Page 20 - Pakistan Link - August 21, 2020
P. 20

P20 – PAKISTAN LINK – AUGUST 21, 2020                                                                                                                                                    COMMENTARY

London: Princess Diana consid-                 Princess Diana Considered Moving to                                                                                                 no less.” Later, when the pair broke up due
ered moving to Pakistan to live with         Pakistan to Live with ‘the Love of Her Life’                                                                                          to the pressure of being in the public eye,
the ‘love of her life’ Hasnat Khan,                                                                                                                                                Diana told Jennie that “no one will ever
a royal expert has claimed in new            I’d take him off in the back entrance. From  a long time that Diana was in love with a         Richard Kay explained: “She was        want her”.
Channel 5 documentary Diana: Her             there on their romance blossomed and         heart surgeon but no one knew if it was      enormously attracted to Hasnat, he was
Last Summer, which air was aired             they met him on dates outside of the pal-    true. I remember her telling me once that    such as kind, really solid bloke, there’s         After the pair split, Diana went to
on Wednesday. Speaking about Di-             ace too.” Jennie Bond, a former BBC royal    she left the palace to go and watch open     something slightly Mills and Booms if       the south of France to spend time with
ana’s final summer before her death,         correspondent who knew Diana, added:         heart surgery, she said ‘it’s so important,  you like, something about a woman fall-     Harrords owner Mohammed Al-Fayed,
Eve Pollard claimed the Princess                                                          Jennie’.”                                    ing in love with a doctor, a heart surgeon  and his son Dodi, who died in the back of
of Wales had conversations with                   “There had been rumors for quite                                                                                                 a taxi with Diana months later.
Jemima Goldsmith about life in the
south Asian country, foreign media                                                                                                                                                 Speaking about her final
reported.                                                                                                                                                                           days in St Tropez, Paul
                                                                                                                                                                                     Burrell said thatDiana
     “The idea that the Princess of Wales                                                                                                                                             allowed dozens of
was going to marry and live with the Paki-                                                                                                                                         paparazzi photosin the
stani doctor was not what we were expect-                                                                                                                                           hope Hasnat would see
ing,” royal expert Eve Pollard said about                                                                                                                                          them. “Every time Diana
the documentary.                                                                                                                                                                    rang me she would ask
                                                                                                                                                                                    about Hasnat, asking if
     “She had long conversations with                                                                                                                                              I’d seen him, if I’d been to
Jemima Khan, who had married Imran                                                                                                                                                  his pub, if he’d seen the
Khan and Diana was wondering if it was                                                                                                                                               photos, to see what he
something she could do,” she added. In                                                                                                                                               said,” Paul explained
the summer of 1997, Princess Diana flew
to Lahore with Jemima, on her father                                                                                                                                                     Speaking about her final
James Goldsmith’s private jet.                                                                                                                                                     days in St Tropez, Paul Burrell said that
                                                                                                                                                                                   Diana allowed dozens of paparazzi photos
     While there, Diana took time out to                                                                                                                                           in the hope Hasnat would see them. “Ev-
secretly meet Hasnat’s parents, but the at-                                                                                                                                        ery time Diana rang me she would ask
tention it brought shook the foundations                                                                                                                                           about Hasnat, asking if I’d seen him, if I’d
of the relationship, which the heart spe-                                                                                                                                          been to his pub, if he’d seen the photos, to
cialist had wanted to keep private.                                                                                                                                                see what he said,” Paul explained. He add-
                                                                                                                                                                                   ed, “Hasnat was furious that Diana could
     Before the trip, only the Princess’s                                                                                                                                          turn to someone like Dodi, he knew that
closest confidantes knew about the rela-                                                                                                                                           wasn’t his Diana - the son of a multimil-
tionship, including butler Paul Burrell,                                                                                                                                           lionaire and a playboy.” – The News
who said he used to sneak notoriously
private Hasnat into the Kensington Palace
in the boot of his car. “I would bring him
into Kensington Palace in the boot of my
car or underneath a blanket in the back-
seat of my car,” Paul told documentary

     “The police never stopped me and

   Malala Yousafzai Recalls Time at Oxford and the Disappointing Endakistani activist Malala

      Yousafzai graduated from

PBritain’s prestigious Oxford
                                             other 2020 graduates, this was not                                                                                                    her trip down the memory lane.
                                             the ending I imagined,” she said.                                                                                                          She also confessed listening

                                                  The girls’ education activist                                                                                                    to inspiring lectures from some of
University with a degree in Phi- reminisced how at the beginning                                                                                                                   the world’s greatest thinkers and
losophy, Politics and Economics of her academic year, she told her-                                                                                                                leaders, adding that she learned just
(PPE) in June. The activist was self that she would walk every street                                                                                                              as much or more from her peers.
also part of the popular lineup in in Oxford, take pictures of every                                                                                                               “And I am still learning every day
a YouTube original, Dear Class beautiful garden, drink tea in every                                                                                                                from young people,” said the activ-
of 2020, where Michelle Obama, café, and eat in every dining hall on                                                                                                               ist.
Beyoncé and more stars came to- campus - especially the Harry Potter                                                                                                                     On that note, Yousafzai reiter-
gether to celebrate graduates.               one. “This was my last chance to see,                                                                                                 ated how she was just 11-years-old
However, in a recent and elabo- hear, touch, and taste it all—and I                                                                                                                when she started advocating for
rate interview, Yousafzai explained missed it,” said the global influencer.                                                                                                        girls’ education in Pakistan—and 15
how the ending was not what she              Yousafzai expressed how edu-                                                                                                          when the Taliban shot her. Pointing
imagined – given that she didn’t cation was so much more than a                                                                                                                    out other young and inspiring fe-
get to savor her final months at the syllabus, since college is the first                                                                                                          males of her generation, she relayed
university. “In March, I packed up a time several youngsters get a taste                                                                                                           how Licypriya Kangujam was only
few things from my room at Oxford of independence. “We set our own                                                                                                                 seven when she challenged the poli-
University—books, shoes, clothes— schedules—even small decisions                                                                                                                   ticians in India while Naomi Wadler
enough for the three-week Easter like what to eat or how to spend a                                                                                                                silenced a crowd of thousands at
break. Months later, I am still at Sunday are thrilling,” she said. “In                                                                                                            the age of 11. “After her family fled
home with my parents,” the Vanity my early days at Oxford, a senior                                                                                                                Somalia’s civil war, Hamdia Ahmed
Fair quoted her as saying.                   student told me that university life                                                                                                  spent the first seven years of her
“Throughout the spring, I took is sleeping, studying, and social- ford Union. She also recalled how                                    “I watched Rick and Morty or life in a refugee camps and then
classes by Zoom and final exams in izing—and you can only pick two.” her friends would often push her The Big Bang Theory and left my campaigned for displaced people
my bedroom. In June, I graduated She then relayed how for her, study- to abandon her studies and go to a assignments until the last possible everywhere. Then of course, there’s
in the backyard,” recalled Yousafzai. ing and sleep were mostly sacrificed. debating society or a pub. “I don’t minute, submitting many un-com- my friend Greta Thunberg,” said the
She then explained how she re-               Revealing her co-curricular ac- drink, but being the only sober one mendable essays. I stayed awake young graduate.
turned to Oxford for only two hours, tivities, Yousafzai said she attended in a group of students arguing over until 5 am to see the sun rise over                                       She then confessed how she’s
to collect her remaining belongings cricket matches, college balls, joined Brexit is its own fascination,” said the gardens. I still haven’t mastered often asked to advice children that
and move out for the last time. “Like the Pakistan Society and the Ox- the youngster.                                                  laundry,” recalled Yousafzai from MALALA, P24

   Imran Khan Has Ruined Pakistan Cricket: Javed Miandadakistan’s legendary batsman                                                                                                they cannot offer employment them-
                                                                                                                                                                                   selves. I was saying this before as
      Javed Miandad, in a YouTube                                                                                                                                                  well but they didn’t understand,” he

Pvideo on Tuesday, lashed out
at Prime Minister Imran Khan for                                                                                                       from us how will you even catch him?
                                                                                                                                       Has everyone in Pakistan passed
                                                                                                                                       away that you needed someone from
                                                                                                                                       the outside? I want the people of Pak- added.
ruining cricket by appointing clue-                                                                                                    istan to rise. If you don’t have a better         Miandad lashed out at Khan
less officials in high-ranking posi-                                                                                                   person in the entire country than you for not paying adequate attention
tions of the Pakistan Cricket Board                                                                                                    should look to the outside, but that is towards how the country’s cricket
(PCB).                                                                                                                                 not the case,” Miandad said.                board is being run.
The 63-year-old was perplexed                                                                                                          He also criticized the decision                   “I was your [Imran Khan’s] cap-
by the appointment of foreigners for                                                                                                   to end departmental cricket in Paki- tain, not the other way around. I was
the vital positions of the board.                                                                                                      stan, which left many cricketers un- the one who pulled your strings. You
“All officials in the PCB do not                                                                                                       employed.                                   think no one other than you knows
know the ABC of the sport. I will talk                                                                                                 “The players that are currently about cricket. You should start think-
to Imran Khan personally about the                                                                                                     playing should have a big future in ing about yourself and your sur-
sad state of affairs. I will not leave                                                                                                 cricket. I don’t want these players to roundings. You should start thinking
anyone that is not right for our coun-                                                                                                 end as laborers in the future. They about the people you have kept in
try. You have brought a person [Wa-                                                                                                    have left players unemployed after the PCB before it’s too late,” he con-
sim Khan] from abroad, if he steals                                                                                                    dumping the departments and now cluded.

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