Page 24 - Pakistan Link - August 21, 2020
P. 24

P24 – PAKISTAN LINK – AUGUST 21, 2020                                                                                                                                    COMMENTARY

My Overall Approach towards Investing                                                                                      Coronavirus Crisis Relief

  n By Saghir Ahmed Aslam                 bias of the market to carry quality,     money” and with the blessing of Al-                                Hidaya Foundation is providing food, soap for
        Rawalpindi, Pakistan              seasoned stock ahead.                    lah (saw) I have been achieving bet-                               hygiene, and more for impoverished families
                                                                                   ter than 10% month. These Strate-                                  we serve overseas as well as families and
     (The following information is             It can be very difficult to be      gies are:                                                          individuals in need locally here in the U.S.
provided solely to educate the Mus-       patient when market conditions are                                                                          through our network and partners.
lim community about investing and         unfavorable. Few thing are more               1. Dividend Capturing.                                        In Pakistan, Hidaya aims to support over
financial planning. It is hoped that      difficult than holding on through             2. Stock Splits                                               200,000 families. Food distribution will be
the Ummah will benefit from this          tough times. The discipline to hold,          3. Channeling or rolling                                      taking place in which for just $30 you can
effort through greater financial em-      rather than panicking out of the         stocks                                                             provide a food package including 25-50kg
                                          market when times get tough, is es-           4. Covered Calls.                                             wheat or rice, 5-10kg chickpeas or lentils,
                powerment, enabling       sential to long term investment suc-          I will share techniques that                                  3-5L cooking oil, 10-20kg fresh vegetables,
                the community to          cess.                                    demonstrate how you can use the                                    and 3-4 150g soap to a family in dire need.
                live in security and                                               above four strategies Inshah Allah                                 Additionally, women in our sewing centers
                dignity and fulfill            I will be the first to admit that   to make your portfolio grow. I will                                are stitching masks which will be provided to
                their religious and       sometime holding quality stocks          share with you how you can achieve                                 hospitals, police, and the masses.
                moral obligations to-     is monotonous and boring. Not            great results investing in companies
                wards charitable ac-      every day brings exciting price          like Ford, Chrysler, and Pacific tele-          Donate online:
                tivities)                 movements. Slow, steady progress,        phone and get handsome results us-      By Mail: PO Box 5481, Santa Clara, CA 95056
     As you consider a prospective        though, awaits those who can main-       ing my techniques.
investment, I hope you will keep          tain a consistent patterns to buying          At time I also play risky op-                                                              408.244.3282
two things firmly in mind: make           good companies when their price          tions. Remember, they are risky                                                    
sure you trust the people with whom       dip and then holding them.               (very, very risky), but at the risks                                               
you are investing and take the time                                                are great, so are the rewards. I de-
to understand, at least generally, the         My philosophy is not based          scribe this is holding in ice cube in   Hidaya Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) charitable organization with Tax ID # 77-0502583
investment you are about to make.         on complicated theories. It does         your hand as time is ticking away
It is also self-explanatory why trust     not employ convoluted strategies.        if you fail to achieve your goal, it    Exchange Rates for Currency Notes*
is so important –after all, it is your    Rather I look for strong, quality        will melt away and you will loss all
money, is equally important. A ba-        companies which I can purchase           of your investment. But if you play     Countries                           Buying                Selling
sic comprehension of what type of         and bargain prices. Then, I simply       with a plan, study the situation, and                                            Rs.                  Rs.
investment you are making will al-        hold those investments and let time      discipline yourself, you can achieve
low you to apply your own selection       work for me. I am not right every        handsome results.                       USA                                 168.20                168.80
process. It does not have to be fancy     time, but when I am wrong I cut               (Saghir A. Aslam only explains     UK                                  220.00                226.00
or technical, but it is yours and it      my losses and move on. It is a disci-    strategies and formulas that he has     S.Arabia
assure you that you are making in         plined process.                          been using. He is merely providing      Japan                                  45.00                45.50
investment which is consistent with                                                information, and NO ADVICE is           Euro                                     1.59                 1.62
the way you look at things and                 For the trader I use several phi-   given. Mr Aslam does not endorse        UAE
think about things.                       losophies which Inshah Allah I will      or recommend any broker, broker-                                            197.00                200.00
     My desire to assist individu-        discuss later in the book. I use 5%      age firm, or any investment at all,                                            46.00                46.50
als with their investment is nothing      of my portfolio which I call “play       nor does he suggest that anyone will
more than the next step along the                                                  earn a profit when or if they pur-      (*August 20, 2020)
path of service to my community,                                                   chase stocks, bonds or any other in-
with the blessing of Allah.                                                        vestments. All stocks or investment
     The investments I make not for                                                vehicles mentioned are for illustra-
immediate gratification. My focus is                                               tive purposes only. Mr Aslam is not
very specifically on the long term.                                                an attorney, accountant, real estate
Over the years, this approach have                                                 broker, stockbroker, investment ad-
served me very well in my personal                                                 visor, or certified financial planner.
investment. I have been rewarded                                                   Mr Aslam does not have anything
time and time again for waiting                                                    for sale.)
patiently for the long term upward

ANSWER FROM P21                           Europeans with an irrational fear        acter of Breaking Links and why?        TIMES FROM P4                              ing the TM program in the State of Bahia,
                                          of nuclear power that is holding the            A: Omar is my favorite char-     In particular, published scientific Brazil. These improvements resulted in
leased out for oil and gas drilling by    industry back, it is the horrible eco-                                           research has shown that when even improved community relations as mea-
the US government? He then makes          nomics of nuclear power that make        acter. He is very perceptive and        1% of a given population practices the sured by a dramatic increase (1,206%) in
much of the fact that the needed stor-    it unviable.                             wise like a sage and guru. He has a     TM technique, crime rates and other the number of positive reports received
age would take up another 250 square                                               unique personality.                     negative social trends drop sharply. by the Police Department from the citi-
miles. I find his arguments here               Nuclear power is a dying in-                                                And extensive research on the advanced zens of Salvador.
completely unpersuasive. He then          dustry at present. Whether new                  Q. What are the lessons to be    TM-Sidhi program has repeatedly dem-          While this approach may seem too
says that if the US used solar for all    techniques and designs can make it       learnt from the fall of Dacca?          onstrated that its group practice creates simple to be true, sometimes the simplest
its power needs (I assume this means      economical in the future, especially                                             the same measurable transformation in approach is the most effective. We recom-
all cars are electric, and so is heating  in an open competitive power mar-               A: The government should be      social trends: positive solutions to ongo- mend the following book: An Antidote
and industrial), it would require 50%     ket, seems unlikely in the near future.  fair and considerate and treat ev-      ing problems occur naturally and soci- to Violence: Evaluating the Evidence by
of the US surface area. That would be     The only advantage of nuclear is its     erybody equally. Should a conflict      ety shifts from division to unity.         Barry Spivack and Patricia Anne Saun-
a bit under 1.9 million square miles,     ability to run 24/7 when well-man-       arise, it should be dealt with fairly   Consider: The TM-Sidhi program ders, which details in depth the extensive
and he clearly misstated his point        aged. Whether that is sufficient to      and through political dialogue.         was utilized in Washington DC over supporting scientific research for utiliz-
there as that makes no sense. Cali-       create fresh interest in this technol-   Most importantly, there should be       a two-month period in the summer of ing TM to dispel violence and to alleviate
fornia now legally requires all new       ogy will depend on how well RE and       a just cause to win a war.              1993, where 4,000 meditators gathered PTSD. The current times of pandemic,
homes to have solar roofs, does Shel-     storage and grid management work                                                 for an experiment to lower crime. The protest, and economic collapse is the
lenberger oppose that? In fact, we        to keep the lights on in the 2030’s and        (Dr Ahmed S. Khan -               result, as documented by an indepen- perfect opportunity for us to re-evaluate
could find enough room to power           beyond.                         - is a Ful-        dent board of criminologists, was a 24 our approaches to all societal issues, and
much of America just putting solar                                                 bright Specialist Scholar, 2017-        percent reduction in criminal violence. to evaluate for ourselves the usefulness of
on existing homes and buildings and       BOOK FROM P23                            2021. Professor Khan has 35 years       This profound reduction in social stress TM as a powerful tool for police to use in
empty spaces like office parking lots.                                             of experience in Higher Education       also influenced the public approval keeping the peace and also for their own
                                          people of different viewpoints,          as professor of Electrical Engi-        of the US president, which suddenly mental health under stressful conditions.
     Shellenberger appears to believe     what actions could have prevented        neering. He is the author of many       changed from a negative trend to a posi-      Governments have no time to lose
that the size of the physical footprint   the fall of Dacca?                       academic papers, technical and          tive trend, as predicted.                  as the very fabric of our society collapses
of a power plant is the most important                                             non-technical books, and a series       If members of police departments around us; we all need to come up with
factor determining its attractiveness.         A: I went to Bangladesh in 1985     of books on Science, Technology         were to learn the TM technique, not effective solutions to these issues and the
If we developed fusion power, and         to conduct research for this novel. I    & Society (STS); his most recent        only would they have access to a pow- resulting societal discord before is too
it used half as much land as nuclear      met many scholars, Mukti Bahini          books are Mashriq-o-Mugrib Ki           erful tool for reducing violence, they late.
fission, but cost five times as much,     leaders, editors of newspapers and       Mumtaz Shaksiaat (Prominent Per-        would also gain benefits such as increas-     (Arlene J. Schar has served as Dr
would he suggest we have to switch        people from different walks of life.     sonalities of the East and the West),   es in calmness, clarity of mind, happi- Leffler’s Executive Assistant at the Center
to fusion? I don’t think so, because      Most of them told me that Sheikh         and Nanotechnology: Ethical and         ness, creativity, and energy, as proven for Advanced Military Science (CAMS)
fission power is not land constrained,    Mujeeb wanted autonomy and not           Social Implications.)                   by hundreds of independent research since 2015. She has
so the increased density of hypotheti-    a separate state. The mismanage-                                                 studies. This evidence-based approach is co-authored and edited many of Dr.
cal fusion is practically meaningless.    ment by the Pakistan government,         MALALA FROM P20                         highly effective for stress-related condi- Leffler’s articles. Dr David Leffler
There is plenty of room for solar and     Army action in March 1971 and                                                    tions such as PTSD, brain function, and served as an Associate of the Proteus
wind, they will take up a tiny fraction   the growing influence of Bengali         they don’t have to wait to be an adult  cardiovascular health. Here is a chart Management Group at the Center for
of land, and far less than humans use     student leaders led to the war and       to be a leader. “But our world has too  which illustrates the significant im- Strategic Leadership, US Army War
for agriculture and grazing. Prices       fall of Dacca. Fairness in dealings      many problems for one generation to     provements in health and discipline ex- College. Currently, he serves as the
of renewables are plummeting so           between the two wings and politi-        solve. So today my advice is for our    perienced by officers and cadets practic- Executive Director at CAMS)
fast that they will create essentially    cal dialogue could have prevented        elders – It’s not too late for you to
free power during much of the day.        the breakup.                             change,” concluded the youngest No-
It is not just skittish Americans and                                              bel Peace Prize winner. – The Express
                                               Q: Who is your favorite char-       Tribune

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