Page 25 - Pakistan Link - January 29, 2020
P. 25

RELIGION                                                                                                       JANUARY 29, 2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P25

                                                  Issues and Questions                                                             Gems from the

         Distribution of Sadqah Money, Non-Muslims Relatives, Wudu                                                                   Holy Quran

          n By Dr Muzammil H. Siddiqi
            Q 1. I have a question regard-
        ing the distribution of Sadaqah. Can
        Sadaqah be given to a hospital for
        construction and meeting its running
            A 1. There is no prohibition or
        restriction in giving sadaqah money
        for the construction  and running
                    expenses of a hospi-
                    tal.  Muslims  always
                    give their charity for
                    building  hospitals,
                    schools, orphanages,
                    etc.  This  is  the  best
                    use of Sadaqah and                                                                                              From the translation by Mu-
        it  becomes  a  Sadaqah  Jariyah,  i.e. a                                                                                hammad Asad (Leopold Weiss)
        charity that brings the blessings and
        reward of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala                                                                                         About the translator:
        always as long as people benefit from                                                                                       Muhammad  Asad,  Leopold
        this charity. Unlike Zakat, which has                                                                                    Weiss, was born of Jewish parents in
        some restrictions, Sadaqah is a gen-                                                                                     Livow, Austria (later Poland) in 1900,
        eral charity and it can be used to help                                                                                  and at the age of 22 made his first vis-
        any needy person or institution.                                                                                         it to the Middle East. He later became
            However, since Sadaqah is for                                                                                        an outstanding foreign correspon-
        poor people only, it is important that                                                                                   dent for the Franfurter Zeitung, and
        when rich people or people who do                                                                                        after years of devoted study became
        not need charity use a hospital or   tives and friends. Allah says in the   relatives about Islam and Islamic fu-  stand up at a religiously clean place   one of the leading Muslim scholars of
        school that is built by charity they   Qur’an, “Allah forbids you not those   nerals, it is good to distribute some   and cleanse the feet. Fifthly, because   our age. His translation of the Holy
        should pay for its services, or they   who warred not against you on ac-  flyers,  but  one  should  not make  it   of the cold weather, it is cumbersome   Qur’an is one of the most lucid and
        should make a donation to this insti-  count of your religion and have driv-  a custom. It should only be done if   to remove the layers of clothes to   well-referenced works in this catego-
        tution when they use its services.  en you not from your homes, that you   there is a need and some benefit in it.  wash our hands. Sixthly, some people   ry, dedicated to “li-qawmin yatafak-
            Q 2. I need some help in regards   should show them kindness and deal   Q 3. Is it compulsory to fast on   use gels on their hairs. They cannot   karoon” (people who think).
        to the rights of my non-Muslim fam-  justly with them. Indeed, Allah loves   the day of Mi’raj?  use gels whenever they do masah in
        ily over me, i.e. my funeral (and every   those  who do justice.” (al-Mumtihi-  A 3. There is no compulsory   their hair. In other words, the argu-  Chapter 30, verses 31-34
        soul shall taste death). My oldest son   nah 60:8) Following are the answers   or recommended fast for the day of   ments are unlimited. The system of   [Turn, then, away from all that
        is not a Muslim, please make du’a that   to your specific questions:  Mi’raj, i.e., 27th of Rajab. Actually   Wudu’ was perfectly fine 1400 years   is false,] turning unto Him [alone];
        Allah t’ala opens his heart to Islam.   1. A Muslim should have an Is-  there is no special ceremony recom-  ago or still can be a little bit justi-  and remain conscious of Him, and
        Ameen. My questions are as follows:  lamic burial. If a Muslim convert has   mended in the Qur’an and Sunnah for   fied in the Arab countries because of   be constant in prayer, and be not
            1. Is it permissible for him (my   some  non-Muslim  members in his/  the day of Isra’ and Mi’raj. Muslims   their weather and attire. Conversely,   among those who ascribe divinity to
        son)  to  help  lower  my  body  in  the   her family and they want to help in   may gather together to remember   in North America and Europe, it is   aught beside Him, [or] among those
        grave?                        his/her Islamic funeral and burial,   the great miracle of Isra’ and Mi’raj,   unrealistic. Can some kind of tayam-  who have broken the unity of their
            2. Would my blood-sisters be al-  there is no prohibition on them to do   learn its significance in Islam, and   mum be used as an alternative?  faith and have become sects, each
        lowed to help shroud my body? (I am   so. Thus, a non-Muslim son is allowed   especially remember the importance   A 4. Islam is for all places and   group delighting in but what they
        a female.)                    to lower the body of his Muslim father   of the city of Jerusalem in Islam. It is   for  all  times.  There  are  millions  of   themselves hold [by way of tenets].
            3. Is there a “viewing” in Islam?   or mother.          good to remind us on this occasion of   Muslims in the West and in cold   Now [thus it is:] when affliction
        (Not at prayer, like night before at fu-  2. The non-Muslim sister is also   our duty as Muslims to Jerusalem and   countries making Wudu’ and per-  befalls men, they cry unto their Sus-
        neral home)                   allowed to shroud the body of her   to do something to help our brothers   forming their prayers for centuries.   tainer, turning unto Him [for help];
            4. Who is allowed to see my face,   Muslim sister.      and sisters who are suffering in Pales-  Those who want to argue and find   but as soon as He lets them taste of
        besides my immediate family, if any?   3. Viewing of the face of a de-  tine, but there are no special prayers   excuses can always do so. But as   His grace, lo! Some of them [begin
        For example, non-Muslim family,   ceased person is allowed in Islam.  or  fasts associated  with  this day  or   Muslims we have to remember that it   to] ascribe to other powers a share
        former co-workers, ex-non-Muslim   4. Although the face of a woman,   night.               is Allah who has given us these rules   in their Sustainer’s divinity, [as if]
        husband, those I called friends in the   whether alive or dead is not “awrah”   Q 4. I read your columns with   of ‘Ibadah. He knows everything,   to prove their ingratitude for all that
        Dunya, or any non-believer.   (something that must be hidden), for   interest  and  respect.  You  put  things   every time,  and  every climate.  His   We have granted them! Enjoy, then,
            5. Would it be permissible to   the sake of modesty only close rela-  in perspective and do not admonish   Messenger - may peace and blessings   your [brief] life: but in time you will
        have a leaflet distributed (at janazah)   tives should be allowed to see her face   people for asking questions. The fol-  be upon him - told us that we should   come to know [the truth]!
        that explains about death in Islam (i.e.   after death. It should not be viewed   lowing issue was raised in our tarbi-  perform Wudu’ before the prayer. It
        not to wail, etc., etc.) and that invites   by common public. Non-Mahrams   yah program and we could not arrive   brings blessings upon us. The Wudu   Chapter 30, verses 36
        others to Islam?              (any non-related males including ex-  at any conclusion.     will be our  distinguishing  mark  on   And  [thus  it is:] when we  let
            A 2. As a general answer to your   husband) should not touch a female’s   Making Wudu’ with water is   the Day of Judgment and we shall   men taste [Our] grace, they rejoice
        questions, let me say that Islam does   body.               totally inconvenient and unrealistic.   be recognized by our Wudu’ inshal-  in it; but if evil befalls them as an
        not forbid Muslims from having good   5. For the sake of Da’wah or to   When we do not see dust around, un-  lah. To answer the arguments against   outcome of what their own hands
        relations with their non-Muslim rela-  give information to the non-Muslim   less one uses microscope, it is not a   Wudu that you mentioned, let me   have wrought – lo! they lose all hope!
                                                                                   convincing argu-  say:
                                                                                   ment that Wudu’     1. The purpose of Wudu’ is not   Chapter 30, verses 38
                                                                                   is for cleanli-  only to wash dust and dirt, it is to   Hence, give his due to the near
                                                                                   ness. Secondly,   keep us clean and fresh. Washing of   of kin, as well as to the needy and the
                                                                                   a lot of people   face and hands several times during   wayfarer; this is best for all who seek
                                                                                   use  make-ups,  the day makes a person very clean   God’s countenance: for it is they,
                                                                                   most  of  the   and healthy. Wudu’ also prepares us   they that shall attain to a happy state!
                                                                                   women use it,   in a spiritual way to stand before our
                                                                                   and those people   Lord. Cleanliness of the body is only   Chapter 30, verse 60
                                                                                   whose skin is   one aspect of Wudu’. It has many   Remain, then, patient in adver-
                                                                                   dry, use some   other benefits and blessings.  sity: verily, God’s promise [of resur-
                                                                                   kind of cream.      2. Muslims should be moderate   rection] is true indeed – so let not
                                                                                   For them put-   in  their  make-up. Too  much  make   those who are devoid of all inner
                                                                                   ting on make-up   up is not good - neither for the skin,   certainty disquiet thy mind!
                                                                                   and cream every   nor for the soul, and certainly not for
                                                                                   two hours is not   the budget. If one really is concerned   Chapter 31, verses 2 – 6
                                                                                   possible. Third-  about savings, it is better to save on   These  are  messages  of  the  di-
                                                                                   ly, one cannot   make-up rather than on the water of   vine writ, full of wisdom, providing
                                                                                   go in the office   Wudu’. Those who make Wudu’ have   guidance and grace unto the doers
                                                                                   bathroom  and   such a noor - light on their faces -   of good who are constant in charity:
                                                                                   wash the face.   that they do not need much make-up   for it is they, they who in their inner-
                                                                                   Fourthly, there   any  way.  One  does  not  need  to  re-  most are certain of the life to come!
                                                                                   is no place in the   move the make-up every two hours   It is they who follow the guid-
                                                                                   washroom where   for  Wudu’.  One  can  put  whatever   ance [that comes to them] from
                                                                                   a person can re-  make-up is necessary after Fajr, then   their Sustainer; and it is they, they
                                                                                   move shoes and   QUESTIONS, P28               GEMS, P28
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