Page 1 - Pakistan Link - January 29, 2020
P. 1

Pakistan Link
                                                                                                                        JANUARY 29, 2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P1

                                                 The Largest Circulated Pakistani-American Newspaper in North America
         VOL. 31/5   16 Jumada ath-Thaniya 1442 AH               Friday, January 29, 2021                                             US & Canada $1.00

          PAGE 13                                  PAGE  13                                  PAGE 15
         Broadsheet                              Maryam Asks                              Pakistan Voices                         For news,
         Probe to Dig                            Azmat Saeed to                           Opposition to                           updated round
                                                                                                                                  the clock, visit
         Deep in the Past                        Recuse Himself                           New UNSC Seats                

         Manual Visas Will Not Be                                                                                                Senate Election Amendment
          Issued from Next Month  Pakistan Desires Closer Engagement with US                                                     Bill to Be Presenled by Govt.

        Washington: Pakistan will stop is-                                                                                      Islamabad:  The PTI government
        suing manual visas from next month                                                                                      would present a bill comprising
        and has asked non-resident Paki-                                                                                        three amendments to the Constitu-
        stanis and others interested in trav-                                                                                   tion of Pakistan in the Parliament
        elling to the country to apply online                                                                                   next week, Adviser to the Prime

        for electronic or e-visas.                                                                                              Minister on Parliamentary Affairs
            “In compliance with the in-                                                                                         Babar Awan said Thursday, ahead of

        structions of the government of                                                                                         the upcoming Senate elections.
        Pakistan for complete implementa-                                                                                           Addressing a press confer-
        tion of E-visa regime, Embassy of                                                                                       ence at the Press Information De-
        Pakistan and its consulates across                                                                                      partment (PID) in Islamabad,
        the  United  States  will  stop  the  is-                                                                               Babar Awan said the constitutional
        suance of manual visa from Feb 1,                                                                                       amendment bill proposes allowing
        2021,” said a notification issued by                                                                                    “voting not to be hidden”.

        the Pakistan Embassy in Washington                                                                                          “To date, no one ever talked
        on Thursday.                                                                                                            about legislation to make the Senate

            “Visa applicants are, therefore,                                                                                    elections fair,” the PM’s aide under-
        advised to submit their applications                                                                                    scored. “For the first time in Paki-

        online at,”                                                                                   stan’s history, a constitutional pack-
        the embassy added.                                                                                                      age for reforms has been prepared.

            A senior embassy official told                                                                                          “The bill will introduce three

        Dawn that this change applies to all   “We have achieved a lot by working together in the past. The logic for continued engagement and coordination is even more   amendments,” he  added,  one  of
        Pakistani missions and embassies   compelling in the context of shared geopolitical and security challenges,” today, a Pakistan Foreign Office spokesman declared  which would be “to Article 63-1C of

        across the globe will stop issuing                                                                                      the Constitution”.

        manual visas from Feb 1.      Islamabad:  Pakistan on Thursday   hid Hafeez Chaudhri, at the weekly   “We have  achieved  a lot  by   “We’re using the words ‘open

            Pakistan stopped issuing manu-  emphasized the need for a closer en-  media briefing, said that Islamabad   working  together  in  the  past.  The   vote’  instead  of ‘single transferable
        al passports several years ago.  gagement with the United States for   valued its ties with Washington,   logic for continued engagement and   vote’,” he explained.
            Embassies also no longer   regional stability.          which had helped maintain regional   coordination is even more   Awan mentioned that “rates”

        VISAS, P10                        Foreign Office spokesman Za-  peace and stability.       ENGAGEMENT, P28              BILL, P28
        Govt. to Challenge SC Ruling                                                                                             Fawwad, Nauman & Yasir Shine
         in Daniel Pearl Murder Case Qureshi Reiterates Commitment to Support UN Endeavors                                       as Pakistan Beats South Africa

        Islamabad: The federal government
        on Thursday decided to file a review

        petition against the acquittal of ac-
        cused persons involved in American

        journalist Daniel Pearl’s murder after
        the Supreme Court (SC) rejected the
        Sindh government’s appeal against
        the Sindh High Court (SHC) judg-
            A three-judge bench of the apex
        court led by Justice Mushir Alam an-
        nounced the short order. One mem-                                                                                        Karachi: Nauman Ali made a spec-
        ber of the apex- bench accepted the                                                                                      tacular debut with five wickets and

        Sindh government’s appeal.                                                                                               fellow spinner Yasir Shah grabbed

            “The court has come out to say                                                                                       four to give Pakistan a seven-wicket

        that there is no offence that he has                                                                                     victory in the first Test against South

        committed in this case,” Mahmood                                                                                         Africa in Karachi on Friday.
        Sheikh, counsel who represented                                                                                             Nauman, making his Test de-
        Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, told                                                                                            but at the age of 34, finished with

        AFP.                                                                                                                     5-35 and Yasir took 4-79 as South
            Hours after the development,                                                                                         Africa slumped to 245 all out in

        Attorney General for Pakistan office                                                                                     their second innings on the fourth
        issued a statement snnouncing that   The UN Fund’s ‘Strategy 2020-2024’ places emphasis on inclusion of women and youth in peace-building programs  day on a wearing National Stadium
        the federal government is in contact   Islamabad:  Foreign Minister Shah   ing sustainable peace.  from Pakistan to the fund and said  pitch that favored spin bowlers.
        and fully engaged with the govern-  Mehmood Qureshi on Wednesday   Speaking at the virtual High   the move underscored Pakistan’s   Pakistan, needing 88 for vic-
        ment of Sindh in respect of the apex   reiterated support for the United Na-  Level Replenishment Conference for   longstanding political, human and  tory, lost openers Abid Ali, Imran

        court order in Daniel Pearl murder   tions peacekeeping and peace-build-  the UN Secretary General’s Peace-  financial commitment to the UN’s  Butt and Babar Azam for a total of
        case.                         ing efforts and called for addressing   Building Fund (PBF), Mr Qureshi   endeavors for peacekeeping and   52 runs before achieving the target

        PEARL, P28                    the root causes of conflicts for ensur-  pledged a contribution of $25,000   UN, P28       CRICKET, P28

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