Page 4 - Pakistan Link - January 29, 2020
P. 4
Pakistan Link n By Mowahid Hussain Shah Dark Journey
rump has left the White
Advisory Board House with a tarnished leg-
Dr Sohail Masood Tacy. But, in doing so, he has
President also sullied America.
Arif Zaffar Mansuri The “Save America” pitch is
essentially “Save
Editor White America.”
Akhtar Mahmud Faruqui Homegrown ter- ror is making the
spectre of outside
Editor Urdu Link & Bureau Chief (Pakistan) threats almost as an
Shabbir Ghori outdated cultural depiction. A man determined to build a
wall between Mexico and the United
Resident Editor Urdu Link
& Director Video Operations States has succeeded in erecting an
Anwar Khawaja invisible wall dividing Americans from Americans.
The terminology of terrorism
Manager Sales & Advertising was, in effect, almost specifically de- signed and weaponized to target and
smear Muslims. Now, in the wake of
Regional Offi ces
the coordinated January 6 rampage,
which scared the living daylights of
YKKB Congressmen inside the besieged The blowback signs were there American polity and society, with its Pulitzer Prize-winning jour- US Capitol, the term has now been in plain sight. Underestimated has paranoid anger, fear, and grievances, nalist David Zucchino, whose 2020
broadened to include under its ru- been the power of disinformation, which have put so many on the path book “Wilmington’s Lie: The Mur-
Sacramento, CA bric the mostly white Americans fueled and inflamed by an unfettered to a dark journey. The trust deficit derous Coup of 1898 and the Rise of
partaking in the siege. is huge. White Supremacy,” details how the
San Fransisco/Bay Area, CA Liberal Democrats, outraged It remains to be seen whether elected government of a Black-ma- over the violent onslaught to disrupt The blowback signs the cautious Biden-Kamala duo is up jority North Carolina city was blood-
the electoral process certifying Jo- were there in plain to the huge repair task ahead. Re- ily overthrown, pointing to the deep
New York, NY seph Biden as winner, would do well publicans may have lost control of undercurrent of hatred still in play.
to pause and self-examine their own sight. Underestimated the House and Senate but their ca- General Stanley McChrystal,
Houston, TX enabling posture when a democrati- has been the power of pacity to arouse passions and drive a former commander of American cally elected government of President wedge remains intact. forces in Afghanistan, along with
Morsi was brutally quashed in Egypt disinformation, fueled The underlying conditions that other mainstream analysts, are draw-
Phoenix, AZ around the Fourth of July 2013. gave rise to Trump are not going to ing parallels between the tactics of and inflamed by an
Liz Cheney, a senior Republican melt. Trump may have been im- US violent extremism with that of
Ontario, Canada lawmaker in the House, is frothing unfettered toxic social peached twice, but it was mostly on Al-Qaeda and ISIS. over Trump’s “betrayal” of democ- partisan lines. Only 10 Republicans McChrystal warned that “the
racy. Ironically, her own father, Vice media voted against him. Unclear remains fabric of something very dangerous
Letters to the Editor President Dick Cheney, incited the the outcome of a Senate trial, which has been woven.”
2003 unprovoked assault on Iraq, toxic social media. has the potential of making him a The clash within is the real
Readers are welcome to express their opinion
in these columns. Please keep your letters stemming from which, and using the Amidst mindless chatter, martyr amongst his passionate popu- threat.
brief and to the point. Letters without full White House platform, he endorsed Trump may have done a favor by lar grassroots support within the Re- All evidence suggests that
name, complete address, and a daytime
phone number will not be published. torture – a violation of his oath of of- visibly bringing to the forefront and publican base. The potential of more Trump, instead of making America
Also, copies of letters sent to other news- fice. exposing the dark underbelly of violence hovers. great, may have acted as an acceler-
papers are not encouraged. Letters can be
mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the Editor at
the Pakistan Link Headquarters address Kashmir and Passivity of the World Powers
listed below. n By Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai
Pakistan Link (ISSN 1074-0406) is pub-
lished weekly for $85 a year by JAZ LLC, Washington, DC problems pending on the agenda tematic violation of the 1949 Geneva ceasefire between India and Paki-
DBA PL Publications, LLC.
of the Security Council. There are Convention. This is not merely a case stan.
Periodical postage paid at Anaheim, CA Kashmiris are not enemies certain characteristics of the situa- of passivity and inaction; in practi- 5. Kashmir is the only interna-
and additional mailing offices.
POST MASTER: Send address changes to of India or hold any grudge tion in Kashmir, which distinguish cal effect, it amounts to an abetment tional dispute where the solution of
Pakistan Link, P O Box 1238, Anaheim, CA
92815 “against its inhabitants. We it from all other deplorable human and encouragement of murderous the conflict – right to self-determi-
The management has the right to refuse are desirous of a strong India and rights situations around the world. tyranny. If tyranny is not condoned nation -- was suggested by the par-
to print any advertisement, news, article,
letter or any other material. In case of Pakistan and it is 1. It prevails in what is recog- inside the territory of a member ties themselves, India and Pakistan.
any errors in advertisement the manage- only possible when nized - under international law - as a Mahatma Gandhi has said: “If the
ment will not be liable for more than the
amount paid for the advertisement to the the Kashmir issue disputed territory. According to the Biden’s election campaign people of Kashmir are in favor of
Link. is resolved to pave international agreements between opting for Pakistan, no power on
Advertisements in Pakistan Link are is on record to have said:
placed in good faith. The newspaper is not the way for peace, India and Pakistan, negotiated by earth can stop them from doing so.
responsible nor endorses the contents of prosperity and de- the United Nations and endorsed by “In Kashmir, the Indian But they should be left free to decide
any advertisement. In case of a frivolous government should take all
lawsuit, the plaintiff will bear the total cost velopment in the the Security Council, the territory’s for themselves.” (Gandhi’s Passion
of the suit, including but not limited to the region.” status is to be determined by the free necessary steps to restore by Professor Stanley Wolpert, page
Link’s costs and the attorney’s fees.
- Syed Ali Geelani, veteran vote of its people under UN supervi- rights for all the people of 247).
charismatic leader of Jammu & sion. Kashmir.” And Vice President 6. Kashmir is the only region
2. It represents a Government’s
Information for Kashmir repression not of a secessionist or Kamala Harris went one step which shares its borders with three
nuclear powers of the world – India,
“It is never too late to defend
Subscribers the right of self-determination and separatist movement but of an up- further, “We have to remind Pakistan and China. The potential of
The printing of Pakistan Link is unfail- UN jurisprudence on Kashmir.” - rising against foreign occupation, Kashmiris that they are not a nuclear war has always been there
ingly completed by Wednesday every
week and its copies are handed over to Dr Syed Nazir Gilani, President, an occupation that was expected to alone in the world.” between India and Pakistan, now
the mailing house for prompt dispatch JKCHR end under determinations made by because of the Chinese element that
to the subscribers. The Link should On India’s Republic Day, the the United Nations. The Kashmiris potential is now real. The uncertain-
reach its destination on time if there is
no delay at the post office. If a delay is people of Jammu & Kashmir ex- are not and cannot be called separat- state of the United Nations, is there ty over Kashmir will lead not
occasioned it is in no way attributable tend their warm felicitation to the ists because they cannot secede from not greater reason for the United
to the performance of Link’s manage- KASHMIR, P24
ment. In case of delayed receipt of Pak- people of India. It is on January 26 a country to which they have never Nations to intervene when the terri-
istan Link or missing issues, please con- that India celebrates its Republic acceded to in the first place. tory is one whose disposition is to be Views and
tact your local Post Office and submit a opinions ex-
“Publication Watch” form. Day to honor the date on which the 3. It has been met with studied determined through a free and fair
Indian Constitution came into force. unconcern by the United Nations. vote under the impartial auspices of pressed by
Kashmiris, however, voice deep re- This has given a sense of total impu- the world organization. authors and
PAKISTAN LINK gret over the betrayal of the Indian nity to India. It has also created the United Nations being deactivated contributors
4. It is a paradoxical case of the
Government -- not the people of In-
impression that the United Nations
Headquarters dia -- of her high-minded ideals in is invidiously selective about the ap- and rendered unable to address a letters, opin-
P O Box 1238, Anaheim, CA 92815 Kashmir that marked its entry into plication of the principles of human situation to which it had devoted a ion pieces,
Tel: 714-400-3400 reports, advertisements, etc
Fax: 714-400-3404 the family of nations after long years rights and democracy. There is a number of resolutions and in which appearing in Pakistan Link
E-Mail: under the British Raj: shocking hu- glaring contrast between the outcry it had established a presence, though
man rights violations, contempt for over the massacres in certain areas, with a limited mandate. The United and Urdu Link are their own.
international law and binding self- on the one side, and the official si- Nations Military Observers Group The paper neither shares
Pakistan Offi ce determination resolutions of the lence (barring some faint murmurs in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) nor endorses them and thus
42 Rehman Court United Nations Security Council. of disapproval) over the killing and is one of the oldest peacekeeping should not be held responsi-
Plaza Square, Off M. A. Jinnah Road The Kashmir question is one of maiming of a vastly greater number operations of the UN; the force is ble for the views/opinions of
Karachi-74400, Pakistan the writers & advertisers.
the oldest unresolved international of civilians in Kashmir and the sys- stationed in Kashmir to observe the