamic Terrorism” and has labeled
and outdoor particulates even at younger ages                                                                                                            Pakistan as the “epicenter of Islamic Terrorism”.
you can get disease compared to, let’s say, a rich                                                                                                            Far from being objective, Zakaria is in
country”                                                                                                                                                 fact a cheerleader for India, the country of his
                                                                                                                                                         birth. In his book “The Post-American World”,
     Data on Pakistan’s Response to COV-                                                                                                                 he describes India as a “powerful package” and
ID19                                                                                                                                                     claims India has been “peaceful, stable, and
     Is Fareed Zakaria right? Has Pakistan re-                                                                                                                Summary: CNN GPS host Fareed Za-
ally done nothing to fight the COVID19 pan-                                                                                                              karia has shown yet again that he is incapable
demic? Let’s answer this question.                                                                                                                       of being objective when it comes to discussing
                                                                                                                                                         anything related to Pakistan. He claims that
     The first answer can be found in the vid-                                                                                                           Pakistan “has done almost nothing” in fight-
eo flashes from Pakistan that were playing as                                                                                                            ing the COVID19 pandemic, a claim that is
Fareed Zakaria was disparaging Pakistan’s ef-                                                                                                            debunked by “Government Response Strin-
forts to control the spread of the coronavirus.                                                                                                          gency Index” and Google Mobility Reports. In
The video shows people wearing masks on                                                                                                                  fact, the video flashes from Pakistan as Fareed
the streets in Pakistan. It also shows a worker                                                                                                          Zakaria was disparaging Pakistan’s efforts to
spraying disinfectant. Another scene shows                                                                                                               control the spread pf coronavirus show people
worshippers wearing masks while sitting apart                                                                                                            wearing masks on the streets in Pakistan. They
from each other in a mosque. Does Fareed Za-                                                                                                             also show a worker spraying disinfectant. An-
karia think “nothing” of what is visible on the                                                                                                          other scene shows worshippers wearing masks
screen in his show? Did he ask his producer                                                                                                              while sitting apart from each other in a mosque.
what was being transmitted to the audience as                                                                                                            Fareed Zakaria’s bias against Pakistan is ridicu-
he spoke?                                                                                                                                                lously obvious to any objective observer who
                                                                                                                                                         has even the slightest knowledge of the country.
     The second and more data-centric answer                                                                                                                  Here’s a video clip from CNN GPS Show:
can be seen in the “Government Response                                                                                                             
Stringency Index” that tracks various restric-                                                                                                                (Riaz Haq is a Silicon Valley-based Paki-
tions imposed by governments to control the                                                                                                              stani-American analyst and writer. He blogs at
spread of coronavirus. The Index tracks restric-                                                                                               
tions, including school closures, workplace
closures, and travel bans, scaled from 0 to 100

        n By Roedad Khan                                                               Let History Judge                                                                       and does not cherish the parry and
                                                                                                                                                                               thrust of politics. He is the Prime Min-
I Islamabad, Pakistan                        this outcry against me… corrupt poli-     make all sorts of compromises.              civilian rule, a descent into chaos fol-    ister through and through. Behind the
    mran Khan inherited a bank-              ticians, veritable bloodsuckers, whose         The idea that you just hold elec-      lowed by army rule.                         scenes, he is exactly what he is in pub-
    rupt country, a country looted           ill-gotten wealth, I have made them                                                                                               lic. He can hold his own in any forum
    and plundered by corrupt rulers,         disgorge,” questions Imran rhetorically.  tions, while everything else remains             Today Imran is the only truly          anywhere in the world. He has an au-
a country adrift, lacking confidence                                                   colonial and feudal means you won’t         national figure in the bleak fragment-      gust presence, is not overawed by roy-
                                                  What did prime minister              get democracy, but some perversion of       ed, political landscape of Pakistan.        alty or heads of government or state.
                 about its future.           Churchill, the savior of Western civili-  it as we have today in this country. Elec-  In these harsh and difficult political      When he enters a room, people sit up
                 Jinnah’s Pakistan,          zation in World War II, have to show      tions are necessary but not sufficient.     times, the question of the Prime Min-       and take notice. Imran must translate
                 the country of our          in the first two years? HMS Prince of     Elections alone do not make a democ-        ister’s character is at the center of our   his glamour into political results.
                 dreams, our hopes,          Wales and the cruiser HMS Repulse         racy. Democracy requires a free and         national concerns. If a prime minister
                 and our pride has           were sunk by Japanese bombers. HMS        independent country, and an inviolable      has integrity and his hands are clean,           In foreign affairs, Imran must get
                 morphed into a              Ark Royal and battleship HMS Bar-         constitution, a powerful and competent      nothing else matters. But if he has no      closer to China, our only all-weather
                 nightmare of despair        ham were sunk by Japanese U-Boats.        legislature, answerable to the elector-     integrity and his hands are dirty, noth-    friend. One thing Imran must do is to
and despondency.                             Churchill also lost Singapore, Malaya     ate, an independent judiciary, an inde-     ing else matters and he cannot govern       improve the quality of governance, es-
     Imran faces a daunting task.            and Burma. There were vociferous calls    pendent press, and above all a literate     the country. Integrity is Imran’s strong    pecially in the provinces. He must not
The waters are choppy but he will get        for his resignation but when the no-      citizenry. To assume that vote alone will   point. It will enable him to ride out the   hire “yes men” who don’t tell him the
through. He is busy cleansing the stains     confidence motion against him was put     automatically bring about a democratic      challenges he faces. He still has the sup-  truth. He must carry out radical agrar-
of Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari. To         to vote in the parliament, he won by      metamorphosis, would be to condemn          port of the people, especially the youth    ian reforms, in particular, he must lib-
quote Churchill, “those were the years       464 votes to one. So far, Imran has done  Pakistan to repeat of the cycle seen so     of Pakistan. In a presidential election,    erate the haris of Sindh, who are like
that locust had eaten.” How the corrupt      much better than what we expected he      often in our country: a short period of     Imran will win hands down. One can-         the serfs of Europe in medieval times.
mighty have fallen. Shorn of power,          could. He has made no egregious mis-                                                  not help but recognize in Imran’s des-      No country in the world has made any
how common and mediocre they look.           take. Nobody expected him to set the                                                  tiny, the hand of the Providence which      progress without radical agrarian re-
Gone is the arrogance, the insolence         Indus on fire in two years.                                                           has marked him out a long time ago for      forms.
and the truculence. Broken and mis-                                                                                                the fulfilment of its prodigious designs.
erable little men, how the twist of fate          “People confuse two types of poli-                                                                                                He must keep down expenses and
could reduce a man to size.                  tics,” Imran told The New York Times.                                                      Imran is the only leader with          take as little as possible from the poor
     Nations, like history, rarely take      “One is politics of moment. The other                                                 unique qualifications: tremendous self-     man so that he won’t starve or revolt.
account of anything but success. Al-         is traditional power-based politics.                                                  confidence, passions, above all courage     Louise XVI was brought down by a cor-
bert Speer, Hilter’s architect, told his     Tehreek-e-Insaf is never going to win                                                 to confront and master our severe eco-      rupt vicious tax system. Unless Imran
interrogators at the Nuremberg trial         the traditional way.” He contested the                                                nomic predicament. He has the capac-        reforms the tax system, a French Revo-
that history sits in judgment on world’s     election and won the “traditional way”                                                ity and the will to usher in a new so-      lution will come to Pakistan. And last
leaders at the terminal stage, not earlier.  but with a split mandate. The result is                                               cial-economic just order. He is the only    but not least, he must descend from
Imran is under fire from his political       that he needs allies to sustain his gov-                                              leader who will, as Burke said, “tell the   Bani Gala and connect with the ordi-
opponents on a daily basis. On all sides     ernment at the Center and in Punjab,                                                  people, not where they want to go, but      nary people.
one hears criticism of Imran. He is un-      the most important province in the                                                    where they ought to go”.
dergoing a noticeable slump in his pop-      Federation of Pakistan. He has to ac-                                                                                                  Today, Imran alone carries the
ularity. “Who are the people who raised      commodate his coalition partners and                                                       Imran’s demeanor is soothing           hope of the nation on his shoulders. His
                                                                                                                                   but at times impermeable. He is shy         idealism, self-discipline and zero

                                                                                                                                                                               HISTORY, P28

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