Page 6 - Pakistan Link - January 29, 2020
P. 6
n By Mohajer Ansari January 6, 2021: America’s Kristalltag been marked by the racist statements and ac-
Pasadena, CA tions, including incitement of a mob of White
supremacists who stormed the US Capitol in
n his manual, Art of War, Sun Tzu writes: protest of Joe Biden’s victory.
Victorious warriors win first and then go It was a war waged against United States’
Ito war; defeated warriors go to war fi rst morality. Metaphorically, the wounds of war
and then seek to win. manifest in many ways – ways other than guns,
Isn’t it exactly what happened months be- grenades, Molotov cocktails, crowbars and zip
fore the 2020 election, on the day of election, ties; they are subtler than the gore wrapped in
and on January 6, 2021? splintered doors, shattered windows, yanked
Had the morons who invaded the US panic but-tons, stolen plinths, trampled hal-
Capitol on January 6th, read Sun Tzu, they lowed ground, blood streaks and death.
would have come across this instruction of his: The true irony of this sordid saga that had
In the practical art of war, to shatter and de- been in the making for the past 4+ years, is this:
stroy is not good. 72 million Americans became addicted to be-
In his book Price of Oil, Mark Goldman lieving that they didn’t like or even care for the
writes: “But a few Americans capitalizing on truth or fair play. Instead, they were lured into
the ignorance of most Americans, use lies and lies, scandals and disasters; the viler, the better.
deceit to wage a war of aggression in pursuit of To a con businessman and a cheap third-rated
a nefarious end.” reality TV show personality, the equation was
Isn’t this the result of four years of persis- simple Economics 101: supply and demand.
tent lying, fomenting hatred, creating division It turns out that he gave them only what they
and mongering fear by few, dared the rioters to wanted.
do what they did on the Capitol? In today’s era of selfies, Facebook, TikTok,
In their book, Rapid Dominance – A Force Instagram, Parler and Twitter, the perpetrators,
for All Seasons, Harlan Ullman and James Broken glass windows in the US Capitol building (January 6, 2021) organizers and participants forgot one simple
Wade write: There is nothing new in the no- fact. People lie. People hide. Pictures don’t.
tion of using force to affect an adversary’s will was tried and convicted of the charges of weap- light of what the best-selling historian Thomas James Boswell quoted Samuel Johnson
or in relying on ‘shock and awe’ to achieve the on of mass destruction, conspiracy, explosives Cahill once said: The ultimate human evil is as saying, “Patriotism is the last refuge of a
requisite objectives. In their judgement, what and first-degree murder in the infamous Okla- cruelty and we all have it within us. All soci- scoundrel.” Boswell later assured that Johnson
is new in this endeavour, is transforming the homa bombing in 1995. Yet, we still shy away eties have dreams and nightmares. Our night- was not indicting patriotism per se, only its
intent to influence will and perception into ac- from calling him a ‘home grown’ terrorist. mare is the racism. Our racism first led us to distorted perception - which was on full dis-
tual capability for creating shock and awe. This How a seemingly innocent concept of Na- commit genocide on the people who were al- play before, during, and even much after the
necessitates Rapid Dominance as the principal tionalsozialismus eventually morphed into dia- ready here - the Native Americans. Then, we mutiny at the US Capitol on January 6.
determinant. bolic Nazism and wreaked havoc for everyone enslaved another race - the people we brought A cold November night in 1938 Germany
In the plundering and destruction of the who was a non-Aryan, is neatly preserved in from Africa. It is the same sense of racism that is marked as Kristallnacht (Night of broken
US Capitol, there are tell-tale signs that these the history pages. That game is being re-enact- made us drop two atom bombs on Japan. We glass). In the US, January 6, 2021 should be
military doctrines were in full play by the ed on the streets of USA, now. Only, we know never dropped those bombs on Europe. Why? remembered as Kristalltag (Day of broken
MAGA crowd. it by its more familiar name: MAGA! Because, despite the two world wars and thou- glass). What unfolded on that day in the high-
Charlottesville riots by the neo-Nazis of- One wonders what Katharine Lee Bates sands of casualties, we still identify ourselves est citadel of democracy on earth, should make
fered the first clear glimpse of the real danger who penned ‘America the Beautiful’ in 1893 with them, because they are white and hence every American pause and ponder. If we can’t
to America’s democratic foundation woven by and crystallized the vision in the poignant like us - again an artifact of innate racism. That tolerate international terrorism, domestic ter-
a multicultural mosaic. It has been festering in verses: God shed his grace on thee/ And crown is the real nightmare of America. rorism should not be acceptable, either. As the
our backyard for a long time, right under the thy good with brotherhood/ From sea to shining Most Americans are not political scien- Michigan governor Whitmer said: Americans
nose and protection of like-minded politicians sea, would say if she saw today’s Proud Boys tists or psychiatrists or even community activ- should not coddle it, encourage it or legitimize
and law enforcement agencies. But, perhaps, and their blurred vision of America! ists. That does not, however, mean that they are it.
Timothy McVeigh – a decorated Gulf War vet- The unfolding of events on the US Capitol immune to the event of January 6 or unscathed America’s soul is injured and there is no
eran – was the very first of the Proud Boys. He on January 6, is somewhat fathomable in the by its debris and shrapnel. Past four years have way it will ever mend or heal.