Page 15 - Pakistan Link - August 21, 2020
P. 15

PAKISTAN                                                                                                               AUGUST 21, 2020 – PAKISTAN LINK – P15

  MQM-P Accuses Sindh CM of Sabotaging                                                                                  Parliamentary Body                       Remittances Hit
       Proposed Committee on Karachi                                                                                    Hears Complaints of                     New Monthly High
                                                                                                                        Women Journalists
Karachi: The political        MQM-P leader Khawaja Izharul Hasan speaks at a press conference on Tuesday                                                               in July
consensus among the                                                                                                    Islamabad: A parliamentary body
stakeholders of Karachi       chi a matter of his ego. He  chi from Sindh by divid-      125bn because of the “in-     on Tuesday was perturbed to hear        Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran
appears to be eroding fast    [CM] is the head of solid    ing the city into six parts.  competence” of the Sindh      that women journalists were being       Khan revealed on Monday that the
as the Muttahida Qaumi        waste department but they                                  government.                   harassed on the social media.           remittances flowing into Pakistan
Movement-Pakistan on          cannot even lift garbage          The MQM-P leader                                                                               reached $2,768 million in July 2020
Tuesday accused Sindh         from the city. They have     alleged that the PPP had           He said around                Pakistan People’s Party Chair-     – the highest ever amount in one
Chief Minister Murad Ali      deliberately destroyed the   started misleading youths     200,000 government jobs       man Bilawal Bhutto Zardari chaired      month in the history of Pakistan.
Shah of “sabotaging” re-      local government system      on the pretext of a threat    of Karachi had been sold      the National Assembly meeting of
cent efforts to find a solu-  of Karachi,” he said.        to Sindh whenever the         to the people of rural        the Standing Committee on Hu-                Taking to Twitter, the prime min-
tion to Karachi’s civic and                                people of Karachi talked      Sindh and when ques-          man Rights, where he was informed       ister shared the “good news” for Paki-
infrastructure problems.           He said the MQM-P       about their rights or even    tions were raised the PPP     about the harassment of women           stan’s economy, saying the increase in
                              believed that mere forma-    demanded a just share of      termed them an attack on      journalists through video link.         July was 12.2% than June 2020 and
     Only on Saturday, the    tion of committees was       water.                        the unity of Sindh.                                                   36.5% compared with July 2019.
Pakistan Peoples Party,       not the solution of Kara-                                                                     “Women journalists are being
Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf      chi’s problems as a per-          He asked youths of            He said that the         harassed for dissent,” said Asma             “More good news for Pak econo-
and MQM-P had, in the         manent solution lay only     Larkana, Qambar-Shah-         MQM-P had decided to          Shirazi, talk show host of a private    my. Remittances from overseas Paki-
presence of a senior mem-     with an empowered local      dadkot, Dadu and other        call an “all-party confer-    television channel.                     stanis reached $2,768 million in July
ber of the security estab-    government system under      rural parts of Sindh to       ence” titled Karachi Con-                                             2020, highest ever amount in one
lishment, agreed to form      Article 140-A of the Con-    hold their elected repre-     ference for the solution           “Twice, people broke into          month in the history of Pakistan. This
an advisory committee         stitution.                   sentatives accountable for    of problems of Karachi        my house to harass me. Attempts         is 12.2% increase over June 2020 and
comprising representa-                                     not providing better civic    as well as to strengthen      are being made to socially isolate      36.5% increase over July 2019,” the
tives of the three parties         Responding to the       facilities in their areas.    Sindh and Pakistan.           Pakistani women journalists. Many       premier wrote on the microblogging
for Karachi in a meet-        CM’s Monday presser,                                                                     women journalists have stopped          website.
ing held at the Governor      Khawaja Izhar questioned          He alleged that the           Without giving any       tweeting for fear of harassment on
House.                        as to why they made it       provincial ministers and      date, he said that the        social media. We will not allow our          The country-wise breakup of the
                              an issue of Sindh’s unity    government officials were     MQM would also raise          daughters to stay at home for fear of   remittances showed that the highest
     On Sunday, CM’s          when the MQM-P de-           minting money and not         the issues of Larkana and     abuse,” she said.                       amount – $821.55 million – in July
Law Adviser Murtaza Wa-       manded only just resourc-    spending funds even in        Dadu in addition to the                                               came from Saudi Arabia followed by
hab told the media that       es for their city.           the rural parts of the prov-  issues of Karachi in its           “Women journalists speak out       $538.19 million from the United Arab
the committee would be                                     ince. “The Sindh govern-      MPC.                          against harassment on social media      Emirates (UAE). In June 2020, the
headed by CM Shah and              The CM had said at      ment has turned Karachi                                     to protect the future generation,”      remittances from Saudi Arabia and
comprise Sindh minis-         the press conference that    into Larkana and Larkana           He said proposals        said another host Amber Shamsi.         the UAE were $619.43 million and
ters Nasir Shah and Saeed     the people talking about     into Moenjodaro.”             had been sought from                                                  $431.68 respectively.
Ghani of the PPP, federal     bifurcation of Sindh were                                  youths, civil society, trad-       “I have brought my daughter
ministers Asad Umar and       the enemies of Pakistan           Khawaja Izhar, who       ers, etc. for the proposed    with me so that she has the cour-            According to the State Bank of
Ali Zaidi of the PTI and      and that the division of     is also an MPA, said that     conference.                   age to fight against harassment. Our    Pakistan (SBP) statistics, overseas
Aminul Haque of the           the province was not pos-    Karachi needed 1,200mgd                                     families are suffering because of       Pakistanis remitted $443.13 million
MQM-P.                        sible “in our lives”.        water but it was not given         He said that Karachi     harassment against us on social me-     from Dubai, $393.91 million from
                                                           even 500mgd. He said that     was deceived in the name      dia,” Ms Shamsi said, adding a con-     the United Kingdom, $250.6 million
     However, speaking             Khawaja Izhar said      the cost of the K-IV wa-      of 18th Amendment un-         troversy was triggered after a tweet.   from the US, $88.29 million from Abu
at a press conference here    that the PPP government      ter project had increased     der which “corrupt rulers”                                            Dhabi and $4.69 million from Sharjah
at the party’s temporary      had itself separated Kara-   from Rs25 billion to Rs-      got more powers than the           While the meeting was in-          in July.
headquarters in Baha-                                                                    people.                       formed that the government was
durabad, senior MQM-P                                                                                                  addressing the issue, PTI MNA At-            The remittances from other Gulf
leader Khawaja Izharul                                                                                                 taullah, who is also a new member       countries was recorded at $296.95
Hasan said that the chief                                                                                              of the committee, said that harass-     million, including $42,62 million
minister “sabotaged” the                                                                                               ment was nothing new.                   from Bahrain, $69.83 million from
process to form the three-                                                                                                                                     Kuwait, $82.49 million from Qatar
party committee when he                                                                                                     “There is no justification for     and $102 million from Oman. The
told a press conference on                                                                                             rape or death threats,” the PPP         SBP data however, showed a major
Monday that “under no                                                                                                  chairman said, adding it was ev-        decline in the remittances from US to
condition would Sindh                                                                                                  eryone’s responsibility to stand by     $250.6 million in July from $451 mil-
share powers with any-                                                                                                 women journalists who were facing       lion in June.
one” and that a committee                                                                                              harassment. He said the commit-
was formed between gov-                                                                                                tee will send the harassment case            The remittances received from
ernments and not political                                                                                             against Gharida Farooqi back to the     the European countries last month
parties.                                                                                                               Federal Investigation Agency (FIA).     aggregated $227.57 million. They
                                                                                                                                                               included Germany $35.34 million,
     “It is beyond our                                                                                                      “Women’s rights in Pakistan are    France $32.99 million, The Nether-
comprehension as to why                                                                                                strongly linked to democracy,” said     lands $4.5 million, Spain $38.9 mil-
the chief minister had                                                                                                 Munizae Jahangir, who hosts a cur-      lion, Italy $49.46 million, Greece
made cleanliness of Kara-                                                                                              rent affairs program on a private TV    $20.01 million, Sweden $4.85 million,
                                                                                                                       channel.                                Denmark $6 million, Ireland $12.25
  IHC Validates                          Key Witness against Zardari                                                                                           million, and Belgium $23,27 million.
    Report of                            in Fake Accounts Case Dies                                                         “Don’t let restrictions be im-
                                                                                                                       posed on us in our harassment case.          Pakistan received $22.25 million
  Sugar Inquiry                          Rawalpindi: A key                                       He was arrested       We will not accept restrictions on      from Malaysia, $10.91 million from
  Commission                             NAB witness, Aslam                                through Interpol when       social media under the pretext of ha-   Norway, $2.83 million from Switzer-
                                         Masood, in the fake                               he was boarding a flight    rassment,” she said.                    land, $52.11 million from Austra-
Islamabad: A day after the Sindh         bank accounts case                                to Jeddah from London                                               lia, $43.13 million from Canada and
High Court (SHC) struck down the         against former presi-                             in October 2018 and was          “I was tortured in terms of ex-    $9.31 million from Japan. The SBP
commission constituted by the fed-       dent Asif Zardari died                            subsequently extradited     pression, I fought this war alone,”     stated that $98.82m were received
eral government to probe the sugar       of cardiac arrest in                              to Pakistan from Saudi      Tanzeela Mazhar said. “When I fought    from other countries, making a total
crisis, the Islamabad High Court         Rawalpindi on Monday.                             Arabia in February 2019.    against harassment, I was accused of    of $2,768.13 million in July 2020. In
(IHC) on Tuesday not only acknowl-                                                                                     blasphemy,” Ms Mazhar said, adding      June 2020, the total remittances re-
edged the legality of the commission          Masood had been                                    The jail authorities  that no one hired her for three years   ceived from these countries amount-
but also validated its report that rec-  imprisoned in the Adia-                           revealed that Masood        after her struggle against harassment.  ed to $2,466.28 million.
ommended criminal cases against          la Jail in Rawalpindi.                            had died of cardiac arrest
the sugar mills for misuse of public                                                       and that his body would          “If there is disagreement with          Despite the coronavirus pan-
money and cartelization leading to              According to jail              be handed over to his family after      male journalists, they are ignored,     demic coupled with global lock-
massive price hike of sugar.             authorities, he was suffering from    the completion of all legal formali-    while female journalists are labeled    downs, Adviser to Prime Minister
                                         diabetes and kidney disease and had   ties.                                   miscreants when there is a disagree-    on Finance Hafeez Sheikh wrapped
     A division bench of the IHC         been on dialysis at a government           They further said that as          ment with them,” she said.              up the economic performance of the
comprising Justice Aamer Farooq          hospital for the last six months.     Masood was imprisoned in the                                                    government before the federal cabi-
and Justice Miangul Hassan Au-                                                 Adiala Jail, his postmortem would            “Now before we tweet, we have      net on August 12, saying the fiscal
rangzeb upheld the judgement of               Masood, who had worked as        be done for which a letter had been     to think about the abuses that could    and primary deficit were lower than
IHC Chief Justice Athar Minallah.        chief financial officer for the Omni  written to the Rawalpindi District      follow in response,” Ms Mazhar add-     expected, while the central bank’s re-
                                         Group, had turned approver against    and Sessions Judge for the nomina-      ed.                                     serves had increased and the current
     Justice Minallah had approved       Zardari and the Omni Group in the     tion of the magistrate.                                                         account deficit was slashed from $20
the inquiry report against the sugar     multi-billion-rupee money laun-            The National Accountability                                                billion to $3 billion in two years.
mills and held that the investiga-       dering case.                          Authority (NAB) claimed that he
tion agencies could proceed against                                            had died of Covid-19.                                                                While giving a rundown of the
them in accordance with the law.              He was a witness in the refer-                                                                                   Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)-led
                                         ence and had been held accused in                                                                                     government’s two-year economic per-
                                         two cases.                                                                                                            formance, the financial adviser said
                                                                                                                                                               that the fiscal deficit post-Covid-19
                                                                                                                                                               was expected at 9.1% but it was re-
                                                                                                                                                               corded at 8.1% and the primary defi-
                                                                                                                                                               cit which was expected at 3.1% was
                                                                                                                                                               recorded at 1.8%.

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