Page 12 - Pakistan Link - August 21, 2020
P. 12
International Observers Acknowledge Rumors of Relations Souring
Economic Progress & Country on March with Saudi Arabia ‘Totally False’
Islamabad: Neutral international ob- He said that Prime Minister tries who can be said to have tackled “Our relations are very good. We are constantly in touch,” says PM Imran Khan
servers have acknowledged economic Imran Khan “internationalized” the the pandemic successfully,” the plan-
progress made by Pakistan despite the Kashmir issue and today the world is ning minister said. Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran are constantly in touch.”
novel coronavirus crisis, Adviser to talking about the violation of rights He said that philanthropist Bill Khan played down differences with Army Chief Gen Bajwa travelled to
the Prime Minister for Finance Abdul of the residents of occupied Kashmir Gates while comparing the corona- longtime ally Saudi Arabia as Army Saudi Arabia on Monday for a one-day
Hafeez Sheikh said on Tuesday. by the Indian forces. He said that the virus situation in India and Pakistan, Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa visited visit that was “primarily military-affairs
Kashmir issue is as old as Pakistan, had said that the latter had dealt with Riyadh, saying the two countries had no oriented”, the army said.
He was speaking at a press con- but was “intentionally kept on the the pandemic in a comparatively bet- differences. “On the Kashmir issue, there is a
ference alongside federal ministers back burner” in the past. ter manner. Gen Bajwa’s current visit is tak- view that OIC should have stepped for-
and SAPMs where a progress report of Earlier this month, the UN Gen- ing place at an important juncture. The ward,” Prime Minister Imran said.
the achievements of the PTI govern- The premier took up several im- eral Assembly president-elect Volkan United Arab Emirates had last week “Saudi has its own foreign policy.
ment in its second year was unveiled. portant issues, including increasing Bozkir also said in his meeting with reached an agreement with Israel and We shouldn’t think that because we
Islamophobia and Afghan peace pro- the foreign minister that the world the United States to normalize ties with want something Saudi will do just that,”
Talking about the Emergency cess, Qureshi said. can learn from Pakistan, Umar said the Jewish state. Reportedly more Arab he added.
Cash Assistance Program, under and added that The Wall Street Jour- countries would be joining the Emiratis
which the government handed out He said that two years ago, US nal, which doesn’t report “too posi- in normalizing ties with Israel. Pakistan Green-
cash to lower-income families hit by had declared Pakistan as “part of the tively” on Pakistan acknowledged that Lights Phase III
the health crisis, Sheikh said that it problem”. However, due to Pakistan’s the country was a bright spot in the Moreover, the army chief ’s visit is Trials for Covid
was the first time that a government role in the Afghan peace process, world when it comes to coronavirus. being viewed in the context of Foreign
had introduced a relief program to “there was a narrative shift from part Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi’s Vaccine
support the masses. He said that mil- of the problem to part of the solution,” The reason behind Pakistan’s criticism of the Saudi Arabia-dominated
lions of people had benefitted from the foreign minister said. “successful” response to the novel Organization of Islamic Cooperation
the cash program. coronavirus, through which the gov- (OIC) for not convening the meeting
Pakistan also made efforts to ernment not only curbed the spread of its Council of Foreign Ministers on
The government also introduced develop an “economic partnership” of the disease but also saved the coun- Kashmir. However, ISPR Director Gen- Islamabad: The Ministry of National
cheap loans to assist small traders so with African countries, that have a try’s economy from collapsing, was eral Maj Gen Babar Iftikhar earlier said Health Services Regulation and Coor-
that they would not have to fire their population of 1.3 billion people, and because the prime minister prioritized the visit had been planned long before dination has received formal approval
staff due to lack of funds. The govern- the Engage Africa Initiative has been the welfare of the people, the planning the controversy erupted. from the Drug Regulatory Authority of
ment also provided relief to traders by launched to increase trade and invest- minister insisted. Gen Bajwa’s trip, analysts say, Pakistan (DRAP) for Phase III clinical
paying their bills for three months, he ment in the continent. “All the steps taken by Imran would also try to overcome the minor trials of the corona vaccine.
said. Khan reflect [his focus on the weak- hiccup in ties caused by the foreign min- According to a statement of the
To cope with the financial set- est sections]. So when all the political ister’s statement. NIH, the medical facility has obtained
As a result of the government’s back faced by developing countries leaders were saying we should lock “The rumors that our relations “the formal approval from DRAP for
initiatives, the economy had grown due to the Covid-19 health crisis, down the country [...] they did not with Saudi Arabia have soured are total- Phase III Clinical Trial of Recombinant
despite the Covid-19 crisis and the Prime Minister Imran asked devel- think how it would impact the poor. ly false,” the premier said in an interview Novel Coronavirus Vaccine Adenovirus
past month saw a six per cent increase oped countries and financial bodies to “I think the main reason was with Dunya News on Tuesday night. Type 5 vector (Ad5-nCoV) developed
in exports. Cement sales and exports provide debt relief. The initiative not that Imran Khan thought about these “Our relations are very good. We by CanSinoBio and Beijing Institute of
had also increased substantially. only benefitted Pakistan but all devel- (lower income) people from the start. Biotechnology China [BIB]”.
oping countries, he said. We took quick and timely decisions brought together all political players on “This will be the first ever phase
Due to the government’s policies, and generated employment for peo- one forum to deal with the Covid-19 III clinical trial for any vaccine in Paki-
economic observers and organiza- Speaking about other initiatives ple. We started an unprecedented pro- pandemic. stan.”
tions like Moody’s, Fitch and Bloom- taken by the Ministry of Foreign Af- gram to help people. Sania Nishtar did “Yes, he is not ready to grant NRO The vaccine, developed by the
berg had improved Pakistan’s rating, fairs, Qureshi revealed that an app a commendable job. [just] to make people come on the Cansino Biologists and Beijing Institute
he added. had been introduced through which “As finance adviser, Dr Hafeez same page as him. [But] the way of Biotechnology China, has been ap-
ambassadors and Foreign Office of- Shaikh did not once say anything Imran Khan worked together with proved for clinical trials of the corona-
‘From diplomatic isolation to ef- ficials across the world could contact about how the funds [being allocated] all the institutions in the pandemic virus vaccine Phase 3.
fective representation’: Foreign Min- the minister without having to deal to help people could impact the bud- crisis is unprecedented.” This will be the first phase 3 clini-
ister Shah Mahmood Qureshi shed with bureaucratic red tape. get. He was also successful in control- Minister for Industries Ham- cal trial of any vaccine in Pakistan.
light on the initiatives taken up by ling fiscal deficit.” mad Azhar — who had assumed According to a spokesman for the
the government on the international ‘Unprecedented challenges’: Dis- Umar also addressed the criti- charge in April this year — also National Institutes of Health, this is a
stage. He said that Pakistan’s foreign cussing the “unprecedented” chal- cism levelled by the opposition on the highlighted the steps taken by his multi-country, multi-center clinical trial
policy achievements should be seen in lenges posed by the novel coronavirus government. ministry over the past few months that Cansino Bio has already launched
the context of the objectives of Paki- to Pakistan’s economy and the health “[Our critics] have started using to help businesses cope with the in China, Russia, Chile, Argentina and
stan’s “eternal enemy” India and the sector, Planning Minister Asad Umar the word ‘incompetent’. Shah Mah- impact of the pandemic. will soon launch in Saudi Arabia.
objectives set by the PTI government. explained how the government dealt mood Qureshi [is qualified] from He said that Pakistan adopted The Principal Investigator of
India’s stated policy has been to isolate with them. Cambridge, Hammad Azhar from a “different route” to deal with the Multi-Center Clinical Trials in Pakistan
Pakistan diplomatically, he said. Lincoln’s Inn, Dr Hafeez Shaikh from health crisis and ensured that sup- is Major General Amir Ikram, Execu-
“Covid is the biggest challenge Harvard are on this team. I don’t know ply chains were not affected despite tive Director, NIH, Islamabad.
Pakistan did not have a foreign not only for Pakistan but the entire where Sania Nishtar received her edu- lockdowns in the country. The rea- The study is a tripartite activity
minister for a long period of time dur- world in the last century,” he said. “A cation from but I do know that her son there was no shortage of goods among the National Institutes of Health,
ing the past government’s tenure, due lot of pressure built on the health sec- qualifications exceed mine,” he said. in the country was the decision to Cansino Biocompany and A. J. M Phar-
to which the country’s stance could tors and the economy. It was a unique Critics also claim that the prime reopen essential industries, Azhar ma. It will be conducted at renowned
not be conveyed to the world. The PTI challenge after the Spanish flu. The minister is unable to work with others explained. medical research centers of the country
government made efforts to end its disruption caused by it in health and and is a “solo player”, Umar said, add- SAPM on Poverty Alleviation including Aga Khan Medical Univer-
“diplomatic isolation” by reaching out economic sectors is unprecedented.” ing that the criticism was unfounded. Sania Nishtar spoke about the gov- sity Karachi, Indus Hospital Karachi,
to friendly countries and improving He said that an example of PM Imran’s ernment’s Ehsaas program, which Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital
ties with the international community. Umar said that the world’s lead- willingness to work with everyone she said was receiving praise inter- Lahore, Shifa International Hospital Is-
ing economies were reeling under the can be seen in the way the premier nationally. lamabad and UHS Lahore.
“A dramatic shift can be seen impact of the novel coronavirus. But
from diplomatic isolation to effec- the world had acknowledged Paki-
tive representation,” he said. He also stan’s success against the pandemic,
pointed out that more than one coun- he added.
try in the region, including China,
Nepal and Bangladesh, were now un- “Not only people in Pakistan but
happy with New Delhi’s policies. elsewhere in the world too now say
that Pakistan is among those coun-