Page 26 - Pakistan Link - August 21, 2020
P. 26

P26 – PAKISTAN LINK – AUGUST 21, 2020                                                                                                                 WOMEN
                                                                                                                                   AUGUST 21, 2020 - PAKISTAN LINK

On the occasion of the maestro Nusrat Fateh Ali                   NFAK. The song in question was Raat Bhar Ankh To Nahin Jagi      told me it’s available there. So, if you want to hear how
             Khan’s 23rd death anniversary on August 16, Pa-      on Nusrat’s album Samandar Maen Samandar Vol 59.                 this university student from Rawalpindi sounded in 1997,
             kistan’s beloved songstress, Hadiqa Kiani shared                                                                      take a listen on Spotify,” she added, posting a screenshot
             how she had the honour of collaborating with him         “In 1997, I had the honour of composing & singing my 1st     of the album on Spotify.
back in 1997.                                                     ghazal for the legendary Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan,” she
                                                                  wrote, adding that both the ghazal itself and the album it fea-      “It is still such an honour to have had my ghazal selected by
     Taking to Twitter to share a prized memory, Hadiqa re-       tured in, is not easily found now.                               Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan for this album, an honour I will
vealed an “accomplishment I don’t often talk about.” This ac-                                                                      never forget. Rest in peace,” she added, closing off her mini
complishment involved her having gotten the golden chance to          However, she went on to share that that ordeal was           tribute to the iconic NFAK who was/still is perhaps one of the
not only compose, but also sing a ghazal for the legend that was  made easier after a friend told her where she can find the       most recognisable musical talents from Pakistan.
                                                                  album. “A friend sent me a screenshot from Spotify and


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