Page 19 - Pakistan Link - January 29, 2020
P. 19

COMMUNITY                                                                                                      JANUARY 29, 2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P19

           n a first, Pakistani born Saima                                                                                      leave the US Attorney’s Office for
           Mohsin will become the first   Pakistan-American Saima Mohsin Set to Become  Eastern District of Michigan in Moh-
        IMuslim woman federal pros-                                                                                             sin’s hands who he called “one of the
        ecutor after she was named as the   First US Federal Muslim Woman Attorney                                              finest federal prosecutors” he’s ever
        acting US attorney for Michigan’s                                                                                       known.
        Eastern District.                                                                                                           “Saima is a dynamic trial law-
            Last week, the Joe Biden ad-                                                           “Saima is a dynamic trial    yer and a talented manager. And, as
        ministration appointed Mohsin as                                                             lawyer and a talented      the first woman, immigrant, Muslim
        the acting US attorney for Michi-                                                                                       United States Attorney in American
        gan’s Eastern District.                                                                      manager. And, as the       history, her service is truly historic,”
            Mohsin will be taking charge                                                           first woman, immigrant,      said Schneider. He is confident that
        of the post in an acting capacity fol-                                                                                  the lawyer will be an “outstanding
        lowing the resignation of incumbent                                                          Muslim United States       representative and defender” of the
        Matthew Schneider. The prosecutor                                                           Attorney in American        community.
        had resigned shortly after President                                                                                        Meanwhile, the  two  leaders
        Biden took over the presidency.                                                              history, her service is    with Muslim advocacy Council on
            The US Justice Department said                                                            truly historic,” said     American-Islamic  Relations (CAIR)
        that Schneider’s last day as the Unit-                                                                                  told the Detroit Free Press that they
        ed States Attorney will be February 1.                                                      the incument Matthew        were not aware of any US attorney
            The US Justice Department said                                                              Schneider. He is        or acting US attorney who has been
        that  Mohsin  will  “immediately  as-                                                                                   Muslim.
        sume office as Acting United States                                                        confident that the lawyer        “I do not believe that there has
        Attorney” under the Vacancies Re-                                                           will be an “outstanding     ever been a Muslim US Attorney,”
        form Act.                                                                                                               Gaider Abbas told the Detroit Free
            Earlier, Mohsin was serving as                                                            representative and        Press.
        the First Assistant United States At-                                                          defender” of the             The position of acting US at-
        torney since March 2018.                                                                          community             torney for which Mohsin has been
            “She is a career prosecutor, hav-                                                                                   named is not a permanent one and
        ing served in the US Attorney’s Of-                                                                                     US laws allow judges to select an in-
        fice since 2002, and prior to that as a   a “great honor”.      ‘One of the finest federal pros-  Mohsin is a graduate of the Rutgers   terim US Attorney.
        Deputy New Jersey Attorney General   “I am deeply committed to ful-  ecutors’: According  to the Detroit   University in New Jersey where she   Not only this, President Joe
        and an Assistant District Attorney in   filling our core mission to faithfully   Free Press, the Pakistan-born lawyer   earned a bachelor’s degree and a law   Biden  could  nominate  someone  to
        Manhattan,” said the Justice Depart-  enforce the law and seek justice for   will bring diversity to an important   degree.  fill the position, which would have
        ment.                         all,” Mohsin was quoted in the press   position.                While   outgoing  attorney  to be confirmed by the US Senate.
            Mohsin called the appointment   release.                    The publication reported that   Schneider said he was “pleased” to   – The News
              n By Stuti Mishra                  Pakistan Film Tipped for Oscars 2021                                           like Hamsafar, revealed on Twitter
                                                                                                                                that  soon after the  trailer was  re-
              film that set off a storm of                                                                                      leased, he started receiving “dozens
              controversy in  Pakistan                                                                                          of threatening phone calls and mes-
        A  has been made the coun-                                                                                              sages”.
        try’s official entry to the Oscars                                                                                          Mr Khoosat told The Guard-
        this year, despite objections from                                                                                      ian his “phone number was leaked
        religious and political groups that                                                                                     and he was sent endless photos of
        led  to  boycott  calls  and  death                                                                                     decapitated heads.”
        threats for its producer.                                                                                                   “I put my 18 years of experience
            The drama entitled Zindagi                                                                                          into it,” Mr Khoosat, who funded
        Tamasha  (Circus of Life), which                                                                                        the film himself, said. “I didn’t want
        premiered at the Busan Interna-                                                                                         to do anything sensational – all the
        tional Film Festival last year, was                                                                                     dramatics were kept at bay.”
        termed blasphemous in the country                                                                                           The creators have also ex-
        by fundamentalist groups, includ-                                                                                       pressed disappointment at the fact
        ing Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan                                                                                          that the film is still not available to
        (TLP), a far-right political party                                                                                      the local audience in Pakistan, for
        which said the film “might lead                                                                                         whom it was made.
        [people] to deviate from Islam and                                                                                          “All the heartache that Zindagi
        the prophet.”                                                                                                           Tamasha gave me has somehow re-
            Set to release last year in Janu-                                                                                   stored my faith in the power of art
        ary, the film’s trailer triggered the                                                                                   too: the sheer, almost physical pow-
        reaction from fundamentalists even                                                                                      er of art to make life imitate it. This
        before the movie itself could hit                                                                                       announcement,  for  me,  is  a  very
        cinemas, and the release date kept                                                                                      bright light shining at  the  end  of
        getting pushed further back amid a   ficial synopsis, is set in Lahore and   him dancing to a popular song be-  film, told Variety.  this dark tunnel of a year,” Kanwal
        series of protests, open letters, and   “is an intimate portrait of a family   comes viral.   The topic of blasphemy is a   Khoosat, co-producer of the film,
        multiple reviews by the government   as well as a scorching political com-  The creators of the film based   highly sensitive issue in Pakistan   was quoted as saying by the Dawn
        censors.                      mentary on little gods on this earth   it on a real-life YouTube video. “The   which often sees the accused getting   newspaper.
            In July 2020, Pakistan’s Senate   who police our private passions”.  basic inspiration for the film did   targeted by hardline groups. A po-  “I made this film in Pakistan
        Committee for  Human Rights ap-   The trailer shows an elderly   come from just real content that is   tential insult to Islam can be booked   and foremost, for Pakistan, for my
        proved the release of the film, al-  Muslim man, who writes hymns   online and I felt so bad on behalf of   under blasphemy laws which carry   people and the misfortune that my
        though this decision again got em-  praising the prophet, being ostra-  that poor guy – he just danced, he’s   a maximum sentence of death.  people have remained deprived of
        broiled in a legal battle.    cized from society and facing hu-  not doing anything,” Sarmad Khoo-  Mr  Khoosat,  well-known  for   it weighs quite heavy on my artistic
            The film, according to the of-  miliation after a video featuring   sat, one of the two producers of the   creating hugely popular TV shows   conscience.” - Independent
                                                        SCE Customers Can Get up to
                  n By Julia Roether                                                                                     the switch to emission-free driving. Drivers

              he cash-back offer for the utility’s          $6,000 off a Nissan LEAF                                     who go electric help reduce greenhouse gases
                                                                                                                         and contribute to healthier, cleaner air for all
              residential customers makes it more                                                                        Southern Californians.
        Taffordable to drive electric.                                                                                       They also save money on maintenance
            Southern California Edison residential                                                                       and lower fuel costs. Fueling an EV is equiva-
        customers can drive electric for less — Nissan                                                                   lent to paying less than $2 per gallon of gaso-
        is offering up to $6,000 cash back on a 2020                                                                     line. SCE also has different rate options to
        LEAF or LEAF Plus and up to $3,000 on 2021                                                                       help customers save money. These plans may
        models.                                                                                                          include special rates offering lower costs for
            The offer is available for 2020 and 2021                                                                     charging during off-peak hours or at night.
        LEAFs purchased from new dealer stock. The                                                                           Making the switch from gasoline-fueled
        cash back is in addition to any available in-                                                                    vehicles to EVs is critical to reducing green-
        centives such as  the  federal  electric  vehicle                                                                house gas emissions and air pollution since in
        tax credit, California clean vehicle rebates and                                                                 California transportation accounts for nearly
        California Clean Fuel Reward.                                                                                    80% of the state’s air pollution and more than
            Customers have until March 31, 2021, or                                                                      40% of all GHG emissions.
        while vehicle supplies last, whichever comes                                                                         SCE’s recent analysis, Pathway 2045, con-
        first,  to  take  advantage  of  the  offer  at  par-                                                            cludes that 75% or 26 million of the cars on
        ticipating Nissan dealerships. You can find a                                                                    California’s roads will need to be electric by
        dealership near you using Nissan’s dealer lo-                                                                    2045 in order to meet the state’s clean energy
        cator.                                    Incentive programs such as Nissan’s   cash-back offer program help drivers make   and carbon-neutrality goals.
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