Page 13 - Pakistan Link - August 21, 2020
P. 13

PAKISTAN                                                                                                                AUGUST 21, 2020 – PAKISTAN LINK – P13

Four-pronged Strategy Being Pursued Gen Bajwa, Saudi Deputy Defense
to Deal with India: FM Qureshi                                                                                          Minister Discuss Security Issues

      n By Baqir Sajjad Syed             tend.                                  military preparedness, conflict res-    Riyadh: Army chief
Islamabad: Foreign Minister Shah              “This world is more uncertain,    olution and confidence-building;        General Qamar Ja-
Mehmood Qureshi explained the                                                   and not being distracted by India’s     ved Bajwa arrived
government’s four-point strategy         less predictable, and for these rea-   actions and continuing with re-         in Saudi Arabia on
over dealing with India on Monday        sons, perhaps more dysfunctional.”     gional integration projects through     Monday, the Paki-
and emphasized that in a chang-                                                 participation in the China-Pakistan     stan embassy in Ri-
ing world, there would have to be a           While emphasizing that “the       Economic Corridor, the Shanghai         yadh said, amid a
greater reliance on national strength    buffers and support systems of in-     Cooperation Organization, and the       diplomatic spat that
rather than looking towards interna-     ternational organizations and inter-   Economic Cooperation Organiza-          has threatened Ri-
tional structures.                       national law” had not come up to       tion. Efforts were being made for re-   yadh’s financial life
                                         expectations, Mr Qureshi said coun-    vival of the South Asian Association    line to the country.
     Participating in a webinar on       tries would have to depend on their    of Regional Countries, the foreign
“Annexation of Occupied Jammu            own strengths rather than looking      minister added.                              Bajwa arrived in
and Kashmir: Lessons for Regional        towards those structures.                                                      Riyadh at 10am, the
Security”, organized by Islamabad                                                    Dr Shireen Mazari, Minister for    embassy said. The
Policy Institute (IPI), the foreign           Explaining the government’s       Human Rights, listed the areas in       head of the Inter-
minister said there was a “new           strategy on dealing with India’s ex-   which she believed diplomacy was        Services Intelligence
world, brave or grave, that is upon      pansionist designs, he said a four-    lacking.                                (ISI), General Faiz
us, and with which we have to con-       pronged strategy was being pursued.                                            Hameed, is accom-
                                         It entailed confronting, exposing           She had last week railed against   panying Bajwa.
                                         and pushing back against New Del-      the Foreign Office over its handling
                                         hi’s intentions; deterring it through  of the Kashmir issue. Dr Mazari said         The Saudi Chief
                                                                                there was more focus on the politi-     of General Staff Ma-
                                                                                cal dynamics rather than looking at     jor General Fayyad
                                                                                it from a wider spectrum. She sug-      bin Hammad Al-Ru-
                                                                                gested the sufferings of women and      waili received Bajwa,
                                                                                children in India-held Kashmir be       the Saudi ministry
                                                                                highlighted aggressively.               of defense said in a
                                                                                                                        statement on its website.
                                                                                     “We have not appealed enough
                                                                                to women’s organizations on the               “During their meeting, they discussed prospects of military coopera-
                                                                                plight of Kashmiri women,” she          tion and ways to boost it as well as other topics of common interest,” the
                                                                                maintained.                             statement said.

                                                                                     Dr Mazari contended that In-            Bajwa, Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Discuss Security Issues: Chief of
                                                                                dia was moving up the escalation        the Army Staff Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa held talks with Saudi Deputy Minis-
                                                                                ladder, committing actions in Kash-     ter for Defence Khalid bin Salman bin Abdulaziz on bilateral defence coop-
                                                                                mir that amounted to genocide, and      eration and regional security, said the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR)
                                                                                therefore the threat of war was get-    on Tuesday.
                                                                                ting more imminent. The impact of
                                                                                a conflict, she warned, would not            “Matters of mutual interest including bilateral defence and security co-
                                                                                remain limited and affect others in     operation and regional security were discussed,” the Pakistan military’s me-
                                                                                the neighborhood as well because of     dia wing further said.
                                                                                “unintended consequences”.
                                                                                                                             According to the Saudi Press Agency, the meeting was held on Monday.
Pakistan Cannot Accept Israel until                                                                                          The Saudi statement explained that besides the bilateral cooperation,
Palestine Gains Independence: PM                                                                                        talks were also held on enhancing cooperation for security and stability in
                                                                                                                        the region. Without elaborating, it said issues of “common concern” were
Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran          decisions according to its own for-         The press release comes a day      also discussed.
Khan has categorically rejected any      eign policy and national interest.     after Prime Minister Imran Khan              Tweeting after the meeting, Prince Khalid, who is Crown Prince Mo-
possibility that Pakistan could es-      “Our role is to unite the entire Mus-  categorically said that Pakistan        hammed bin Salman’s full younger brother, said: “Met today with my broth-
tablish relations with Israel after it   lim world which is a very challeng-    could not recognize Israel as a state   er, HE General Qamar Bajwa, Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff. We discussed
signed a historic deal with the Unit-    ing task and we will do our best.”     unless it gave freedom to Palestine.    bilateral relations, military cooperation, and our common vision for preserv-
ed Arab Emirates (UAE) to normal-                                                                                       ing regional security.”
ize bilateral ties.                           While talking about his prime          In a two-hour late-night inter-         The two countries are traditionally close and Saudi Arabia in 2018 gave
                                         aim to rid the country of corrup-      view aired on Dunya TV, the prime       Pakistan a $3 billion loan and $3.2bn oil credit facility to help its balance of
     “Our stance is very clear from      tion, Prime Minister Imran has         minister stated: “Quaid-i-Azam had      payments crisis.
day one and Quaid-i-Azam Mu-             reiterated that come what may he       said in 1948 that Pakistan could not         But Riyadh is irked by criticism from Pakistan that Saudi Arabia has
hammad Ali Jinnah had said Paki-         will not spare corrupt cartels in the  recognize Israel unless it gave free-   been lukewarm on the Kashmir issue, two senior military officials had told
stan can never accept state of Is-       country, affirming “fighting against   dom to Palestinians.                    Reuters, motivating the army chief ’s planned visit.
rael until the people of Palestine get   mafia is a mission of my life”.                                                     Last week, the military’s media affairs wing had confirmed that the
rights and state,” he said in an inter-                                              “If we recognize Israel and ig-    COAS was travelling, though the official line was that the visit was pre-
view with a private news channel on           Responding to a question          nore [the] tyranny faced by Pales-      planned and “primarily military-affairs oriented”.
Tuesday.                                 about his two years in the coun-       tinians, we will have to give up [the        Pakistan has long pressed the Saudi-led Organization of Islamic Coun-
                                         try’s top office, Premier Imran said   cause of] Kashmir as well, and this     tries (OIC) to convene a high-level meeting to highlight Indian violations in
     The prime minister said ac-         he had faced immense challenges        we cannot do.”                          occupied Kashmir.
cepting the state of Israel is equiva-   throughout his life but the two-                                                    But the OIC has only held low-level meetings so far.
lent to giving up Pakistan’s stance on   year period as prime minister of the        In the context of the United            On August 5, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi had said: “I
Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu          country was the toughest among all     Arab Emirates, which has recently       am once again respectfully telling the OIC that a meeting of the Council of
and Kashmir (IIOJK). “The case of        of them.                               established ties with Israel, the       Foreign Ministers is our expectation.
Palestinians is similar to the people                                           prime minister said every state had          “If you cannot convene it, then I’ll be compelled to ask Prime Minister
of Kashmir and their [Palestinians]          ‘Palestinians                      its own foreign policy.                 Imran Khan to call a meeting of the Islamic countries that are ready to stand
rights have been snatched and they       Consider Pakistan                                                              with us on the issue of Kashmir and support the oppressed Kashmiris.”
have been suffering Israeli atroci-                                                  In a statement the Palestine            Qureshi said that Pakistan had skipped the Kuala Lumpur Summit last
ties.”                                       Our Second                         embassy noted that the Pakistani        December on Saudi Arabia’s request and now Pakistani Muslims were de-
                                             Homeland’                          government had always supported         manding Riyadh “show leadership on the issue”.
     Last week, Israel and the UAE                                              their cause. “The embassy heartily           “We have our own sensitivities. You have to realize this. Gulf countries
reached a historic deal that would       Islamabad: The State of Palestine      appreciates the stance of [PM Im-       should understand this,” the foreign minister had said, adding that he could
lead to full normalization of dip-       on Wednesday thanked the premier       ran] when answering to a question       no more indulge in diplomatic niceties.
lomatic relations between the two        for his “strong response” on Israel,   about Israel.”                               He had made it clear that he was not being emotional and fully un-
Middle Eastern nations in an agree-      besides expressing gratitude to the                                            derstood the implications of his statement. “It’s right, I’m taking a position
ment that US President Donald            government for extending support            It is only because of the love     despite our good ties with Saudi Arabia,” he said.
Trump helped broker.                     to the Palestinian cause.              of Pakistanis towards Palestine that         The Foreign Office (FO) had later defended the minister’s remarks, say-
                                                                                Israeli and Pakistani relations have    ing his was a reflection of people’s aspirations and expectations from the OIC
     Under the agreement, Israel              A statement issued by the Pal-    never been established, it added.       to raise the Kashmir issue internationally.
has agreed to suspend applying sov-      estine embassy in Islamabad also                                                    Speaking at a weekly press briefing, the FO spokesperson had said that
ereignty to areas of the West Bank       thanked the government for con-             “The embassy thanks the prime      the people of Pakistan had more expectations from the OIC and would like it
that it has been discussing annex-       demning Israeli aggression towards     minister for such a strong response     to play a leading role in raising the Kashmir issue internationally.
ing, senior White House officials        Palestine.                             and also appreciates every indi-             However, Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shehbaz
told Reuters.                                                                   vidual of Pakistan, including politi-   Sharif had criticized Qureshi’s remarks, calling them “highly unfortunate
                                              “Palestinians consider Pakistan   cal parties, media, and civil society,  and irresponsible”.
     The premier set aside reports       as our second homeland and Paki-       who is observing solidarity with             In a tweet, the PML-N president had said: “Qureshi’s statement about
that Islamabad’s relations with Ri-      stanis as our dearest brothers, who    Palestine in any possible way.          brotherly Saudi Arabia is highly unfortunate & irresponsible. It flies in the
yadh had deteriorated recently say-      always supported Palestine on every                                            face of history of our special & trusted relationship with the kingdom.
ing “Saudi Arabia is Pakistan’s key      forum of the world,” it said.               “We are hopeful that this sup-          “The cavalier attitude by this government is undermining Pakistan’s
ally”.                                                                          port will be with us until we get an    core relations with friendly countries!”
                                                                                independent State of Palestine with
     He said every country makes                                                Jerusalem Al-Quds as its capital,”
                                                                                the statement concluded.

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