Page 24 - Pakistan Link - January 29, 2020
P. 24

P24  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  JANUARY 29, 2021                                                                                  COMMENTARY
          Five Strategies to Use a Bonus or Fund - 2

          n By Saghir Ahmed Aslam         4. Save Through an Educa-  sider investing in a gym member-
             Rawalpindi, Pakistan     tion Savings Plan, Such As a 529   ship or a wellness group. And if
                                      Plan or Coverdell ESA          you’re striving to slow down your
            (The following information    The average cost of tuition   lifestyle, you may want to book a                FOUNDATION
        is provided solely to educate the   and fees at a private college was   meditation retreat or learn yoga.
        Muslim community about in-    $34,740 for the 2017-2018 school   This way, you reward yourself for   P.O. BOX 5481, Santa Clara, CA 95056 | (408) 244.3282 |
                   vesting and finan-  year, according to the College   a job well done, while achieving
                   cial planning. It   Board.4    This  expense  has  con-  an important goal.        Support Orphans Monthly
                   is hoped that the   tinued to rise every year, making
                   Ummah will ben-    saving for your children’s college   Making the Most of Your
                   efit from this effort   education a priority.     Money                             Sahl ibn Sa’d reported:  The
                   through greater fi-    If one of your long-term      Earning and receiving a bo-
                   nancial  empower-  goals is to send your children to   nus, raise or promotion is very   Prophet, peace and blessings
        ment, and be enabled to live in   college, consider allocating some   satisfying, and can help you ad-  be upon him, said, “The one who
        security and dignity and fulfill   of your new funds towards a sav-  vance your financial well-being.
        their religious and moral obliga-  ings plan dedicated to covering   Speak with your Financial Ad-  cares for an orphan and myself
        tions towards charitable activi-  these expenses. A 529 Plan and   visor about how the money can   will be together in  Paradise
        ties.)                        a Coverdell Education Savings   help you reach your future goals.
            3. Contribute to a Savings or   Account can both be excellent   (Saghir  A.  Aslam  only  ex-  like this,” and he held his two
        Investment Plan               college savings vehicles because   plains strategies and formulas   fingers  together  to  illustrate.
            If your current financial situ-  they are both tax-free when used   that he has been using. He is   (Sahih al-Bukhari 5659)
        ation is solid and your debt is   for college. There are important   merely providing information,
        under control, consider investing   differences between the two—  and NO ADVICE is given. Mr.
        your newfound cash in a savings   specifically age, income and   Aslam does not endorse or rec-
        or investment plan that is ear-  contribution limits—so do your   ommend any broker, brokerage   Donate online via check or card at
        marked for a long-term goal, like   homework before determining   firm, or any investment at all, nor
        buying a home, but is also avail-  which program is best for your   does he suggest that anyone will
        able for any short-term emergen-  family’s needs and goals.  earn a profit when or if they pur-
        cies. Resist the temptation to in-  5: Invest in Yourself    chase stocks, bonds or any other
        vest in an ad hoc manner. Instead   If all your necessities are cov-  investments. All stocks or invest-   or call us at (408) 244-3282
        of picking a few hot stocks, follow   ered and your long-term goals are   ment vehicles mentioned are for
        your long-term investment strat-  on track, think about using some   illustrative purposes only. Mr.   Hidaya Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) charitable organization with Tax ID # 77-0502583
        egy. Work with your Financial   of your enhanced compensa-   Aslam is not an attorney, accoun-
        Advisor to help reduce volatility   tion to accomplish an important   tant, real estate broker, stockbro-
        within your portfolio through di-  short-term goal. For instance, if   ker, investment advisor, or certi-
        versification and asset allocation   you’re focused on making health-  fied financial planner. Mr. Aslam
        tactics.                      ier choices, you may want to con-  does not have anything for sale.)  Exchange Rates for Currency Notes*

                                                                                                      Countries                Buying        Selling
        ROLE FROM P10                 since then as Saudi Arabia seeks to  shrinking as China is the only major                                      Rs.               Rs.
            In its statement, the Chinese for- deepen its foothold in that country.  economy expected to report eco-
        eign ministry said Pompeo and oth- In the third quarter of 2020, In-  nomic growth for 2020 despite the
        ers had quote “gravely interfered in  dia, along with Egypt, drove an in-  pandemic. And brawling with itself   USA                    160.40           161.10
        China’s internal affairs, undermined  crease in foreign investment in the  at some crossroad truck stop far over   UK                          219.00           222.00
        China’s interests, offended the Chi- kingdom, a key pillar of the crown  the horizon lay my lost homeland”.   S.Arabia              42.55     43.05
        nese people, and seriously disrupted  prince’s economic diversification   (Riaz  Haq  is  a  Silicon  Valley-  Japan                   1.55               1.58
        China-US  relations.”  The  move  re- plan.                 based Pakistani-American analyst   Euro                     194.00       196.00
        flected China’s anger over an accusa-  In the meantime, Turkey has  and writer. He blogs at www.riazhaq.  UAE                          43.65     44.15
        tion Pompeo made on his final day  been boosting ties with Islamabad.  com)
        in office, that China had committed  Its foreign minister, Mevlut Cavu-
        genocide against Uighur Muslims in  soglu, opened a new consulate in  KASHMIR FROM P4         (*January 28, 2021)
        its Xinjiang region. Biden’s Secretary  Pakistan this month, promised to  only  India and  Pakistan  to disaster
        of State, Anthony Blinken, said Tues- send investors to explore opportuni- but it will also destroy any possibil-
        day he agreed with that assessment.   ties and presided over the signing of  ity of bringing peace and stability to  itly obtained that they were endorsed  first showed some concern at least
            Chinese  foreign  ministry agreements in the movie industry.  Afghanistan.            by the Security Council.  They thus  over the savagery of the Indian oc-
        spokeswoman Hua Chunying dis-     Turkish-Pakistani  relations  are   All these peculiarities of the  constitute a binding and solemn in-  cupation in Kashmir. However, after
        missed Pompeo’s allegations Wednes- “unique and enviable” Mujahid An- Kashmir situation become more baf-  ternational agreement about the set-  the Howdy Modi event which was
        day, calling him a “laughingstock”  war Khan, Pakistan’s chief of air staff,  fling in view of the fact that the medi-  tlement of the Kashmir dispute.  jointly attended by Prime Minister
        and a “clown.” The sanctions come  told Turkey’s state-run Andalou  atory initiative which would halt the   We are dismayed by the lack of  Modi  and President Trump, there
        after Trump imposed sanctions on  Agency this month. He thanked the  violations of human rights and set the  action by the world powers to help  seems to  have  been  a tilt towards
        Chinese officials and companies for  Turkish leadership for its “support- stage for a solution would entail no  stop the carnage in Kashmir and  India. It is plausible that the tilt has
        alleged misdeeds in the South China  ive statements” on Kashmir.  deployment of United Nations forces,  by their virtual indifference to the  been caused by the prospect of prof-
        Sea. The 28 ex-officials and their im-  The Saudis may be losing the  no financial outlays and no adversar-  situation  in  our  land.  The  disparity  itable American investments in that
        mediate family members being sanc- soft-power game to Turkey at the  ial relations with India.  between their inaction and their re-  large country. As Americans, we ap-
        tioned also include trade chief Peter  moment, said Hawthorne. “But    In this context, the following  peated assertion that the protection  preciate the importance of expand-
        Navarro, National Security Advisers  they’re  probably valuing  other  considerations are most pertinent for  of human rights and encouragement  ing economic relations between the
        Robert O’Brien and John Bolton,  games.” “Turkey has economic lim- an assessment of the dispute by the  of democratic solutions are their ma-  US and India. But who knows it bet-
        Health Secretary Alex Azar, UN am- its as to how much it is willing to  world powers.     jor foreign policy goals is hard for us  ter than newly elected President Jo-
        bassador Kelly Craft and former top  sacrifice its own economic interests   When the Kashmir dispute  to understand. Nevertheless, we still  seph Biden as a global diplomat that
        Trump aide Steve Bannon. The sanc- in pursuit of gaining the soft power.  erupted in 1947-1948, the United  have confidence that they will realize  American investments in India will
        tions bar them from entering main- This  is  never  a  zero  sum  game.”  -  States, Great Britain, China, France,  that what is at stake in the dispute is  remain exposed to grave danger as
        land China, Hong Kong or Macao,  Bloomberg                  Canada, Argentina, Belgium, Co-  not only the survival of the people of  long as the South Asian Subcontinent
        and companies associated with them                          lumbia,  championed  the  stand  that  Kashmir, but peace in the populous  remains a scene of continuing strife,
        would be restricted from doing busi-  ROAD FROM P8          the  future status of Kashmir must  region of South Asia and also the ba-  with the specter of war always on the
        ness with China. China has repeat-  “I climbed a broken fort wall  be ascertained in accordance with  sis of a civilized worldview.      horizon and a nuclear exchange not
        edly rejected accusations of abuse  and peered east. Ahead unspooled  the wishes and aspirations of the   Currently, the policy of world  an impossibility. Even from a purely
        in Xinjiang, where a United Nations  17 months of hiking across India,  people of the territory. The US was  powers has led the Indian Govern-  economic perspective, if not from
        panel has estimated at least 1 million  yet another democracy cartwheeling  a principal sponsor of the resolu-  ment to believe that all it needs is  concern over peace, genuine de-
        ethnic Uighurs and other Muslims  into an abyss of right-wing populism.  tion # 47 which was adopted by the  some political maneuvering to dis-  mocracy and observance of human
        have been detained in camps.  Riding a wave of Hindu nationalism,  Security Council on 21 April 1948  sipate foreign concern over the ap-  rights, the restoration of normalcy
            When India revoked almost  one Indian state all but criminalized  and which was based on that unchal-  palling situation in Kashmir. Dr Syed  in South Asia deserves to be a policy
        seven  decades  of autonomy held by  marriages between Hindu and Mus- lenged principle.  The basic formula  Nazir Gilani  said it best, “We should  goal for the world’s only superpower
        the restive, mostly Muslim state of  lim citizens”.         for settlement was incorporated in  pull down the heavens and roof of  – the United States. The Kashmir dis-
        Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan, which                          the resolutions of the United Nations  the United Nations, alert our friends  pute being the key cause of conflict,
        also claims the region, had hoped that  From the top of Nandana Fort, Sa- Commission for India and Pakistan  all over the world, point out that the  its marginalization can hardly serve
        Saudi Arabia would galvanize Mus- lopek also sees China which he de- (UNCIP) adopted on 13 August 1948  notification on 35A was a serious vi-  long-term American interests.
        lims around this issue. The kingdom,  scribes in the following words:   and 5 January 1949.  olation of UN Resolutions on Kash-  Without reservation, it can be
        the biggest source of remittances into   “In the blue distance beyond   These are not resolutions in the  mir, a violation of the agreement be-  said that if anybody becomes in-
        Pakistan and among its largest credi- sprawled China. Its economic out- routine sense of the term.  Their pro-  tween Government of India with the  strumental in resolving the Kashmir
        tors, didn’t.                 put in 2019, according to one report,  visions were negotiated in detail by  people of Kashmir and a violation of  dispute – the bone of contention be-
            Instead, trade with India, which  hit 67 percent of the United States’  the UN Commission with India and  the agreements between India and  tween the two very potentially dan-
        the kingdom sees as an important  gross domestic product. The gap be- Pakistan and it was only after the con-  Pakistan.”  gerous countries - deserves not only
        economic powerhouse, has thrived  tween China and the United States is  sent of both Governments was explic-  The Trump Administration at  KASHMIR, P28
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