Page 28 - Pakistan Link - August 21, 2020
P. 28

P28 – PAKISTAN LINK – AUGUST 21, 2020                                                                                                                                                 PAKISTAN

GEMS FROM P25                                 grees of Pakistan were now recog-       the donation of 500,000 masked and BIZENJO FROM P1                             roon, challenged the decision of the
                                              nized all over the world and scien-     2,000 protective personal equipment Balochistan National Party-Mengal single-member bench.
themselves upon it” for the sake of           tific approach had been adopted in      (PPEs) to Pakistani political parties. (BNP-M) president Sardar Akhtar         A division bench of the IHC,
appearances but , in reality, not mak-        the agriculture sector.                 Speaking on the occasion, Chi- Mengal shared his condolences in a comprising Justice Aamer Farooq and
ing the least attempt to understand                                                   nese Ambassador to Pakistan Yao tweet.                                         Justice Miangul Hassan Aurangzeb, on
the message as such and, hence, re-                Minister for Inter-provincial      Jing said that China would always     Leader of Opposition in National Tuesday set aside the condition of per-
maining deaf and blind to its con-            Coordination Dr Fahmida Mirza           stand side by side with Pakistan in Assembly and PML-N president She- sonal appearance and cross examina-
tents – the truly God-conscious are           highlighted the performance of her      all areas of cooperation and both the hbaz Sharif in a tweet said he was tion of the investigation officer of the
deeply desirous of understanding it,          ministry, including formation of the    countries would fight the challenges “shocked and saddened” by the news foreign country.
and therefore “listen to it with wide-        Council of Common Interests with-       together.                             of Bizenjo’s death.                      The court verdict stated: “We
awake ears and look into it with see-         in 30 days of formation of the PTI      PTI Chief Organizer Saifullah         “As a distinguished politician deem it appropriate also to direct the
ing eyes”.                                    government.                             Khan Nyazee appreciated the exem- from Balochistan, he represented the inquiry magistrate to give a finding
                                                                                      plary measures taken by China dur- voice of the people of his province & on the question whether conspiracy to
HISTORY FROM P10                                   Minister for Energy Omer Ayub      ing the fight against the Covid-19 stood for progressive & rule-based commit acts of terrorism (i.e. the of-
                                              said that the most serious challenge    pandemic. Balochistan Governor politics.”                                      fence which appellant No 2 is alleged
tolerance of mega-corruption con-             for the country was to change the       Amanullah Yasinzai said that his      PPP chairperson Bilawal Bhutto- to have committed) is an extradition
trast sharply with the decadence, cyni-       energy mix to reduce dependence on      province was an important link of Zardari described his death as “a great offence so as to attract the provisions
cism and mega-corruption of his oppo-         imported oil and enhance the share      CPEC, and the Gwadar port would loss to the country, its democratic of the 1972 Act.”
nents.                                        of indigenous resources, including      help connect Pakistan with Central forces and Balochistan”.                    According to the investigation
                                              renewable and hydro power, up to        Asian countries.                      “Bizenjo remained in the fore- carried out by the US Federal Bureau
     Imran must succeed because in the        70pc by 2030. He said that the cost     PML-N Senator Mushahid Hus- front in the struggle for supremacy of of Investigation (FBI), Talha Haroon
event of his failure, a political and social  of generation of renewable energy       sain Sayed, who is also Chairman of the Constitution and strengthening of was in Pakistan in April 2016 and
revolution in its most extreme form is        had been cut down to 3.75 cents per     the Senate Committee on Foreign Af- democracy” and was “a strong voice planned multiple terrorist attacks in
inevitable in Pakistan. If all goes well,     unit as compared to around 12 and       fairs and the founding Chairman of against injustices to Balochistan”, Bi- New York City.
Imran will go down in history as the          13 cents per unit in the past.          the PCI, noted that CPEC remained lawal said in a statement.                   The FBI claimed that with an
savior of Pakistan. He rescued Pakistan                                               uninterrupted despite the Covid pan-  Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Islamic State (IS) group support, he
from the Sharifs and Zardaris who loot-            “We are promoting transfer of      demic and was connecting the less- Bajwa also expressed grief over his wanted to carry out Paris-style attacks
ed and plundered this poor country. He        technology in renewable energy in       developed parts of Pakistan through demise and extended condolences to in New York City around June 2016.
is the only leader who can revive Jinnah’s    both solar and wind power and are       the western route.                    the senator’s family and friends, ac-    It said the suspects “identified
Pakistan, a visionary, inspired by the Is-    looking for export in this sector in    PPP Senator Sherry Rehman, cording to a tweet by the DG ISPR. multiple potential targets of their plot
lamic Caliphate of Medina.                    near future,” Mr Ayub said, “Besides    who heads the Senate Committee on     PPP leader and Senator Sherry to launch terrorist attacks in New
                                              the efforts made by PM Imran Khan       CPEC, said that CPEC was the poster Rehman said she was “shocked, sad- York City.” One of the targets was the
     Churchill wrote of prime ministers:      and Turkish President Recep Tayyip      child of the BRI and the economic dened and bereaved” to hear of his New York City subway besides Times
“If he trips, he must be sustained. If he     Erdogan have saved Pakistan $1.2bn      stabilizer for Pakistan.              passing.                                 Square and a concert hall.
makes a mistake, they must be covered.        (around Rs200bn) in the Karkay          The first JCM was held in Beijing     “He had been battling cancer so          On Nov 13, 2015, terrorists car-
If he sleeps, he must not be wantonly         case.”                                  in March last year, Now the JCM has bravely few suspected how advanced ried out a series of coordinated attacks
disturbed. If he is no good, he must be                                               emerged as an institutional mecha- the disease was. His public life was in Paris, France, during a football
pole-axed.” But this last extreme process          Minister for Water Resources       nism between the CPC and the Paki- marked by progressive, principled match. This was followed by several
cannot be carried out every day. It must      Faisal Vawda spoke about the launch     stani political parties for CPEC coor- politics as an advocate for the vulner- mass shootings and a suicide bomb-
be carried out at the terminal stage.         of several water projects, including    dination and communication.           able. End of an era,” she wrote.         ing at restaurants and a concert at the
                                              Mohmand Dam, Diamer-Bhasha                                                                                             Bataclan Theatre. At least 130 people
     We gave decades to the corrupt rul-      Dam and around 112 small dams           QURESHI FROM P1                       US FROM P1                               were killed.
ers to loot and plunder this poor coun-       across the country. He said that it     Office press release said.            in brokering the talks between the       The FBI also claimed that Talha
try. Imran is facing a gargantuan task of     was for the first time after Ayub       The two countries will also Taliban and the US and has since then Haroon had been associated with the
putting the country back on the rails.        Khan’s government of 1960s that wa-     focus on the promotion of bilat- been closely engaged with all relevant outlawed Taliban before switching his
Bear with him. Give him more time. Let        ter projects had been undertaken in     eral cooperation in various fields, parties to take this process to its logi- allegiance to the IS group.
history judge him at the terminal stage.      the country.                            including the China-Pakistan Eco- cal conclusion.                              An inquiry magistrate in Paki-
                                                                                      nomic Corridor Phase-II.              The first round of intra-Afghan stan, in his report dated January 16,
      (The writer is a former federal sec-         Minister for Human Rights Dr       The Foreign Office in its state- dialogue is expected to take place in 2017, had found a prima facie case for
retary. The Express Tribune)                  Shireen Mazari stressed that the is-    ment said the visit would play an Doha while talks may shift to either his extradition to the US under the
                                              sue of human rights was central to      important role in further strength- Germany or Norway in the second provisions of the Extradition Act 1972.
NEWS FROM P1                                  policy making of the government         ening Pakistan-China “All-Weather phase.                                       Idrees Asharaf, the counsel for
                                              and her ministry had adopted a          Strategic Cooperative Partnership”    The intra-Afghan talks will dis- the father of the suspect, argued be-
depression among people.                      three-pronged approach to imple-        and deepen strategic communica- cuss the future political dispensation fore the court that evidence produced
     “People are with us. We will             ment existing laws, introduce new       tion and coordination with China of Afghanistan and a power-sharing before the inquiry magistrate in sup-
                                              legislation where there were gaps in    on a range of issues.                 arrangement between the Taliban and port of the request for appellant No 2’s
thwart all conspiracies. The good             the existing laws and impart knowl-     “Pakistan and China are the other groups.                                      extradition was inadmissible. That the
news for the nation is actually bad           edge about human rights laws to the     closest friends and staunch part-     On its part, the US plans to limit affidavits of the assistant district attor-
news for the opposition,” Senator             public, especially women.               ners. Their time-tested friendship is its number of troops to 5,000 by the ney and the investigating officer were
Faraz said.                                                                           based on unparalleled mutual trust, end of November. Pakistan, China entirely based on communications be-
                                                   Minister for Maritime Affairs      understanding, and commonal- and other neighbors of Afghanistan tween an unnamed co-conspirator, an
     He added that Prime Minister             Ali Zaidi and Special Assistant to the  ity of interests. Both sides are fully desire the orderly withdrawal of for- unnamed undercover agent in US, and
Imran Khan had made it clear once             PM on Petroleum Nadeem Babar,           committed to building closer Chi- eign forces from the Afghan soil.            appellant No 2.
again that the rule of law would be           also addressed the media briefing.      na-Pakistan Community of Shared       This past weekend Pakistan               He said in the affidavits filed in
ensured in the country where the era                                                  Future,” read the official communi- welcomed the Afghan Loya Jirga or support of the extradition request,
of prosperity had begun as positive           PARTIES FROM P1                         que. Grand Assembly’s approval to release the depositions of the deponents were
results (of government policies) were                                                 ‘Highly relevant’: The second remaining 400 Taliban prisoners, pav- based on information provided to
coming around.                                unanimously adopted a joint state-      Pakistan-China Foreign Ministers ing the way for the much-anticipated them by the undercover agent. Such
                                              ment, criticizing the “slander”         Strategic Dialogue was highly rel- intra-Afghan talks.                         information is clearly hearsay in na-
     Minister for Communications              against CPEC and vowed to main-         evant and it will help the two coun-                                           ture and cannot form the basis for an
Murad Saeed said that the prime               tain “strategic communication” and      tries enhance strategic mutual trust,                                          extradition order.
minister’s vision was to strive for ac-       build consensus among the political                                                                                         Additional Attorney General
countability, transparency, merit and         parties.                                IHC Paves Way fordeepen practical cooperation and
self-reliance.                                                                                                                                                       Tariq Khokhar argued that the suspect
                                                   At the outset, a message from      strengthen close coordination on                                               had conspired to commit acts of ter-
     He said the Ministry of Com-             President Arif Alvi was read out.       international, regional affairs, Chi-                                          rorism in the US and ample evidence
munications was promoting e-tech-             Alvi reaffirmed Pakistan’s strong                                                                                      had been brought on record in the
nology to ensure transparency and             support to “One China Policy” and       Terror Suspect’snese Foreign Ministry’s Spokesper-                             form of affidavits to show that he was
had saved around Rs750 million                opposed foreign intervention in the
through austerity measures. All pro-          internal affairs of China with re-      son Zhao Lijian said on Thursday.
curements by the National Highway             gard to Hong Kong and Taiwan. He
Authority (NHA) would be made                 thanked China for supporting Paki-        Extradition to USHe said this dialogue mecha-
through e-procurements, he added.             stan on the Kashmir issue.              nism was a platform for the two Islamabad: The Islamabad High involved in the commission of an ex-
                                                                                      sides to coordinate exchanges and Court (IHC) on Tuesday paved the way tradition offence.
     The minister said the commu-                  In his keynote speech, Song Tao    cooperation in various fields, make for the extradition of a Pakistani-origin  The suspect in his communica-
nications ministry had adopted pub-           thanked President Alvi for sending      policy suggestions on the develop- American terror suspect of terrorism tion with an undercover agent in the
lic-private partnership strategy to           the congratulatory letter. He noted     ment of bilateral ties and enhance by relaxing tough conditions set for his US had disclosed his plan to carry out
promote projects of Sialkot-Rawal-            that party-to-party cooperation be-     coordination and co-communica- handing over to the US authorities. acts of terrorism in the US.
pindi and Chaman-Quetta highways              tween China and Pakistan was in-        tion on the international and re-     An IHC single-member bench on            The court noted that none of the
and six other projects were being             creasing as CPEC entered into a new     gional issues.                        May 3, 2019, had made the process to judgments referred to by the single-
launched under this model.                    era.                                    Zhao Lijian remarked that con- extradite suspects to other countries a member bench related to extradition
                                                                                      sidering the current international bit tough as it made it mandatory for proceedings under the provisions of
     Minister for Science and Tech-                Sanjrani, in his keynote ad-       situation as well as the profound the investigation officer of the request- the 1972 Act.
nology Chaudhry Fawad Hussain                 dress, credited China for promoting     impact brought by COVID-19, Chi- ing foreign country to personally ap-         Additionally, the judgment re-
said that 0.62pc of GDP was allo-             regional connectivity with its land-    na and Pakistan as comprehensive pear before a magistrate in Pakistan to lated to the evidentiary value of an
cated for science and technology in           mark BRI and extended Pakistan’s        strategic partners and all-weather testify and be cross-examined to justify affidavit where the deponent does not
2008 and it was further reduced to            support to President Xi Jinping’s       strategic partners, should enhance the extradition.                            appear before a court to make a state-
0.24pc when the PTI took charge.              vision of “shared prosperity” and       cooperation to meet the challenges    Both the federal government ment in support of the facts deposed
                                              “win-win” cooperation of which          and to deliver benefit to the people, through Additional Attorney General in the affidavit or to be cross-examined
     He blamed the PPP and the                CPEC is a practical manifestation.      adding, that “this time the strategic Tariq Mehmood Khokhar and Haroon during a trial as opposed to inquiry
PML-N governments for failing to                                                      dialogue is highly relevant”.         Rashid, father of the suspect Talha Ha- proceedings.
invest in basic and applied sciences.              Liu Qi, leader of the CPC Ji-
“We were not even manufacturing               angxi Provincial Committee,
hand sanitizers and face masks when           stressed that economic cooperation
coronavirus pandemic hit the world            between Pakistan and China was
and now Pakistan is one of the ma-            important in high quality construc-
jor exporters of personal protective          tion of CPEC. He also announced
equipment. We would be exporting
ventilators soon.”

     He said that engineering de-

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