Page 12 - Pakistan Link - January 29, 2020
P. 12

P12  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  JANUARY 29, 2021                                                                                          PAKISTAN
             Pakistan’s Covid-19 Vaccination Drive                                                 NCOC Outlines 8-step Process

                   to Begin Next Week: Asad Umar                                                   for Citizens to Get Vaccinated

                                                                            vid-19 vaccine seems to
                                                                            have been assured for Pak-
                                                                            istan as Covax announced
                                                                            earlier this month that it
                                                                            will acquire 150 million

                                                                            doses in the first quarter
                                                                            and two billion doses by
                                                                            the end of the year.
                                                                                It further said that,
                                                                            out of the two billion dos-
                                                                            es, 1.3bn will be provided
                                                                            to 92 lower-income econ-
                                                                            omies. As a result of this
                                                                            agreement, the chances of
                                                                            Pakistan getting the free

                                                                            doses in the first quarter
                                                                            of the current year seem
                                                                            to have brightened.
                                                                                Talking to Dawn,
                                                                            Ministry  of  National
        “The system for vaccination is in place. Hundreds of vaccination centers in the country will   Health Services (NHS)   A general view of the Khaliq Dina Hall and Library building, which has been

        be administering the Covid vaccine,” Asad Umar, who is also the head of the National Com-  spokesperson Sajid Shah   converted into a vaccination center for administering the Covid-19 vaccine, in
        mand and Operation Center (NCOC), said in a tweet                   had said it was a posi-  Karachi, January 27 — Reuters
                                                                            tive  development  and
        Islamabad: Starting with   first batch would be flown   ing completion of Phase   expressed the hope that  Islamabad:  Th  e  National Com-  schools across the country will re-

        front-line health work-  in on Saturday.     III clinical trials in Paki-  Pakistan would get the  mand  and  Operation  Centre  open on February 1 as per schedule.
        ers, Pakistan’s Covid-19   Pakistan has so far   stan, and preliminary   vaccine in the current  (NCOC)  on  Wednesday  outlined   Students in four big cities — Karachi,
        vaccination drive will be   approved  three  coro-  results may be available   quarter.   the country’s vaccination strategy   Hyderabad, Lahore and Peshawar —
        launched next week, fed-  navirus vaccines — the   by mid-February, Sultan   Earlier in the day,  against Covid-19, revealing an eight-  would  attend  educational  institu-
        eral Minister for Plan-  Oxford-AstraZeneca   said.                 the NCOC had outlined  step process for registration and vac-  tions on alternate days, maintaining
        ning  Asad  Umar  said on   vaccine,  the  vaccine  The government also   the country’s vaccination  cination once the vaccines become   a daily strength of 50 per cent of total

        Wednesday.             developed by Chinese   expects China to donate   strategy against Covid-19,  available while also deciding that all   students.
            “The system for vac-  state-owned firm China   a further million vaccine   revealing an eight-step  educational  institutions  would  re-

        cination is in place. Hun-  National Pharmaceutical   doses.        process for registration  open as per schedule.
        dreds of vaccination cen-  Group (SinoPharm)  and   Dr Ghazna Khalid,   and vaccination once the   The strategy was developed af-  Vaccine

        ters  in the country  will   Russian-developed Sput-  a member of the govern-  vaccines become avail-  ter consultation with all provinces
        be administering the Co-  nik V.             ment task force on Cov-  able.               and relevant stakeholders and was   Availability

        vid vaccine,” Umar, who   Officials say the au-  id-19, said Pakistan would   The strategy was de-  according to established interna-

        is also the head of the Na-  thorizations will be re-  procure vaccines from   veloped after consulta-  tional health guidelines, the NCOC   Pakistan has so far approved

        tional Command and Op-  viewed quarterly with re-  various markets.  tion with all provinces  said in a statement.      three coronavirus vaccines — Rus-

        eration Center (NCOC),   gard to safety, efficacy and   “There’s going to be   and relevant stakeholders   “The purpose of the strategy is   sian-developed Sputnik V, the Ox-

        said in a tweet.       quality.              an accumulation of vac-  and is according to estab-  to vaccinate people in a healthy en-  ford-AstraZeneca vaccine and the
            “God willing, the     Special Assistant to   cines, a consortium avail-  lished international health  vironment and in accordance with   vaccine developed by Chinese state-

        vaccination of front-line   the Prime Minister on   able, there’s going to be   guidelines, the NCOC  health guidelines through a concrete   owned firm Sinopharm.
        health workers will start   Health Dr Faisal Sultan   Chinese vaccines, there’s   said in a statement.  plan.”              Last week, Foreign Minis-

        next week,” he added.  has said Pakistan could   going to be AstraZeneca,”   The country reported   The forum said that an online   ter Shah Mehmood Qureshi an-

            China has pledged to   get “in the range of tens of   she said.  1,563 new coronavirus  portal — National Immunization   nounced that China has promised
        donate 500,000 doses of   millions” of vaccine doses   “We are the fifth big-  infections and 74 deaths  Management System (NIMS) — has   to provide 500,000 doses of a coro-

        the coronavirus vaccine   under an agreement with   gest country in the world,   in the latest 24-hour pe-  been created which will be operated   navirus vaccine to Pakistan by Janu-
        made by the Chinese firm   China’s Cansino Biologics   and it’s going to be very   riod, taking the total  by the  NCOC. Human  interaction   ary 31.

        SinoPharm to Pakistan.  Inc.                 difficult to immunize.”  number of cases to more  within the portal will be minimized   Qureshi  said  he  informed  his
            Two    government     Cansino’s Ad5-nCoV     Meanwhile, the avail-  than 537,477, with 11,450  to keep the system transparent, it   Chinese counterpart that Pakistan’s
        sources told Reuters the   vaccine candidate is near-  ability of free-of-cost Co-  deaths.   added.                    requirement for vaccines is “more
                                                                                                      In addition to NIMS, numerous
                                                                                                                                than this”, and that it will need 1.1
         PTI Files Foreign Funding Case against JUI-F                                             Adult Vaccine Centers (AVC) have   million doses in the near future.
                                                                                                  been established across the country
                                                                                                                                    “At  this,  [the  Chinese  foreign
                                                                                                  which will be run by the National   minister] said ‘we plan to fulfil this

        Islamabad:  In an interesting de-  founding  members  of  the  ruling   December 4, 2019.  Vaccination and Administration   requirement of yours as well by the
        velopment, the Pakistan Tehreek-i-  party, submitted to the ECP’s scruti-  The petitioner’s lawyer, Syed   Control  Cell  (NVACC).  Coordina-  end of February and the 1.1m doses

        Insaf (PTI) has filed an application   ny committee an application seeking   Ahmad Hassan Shah, assisted by Ba-  tion cells have also been established   will be made available to you,’” he
        with the Election Commission of   transparency in the proceedings of   dar Iqbal Chaudhry, narrated facts   at provincial and district levels, the   revealed in the video message.
        Pakistan (ECP) demanding an in-  the case by airing it live in the light   for the record that led to a walkout   NCOC statement said.  Meanwhile, availability of free-
        quiry  into  allegations  that  Jamiat   of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s of-  of members of  the ECP’s  scrutiny   The NCOC revealed an eight-  of-cost Covid-19 vaccine seems

        Ulema-i-Islam (JUI-F) chief Fazlur   fer for live coverage of the case.  committee during the last hearing.  step registration process for citizens .  to have been assured for Pakistan
        Rehman and other party leaders fre-  In  his  application,  the  peti-  Mr Shah reiterated that as long                 as Covax announced earlier this
        quently visited Libya and Iraq and   tioner challenged the decision of the   as the petitioner’s genuine and legal      month that it will acquire 150 mil-

        received funding from there.  committee to continue to  keep  the   concerns of transparency were not   Educational     lion doses in the first quarter and
            In the application addressed to   financial record of the PTI, includ-  addressed, which included sharing           two billion doses by the end of the

        the Chief Election Commissioner,   ing 23 bank statements, secret from   of all financial  documents of the   Institutions   year.

        PTI MNA Farrukh Habib referred   him in the light of the prime minis-  PTI with the committee, they would                   It further said that, out of the
        to disclosures made by former JUI-  ter’s offer.             continue to participate in the scru-  to Reopen on         two billion doses, 1.3bn will be pro-

        F spokesman Hafiz Hussain Ahmed   The petitioner referred to the   tiny committee’s proceedings under                   vided to 92 lower-income econo-

        about the party’s alleged foreign   order  of  the  scrutiny  committee   protest.             February 1               mies. As a result of this agreement,
        funding. A transcript of an inter-  dated  December 2, 2019,  in which   A copy of the application de-                  the chances of Pakistan getting the

        view in which Hafiz Hussain alleg-  it had refused to share PTI records   manding sharing of all documents   The NCOC meeting, which was   free doses in the fi rst quarter of the

        edly spilled the beans has been at-  by stating “learned counsel for the   in the light of PM Khan’s latest of-  chaired by Minister for Planning,   current year seem to have bright-
        tached with the petition.     complainant [Mr Babar] was told   fer of ending secrecy was also given   Development and Special Initiatives   ened.
            Mr Habib said in his applica-  that copies of the documents sub-  to PTI representatives attending the   Asad Umar with National Coordi-  Talking to Dawn, Ministry of
        tion that Hafiz Hussain had con-  mitted by the respondent [PTI] can-  proceedings.       nator NCOC Lieutenant General   National Health Services (NHS)

        fessed that the JUI-F chief had re-  not be provided at this stage as the   Sources said that an interesting   Hamooduz Zaman Khan, also re-  spokesperson Sajid Shah had said
        ceived funds from Libya and Iraq.   respondent seriously opposes it”.  situation developed when the PTI   viewed the coronavirus situation   it was a positive development and

        He requested the ECP to summon    The application reiterated that   representatives showed reluctance   and reopening of educational insti-  expressed the hope that Pakistan

        Maulana Khan Muhammad Sherani   provision  of copies of  all financial   to even receive a copy of the appli-  tutions.  would get the vaccine in the current
        and ask him to inform the commis-  documents of the PTI was the legal   cation. It was agreed that the PTI   Education Minister Shafqat   quarter.
        sion from where Maulana Fazl had   right of the complainant under Ar-  would  respond  to  the  application   Mehmood, Sindh Health Minister   PM’s aide on health, Dr Faisal
        got the funding.              ticle 5(4) of the Political Parties Or-  in the next meeting for the scrutiny   Dr Azra Pechuho and chief secretar-  Sultan, had earlier told Dawn that
            Meanwhile, the foreign funding   der, 2002, and Section 203(5) of the   committee to decide the matter.  ies of all provinces also participated   Pakistan was engaged in talks with
        case against the PTI took an inter-  Elections Act, 2017, the order of the   The  committee’s  proceedings   in the meeting.  multiple vaccine manufacturers for

        esting turn on Tuesday when Akbar   ECP dated May 30, 2018, and that   were adjourned without further   The NCOC decided that all   procurement and that he expected
        S. Babar, petitioner and one of the   of the Islamabad High Court dated   JUIF, P28       universities and primary and middle   delivery in the first quarter of 2021.

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