Page 28 - Pakistan Link - January 29, 2020
P. 28

P28  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  JANUARY 29, 2021                                                                                          PAKISTAN
        GEMS FROM P25                 JUIF FROM P12                 ter Imran Khan had warmly congrat- 2, 2020, commuted the death sen-  the way Yasir and Nauman bowled, it
        who shall attain to a happy state!  work as the PTI filed an adjourn- ulated him.         tence of Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh  helped us get wickets.
            But among men there is many   ment application due to the absence   Mr Khan had in his tweet said  to seven years and acquitted three   “When we lost four early wickets
        a one that prefers a mere play with   of PTI’s senior lawyer Shah Khawar  that Pakistan was looking forward  others who were serving life terms.  Fawad and Azhar put on a good part-
        words [to divine guidance], so as   in view of his other engagements.  to working with President Biden for   The  PPP-led  provincial gov-  nership as they showed their experi-
        to  lead  [those]  without  knowledge   Talking to reporters, Mr Babar  building a stronger bilateral partner- ernment had swiftly challenged the  ence. It gave us a boost and a very cru-
        astray from the path of God, and to   said it was the right of the nation to  ship through trade and economic en- April 2 order in the Supreme Court.  cial lead” in the first innings.
        turn it to ridicule: for such there is a   know the truth. “We have filed the  gagement; countering climate change;  The Sindh government had also im-  Azam’s counterpart Quinton de
        shameful suffering in store.  application to test PM Khan’s offer of  improving public health; combating  mediately detained the  four men  Kock,  who endured  a miserable 50th
                                      ending secrecy.”              corruption; and promoting peace in  under Section 3 (1) of West Pakistan  Test of his career, rued South Africa’s
        QUESTIONS FROM P25                He said that in January 2017 Mr  the region and beyond.  Maintenance of Public Order (MPO)  first innings collapse.
        make Wudu’ at Zuhr time. One can   Khan had accused the same ECP of    “We look forward to working  Ordinance 1960.        “I think our first innings cost us
        easily pray Zuhr and ‘Asr with one   “being in favor of the petitioner [Mr  with the new administration to fur-  The same SHC division bench,  the game,” said de Kock. “That was a
        Wudu’, and similarly Maghrib and   Babar] for extraneous reasons includ- ther strengthen our bilateral ties to  however, annulled the detention or-  big reason for our loss.”
        ‘Isha’, if there is a problem with the use   ing political — January 9, 2017”. “So  make it multifaceted, sustainable and  der on December 24 and ordered the   It is South Africa’s first tour of
        of water.                     what has changed for PM Khan’s sud- mutually beneficial and continue our  Sindh  government  to  immediately  Pakistan in 14 years, after a deadly at-
            3. A Muslim should not be   den change of heart about the ECP?  partnership to achieve peace, stability  release the four men. This order elic-  tack on Sri Lanka’s team in 2009 halted
        ashamed of washing his face in the   Similarly, Imran Khan’s January 2020  and prosperity in the region,” the FO  ited immediate response from the US  visits by foreign sides.
        office bathroom. People stand up   petition filed in the Supreme Court is  spokesman said.  which on December 25 expressed its   De Kock dismissed suggestions
        and urinate in the office bathroom   pending that challenges the jurisdic-  He recalled that Pakistan and the  “deep concerns” over the SHC order.  that South Africa took too long to ad-
        talking to each other; if they are not   tion of the ECP in this case.”  US had cooperated for peace in Af-  The provincial government had,  just to the conditions.
        ashamed of that, why should a Mus-  Mr Babar said that Mr Khan had  ghanistan.            however, not released the accused   “We practiced enough here but I
        lim be ashamed of washing his face?   conceded the truth the day he start-  Mr Chaudhri noted the progress  as it contended that the Supreme  think we were a bit soft in the first in-
        There  is  nothing  un-civilized  about   ed filing writ petitions in the High  made in the peace process during the  Court’s September 28 order with re-  nings,” he said.
        washing one’s face. Muslims should   Court and in the ECP in an attempt  last one year, including signing of the  gard to Daniel Pearl case accused was   In a spinners’ battle on a brown-
        be bold and proud of their values and   to scuttle the scrutiny process under  US-Taliban Agreement, start of the  still in the field.  ish wicket, Nauman recorded figures
        principles. Those who feel ashamed of   one pretext or the other to avoid ac- intra-Afghan negotiations and agree-      of 7-73 and Yasir 7-133. In contrast,
        making Wudu in front of others will   countability.         ment on the rules and procedures for  UN FROM P1            South Africa’s spin bowlers man-
        feel more ashamed of offering prayers   Mr Babar said the real chal- talks.               peace-building.               aged just four wickets. Pakistan had
        also.                         lenge the prime minister was facing   “We believe that the intra-Af-  The conference was held to get  taken a crucial 158-run first innings
            4. One does not need to remove   was from a system that had refused  ghan negotiations have now advanced  commitments for the Fund’s $1.5 bil- lead thanks to a fighting century from
        socks and wash the feet for every   to provide justice to the weak against  into an important phase where all the  lion requirements for the period of  Fawad and half centuries from Faheem
        Wudu’, it is allowed in Islam to make   the powerful. He said the PTI had  negotiating sides are required to show  2020-24 and generate support for con- Ashraf and Azhar.
        Masah on the socks for one day and   been formed to change this system  continued  commitment  and  respon- flict prevention and peace-building.  Fazl Threatens to Step down
        night (and during journey for three   and  instead  of  changing  this  rotten  sibility for moving  forward towards   Other participating countries
        days and nights), if one puts them on   system, Mr Khan was presiding over  reaching  a  comprehensive  political  to the conference pledged a total of   as PDM Head over PML-N,
        after Wudu’ first time and does not re-  it.                settlement. It is important for Af- about $439 million in support of the   PPP ‘Solo Flights’
        move them in between.                                       ghans to seize this historic opportu- Fund’s 2020-2024 strategy.
            5. We are living in such a com-  ROOSEVELT FROM P20     nity,” he said.                   The PBF, set up in 2005 and re-  Islamabad:  Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam
        fortable environment of heated build-  intention, but look at how they went   The spokesman said Pakistan has  vitalized in 2016, is utilized by the  Fazl (JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur
        ings and bathrooms and yet we com-  about doing it. In the case of Broad- been calling on all sides for taking  UN to sustain peace in countries or  Rehman has threatened to leave the
        plain of cold weather and removing   sheet, they ended up paying a penalty  measures for reduction in violence  situations at risk or affected by violent  chieftaincy of the 11-party opposi-
        clothing. Just think of Muslims in Af-  that was larger than the amount they  leading to ceasefire. He, however,  conflict.  tion  alliance,  Pakistan  Democratic
        ghanistan, Turkistan, Tajikistan, Alba-  sought to recover, simply because  pointed out that the progress in this   The UN’s ‘Strategy 2020-2024’  Movement (PDM), after expressing
        nia, Bosnia, and how they have been   what  was supposed to  be  a drive  regard was linked to a forward move- places emphasis on inclusion of wom-  annoyance over the ‘sole decisions’ of
        making Wudu  for  centuries.  Some   against ill-gotten assets was revealed  ment in the intra-Afghan negotia- en and youth in peace-building; facili-  Maryam Nawaz and Bilawal Bhutto-
        of them make Wudu with snow and   to be more an exercise in political  tions.             tating transitions and tackling cross-  Zardari, a private TV channel report-
        frozen water. The Prophet - peace be   blackmail. Once the objectives of   Regarding Kashmir, he said  border or regional risks.  ed on Wednesday.
        upon him - said that those who make   the blackmail were achieved, they  Pakistan would continue to sensitize   The foreign minister stressed   Reports said that Maulana Fa-
        Wudu in spite of difficulties will have   thought they could simply cut them- the international community, includ- that ‘national ownership’ must remain  zlur Rehman has threatened to step
        a special reward from Allah.  selves loose from the contractual ob- ing the US, about India’s continued  at the center of peace-building and  down as PDM head after expressing
            6. Too much gel is not good for   ligations they had entered into along  defiance of the international law and  should determine all investment deci-  displeasure over the unilateral deci-
        the hair anyway. Use good quality gel   the way, not realizing that in some  consistent UN Security Council reso- sions of the PBF. “The national owner-  sions of Pakistan Muslim League
        and the Masah will not affect it very   parts of the world you cannot do that. lutions.   ship must remain the core principle of  Nawaz (PML-N) Vice President
        much. Masah is only to spread wet   In the case of Reko Diq, a mas-  He urged the international com- peace-building and determine all PBF  Maryam Nawaz and Pakistan Peo-
        hands over the hair, it is not meant to   sive contract was annulled on a  munity to take forceful action on  investment decisions. Durable peace  ple’s Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal
        wash hai ror to make them wet. Ac-  technicality so minute most people  India’s egregious human rights vio- within nations cannot be externally  Bhutto-Zardari.
        tually, your hair may look more shiny   would have a hard time recalling  lations in the occupied territory and  imposed,” he said.  The JUI-F supremo has also
        and fresh after a little Masah, so do not   what it was. Along the way, the PPP  denial of right to self-determination   He urged the United Nations to  apprised Nawaz Sharif and Asif Ali
        worry too much about gels.    government moved to sell the Roo- of the people of Kashmir.  address the root causes of conflicts.  Zardari  regarding  his  reservations
            Tayammum is a substitute for   sevelt Hotel to pay for PIA losses in                  “Let me also take this opportunity to  and said that his headship is unwor-
        Wudu only when one is sick or when   preparation for possible privatiza-  BILL FROM P1    welcome the UN Secretary General’s  thy if Maryam and Bilawal are going
        water is not available. Otherwise there   tion but was restrained from doing  had been determined for the Senate  Peace-Building Fund Strategy 2020-  to make their own decisions.
        is no substitute for Wudu’. Feel happy   so on objections that the price they  elections but vowed to “tell everyone”  2024 which focuses on the imperative   The JUI-F chief also said that
        that you belong to the Ummah of Pu-  were aiming to fetch was too low. The  about it. “The buying and selling of  of conflict prevention,” he said.  the leaders of other opposition par-
        rity and cleanliness. May Allah help us   PML-N government sought an out- votes in the [upcoming] Senate elec-  “I hope the strategy will galva-  ties too have raised concerns over
        to spread cleanliness to our surround-  of-court settlement with TCC back  tions can be stopped.  nize actions to address the root causes  the decisions taken to participate in
        ings as well.                 in 2014, but were restrained from do-  “It was agreed in the Charter of  of conflicts, which arise from injus-  the Senate elections without securing
                                      ing so, with some folks asking ‘why  Democracy that the vote should be  tices and inequality as well as the sup-  their confidence. He said that PML-
         KASHMIR FROM P24             is the government in a hurry to pay  open and  recognizable. In order to  pression of the fundamental rights of  N and PPP are imposing their deci-
         the Nobel Peace Prize but also a spe-  TCC’?               stop horse trading, the Opposition  peoples, especially the right of self-de-  sions on the PDM despite an agree-
         cial place in history. The resolution   The result is that today we are  parties should unite and consider the  termination of peoples under foreign  ment that all decisions will be taken
         of the dispute will bring unparal-  on the verge of losing the hotel which  amendment as a national agenda,” he  occupation, colonial oppression and  with consensus.
         leled honor to the one who help to  will pay only a fraction of the award.  stressed.    alien domination,” he further said.   The TV channel claimed that
         achieve it. That honor could be of  The righteous brigade should sober   The premier’s aide also spoke of              opposition leaders have expressed
         President Joseph R. Biden if he gets  up and tally up the costs of what they  the anti-government coalition un-  CRICKET FROM P1  fears about being used by PML-N
         involved in resolving the Kashmir  have done.              der the Pakistan Democratic Move- in 22.5 overs to take a 1-0 lead in the   and PPP for their own interests. Fazl
         dispute.  His involvement should not   (The writer is a business and  ment (PDM) banner, saying two of  two-match series.  urged  Nawaz  Sharif  and  Asif  Ali
         be seen to favor India or Pakistan but  economy journalist. Dawn)  the parties in it had “openly said they   The second Test starts on Febru-  Zardari not to make decisions which
         to advance the cause of freedom, de-                       will break up the Balochistan govern- ary 4 at Rawalpindi.  can put down the unity among the
         mocracy and human rights. Biden’s  CONNECTIONS FROM P22    ment”.                            Azhar Ali was 31 not out while   opposition parties. During the con-
         election campaign is on record to  co-worker, or neighbor, and reach   “Governments do not go as a  Fawad Alam — who hit a fighting hun-  versation, Asif Ali Zardari assured
         have said: “In Kashmir, the Indian  out. You can ask how they are, or  result of bad prayers but through a  dred in the first innings — befittingly   Fazl that all decisions will be taken
         government should take all neces-  simply say “I’m here for you.” We’re  no-confidence motion under a con- hit the winning boundary.  after holding consultations with the
         sary steps to restore rights for all the  all going through this together, and  stitutional procedure,” he said. “The   It was only Pakistan’s fifth victory   PDM parties in future.
         people of Kashmir.” And Vice Presi-  your words could make all the differ- transparency report is another proof  against South Africa in 27 Tests.  Earlier, the PML-N had formal-
         dent Kamala Harris went one step  ence. – Kaiser Permanente  of the PML-N’s corruption.”     Anrich Nortje bowled Abid in the   ly decided to participate in the Sen-
         further, “We have to remind Kash-                                                        first over after lunch and then had Butt   ate elections, days after announcing
         miris that they are not alone in the  ENGAGEMENT FROM P1   PEARL FROM P1                 caught behind to finish with figures of   that it would not participate in the
         world.” Let us keep reminding the  compelling in the context of shared   A spokesperson for AGP said  2-24.            polls owing to the legitimacy of the
         Biden Administration that after all a  geopolitical and security challenges,”  that the federal government is ex-  Azam, on his Test captaincy de-  2018 general elections. The decision,
         promise is a promise.        he said while replying to a question  tending  full  support  to  the  provin-  but, was dismissed leg before by Kes-  which was taken and announced by
             (Dr. Fai is the Secretary Gen- about the strategy to engage the new  cial  government  in  this  matter  and  hav Maharaj.  the top leadership of the party, was
         eral of Washington-based World  US administration.         all legal steps are being taken in this   “The credit goes to the players,”   finally given a nod by the parliamen-
         Kashmir Awareness -    gnfai2003@  Soon  after President Joe Biden’s  regard.            said Skipper Babar Azam. “Our bowl-  tary party of the PML-N on January                    inauguration last week, Prime Minis-  An SHC division bench on April  ing was outstanding on a slow pitch and   25.
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