Page 22 - Pakistan Link - August 21, 2020
P. 22
P22 – PAKISTAN LINK – AUGUST 21, 2020 Why India Wants to Claim Kamala COMMENTARY
F n By Shruti Rajagopalan Kamala Harris, top left in an undated photograph, is seen with her grandmother, Rajam Gopalan, have ancestors that shamed Shyamala’s choice
or very different reasons, both Indians grandfather P.V. Gopalan and sister Maya Harris. In front are Maya’s daughter, Meena, left, and Harris’ of husband. Only recently another Tamil
and US conservatives are emphasizing cousin Sharada Balachandran Orihuela (Courtesy of Sharada Balachandran Orihuela) Brahmin, renowned classical vocalist Sudha
Sen. Kamala Harris’s Indian heritage. Raghunathan, was pilloried when her daugh-
This shouldn’t be entirely surprising. In- Shyamala and all her siblings were encouraged What really sets Kamala Harris apart is ter married an African-American man.
dians have always been quick to appropri- to pursue advanced graduate degrees. In Shya- not the caste or ethnicity of her mother, but
ate successful members of their diaspora. mala’s case, this included a rare opportunity the choices her mother made. At 19, Shyamala In her memoir, Harris writes that her
And right-wing commentators and even move to the US to attend Berkeley, creating was relatively young when she came to the mother also “knew that her adopted homeland
US President Donald Trump are seeking the possibility of joining the Indian-American US and she quickly became very active in the would see Maya and me as black girls, and she
to spread suspicions about the Democratic elite, or what scholars have dubbed “The Oth- civil rights movement. That’s how she met and was determined to make sure we would grow
vice presidential candidate’s citizenship er One Percent.” This educational foundation married fellow immigrant Donald J. Harris, into confident black women.” The two girls
by emphasizing her mother’s Indian back- in turn, would have helped ease Harris’s own who is now professor emeritus of economics sang in a choir at a Black church and learned
ground and father’s Jamaican heritage. In entry into the ranks of the American elite. at Stanford University. about Black leaders at a local childcare cen-
reality, though, Harris is the very definition ter. Kamala herself chose to attend historically
of American. The idea that anyone who comes to this That Shyamala Gopalan married out- black Howard University rather than an Ivy
country and works hard can change their for- side her caste and ethnicity would have been League school.
Indian society still largely believes that tune is still the essence of America, though. extremely unusual for someone of her back-
identity is determined more by one’s birth and While social mobility is limited in certain de- ground in the 1960s. Even more remarkably, Whether this makes her any more or less
family than by individual choices and actions. mographics, the accident of birth matters less she got divorced within a few years. I doubt “Indian” is irrelevant. Identity is a complex
Especially for the very large conservative fac- in the US than in almost any other country this was an easy choice. The Brahmins of Be- thing, even without throwing in immigration,
tion in India, caste and religion are assigned in the world. The American dream remains a sant Nagar, a suburb of Chennai, who are now mixed parentage, exogamous marriage and
at birth, never to be altered. One cannot tech- cherished personal and policy goal. so eager to claim links to the Gopalans, likely more. Kamala Harris is probably a little of ev-
nically convert to Hinduism. And the caste erything she appears to be — and yet the sum
system, maintained by marriage, ensures very of the parts is very different from the compo-
little social mobility. In India, the birth lottery nents. Like other Brahmin immigrants, she is
is everything. well-educated, professionally a unicorn and
financially successful. But contrary to the ex-
So, Harris and other US political leaders pectations of a “Gopalan,” Harris enjoys pork
such as Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley will al- chops. And to her proud Jamaican father’s dis-
ways be claimed as “Indian” even though they pleasure, Harris makes jokes about pot-smok-
are American-born and their public service ing Jamaicans.
has been devoted almost exclusively to Ameri-
cans. By contrast, someone like Sonia Gandhi, As the campaign unfolds from here,
who has spent more than five decades in India Harris will have to be careful. Hopefully, the
and led the Indian National Congress party birther slurs will be ignored. But Indians can
successfully through two national elections, is also turn quickly on those they consider their
routinely described as “Italian-born” or a “for- own when they don’t conform. Any critiques
eigner.” Had Gandhi not married into the first of India’s handling of Kashmir, for instance,
family of India, her political rise would have will be perceived as those of a traitorous “In-
been impossible. dian,” not an American politician. Similarly,
many in the Black Lives Matter movement will
That’s not to say Harris’s Indian roots have trouble reconciling Harris’s identity as a
haven’t fundamentally shaped her. Her moth- woman of color with her prosecutorial record.
er Shyamala Gopalan was born in India and
raised in a Tamil Brahmin family, which likely Harris no doubt realizes she will never be
afforded her the Indian equivalent of white black enough for some African Americans, or
privilege. Because of this Brahminical edge, Indian enough for some Indians and Indian
families such as Shyamala’s (and mine), boast Americans. But, as the successful daughter
multiple generations of college graduates in of two successful immigrants, now running
a country that has yet to achieve 100% basic for the second-highest office in the land, she
literacy. couldn’t be any more American.
Not unusually for “Tam-Bram” families, (Shruti Rajagopalan is a Senior Research
Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Ma-
son University. Bloomberg)
No Need to Worry about Virus Spread through Food, Packaging: WHO
Geneva: The World Health Organization said Moscow’s decision to grant approval be- COVID-19 Symptoms ible.”
on Thursday it saw no evidence of coronavirus fore then has raised concerns among some ex- Often Appear According to the study, published in the
being spread by food or packaging and urged perts. Only about 10% of clinical trials are suc- in This Order
people not to be afraid of the virus entering cessful and some scientists fear Moscow may be medical journal Frontier Public Health, the most
the food chain. putting national prestige before safety. n By Elizabeth Elkind likely order of symptoms is as follows: fever, then
Researchers at the University of Southern cough and muscle pain, followed by nausea and/
Two cities in China said they had found The WHO does not have enough infor- California say they’ve found that the symptoms or vomiting, and then diarrhea.
traces of the coronavirus in imported frozen mation to make a judgment on the expanded of COVID-19 tend to appear in a specific order,
chicken wings from Brazil and on outer pack- use of the Russian vaccine, said Bruce Aylward, a finding that could help enable earlier detection “Fever is number one, followed by cough,
aging of frozen Ecuadorian shrimp, raising WHO senior adviser. and treatment for numerous patients. followed by aches and pains — and they do not
fears that contaminated food shipments might “This is a good guide of sorts,” Dr Bob La- all have to appear in sequence, they can appear
cause a new outbreak. “The vast majority of the population of the hita, a professor of medicine who is not affiliated together,” Lahita said of the first grouping of
world is susceptible to this disease,” he told the with the study, told CBSN anchor Anne-Marie symptoms. After that, he said, comes nausea and
“People should not fear food, or food briefing. “The second thing that we are seeing Green. “We can say safely, studying as they did, vomiting, followed by diarrhea.
packaging or processing or delivery of food,” is the stringency of the application of control I think it was 55,000 patients from China, they
WHO head of emergencies program Mike measures is dropping. People are coming closer looked at the data and looked at the symptoms Not all patients experience the same set of
Ryan told a briefing in Geneva. “There is no together...masks aren’t being used the way that and found that this order was pretty reproduc- symptoms. But the new findings help underscore
evidence that food or the food chain is partici- they should, etc. how COVID-19 differs from other well-known
pating in transmission of this virus. And people illnesses. While fever and cough are also associ-
should feel comfortable and safe.” “So any leveling of the disease that we are ated with a number of other diseases, like the flu,
looking at is just lulling you into a sense of false the study notes that it was the timing in which
WHO epidemiologist Maria Van Kerk- security ... because it has lots of space to still these symptoms appear, and the later gastrointes-
hove said China had tested hundreds of thou- cause trouble,” Aylward added. - Reuters tinal symptoms, that set this virus apart.
sands of packages and “found very, very few,
less than 10” proving positive for the virus. In a press release about the study, USC scien-
tist Peter Kuhn said that understanding the order
Brazil’s Agriculture Ministry said in a of virus symptoms is useful during “overlapping
statement that it was seeking clarification on cycles of illnesses” like the upcoming flu season.
the Chinese findings. Ecuador’s production
minister, Ivan Ontaneda, told Reuters that the “Doctors can determine what steps to take
country maintains strict protocols and cannot to care for the patient, and they may prevent the
be held responsible for what happens to goods patient’s condition from worsening,” Kuhn said.
after they leave the country.
To discover the sequence, the USC research-
More than 20.69 million people have been ers, led by doctoral candidate Joseph Larsen, ex-
reported to be infected by the novel coronavi- amined medical records and other data on over
rus globally according to a Reuters tally. 55,000 coronavirus cases in China collected over
a nine-day span in February, along with a set of
The WHO urged countries now that over 1,000 cases from December through Janu-
are striking bilateral deals for vaccines not to ary. They also compared their findings to data on
abandon multilateral efforts, since vaccinating 2,470 influenza cases in North America, Europe
pockets will still leave the world vulnerable. and the Southern Hemisphere from 1994 to 1998.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on “It is important to have this information,”
Tuesday that Russia had become the first coun- Lahita said. “Besides the things that we all talk
try to grant regulatory approval to a COVID-19 about like loss of smell and loss of taste, again —
vaccine after less than two months of human fever, cough, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting and
testing, a move Moscow likened to its success then diarrhea are very good indicators of the fact
in the Cold War-era space race. that you may have COVID-19.” – CBS News