Page 25 - Pakistan Link - August 21, 2020
P. 25
Al-Fatihah: The Prayer and the Message Gems from the
Holy Qur’an
n By Dr Muzammil H. Siddiqi
(Khutbah at ISOC – Dhul
Qi’dah 1, 1421/ January 26,
In the name of Allah, Most the message of the Qur’an. Allah says, ‘This is for My servant only one who can really guide From the translation by Mu-
Gracious, Most Merciful. As a prayer it contains the and for My servant is whatever he to the straight path. It calls for hammad Asad (Leopold Weiss)
Praise belong to Allah, the asks.’ (Muslim 598) righteous actions in this life. It
Lord of the worlds. 2. Most Gra- praise and glorification of Allah speaks about life after death and AMbuohuatmtmheatdranAsslaadto, r:Leopold
cious, Most Merciful. 3. Master of and the human request for Allah’s As an introduction to the of the consequences of human Weiss, was born of Jewish parents
guidance, direction and blessings. action and behavior. It tells that in Livow, Austria (later Poland) in
the Day of Judg- According to a Hadith: After this the true guidance comes through 1900, and at the age of 22 made his
ment. 4. It is You introduction comes God’s Prophets and Messengers. first visit to the Middle East. He
we worship, and it Abu Hurairah says, “I heard the whole Qur’an. Al- They were the people who were later became an outstanding for-
is You we ask for the Messenger of Allah says, ‘Al- Fatihah is the prayer truly guided and they received eign correspondent for the Fran-
help, 5. Guide us to lah says, I have divided the prayer and the Qur’an is Allah’s grace and mercy. Those furter Zeitung, and after years of
the straight path, 6. between Me and My servant in the answer to our who turned away from that path devoted study became one of the
The path of those two halves and for My servant is prayers. Al-Fatihah were those who went astray and leading Muslim scholars of our
you have blessed. 7.Those who in- whatever He asks for. When the is the introduction to they incurred the wrath of God age. His translation of the Holy
curred no anger, and who have not Servant says, ‘Praise be to Al- the Qur’an and then and His punishment. Qur’an is one of the most lucid
gone astray. (al-Fatihah 1:1-7) lah the Lord of the worlds,’ Allah we have the whole and well-referenced works in this
Surah al-Fatihah is the first says, ‘My servant has thanked Me.’ The Surah tells us: category, dedicated to li-qawmin
Surah of the Qur’an. According When he says,’ the Most Merci- Qur’an 1. The essence of religion is yatafakkaroo (people who think).
to most of the authorities this was ful, the Most Compassionate’ Al- thankfulness to Allah.
the first Surah that was revealed lah says, ‘My servant has praised Qur’an it contains all the basic 2. Allah is the Lord and Sus- Chapter 25, Verses 72 – 77
to Prophet Muhammad – peace Me.’ When he says, ‘Master of the principles that are given in detail tainer of the whole universe. And [know that true servants of
be upon him - when he was in Day of Judgment’ Allah says, ‘My in the Qur’an. It tells us that we 3. Allah is very kind, loving God are only] those who never bear
Makkah. Before this he received servant has glorified Me.’ And He and merciful. witness to what is false, and [who],
some verses of Surah al-‘Alaq, says, “My servant has submitted to are surround- 4. Allah is also the Judge and whenever they pass by [people en-
Surah al-Muzammil and Surah Me.’ When he says, ‘You we wor- ed by Allah’s He does not tolerate injustice, gaged in] frivolity, pass on with dig-
al-Muddathir, but as a complete ship and You we ask for help.’ Al- grace and fa- evil and sin. nity; and who, whenever they are re-
Surah, al-Fatihah was the first lah says, ‘This is between Me and vors. He is the 5. The Day of Judgment will minded of their Sustainer’s messages,
one. My servant and for My servant is Source of all come. do not throw themselves upon them
The word al-Fatihah means whatever he asks.’ When he says, love and mer- 6. Worship should be only to [as if] deaf and blind; [ 1 ] and who
“opener”. So this Surah is the ‘Guide us to the straight path…’ cy. We should Allah and all prayerful requests pray, “O Our Sustainer! Grant that
opener of the Qur’an. It has seven be thankful to should be directed to Him alone. our spouses and our offspring be a
verses that are repeated by every Him. Our life 7. One should continuously joy to our eyes, and cause us to be
Muslim many times during the is not perma- seek Allah’s guidance and remain foremost among those who are con-
course of his/her daily prayers. nent. We shall on the path of truth and righ- scious of Thee!”
Thus the Surah is also called the die one day and teousness. [Such as] these will be rewarded
“al-Sab’ al-Mathani” (al-Hijr He will judge 8. True righteousness comes for all their patient endurance [in
15:87) that is “the Seven Oft- us. He alone is when we follow the example of life] with a high station [in paradise],
repeated.” This Surah has many the Master of those who were righteous and and will be met therein with a greet-
other names: Umm al-Qur’an that Day. We who were under Allah’s grace: ing of welcome and peace, therein to
(the Essence of the Qur’an), Al- must worship the Prophets, Messengers, and abide; [and] how goodly an abode
Asas (the Foundation), Al-Shafi- Him and Him pious and devoted people of Al- and [how high] a station!
yah (the Healer), Al-Kafiyah (the alone. We must lah. Say [unto those who believe]:
Sufficient) etc. In Al-Bukhari it seek His help 9. One should always be “No weight or value would my Sus-
is mentioned that the Prophet and He has all careful not to make the most tainer attach to you were it not for
– peace be upon him - said that the power to Merciful angry with him. your faith [in Him]!
this was “the greatest Surah in the give us what- 10. One should never ignore [And say unto those who deny
Qur’an.” ever we need. the path of guidance and should the truth]: “You have indeed given
(al-Bukhari 4114) It is also It reminds that always be careful not to go astray. the lie [to God’s message], and in
reported: Allah is the After this introduction time this [sin] will cleave unto you!”
Ubayy ibn Ka’b reported that comes the whole Qur’an. Al-Fati- Chapter 26, Verses 4 – 6
the Prophet – peace be upon him hah is the prayer and the Qur’an Had We so willed, We could
- said, “Allah did not reveal in is the answer to our prayers. Al- have sent down unto them a message
the Torah, nor Injil like Umm al- Fatihah is the introduction to from the skies, so that their necks
Qur’an and this is the Seven Oft- the Qur’an and then we have the would [be forced to] bow down be-
repeated and it is (the one about whole Qur’an. fore it in humility.
which Allah said) ‘it is divided [But We have not willed it:] and
between Me and My servant and so, whenever there comes unto them
for My servant is whatever he asks.’ any fresh reminder from the Most
(al-Tirmidhi 3050) Gracious, they [who are blind of
Surah al-Fatihah is both a heart] always turn their backs upon
prayer and a full introduction to it: thus, indeed, have they given the
lie [to this message as well]. But [in
time] they will come to understand
what it was that they were wont to
Translator’s Notes
[ 1 ] Explaining this verse, Za-
makhshari remarks that whereas the
average run of people approach the
divine writ with a mere outward
show of eagerness, “throwing