Page 10 - Pakistan Link - January 29, 2020
P. 10

P10  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  JANUARY 29, 2021                                                                                            OPINION

                        Saudi Arabia Redefines Role as World’s Defender of Muslims

             n By Donna Abu-Nasr      ment turning to Turkey while Prince   earning Saudi Arabia some clout.”  rochemicals complex.  academic.
                                      Mohammed increases trade with In-  Until a few years ago, it would                            Indeed, Saudi Arabia used to be

                hen Chinese diplomat   dia.                         have  been  rare  to see warm praise   US Says China’s Treatment of   the first country to be blamed for fu-

                Tan Banglin defended       “Saudi Arabia  suffered from   for a communist party in print in   Uighur Muslims Is ‘Genocide’  eling Islamist terrorism. Yet follow-

        Whis country’s treatment      transnational political Islamism   Saudi Arabia, not to mention one   The State Department declared   ing a series of gruesome attacks by
        of Muslims amid an international   where  some  of  its  citizens  were   from the representative of a coun-  its assessment on Tuesday, a day be-  jihadists in France last year, it was
        outcry, his comments were less   among the first to travel to help fel-  try that’s been censured for its al-  fore President-elect Joe Biden will   Turkey that French President Em-

        remarkable  than  where  he  made   low Muslims, but not much identify   leged persecution of Muslims. In the   take office as president.  manuel Macron singled out as an

        them.                         with their own national causes,” said   1980s Saudis sent money, and later   This month, China’s Huawei   instigator.

            In a column last July for one of   Prince Abdullah bin Khaled, a Saudi                launched its largest flagship store   Saudi Arabia will always have
        the most widely read newspapers in   academic. “A change of course was  Th  e change was not   outside China in the Saudi capital,   the physical claim to Islam. Prince
        Saudi Arabia—the traditional pro-  required and very much welcomed.”  an abandonment of   Riyadh. Investment Minister Khalid   Mohammed, through his actions
        tector of Muslims worldwide—Tan   US President Joe Biden has                              AlFalih tweeted the news, saying he   and decisions, has made it clear
        talked about how the Communist   vowed to treat Saudi Arabia as a   Muslim issues but     was “delighted” with the announce-  that the kingdom’s duty is to care

        Party had united with people in   pariah after four years of cozy rela-                   ment.                         for the two holy mosques in Mecca
        Xinjiang province, leading to “great”   tions  with  his predecessor,  Donald   rather “balancing   It’s been a journey that started   and Madinah and make them acces-

        changes. That’s as nations including   Trump. Conversations on issues on   support for them   slowly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror   sible to Muslims worldwide. One of

        the US were accusing China of put-  human  rights,  its  devastating war                  attacks by 19 hijackers, 15 of them   the goals of his plan to restructure
        ting Uighurs into detention camps.  on Yemen and rivalry with Iran are   with the imperatives,   Saudi, and accelerated under Prince   the economy is expanding the two

            The voice given to China’s con-  likely to be uncomfortable when                      Mohammed.                     sites and increasing the number of
        sul general in Jeddah, less than 70   they eventually happen.  sensitivities and              Under pressure to curb extrem-  pilgrims.

        kilometers from Islam’s holiest city   There could also be more ten-  priorities of the   ists, Saudi Arabia waged a success-  At the same time, the leader-
        of Mecca, reflects the new political   sion  over  the 2018  killing  of critic           ful campaign against radicals in the   ship has signaled it’s not the king-

        reckoning under Crown Prince Mo-  and  columnist  Jamal  Khashoggi  in   state, knowing that   2000s. Significantly, the late King   dom’s duty to fix the problems of

        hammed bin Salman as he prioritiz-  the Saudi consulate in Istanbul after                 Abdullah made Saudi National Day   Muslims worldwide.

        es more secular national interests at   Biden’s nominee for national intelli-  different contexts   on Sept. 23 a holiday, angering radi-
        a critical juncture for the kingdom.   gence director last week pledged to   dictate different   cals who believe Muslims should   China sanctions Pompeo, 27

        And it’s one that may serve him well   release a report on who was respon-                not be divided by borders.    other Trump officials

        as the administration changes in   sible for the murder.         realities,” said             As he rose to power four years   China announced on Wednes-
        Washington, despite US opposition   But  retrenching  from  inter-                        ago, Prince Mohammed curbed the   day it would slap sanctions on out-

        to Beijing’s actions in Xinjiang.  vening abroad under the guise of  Prince Abdullah, the   influence of the powerful religious   going US Secretary of State Mike

            The Saudi world view is being   supporting fellow Muslims—like   academic             establishment, gave women more   Pompeo, and 27 other top officials

        shaped more by hard-nosed busi-  Turkey is doing—may score some                           freedoms and allowed concerts and   under Donald Trump. The Chinese
        ness calculations, shifting geopo-  points with the Biden adminis-                        movie  theaters.  He also tightened   foreign ministry announced the

        litical realities and the emergence of   tration, according to  Emily  Haw-  their sons, to Afghanistan to join   control of how financial aid is dis-  sanctions around the time of US

        clean energy as a competitor to oil   thorne, a Texas-based analyst with   the fight against Soviet occupation   tributed abroad, making it largely to   President Joe Biden’s inauguration
        while facing a challenge from Tur-  Stratfor, which advises clients on   of that country.  governments rather than directly to   and said it would work to cooper-
        key for leadership of the Sunni Mus-  geopolitical risks.       Saudi relations with China have   Muslim groups. Alcohol, which the   ate with Biden’s new administration.
        lim sphere.                       “Saudis might see that becom-  strengthened beyond supplying oil.   Qur’an forbids, remains banned.  But a spokeswoman for Biden’s Na-

            The kingdom has been less vo-  ing more of an economically fo-  King Salman, who took the throne   The  change  was  not  an  aban-  tional Security Council on Wednes-
        cal on the Palestinian issue, which   cused modernized  nation as  more   in 2015, and the crown prince have   donment of Muslim issues but rath-  day called the sanctions quote “un-
        for decades was its cause célèbre.   important than continuing to always   paid separate visits to Beijing. On   er “balancing support for them with   productive and cynical” and “an
        Saudi support for the Muslim popu-  nurture that leadership role in the   his trip in 2019, the prince appeared   the imperatives, sensitivities and   attempt to play to partisan divides,”
        lation  has  been  conspicuous  by  its   broader Muslim world,” said Haw-  to defend China’s alleged repres-  priorities of the state, knowing that   urging both Republicans and Dem-
        absence  in  the  disputed  region  of   thorne. “It’s a gamble, but it might   sion of Muslims and signed a deal to   different contexts dictate different   ocrats to condemn the action.

        Kashmir, with the Pakistan govern-  turn out well for them in terms of   build a $10 billion refining and pet-  realities,” said Prince Abdullah, the   ROLE, P24
                                                  A Sad Day for American Democracy
                 n By Perwaiz Ahmad                                                                                      daggers, explosives, Confederate flags, banners

                    Fullerton, CA                                                                                        reading “Stop the Steal”, to hunt and capture key
                                                                                                                         officials, dead or alive! The mayhem continued

             heodore Roosevelt, 26th President of                                                                        for three hours before the National Guard could
             the USA, once said, “Patriotism means                                                                       quell the rioters.
        Tto standby the country. It does not                                                                                 I have followed many elections since 1976,
        mean to stand by the President”.                                                                                 seen candidates with academic excellence, who
                       A rude awakening awaited                                                                          were great debaters, orators, communicators
                   most  Americans  on  January  6,                                                                      and rich in vocabulary, who believed in smooth
                   2021 when they witnessed an                                                                           transition of power but never has a President
                   anarchy-like situation on Capitol                                                                     in the last century been so inadequate in his p’s
                   Hill, next to the White House. It                                                                     and q’s, so disparaging in his remarks, so impo-
                   was beyond the imagination of                                                                         lite in name calling and so uncivil towards his
                   many because for over 100 years                                                                       opponents and the media in the public arena.

        no President had dared to derail the election re-                                                                    Hats off to Liz Cheney for spearhead-
        sults by force, even if they were controversial.                                                                 ing the anti-Trump vote in her Party, and nine
        Metaphorically speaking, “If it looks like a duck,                                                               other Republicans out of 201 who showed cour-
        swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then                                                                  age to vote for the impeachment. Finally, Vice
        it probably is a duck”. Donald Trump shot him-                                                                   President Mike Pence had to distance himself
        self in the foot when he called for an all-out war                                                               from his boss under a very tense and precari-
        against those who opposed him because he re-                                                                     ous situation. Along with Nancy Pelosi, Mike
        fused to accept the results of the 2020 Election.   Senator Elizabeth Warren, little Rubio, loser   President in 2016, gets 73 million popular votes   Pence also became a target of Trump’s loyalists
            Long before Trump was elected President   McCain, etc.                 in the 2020 Election then America must have   to “capture and kill”.
        in 2016, his journey up to his nomination was   In 2020 Donald Trump’s derogatory tweets   been prepared to see American army protecting
        full of controversy: derogatory name calling,   against Joe Biden were hideous, and at times,   Americans against Americans. Donald Trump   VISAS FROM P1
        confrontational stance, improper behavior,   below the belt:               said loud and clear before the 2020 Election, “I   receive applications for national identity cards
        Military Draft dodging, etc. Nevertheless, he   “April 25, 2019: “Welcome to the race   will not accept the election results if I do not   and other similar documents. All these services

        outsmarted his opponents by pitting one group   Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelli-  win”. Nobody, especially a President in his right   are now available online. The change will affect
        against the other, appealing to the extreme   gence, long in doubt, to wage a successful pri-  mind, would utter such words in a public fo-  millions of Pakistanis living in North Amer-
        right, the Evangelicals to “clean the swamp”.     mary campaign. It will be nasty – you will be   rum, especially someone who did not win the   ica and  Europe, particularly in  the countries
        He did not learn or mend his ways to deal with   dealing with people who truly have some very   popular votes in 2016.  that do not allow dual citizenship.
        people on both sides of the aisle in Congress as   sick & demented ideas. But if you make it, I will   When all the counting and recounting of   Even in countries like Australia, Britain,
        well as his chronic enemies. He loved slight-  see you at the Starting Gate!”  votes failed to deliver favorable results, includ-  Canada and the United States, which allow
        ing the media including the New York Times,   May 10, 2019 : “Looks to me like it’s going   ing his three appointed judges who passed their   dual citizenship, people prefer to travel on visas
        the Washington Post and CNN to name a few,   to be Sleepy Creepy Joe over Crazy Bernie. Ev-  verdict against him, he became unhinged by   stamped on their current passports. Traveling

        snubbing journalists during press conferences   eryone else is fading fast!”  inciting insurrection. In desperation he tweeted   on passports of their country of origin often

        which soon became his forte.             March 2018: Joe Biden “trying to act like   “we are going to the Capitol Hill to fight like   invokes suspicion.
            In 2016 we witnessed a candidate who   a tough guy” but was “weak, both mentally and   hell, if you don’t fight like hell you won’t have a   “It is good for those who are computer

        violated all the norms of a civilized society. He   physically.”           country anymore”.                     savvy and are good at filling out forms,” said

        acted like a school bully using insulting prefixes   Candidate  Trump once said, “I could    His message resonated far and wide to his   Saadat Ali, a Pakistani-American in German-
        for his opponents such as crooked Hilary, sleepy   stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot   base, 10,000 armed men rioted at Capitol Hill   town, Maryland. “But there are many who can-

        Joe,  low  energy Jeb  Bush,  cheating Obama,   somebody, and  I  wouldn’t lose  any voters.”   on January 6. They came in droves after months   not. We need some system to help them out.”

        crazy Burney, shifty Adam Schiff, Pocahontas   If, after uttering these words he becomes the   of planning, fully armed with guns, pipe bombs,   – Anwar Iqbal, Dawn

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