Page 21 - Pakistan Link - August 21, 2020
P. 21
n By Nayyer Ali MD Why Nuclear Is Not the Answer year to SCE. I financed my solar sys-
tem at 6% over 20 years, and I pay less
Nuclear power, developed so much that deployment is exploding, energy efficiency, and while US con- the massive capital required and the monthly then I did to SCE. My pay-
in the 1960’s, promised a in both rich and poor countries. The sumption rose 100%, California has cost of that capital. Shellenberger nev- ments are fixed against inflation, and
world in which electricity first terawatt (a terawatt is 1,000 giga- stayed flat. Californians are charged er bothers to pencil that out. If a com- go to zero in 20 years. I did not buy the
would be “too cheap to meter”. This watts) of RE was installed by 2018, and 60% more for power, but use half as pany wanted to build a power plant Powerwall storage system, but that is
the second will be in by 2023. By 2030 much, so as a percent of income, elec- today in the US, it would need access a gimmick for survivalists, there is no
glorious future ap- we will likely have four terawatts, and tricity is a smaller burden on people’s to 7 billion dollars, and would not start need for storage for residential solar.
peared tantalizingly deployment will continue to acceler- budgets in the Golden State. In fact, generating a return for ten years. If a Net metering solves that issue. Stor-
within reach in the ate as costs keep falling and storage California households spend less on power plant was able to sell its output age is very expensive, but the costs are
mid-1970’s, when solutions become cheaper to handle energy than just about any other state 24/7, and could operate 90% of the dropping rapidly, and that will change
the world was in intermittency. Meanwhile, the most in the nation, despite high electricity year, it would sell about 7,900 GWh, everything in 10 years, just as utility
a nuclear building optimistic scenario is that nuclear will and gasoline prices. I’ll take the Cali- at a price of 10 cents per KWh, that solar went from an expensive vanity
boom. 50 large reac- bring less than 100 gigawatts of net fornia approach. would generate about 800 million dol- in 2010 to the cheapest power of all in
tors would start con- new power online by 2030, a drop in lars. If the company secured a 40-year 2020.
struction every year, the bucket. Already, China produced He then moves on to Hollywood loan at 8% interest, it would pay 500
each capable of producing 1 gigawatt in 2018 more from wind alone than and Ralph Nader, and blames them for million dollars every year just to cover Shellenberger misstates the cost
(a billion watts) of electricity. nuclear (wind 366 TWh, nukes 277 souring America on nuclear power. the loan. Even if there was a govern- of a 100% solar plus storage or wind
Output of power is the size of the TWh, solar 177 Twh) and India gets But the collapse in new nuclear starts ment guaranteed loan with a subsi- plus storage grid. Getting that last 10%
plant multiplied by hours of produc- more from wind and solar than nu- after 1975 was a global phenomenon, dized 4% rate, the company would still accounts for much of the cost, because
tion, so a one gigawatt nuclear plant clear. not just American. He does not grap- need to come up with 300 million dol- you need a lot of wasteful storage that
running for 24 hours would generated lars per year. What if there are massive mostly sits idle. The same numbers
24 gigawatt hours, and for 365 days One of the benefits of nuclear is Into this debate has cost overruns? Who would provide would be generated by a hypotheti-
would do 8,760 gigawatt hours. But unlike solar, it can run 24/7. This is stepped Michael this amount of capital for 40 years? cal 100% nuclear grid. In fact, solar
nuclear went off the rails, and now is theoretically true, but not so much in Shellenberger, Who would take on the bankruptcy (daytime power, more in summer) and
in deep trouble. practice. France has major reliability an advocate of risk? If PG&E, Shellenberger’s own lo- wind (more in evenings and winter)
Nuclear plants built 40 or more problems, with its nuclear fleet only cal power company, recently emerged complement each other. In addition,
years ago are reaching a point when able to operate at 70% of capacity, and nuclear power, who from bankruptcy, decided to build five wide-scale integration of power and
they need to be shut down, while new plants are often shut down. On an ex- previously had been an nuclear power plants, who in their complex demand management can
construction has dropped to almost tremely bad day, August 28, 2018, 27 of environmental activist right mind would provide 35 billion offset much of the intermittency limi-
nothing. Less than 5 new plants begin France’s 58 nuclear plants were offline, dollars? Because of the massive capital tations. There will of course need to
construction every year worldwide, and the average French reactor is of- for decades. In his involved, a nuclear plant needs guar- be a massive increase in storage, but
while there are only 50 plants in the fline 90 days per year. The American new book “Apocalypse anteed revenue for forty years, which costs are dropping and new technolo-
process of being built. nuclear fleet became extremely well means they can only exist in a highly gies are likely to come along. A recent
Into this debate has stepped Mi- run in the 1980’s, and now can main- Never” which has regulated power market. Usually this analysis from UC Berkeley shows that
chael Shellenberger, an advocate of nu- tain a 90% capacity factor, the best in leapt up the bestseller means a government guaranteed price the US grid can be 90% carbon free by
clear power, who previously had been the world, which allows it to provide chart, he argues that and commitment to buy all the power 2035 at a cost that does not raise elec-
an environmental activist for decades. 20% of US electricity demand. The nuclear is the answer to output of the plant for forty years. In tric rates. Using natural gas peakers
In his new book “Apocalypse Never” marginal cost of electricity from exist- climate change, while a free market, nuclear would have to makes the most sense as they have the
which has leapt up the bestseller chart, ing nuclear plants is about the same renewables, like solar compete with other power providers, lowest capital costs, and natural gas is
he argues that nuclear is the answer to as solar or wind, but that ignores the and wind, are flawed. for example solar companies provid- both cheap and much lower in carbon
climate change, while renewables, like massive capital costs of new build, But his arguments are ing power for 2 cents per KWh during emissions than coal.
solar and wind, are flawed. But his which makes new nuclear power sim- weak and don’t make daytime. Or wind providers. In a truly
arguments are weak and don’t make ply untenable. The US nuclear fleet free market, nuclear would be the high He then talks about the slaugh-
much sense. has a total capacity of 100 gigawatts, much sense cost power of last resort, which would ter of birds and insects by windmills.
Shellenberger is correct that nu- but is on average 39 years old, and destroy its economics as it has such They spin at 10-20 rpm, so not exactly
clear is a reliable producer of carbon- starting to age out. Only 8 plants are ple with or explain the immense finan- massive capital costs it has to sell its buzzsaws. Still, this obviously hap-
free power. But his discussion leaves less than 10 years old. Several plants cial problem of nuclear power. full output 24/7. This is why no dereg- pens, but Shellenberger offers no data
out any sense of perspective or the are only able to stay open due to zero ulated electricity market in the world on who is being killed and how do the
serious problems with nuclear power emission credits effectively subsidizing Shellenberger never does the has any nuclear plants under construc- numbers compare to other sources
as a solution to climate change. You them. Shellenberger simply doesn’t tell math on what a nuclear-powered tion. It’s got nothing to do with irra- of bird and insect deaths (car wind-
wouldn’t know from this book that you any of this. world would mean. How many reac- tional fear, which I don’t think figures shields for example, or cats). What
there are currently a mere 435 nuclear tors would need to be built over the in Chinese or Indian decision making. bird species have been driven extinct
reactors worldwide, 97 of which are in Shellenberger also claims that next 30 years if we wanted to be zero by windmills? Is it not likely that birds
the US, with a combined capacity of if nuclear is not used then “fossil fuels carbon by 2050? What would that While ignoring the problems will eventually adopt flight and migra-
370 gigawatts and producing 10% of must be used”. This is simply not true. cost? Assuming we would need at with nuclear, Shellenberger spends tion patterns away from these? Siting
world electricity. But there are only When California closed San Onofre least 5,000 gigawatts of global capac- much of his book attacking renew- windmills to minimize these hazards
46 new plants under construction, 27 nuclear power station, it lost 19 TWh/ ity (likely a marked underestimate), able energy as a failure. Shellenberger is important. Shellenberger does not
of which are facing significant delays year in generation, but replaced that we would have to start construction is right that the main drawback with mention offshore wind, which is ac-
(the average time to build a plant is with 47 TWh from renewables and on 250 plants per year. Even at 7 bil- both technologies is intermittency, tually far better and more reliable
10 years). Even China has cut their energy efficiency. Shellenberger lives lion dollars per plant, we would need which is why solar has a capacity fac- source of wind power, and will likely
previous ambitions for 20 new nuclear in California but does not understand to spend almost two trillion dollars tor of only about 25% and wind about become the dominant wind energy
plants and are currently only actively California’s energy history. He rightly annually. These are completely absurd 35%. But his economic analyses are in the 2030’s. Offshore windmills are
building 10. Shellenberger doesn’t notes that Californians pay a lot more numbers. deeply flawed. He denounces rooftop unlikely to harm wildlife in a material
explain why new reactor starts have for electricity, in fact, we pay on aver- solar because the payback is so long way or cause bird extinctions.
fallen from 50 in 1975 to less than 5 age 16 cents per KWh, compared to a The main impediment to nuclear for a system that can cost 25,000 dol-
currently. national average of 10 cents. But that power is not irrational fear by the pub- lars, but neglects the obvious solution Shellenberger states that “no
He then compares the amount of leaves out the most important part. Up lic of radiation. The main problem is of financing it. I put solar on my roof amount of technological innovation
power generated by money invested to 1970, US and California per capita in 2016 for 25,000 dollars. My house can solve the fundamental problem
in nuclear and renewables since 1965, electricity consumption was the same uses about 12 MWh per year, and I with renewables” because they are
and states nuclear has so far come and rose in tandem. After 1970, Cali- used to pay about 3,000 dollars per “unreliable and energy dilute”. I per-
out on top. True, but nuclear became fornia pursued an aggressive policy of sonally could imagine some technol-
commercially viable in the 1960’s, and ogy that would solve the problem, but
renewables only did so in the last 5-10 regardless, I don’t know what “energy
years. RE costs are plummeting rap- dilute” means, electricity is electricity
idly, completely changing the picture. and my home seems to run just fine
Lazard (an investment bank) in 2018 on my solar panels. If he is referring
found the Levelized Cost of Energy to the amount of surface area needed
(LCOE) for new wind and solar to be to generate that electricity, he needs to
20% of that for new nuclear, and that actually do the math.
nuclear LCOE will rise 23% in the
2020’s while RE continue to plum- He claims that solar panels gener-
met. Compared to 1997, by 2018 wind ate 50 watts per square meter. That’s
was annually producing 1,258 more a little light, modern panels can do
Terawatt hours of power (TWh), so- 125 watts, but perhaps he is taking
lar 584, and nuclear only 299. Total into account capacity issues. Let’s
nuclear power generation worldwide use his numbers. Even he concedes
in 2018 was still 2,563 TWh, but that that 18,000 square miles would be
reflects capacity built before 1997 and enough to provide the entire electric
still online. These numbers take into power needs of the US. Why is that
account that solar only generates dur- in any way a prohibitive amount? He
ing daylight and wind when wind is also pointed out that an area the size
blowing, the so-called problem of in- of Alaska has been returned to nature
termittency which limits renewable due to improved agriculture, and that
energy. is 660,000 square miles. We can’t use
Shellenberger ignores the imme- 18,000 for solar power? We use more
diate history of RE. Costs have fallen land area to grow corn for ethanol,
why don’t we just use that land? Or the
20,000 square miles currently