Page 18 - Pakistan Link - January 29, 2020
P. 18
Negative Covid-19 Test Must Young Pakistani Wins International
for All Travelers to US Qur’an Recitation Competition
hose travelling to the Unit- missible coronavirus variants are n By Kashif Hussain
ed States will be required to already establishing themselves in exceptional memorization and reci-
Tshow a negative Covid-19 the United States, the official said, tation of the Holy Qur’an skills.
test in order to enter the coun- confirming US media reports. Karachi: Hassan Ali Kasi, a student After becoming Hafiz-e-Qur’an,
try, according to an official an- The new president last week from Quetta, has secured fi st posi- Hassan completed his graduation
nouncement. tightened mask-wearing rules and tion in an international Holy Qur’an with distinction and continued his
The order applies to both for- ordered quarantine for people fly- recitation competition (Siraj Al-Ka- religious studies at the International
eign nationals and US citizens, said ing into the United States, as he beer) held in Afghanistan. Islamic University in Islamabad.
a statement issued by the US De- seeks to tackle the country’s wors- Hassan is a prolific Qari of The renowned Hafiz-e-Qur’an
partment of State and the Centers ening coronavirus crisis. Qur’an who has been setting records is also fluent in several languages
for Disease Control and Prevention Biden has said that the Co- in the fi eld of religious studies since including Arabic, English, German,
(CDC). vid-19 death toll would likely rise 2017 when he became the youngest Pashto and Urdu.
The two departments, who from 420,000 to half a million next reciter of the holy book. Hassan started participating in
deal with all immigration and month -- and that drastic action The competition was held in national and international competi-
health matters, said that “begin- was needed. December 2020 in Kabul and was tions at an early age and has been the
ning Jan 26, all travelers, including “We’re in a national emergen- organized by Sheikh Abdul Kabeer recipient of numerous awards. He
air passengers two years of age or cy. It’s time we treated it like one,” Haidari’s Qur’anic Centre. has been to several countries around
older arriving to the United States he said on Thursday. Representatives of over 25 the world including Iran, Qatar, Tur-
must provide proof of a negative In his last days in office, Don- countries took part in the competi- resenting Pakistan who has won the key, Germany and others.
Covid-19 test or proof of recovery ald Trump announced that a Co- tion and a jury of experts selected title of “Siraj Al-Kabeer”. Hassan Ali made Pakistan
from Covid-19 before boarding.” vid-19 ban on travelers arriving the winners of the qualifying, semi- He was just eight years old proud by winning the first prize in
According to an earlier story, from much of Europe and Brazil fi nal and fi nal competitions. when he embarked on his stately the recent World Recitation Compe-
President Joe Biden will announce would be lifted -- but the Biden ad- Hassan is the only reciter rep- career, gaining recognition for his tition in Afghanistan.
he is re-imposing a Covid-19 travel ministration said it would immedi-
ban on most non-US citizens who ately reverse the order due to come Safety Tips on How to Prepare for Storms
have been in Britain, Brazil, Ire- into effect on January 26.
land and much of Europe, a White Trump had announced an
House official said, as the new ad- initial ban on January 31, 2020 on
ministration ramps up its pandem- non-American travelers entering
ic response. from China to stop the spread of
Biden will also on Monday ex- the coronavirus. The ban was ex-
tend the ban to travelers who have tended to European countries on
recently been to South Africa amid March 14 as the pandemic entered
warnings that new, more trans- full force.
There’s a New Way to Extend an
Expiring Green Card
n By Daniel Shoer Roth
housands of immigrants in the
United States who are lawful
Tpermanent residents oft en be-
come desperate when their green cards
are about to expire and it’s time to re-
place them. That’s because of the delays
in immigration procedures, particu- s more winter rainstorms Also, be sure to use a sturdy 7. Use a Flashlight - Keep a
larly during the coronavirus pandemic. are forecast for the South- ladder, be aware of your surround- flashlight handy because using can-
Among the many problems they Aland, you and your family ings and stay at least 10 feet away dles during an emergency or outage
might confront with expired green cards can follow these nine steps to help from power lines. Sandbags can also poses a high fire risk.
are lacking proof of legal status in the US, “When presented together with the keep you safe. be used to help protect your home 8. Watch Traffic Signals -
interrupted employment authorization green card, the revised Form I-797 no- When there is heavy rainstorms and property before a storm. Watch for traffic signals that may
and obstacles to travel abroad, since they tice will extend the green card’s validity and flooding, it’s important to plan 4. Trees and Vegetation - Pre- be out and approach those intersec-
need a valid green card to reenter the for 12 months from the date on the front ahead and be prepared. Follow these pare now for stormy, winter weather. tions as four-way stops. Remember
United States. of the green card and will serve as tem- tips to help ensure that you and your Submit a tree trimming request by that if your windshield wipers are
This situation will change this porary proof of the LPR’s status,” USCIS loved ones are safe and comfortable calling 1-800-990-7788 if you ob- on, your headlights should be on as
month as the US Citizenship and Im- explained. LPR stands for lawful perma- when storms hit Southern Califor- serve trees or other vegetation that well.
migration Services (USCIS) implements nent resident. nia. are dead or dying and leaning into 9. Secure Trash and Debris -
a new procedure to extend a green card’s Immigrants filing Form I-90 can 1. Watch for Downed Wires overhead power lines. Make sure to secure trash and oth-
validity. expect to receive the new revised form - Severe weather can cause power SCE will trim trees that are er items that have the potential of
This new procedure ensures that approximately seven to 10 days after it is lines to fall. They can electrify pud- hanging from “pole to pole” free of blowing or floating away.
permanent residents “with a recently accepted by the agency, USCIS said. dles, wet grass and the surrounding charge, but the homeowner is re-
expired green card will have documen- Getting temporary evidence of per- area. Never approach a downed wire sponsible for trees that are between Here are some additional win-
tation of identity, employment autho- manent resident status in 10 days is much or anyone or anything in contact the pole and the house. If you wish ter storm safety tips:
rization and authorization to return to better than a sticker, because immigrants with it. Stay away and call 911 im- to trim a tree growing around the • Beware during flooding.
the United States following temporary no longer have to make a biometric ser- mediately. power line that runs from the pole Just 6 inches of moving water can
foreign travel,” the Department of Home- vices appointment at a local Application A downed wire doesn’t always to your house, please contact us be- knock you down and 2 feet can
land Security agency said in a news re- Support Center (ASC). spark or hum. Always assume a fore you plan to trim — if you have sweep your vehicle away.
lease. There are approximately 1.3 million downed wire is energized. Coming any concerns, our crews may de- • Never try to remove a
Permanent residents whose green applications for immigration benefits into contact with electrical wires can energize and safely move these pole- broken tree limb or branch that has
cards are about to expire or have expired awaiting biometrics appointments, be- cause serious injury or even death. to-house power lines out of the way come in contact with a power line.
must file Form I-90, Application to Re- cause USCIS is also experiencing delays 2. Preparedness Kit - Make so that the work can be done safely. • Make sure you have bat-
place Permanent Resident Card either on in scheduling and rescheduling appoint- sure your preparedness kit includes 5. Emergency Apps - Make tery-operated radio and flashlights.
paper or online. ments at ASCs that were canceled last flashlights, batteries, cash and first- sure you and your phone are pre- Check the batteries to make sure
USCIS has traditionally issued a year due to coronavirus closures. aid supplies. Check out this pre- pared for an emergency or an out- they’re fresh.
sticker that people have to attach to their Waiting so long for an appointment paredness kit checklist from our age. Check out the emergency apps • If you use a generator, place
cards. can be a challenge when a person’s work friends at the American Red Cross from the American Red Cross to it outdoors and plug individual ap-
But the agency’s Office of Intake permit is about to be interrupted — pos- to make sure you have everything help you be prepared for an emer- pliances directly into it, using heavy-
and Document Production that produces sibly causing them to lose employment. you’ll need in your supply kit. gency or major disaster, such as duty extension cords. Connecting
identity documents such as green cards Legal residents applying for a green 3. Prepare Your Home - Clear floods or earthquakes. You should generators directly to household
and work permits faces significant delays card replacement who have not received your gutters and outdoor drains. also download My SCE app on your circuits creates “backfeed,” which is
as a result of COVID-19 restrictions, an a biometrics appointment and are in Keeping your gutters clear can help iOS or Android device to make sure dangerous to repair crews.
increase in filings and current Postal Ser- possession of their green cards “will no eliminate the risk of water damage you have outage updates at your fin- • Don’t leave your space
vice volume, USCIS stated last week. longer have to visit an application sup- from having clogged gutters. If wa- gertips. heater unattended and unplug it
Starting this month, instead of a port center to obtain temporary evidence ter flow is not possible, it can accu- 6. Inspect Your Car - Make when not in use. Consider getting a
sticker, the immigration agency will issue of LPR status,” the agency said, adding mulate water in areas of your roof, sure your windshield wipers are space heater that has an automatic
a revised Form I-797, Notice of Action, that those with appointments already set basement, cause rusting and lead to working and check your tire tread. shut-off .
which will serve as a receipt notice for the won’t receive a revised notice... . – Miami an increased risk of decay, moisture An easy way to test your tire tread is For more safety tips, visit: sce.
Form I-90. Herald and leaks. by doing this simple penny test. com/safety.